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[LE] OwningQuestScript help needed


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So, I'm making a quest very similar to Brand-Shei's about discovering his identity. So, I've got everything set up in the actual quest, even the compiled script. So, I need to make my dialogue start the quest so, I look at Brand-Shei's dialogue and find out something about a script needed it says:


DialogueRiftenQuestScript RDQScript = GetOwningQuest() as DialogueRiftenQuestScript
RDQScript.pDia05 = 1
So, how do I do this, set as owning quest for my quest's dialogue?
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The syntax meaning is as follows:


type of variable | variable name | value to assign the variable


In your specific case:

the type of variable is the target script

the variable name is whatever you want

and the value to assign is the quest result from GetOwningQuest cast as the target script

then you can reference properties or functions from the target script in the current script by putting the variable name in front of said properties or functions.


FYI - the target script must be attached to the quest obtained from GetOwningQuest otherwise there will be no value assigned to the variable and the script will not do what you want.

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