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Election Year Debate


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Or maybe he was just mistaken.


But I'm not so sure he is mistaken.

Astrologers are notorious for finding and posting birth certificate information on the Internet. It's their "thing". Whether they have managed to scan or photograph those actual birth certificates I can't say. But I will shut down this thread if it jumps the shark and starts advocating that the President is not a US citizen. I don't care if you don't like it.

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Who, me???:whistling:

I will admit to being somewhat hesitently/partially still pro administration. However, I am leaving in about 15 minutes and will be gone for most of the day. I promise to attempt to post something when I get back, but please understand that I too have misgivings. They however, are in many cases entirely different from those being shouted from the rooftops by many of those whom I believe never really understood what Mr. Obama stood for in the first place. Anyway, I will try to get something posted later. Ta ta for now...

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Who, me???

If the shoe fits..post.


Edit..didn't see your subsequent edit..I await with baited breath. :whistling:

Edited by Aurielius
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Who, me???

If the shoe fits..post.


Edit..didn't see your subsequent edit..I await with baited breath. :whistling:


You shouldn't eat worms..... then your breath wouldn't be 'baited'...... :D


Initially, I WAS pro-administration. I voted for the guy after all. Once in office though, it was simply a continuation of bush jr.s policies..... Needless to say, I was just a tad disappointed..... No clue what I am going to do come November...... I certainly don't want Romney in office.... I don't really want four more years of Obama either though.... Rock, meet hard place.. hard place, rock....

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@A-We have heard much from the anti administration voices I would really like to hear from some of it's advocates and why that is the case.


@Me-Who, me???

I will admit to being somewhat hesitently/partially still pro administration. However, I am leaving in about 15 minutes and will be gone for most of the day. I promise to attempt to post something when I get back, but please understand that I too have misgivings. They however, are in many cases entirely different from those being shouted from the rooftops by many of those whom I believe never really understood what Mr. Obama stood for in the first place. Anyway, I will try to get something posted later. Ta ta for now...


@A-If the shoe fits..post.


Ok, this will not be easy, but I will give it a try. Mr. Obama became president at what I consider to have been one of the more difficult crossroads of our history. He took on more than just a war and a huge financial burden. He took on a country so at odds with itself that people didn't know anymore what it meant to be an American or if there was any future worth striving for. Since you asked about my reasoning for still being an advocate for this administration I will leave off any commentary regarding the prior administration, but suffice it to say that I believe a great deal of what exists today is still a result of what was left behind...


In any event, when Mr. Obama took office I believe that he and many, many others may have been expecting some sort of miracles to occur overnight. Maybe they saw him as a Messiah. Maybe even he did, although I doubt it. I certainly never did. What I said at that time and have continued to say to anyone who would listen, is that this was a man who was willing to sacrifice himself in the name of change. What I mean by that is that his victory was such a huge step in our history, and some of the issues that he was bringing to the table and speaking out loud were so important, that even if they did not get resolved during his time in office, the mere fact that we as a Nation were finally willing to elect someone who wanted these things and spoke of these things was a "beginning". I never believed for one minute that he could get it all done. You may say that in the beginning he had a "democratic" Congress, why couldn't he get them to go along. But it was going to take a lot more than that. It was going to take more people with the courage to stand up and speak the truth and suffer the slings and arrows (sorry, couldn't help that one :tongue: ), and make the compromises and be willing to be accused of hypocrisy when they did. Government is what it is, and politics are what they are. We don't have to like it. I certainly don't. But if you really are a patriot and really care for your country and more importantly for your people, sometimes you must be willing to be a scapegoat and to take a stand and to fail if necessary in order for people to at least hear some things that no one else is saying.


I guess that is why I still sort of like the guy, even though I would like to see him accomplish a little more...






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He SAID he was going to do a fair few things. He said he was going to concentrate on jobs..... and what did we get? Several years of high unemployment, that we are STILL struggling with, and very few of the things he said he was going to do, have actually come to pass. Of course, I really shouldn't have expected anything different, he is, first and foremost, a politician.
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