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How do I make mods?


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Ok so I can figure it out to some degree mainly i just don't know how to get the spells/items i make to appear in game. I went to the construction set wiki and all the idiot on there knows how to do is make buildings. so can anyone help?


EDIT by LHammonds - See post #8 below for your warning.

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Ok so I can figure it out to some degree mainly i just don't know how to get the spells/items i make to appear in game. I went to the construction set wiki and all the idiot on there knows how to do is make buildings. so can anyone help?

Hey. Show some respect for someone who bothered to take the time and put together an easy to understand tutorial. It's only because of people like those that people like you can learn to do anything... Since many people aren't capable of just sitting down and figuring out everything on their own.


That said, you can't make those things appear in game unless you have a place to put them or want to jump right into scripting. Although those tutorials may not adress specifics about how to define items or define spells, they will explain how you can get them in world. They are also good for beginners since they cover alot of general CS stuff which you may one day need to use.


As for defining stuff, no simple tutorial. Just alot of information that you'll need to read.







Please show some gratitude for those who have bothered to make this information available. Just because you can't seem to understand how to make use of it doesn't make those people "idiots".


And the scripting method, although doesn't require much else beyond defining those items, doesn't have any tutorial. Just functions; player.additem <Form ID>, player.Addspell <FormID>. But as you don't have an understanding of the very basics of using the CS, or scripting, that probably doesn't mean anything to you.

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ok look this isn't the simplest thing in the world. true they're not idiots but when i'm trying to do something i've never done before it's just frustrating i clicked on those links and got no helpful infoormation. anybody wanna just tell me plain and simple how to put em in game.
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but when i'm trying to do something i've never done before

Which is why you need to get over this "I wanna" phase, and start from the basics. Those links are useful, you just don't currently know how to make use of them. After a few basic tutorials, things will likely make more sense. Although nearly everyone wants to walk upright, they all have to learn how to crawl first.



The Lesson after that covers how to place stuff within a cell.


After those two lessons, do the "my first shop" tutorial. Read the "Objects for sale" tutorial for more information.


The Items and Magic links are there to explain what all the various parts of the CS related to defining items or spells do.

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That 'idiot' is probably responsible for most of the mods available to you. Almost everyone modding gets their basic skills there because he cared enough to figure out how the CS works and pass that knowledge on. So if he's an idiot what does that make every other modder out there who learned from him? BTW, he's not responsible for the entire wiki, even if someone could explain every aspect of modding.

Yes there are gaps. If you're frustrated just ask properly and someone here will help you.

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WZombie169, I would strongly suggest you refrain from name-calling on these forums.


Since you are new, I will just suggest that you read the following pages because you won't get off so easily next time.


Terms of Service

Forum Rules

The Strike System


LHammonds (File Admin)

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