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Unarmed NPC...?


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You could get AFT and put the weapon in their backpack instead of their inventory =) Won't have to script :D


Shi- I was too fast. This wasn't Skyrim. Sorry :wacko: :sweat:

Edited by Niborino9409
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Is there any way to define such combat behaviour that an NPC will never equip any weapons? Is there an unarmed NPC somewhere in the game (I cannot remember)? For example, the conjurer NPCs seem to prefer spells to normal weapons, and bandits prefer weapons to spells. Maybe it would be possible to somehow make an NPC prefer unarmed to weapons and spells... ? I have very little knowledge of NPC behaviour in Oblivion, so I have no idea if that would be possible, but it would be neat if it were.


As for scripts: it is possible to script an NPC to immediately unequip any equipped weapon (or any item) without touching the item itself or the NPC for that matter (there is an OnActorEquip event in OBSE that can be used with an event handler), but if the character keeps equipping an item, then unequipping it all the time does not necessarily fix anything. If someone has an idea on how to implement the unarmed idea without scripts, then that would be neat. :)

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Only thing that comes to mind for me is to give the NPC very low skill in all means of fighting except handtohand.


I have seen some of the travelling NPCs in my game (whom I've used the console to buff their their skill levels ... generally giving them high handtohand) who will use fists even if they have a weapon on their hip (leaving them duking it out with a bandit who is using a sword ... ya my guy needs to Johnny-on-the-Spot with some healing spells before it gets too far downhill for them).


I think the game will always try to select the most effective way to fight for an NPC, which is a combination of their skill and what they have available to use.

Edited by Striker879
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