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canon or not canon?


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well since the Civil War quest doesn't give any ideas about who win in the end


which is canon or not ingame?


-The Death of the Emperor Titus Mede II at the hands of the new Listener, Thus the DB return from the darkness?

-You Become the Great Harbinger of the Companions, something that no one saw since Ysgramor?

-You Become the Arch-Mage of The College of Winterhold, thus winterhold becaming a new place to learn magic after the incident with the eye of maguns + the return of the Psijic Monks?

-The Thieves Guild becoming again a great organization after their almost extinction during the Fourh Era and foward, Thanks to you and Nocturnal?

-The Death of the Forsworn Leader and his Followers at your hands

Edited by duoranger
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You never kill the forsworn, but only the leader of the agents in Markarth.


The Phyjiic monks never actually returned, just came back to take they eye and never come back again.


The others are correct.


But anyway, as said by someone elese, I guess the main quest was the only thing canon.

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well in oblivion, both TG and DB quests were canon(Lucien and Sheo confirms that)


the Mages guild was dissolved after the Oblivion crisis + the incident with the King of Worms were canon


The main quest is obviously canon(minus the part about the truce or the who won the war)

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I don't understand the question?


Everything in vanilla Skyrim is canon BY DEFAULT, because it was made by Bethesda. Whether or not the choose to glaze over it or rewrite history after the fact is up to them. There are convenient ways to do so. Like destroying everything. They've done it twice before.

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well the db quests are most likely canon but i'm not entirely sure about the whole amaud motierre situation, tho i think its canon as it was the emperors dying request ( he made your job so easy, its the least you can do for him) and most of you probably did it (especially if you played oblivion) so i think all of the thieves guild stuff is canon along with db (including your betrayal of amaud motierre) tho the companions and college most likely be canon but not very relevant in the next game as they are based in skyrim and skyrim only.
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Not to sound rude, but I think the entire question is somewhat irrelevant since it's predicated on the assumption that any DLCs produced will nessessarily have stories which take place AFTER the events of the vanillia game or in some way rely on them. This has largely been untrue for Elder Scrolls games, however. While I think it would be neat if they tied very strongly into the plotlines of the vanillia game, I'd wager it more likely that they'll exist as mostly seperate expansions.
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When The Elder Scrolls 6 is released (mostly finished) on 7-17-17, and the CS three months after that, we will know what is canon for TES 5 Skyrim. History will talk about the defeat of the rebellion or of its success. Or maybe there will be some wacky Warp in the West sort of explanation that hedges bets. (I hope not.)
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