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Stampede you are SUCH the tease.


I do remember poking around in some docked boats SOMEwhere and finding some cool stuff, but I'm not sure if it was Ebonheart or not - still working on my first cup of coffee this morning - but I have found some cool stuff below decks before.


By the way... and way off topic (are you ready for this?) ...


I'm having another problem with getting those default *.nif files in my game again - you know, those big yellow solids - but it's NOT a plug-in conflict!

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Stampede you are SUCH the tease.


By the way... and way off topic (are you ready for this?) ...


I'm having another problem with getting those default *.nif files in my game again - you know, those big yellow solids - but it's NOT a plug-in conflict!

Hahaha! Nobody's ever called me a tease before B)


Somethings never change, I think it's time I remade a well known topic... :lol:

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thing with those little yellow icons is that is what the game uses when there is an object that doesn't have an icon to display it in your inventory. unless it crashes the gam, which for me it usually doesn't, then i wouldn't worry about it too much. also one of the plugins might have replaced one of the .nif files, you could always try reinstalling which seems to be the universal solution to every problem
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HMMMM some one will pay for changing my post. Any way what I said was that there was a heap of Moon Sugan and skooma in that ship. I think I walked away with 51 peices of Sugar, a skooma pipe, and 5 bottles of skooma. Ahh the drug trade where would we be with out it. :lol:


Master Theif Drakin StormHeart.

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That's the one Drakin! Some really dodgy stuff going on in there, it's not the first skooma lab that I've found, but it's definitely been the most surprising! :D
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*gasp*! guards trading moon sugar! well i suppose their excuse wud be that it was a shipment for enswyr, they were tryin 2 keep the khajiit alive, well they do seem 2 live off the stuff :P
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*gasp*! guards trading moon sugar!

I know, is nothing sacred anymore? :lol:


Another skooma lab I found was in the house that's closest to Vivec, on the road to Pelagiad I think. It's built in Hlaalu style and it's got some netch and a netch herder outside it. Seems innocent enough.


However step inside and there's two orc bruisers eyeing you out, if you look around you'll come across a skooma lab! :o

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I propose an anti-corruption pogrom to root out the skooma corruption entraping Vvardenfell's youth. Punishments to be ritually doled out by the Knight of the Imperial Dragon include burning at the stake, blinding by red hot pokers, soul-stealing and being pulled apart by teams of wild guar. The War of Skooma can be won through harsh domestic punishments and overseas military aid to corrupt governments. But not through education and raising living standards, don't be silly!
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