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Travelling by carriage while overencumbered


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I'm looking for a simple mod that would allow transportation by carriage while overencumbered.

It really doesn't make sense at all that it's not possible. Maybe it's a bug.

If someone know how to do this, it would be amazing.


Thank you.

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I do use it, yes.


Edit: You answer made me realize there could be a conflict with Expanded Carriage Service mod, but with or without it, it's the same.

USEP doesn't even touch the dialogue quest that makes the carriages work.

It's an unironic case of "not a bug but undocumented feature".

Edited by mollad
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It's that way vanilla, too. You can use a console command,


player.setav carryweight 2000 (or whatever weight you want) which will put you back underweight, and you can use the carriage.


If you're using AFT, your followers are pack mules, I believe 1k weight each.


If you're using Campfire (prereq for Frostfall) I have a mod that will allow you to craft and carry storage containers, so you can just dump your stuff into the container and be back at normal weight.

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The unofficial patch fixes the script portion of the system that sends you on the actual trip to where you're going. It doesn't need to edit dialogue to do this, only the script.


Expanded Carriage Service probably just didn't carry over the patch's fix to his modified version of the script.

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As I said, it doesn't work with or without the mod.

And Expanded Carriage mod doesn't even touch the scripts.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I'll find a solution somewhere else than the mod requests sub-forum.

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