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Where and how to buy regular skyrim


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Also, (assuming you have Win 10) Microsoft is actually releasing incremental beta's of Win 10 with a DX9 fix. What that means (when it goes mainstream in an update) is that you will no longer be limited to only 4GB of memory usage in your DX 9, 32bit games (of which Skyrim LE is) for your graphics.

This already came out on Oct 17 with the Fall Creators Update. You can check Windows Update for it.
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There is no reason to buy skyrim without the dlcs if you ask me. It might be a few bucks cheaper, but the dlcs are great and a lot of mods require them. So get the legendary edition of oldrim.


I agree. It's too bad that you have to buy the DLCs separately to get the "legendary" edition. Costs a lot more than when they had the whole kit-and-caboodle (yes, I say that. I'm old. Deal with it) for one low price. Man, we made out like bandits back in the day when we could buy LE for, what? About 25 bucks wasn't it? AND we got SE for free later. Whenever I wanna piss and moan about what Bethesda has been up to lately, I gotta remember THAT sweet deal...

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That's only if you buy it Steam. It's around USD$60 there for the whole thing. However, you can get LE on Amazon.com for about USD$30 (there are a bunch of sellers), Green Man Gaming for USD$33.79 and Humble Bundle for USD$39.99. Amazon.ca is selling it for CAD$24.99 right now.

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If being able to find and use mods is important, get Classic, not SE. There are 55K mods for Classic and only 9K for SE and many of the best will never be ported to SE. SE also currently has the infuriating problem that every time Bethesda releases a new horse armor that nobody wants, the script extender will break and you can't play until the one guy who still maintains it updates.


The stability of SE vs Classic is basically a non-issue now, especially now that Microsoft has fixed the DirectX 9 bug. Use ENBoost (Most modern ENBs come with this enabled, or you can get it by itself) and the Crash Fixes plugin and be amazed at how infrequently Skyrim crashes. Most of the instability problems are related to memory, which ENB and Crash Fixes mostly eliminate.

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There is little chance that LE will ever be offered as a single purchase again. And I wouldn't count on any sale. Remember, Steam has removed Oldrim from the normal search results. This is an indication that it will eventually be de-listed permanently. That's not guaranteed, of course. But it is highly probable. Bethesda WANTS us to move to SE. Because, of course, that's where the CC is. *K-ching, k-ching.*

Edited by LeddBate
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