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[LE] Trimming Worldspace


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I was making a small 5X5 worldspace and on occasion I got too close to the outside while terraforming and excess wilderness cells were added. Can I use TES5 or the CK to delete those unwanted cells or would that cause problems? It took me so long to build I don't want to mess up what I've got.

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TesVEdit has a Trim worldspace script. Load your esp, Select 'Applyscript' and then select 'Worldspace crop', change the cell boundaries to whatever size you want and click OK.

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It happens to me everytime I start playing around with placing mountains on the edge of my map, I always create a few extra cells by mistake. Worldspace crop is a lifesaver.

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I am guessing you go down to the Worldspace Name in TESVEdit right click on that and applyscript rather than do it on the esp name. I haven't ever actually had to do this before, so back-up first!


I would say yes, but all my Worldspaces have sea all the way round so it makes no difference to the Map. Might look a bit odd if your worldspace is surrounded by Mountains, because the map would show flat terrain.

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