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Why doesn't this script work? Trying to make a Companion Mod.


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I'm trying to make a companion mod for new vegas, and trying to set the companion to follow the player through dialogue options. I'm following a tutorial on how to make a companion, however, I've run into the issue of the lines that I enter into the 'compile script' section of the topics section within the companion dialogue quest do not work and instead throw me an error.


set QuestID.Status to 1




That's basically the script I'm trying to compile summed up.

What's actually wrong with it?


Have I actually made any errors?

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Does the NPC have a script attached to it that declares a variable named status?


Edit: and change the RefID to something without numbers.

I don't think the NPC specifically has a script attached to it that declares the variable, however, the quest itself does. Does that mean I need to attach the script to the NPC too?


And the RefID doesn't have any numbers in it.

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He's referring to your "Result Script" "[ref].Status" entry where "[ref]" is: "01iDubbbzCompanion". That's an EditorID, and if you begin them with numbers the GECK gets them confused with a "Base FormID" which it automatically assigns and thus won't actually find. Please see the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.


Also see "Associating data with a reference" in the GECK wiki. As I read it, you have to assign that variable in an "object" script instead of a "quest" script.



Edited by dubiousintent
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You are using Seddon's tutorial "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVZ0FoXXcc" ?


Where the "Status" variable = 1 is for following ?


I'd say you should be working , all except for the quest-ID using numbers in the prefix.

Just change to "DubbzCompanion01" for example.

The compiler is throwing an error because it can't find it with 01 in the prefix.

And while some things can work with number prefixes ... I'd suggest just never using them period.


Also if you are not running Geck Powerup ... that can cause it to not save , even though you know the script should work.

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