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Need help with modding Fallout 4 Loading screens


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Hello all!


I've been tinkering the in Fallout 4's CK to try to replace the 3D rotating loading screens with a static image. I'm trying to reboot an old mod I already made for Skyrim, called "Nexus Community Loading Screens" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73151/?), which replaced the 3D images in Skyrim's loadscreens with images submitted by the community.


I'm having trouble with the images either not appearing or 100% glitching out (crazy purple lines all over the place etc). I am assuming it has something to do with the .nif files being incompatible or something... In the Skyrim version I used a .nif from an in-game map (just a flat surface to put the images) and it worked nicely.


Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track? Do I need to somehow convert the .nif (and/or .dds) files for Fallout 4?


Or perhaps someone can reference to me a .nif file from Fallout 4's archives that would make a suitable replacement (i.e. a 2D flat surface I can use for a "photo-like" quality).


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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FWIW, I’ve only done a few custom load screens using retextures of the magazine load screen art. The only way I could get them to actually load with the proper oriantation was to duplicate one of the meshes designated as LoadScreen Art and doing a mtaerial swap. If I swapped out the .nif with a magazine in my meshes folder, they would load but display horizontally and were impossible to read.

I recently noticed that if you right-click on an object in the render window, there is a Make Load Screen Static Collection option in the contextual menu. I have yet to use it so I don’t know how it works, but that sounds like what you might need to use to “Load Screen-ify” your mesh. Dunno...just guessing. I’m going to give it a go for the mod I’m working on now, but haven’t gotten that far yet.

If you need a flat surface to retexture with your images, take a look at some of the signage. The billboards and such might serve the purpose. They are under SetDressing/Signage in the Statics section. There is a BillboardPreWar01 used for the LoreFallout01 loascreen. Maybe take a look and reverse engineer it?

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When building custom loading screens out of new models you need to adjust their transform or make them a new one. On that note there is a marker for "Load Screen Nif Center" (I forget off hand what it's called but using them really helps when you go to make your new transform.

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I saw this "transform" drop-down menu, but I didn't know what it was.


What is this for? What do they mean by "transform"? I never had to do this for my Skyrim version of the load screen mod... I'm not sure what it does or how to use it :/

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  On 11/2/2017 at 5:16 AM, kingtobbe said:

Transform is the location in 3d space xyz.


To expand on this a bit, it tell the game where to put the .nif in the space. It could be "Load Screen", "Featured Item", "Pip-Boy Icon" doesn't matter they all use the same transform.


Open any transform in the Ckit, you then need to choose a model and it will give you a preview of where it sits on the screen. (it's not all that intuitive and takes some trial and a lot of errors to get something into position) you can then adjust it's position and rotation but, remember to save as a new transform (don't overwrite a vanilla one) and then assign it to your Load screen nif.

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