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Malicious Ads


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I can't tell you which ad it was but I can tell you where it redirected me to. I recommend turning your volume down and even taking off your headphones before clicking. http://bnd3.redirect00002.net/?sttn=flow


I'm removing the exception from the site on the ad blocker I use. This isn't acceptable from a company that makes the user feel bad for using an ad blocker with the use of a sad emoticon and asking for support because without the revenue from ads the site wouldn't exist.

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On the new layout site there's a coke legacy ad that is taking over the entire screen. I can't click anywhere. I don't see it on any of the banners so I can't report it. Only thing I can do is adblock the site. Switch back to legacy design and then turn off adblocker again. Don't know where else to report this.

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I have the same problem with the coke ad. It takes over the entire page. Anywhere you click, it takes you to https://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/pcs/click%253Fxai%253DAKAOjssaUEwHRH4rYPif3EPIYkrW-Zo3MnjJS6cnVuJVNyHgc6HqlZbMFrEnJ1JN2DUAvIQzRAaiLVe9WS6ngxc-QctiJD98y20V71PnIfAlyrNp8TB5J69o3KobiNXptvciv8wJuWiIJDdJ99RZc_PUgoV4jWw9d2MapUHgIQ-SY6las2urad1ZtLz78GVYQr_YtxXP12-O2nsOwYk6oNRKZ6iFu6-M5ntoghpJHlPYEyQ%2526sig%253DCg0ArKJSzKy1EXG01vTdEAE%2526urlfix%253D1%2526adurl%253Dhttp://www.cokeworlds2017.com/?campaign=Curse


I don't actually see the ad anywhere, I'm just taken to the link I mentioned no matter where I click on the page.


Played around with dev options in chrome. On an affected page, if I delete the div element where the id = "skin_cdm", the problem goes away for that page.

Edited by Firestorm962
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We've pushed something that is supposed to fix the annoying ad issue. Can anyone confirm whether they're no longer getting the "click anywhere, get taken to an ad site" issue now?

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I can say that I was having the page-wide invisible ad problem as of 30 minutes or so ago, I just broke down and bought the ad-free option. Figure $2 is more than fair considering how frequently I've been getting mods from this site. But yeah, got the coke ad a few times, also got an affiliate amazon link navigating me to buy "Amazon Coins" whatever those are, so I don't think it's just a coke ad. Went in developer options on chrome and inspected the page, there seems to be an invisible <a> element that spans the whole site. Deleted it and it worked fine until I re-visited the page.

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