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cleaning mods with tes3cmd


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I'm using tes3cmd batch file to clean mods for some time now,and it works fine,but I've recently came across a small issue.After cleaning a mod,I get a cleaned esp,but it's a format esp.tmp,example Wizards Island super patch.esp.tmp

Adding it to data files doesn't work.I guess it's because it's format is not being recognized.

When I attempt to remove .tmp(rename file)I get a window with warning,that deleting it may cause file to become unstable.

I searched on the net,but I couldn't find anything helpful.What shall I do with mods like that? Clean with another tool,or perhaps leave it as it is?

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Sounds like something's caused the tes3cmd cleaning to fail. Try piping the output to a text file (add ">tes3cmd_log.txt" to the end of your tes3cmd line in the batch file). Have a look at the output, see what the errors are, if any. Edited by Dragon32
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I cleaned many mods with tes3cmd,but it's didn't work for Wizard's Islands,and Northern winds,which I want to use in current playthrough.

The extra line for batch file didn't work for me,but there are other cleaning tools.I'll check them out.

Thank again for your help.

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