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Feeling like replaying Oblivion.


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Unless you are running one of the 64 bit versions of Windows you won't see any benefit from more RAM. Actually your older CPU is an advantage with Oblivion as it loves CPU speed over multiple cores (you have 4, but the game won't hold that against you with that kind of speed). You may even find that your 4870 isn't too bad (1 GB video RAM helps there) but it may not stand up well to improved graphics plus antialiasing. It's all about trying one thing and testing to see how the game feels vs how it looks. Everything about computers and gaming is a balancing act (well unless you're a recent lottery winner). Just remember it's not a first person shooter so you don't need high frame rates all the time. Most of the battles with multiple enemies happens in dungeons (which are less taxing for your system). If you get into some of the overhauls they can add larger outdoor battles that will drag down your frame rate. That's why subjective assessment is so important over reliance on a frames per second reading.


I'm no creator of knowledge. If I have a strength it's in collating information from different sources and reaching conclusions that aren't necessarily obvious. Don't think any of that has applied here though ... you're headed down a pretty common path. All you need is a suggestion every now and then, and when you get to one of those forks in the path a question or two to help you find the right one.

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I tried NMM for my oblivion install a few months ago and had issues with several of the mods not installing correctly, so I took the plunge and learned how to use OBMM and Wrye Bash. I did, however, just purchase Skyrim, so it looks like I'll be downloading NMM again anyway.


Definitely install one mod at a time if it's something involved like Weather - All Natural, then play test. If it's just sounds or specific textures you can lump a few together, but keep track of what you're doing.


The full version of Qarl's textures might be doable if it was your only mod, but once you add high res characters, terrain, distant terrain, obge, and whatever else, I'm pretty sure your 4870 will wet itself. It's simple enough to overwrite the files with the optimized version though, so there shouldn't be any huge issues trying it first.


I have had no trouble whatsoever with quicksaves, and I use it almost exclusively between town visits. The only issues I've run into that's caused crashes is visiting multiple oblivion gates. Something about the flames and flamepillar in the center of the tower bog the system down if I try to close more than 1 or 2 gates in a single session.


I've been collecting all my gameplay screenshots here if you want to compare with vanilla oblivion.

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I never had a high end machine myself so I never had perfect framerate and I am kind of used to it. Up until I replaced my PC screen with my TV I did not even care much for high resolution either, but now that I have my PC using my 37 inch TV I do enjoy higher resolutions for games. I never use AA in any game I play except if the lines are too jagged and then I use a 2x but never more, be it because I do no want to tax my CPU and GPU or because I do not like the slight blurriness added.


Indeed like you said Nitefox NMM doesn't seem to work right, at least for me, with any of the mods I am trying to add. With Skyrim it works easily and with no issues thats why I thought of using it but it seems Oblivion doesn't like it much. I did add Qarl's texture pack and well at least in the marketplace I got a slight FPS drop which a small overclock of the GPU made it go away. But your right since I will add more things I am going to go with your modded pack that you assembled. I am not sure how to make omods so for now I am just going to install it over the other textures and and if it doesn't look good I will just reinstall.


Thank you both for the tips I am gonna go and try now to see if I can make it look a bit better :)

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Just instal Oblivion, Shivering Isle, Knigts of the Nine and other unofficial patches if you find them and play it for at least 2 weeks. I'm playing Skyrim now but i can't restrain to play Oblivion every now and then.(In my opinion, -leaving the graphics asside- it's Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim.) In that order.
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