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Problems with Lydia


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Lydia's a stay-at-home housecarl, spending all of her time in Breezehome. Some time ago, she started taking off all her clothes/armor (except her bow and quiver) whenever I leave the house. It doesn't matter what I give her for armor or clothes, she's naked every time I walk in the door. Now, just in the last few days, she's started to develop Alzheimer's or something. Whenever I walk in the door, she doesn't recognize me at first. "Are you lost?" she'll ask, and "What can I do for you, friend?" followed by "Happy to see you, my Thane." She's driving me nuts. The only Lydia related mod that I'm running (that I know of) is the "Lydia loop fix" that keeps her out of my bedroom. Disabling it doesn't fix the situation anyway. Does anyone know if there's some way to reset her or something so that she'll at least keep her clothes on?
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Check the closets and under the bed. She may be having "company" when you are out on your adventures. From the sound of the memory problems she may be having an affair with a skooma dealer. So sad what addiction can do to people. ;)
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As soon as I installed the Lydia loop fix and she isn't my current follower, I get the same comments. Yes... it's irritating but better than the constant "swoosh.... clunk, swoosh.... clunk" sound when she's stuck in that friggin' loop. Anyway I suspect the loop fix and will let the author know if he doesn't already. Don't know about the nudity. Don't suppose I'd complain in real life. :devil: Edited by Sergeant Rock
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Thanks Sarge. As long as she doesn't attack me, I can put up with her momentary lapses of memory. The nudity thing predates installation of the loop fix mod though so I'm still stumped on that one.
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I run a Mod called housecarls wear anything. If I place that in the load order after any other housecarl mods, the clothing issues goes away. I presently run 4 modes for the Whiterun house concerning Lydia. I have no issues with clothing as long as that mod is the last housecarl mod loaded. It also fixed a similar issues in Riften
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I've had a similar situation. I crafted some daedric armor and gave it to lydia. She kept defaulting to her steel armor when i would leave the house. I removed the steel armor through the console and now she defaults to naked. I removed Aela's nord armor due to a similar issue. I think the follower's just want to default to their stock armor and weapons as I've had issues with both. I've also seen follower inventories repopulate stock armors if you remove too much stuff. It has to be in the way their scripts are set up
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