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Skyrim DLC? Any ideas?


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What are Bethesda actually going to do for Skyrim DLC? Are they even bringing out a DLC ? I completed the main quest line, Dark brotherhood, Thieves guild/Nightingale, Companions and Mages guild and i'm about level 45 now. So i was wondering if DLC would be brought out and how soon is it going to be published. Plus, do any of you have any ideas of what they will actually do? I was thinking maybe a short quest line into parts of Tamriel players have never been before or maybe places we have already been such as Morrowind or Cyrodiil? How i would LOVE to see the Imperial city re-textured but i was also thinking adding a quest line to do with the lost Dwemer (Dwarves) I am really excited for Skyrim DLC!
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Well there is some stuff about it on IGN, but most of the ideas listed are already mods.


I hope us PC users get something pretty spectacular. I would be happy for the ability to climb, after all what are all these mountains for.

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I'd like to see DLCs that build off the Skyrim storyline and off each other as well.


For example, we're told that there is still rebellion in Hammerfell. So, the first DLC takes place there and the choices you made in the vanilla game start to show. If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you must convince them to intervene on behalf of the Reguard - no easy task when you're talking about the Sons of Skyrim who hate outsiders. You go in as the Dragonborn, spreading worship of Talos and rumors of Nord aid to come, until the Jarls feel so pressured they must step in. If you sided with the Empire, they WANT direct intervention but under the terms of their treaty with the Dominion they cannot without risking a renewed war. So, you have to go in covertly, aiding and fostering the rebellion in Hammerfell to such an extent that the Empire can justify moving back into the region to 'stabilize' it when the Thalmor completely fail to.


Building that plot line slowly up to the point where the final DLC takes place back in Cyrodiil as it's caught in the throws of a second Great War with the Dominion - with you either leading the Empire reunited or as Dragonborn at the head of a loose alliance of provincials.

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I'd like to see DLCs that build off the Skyrim storyline and off each other as well.


For example, we're told that there is still rebellion in Hammerfell. So, the first DLC takes place there and the choices you made in the vanilla game start to show. If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you must convince them to intervene on behalf of the Reguard - no easy task when you're talking about the Sons of Skyrim who hate outsiders. You go in as the Dragonborn, spreading worship of Talos and rumors of Nord aid to come, until the Jarls feel so pressured they must step in. If you sided with the Empire, they WANT direct intervention but under the terms of their treaty with the Dominion they cannot without risking a renewed war. So, you have to go in covertly, aiding and fostering the rebellion in Hammerfell to such an extent that the Empire can justify moving back into the region to 'stabilize' it when the Thalmor completely fail to.


Building that plot line slowly up to the point where the final DLC takes place back in Cyrodiil as it's caught in the throws of a second Great War with the Dominion - with you either leading the Empire reunited or as Dragonborn at the head of a loose alliance of provincials.


Maybe Bethesda would make some strategy game instead? TBS or RTS. Possible playable sides: Empire, Dominion, Stormcloaks(?), Hammerfell(?). And Black Marsh, don't forget about Argonians - they're independant now!

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