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Election Year Debate


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I agree with you. Iran is the least of our worries. But, our government doesn't seem to. So, they either know something we don't, which sways their opinion, or, some folks are just agitating for another war. My guess is, the latter.....

As much as I like Iran and the Iranians (visited Tehran in the early 60's) they are our biggest near east foreign policy headache and we will have to deal with their desire to become another nuclear power BEFORE they actually put a weapon in operational status, since after will make our desires moot. Just being pragmatic, though I wish that was not necessary but probably it will be.

Bad at diplomacy? Having issues with people who won't bow down to everything you say, and might actually want what is best for their country? Why not start wars!

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I agree with you. Iran is the least of our worries. But, our government doesn't seem to. So, they either know something we don't, which sways their opinion, or, some folks are just agitating for another war. My guess is, the latter.....

As much as I like Iran and the Iranians (visited Tehran in the early 60's) they are our biggest near east foreign policy headache and we will have to deal with their desire to become another nuclear power BEFORE they actually put a weapon in operational status, since after will make our desires moot. Just being pragmatic, though I wish that was not necessary but probably it will be.

Bad at diplomacy? Having issues with people who won't bow down to everything you say, and might actually want what is best for their country? Why not start wars!


I don't believe that developing nuclear weapons is in the best interests of the Iranian people........ but, nor do I think it is the place of the US government to dictate to a sovereign nation what they may, or may not, do on their own territory. Quite frankly, I don't care if Iran develops a nuke. Its what they do with it, should they build one, that becomes the issue. If they decide to actually USE one, we already have mutual response treaties in place with our allies in the region. Iran knows this. In this particular instance, being pro-active is only going to backfire on us, and lower the standing of the US in the middle east even further should we invade/bomb/otherwise militarily engage with Iran on the premise that they are developing nukes, without substantial evidence to back up our position. (which we do not currently have, nor are we likely to.)


Now, should Iran develop, and then USE a nuke...... we would be justified in whatever military action we should decide to take. There would be a large number of middle-easterners SCREAMING for us to act. Politically, I think that would be a better position to be in.......


And as an aside, if potentially belligerent nations developing nukes is such a concern, and the mere thought of them MAYBE building one is cause for military action, just why is it, that we have given N. Korea a pass, when we KNOW FOR A FACT that they are building/testing nukes, and a capable delivery system?? Why is N. Korea so different from Iran?? Could it be....... Proximity to Israel?

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Is there any real evidence they are building nukes? I don't even get why the discussion is "Iran is probably getting nukes, lets talk about how to deal with it." The media sure must be hammering that hard.


In my opinion, no one in the US really cares about nukes, they just want to make Israel happy.

Edited by marharth
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I prefer not waiting for a worst case scenario, it usually is the one with the least amount of options that do not get massive amounts of people killed. They (the Iranians) have an extremely simple method of dispelling the current suspicion..let in international inspection teams with full access. If their version of the truth is valid we will look extremely foolish and they can have that victory. However I tend to doubt that will happen, either way it's not going to be pretty.

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Have you considered they might just want to extend their power program?


Or maybe they are making nukes, so what? Do you really think they will use one even if they had one? The only defense against a nuke is another nuke. If they used a nuke we both know Iran would be reduced to rubble.


The only use Iran would have with a nuke is for defense purposes. And no, they won't sell nukes to terrorists. That is also a sure way to get destroyed. Terrorists probably couldn't even use one considering they haven't managed to attack the US for over a decade.

Edited by marharth
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I prefer not waiting for a worst case scenario, it usually is the one with the least amount of options that do not get massive amounts of people killed. They (the Iranians) have an extremely simple method of dispelling the current suspicion..let in international inspection teams with full access. If their version of the truth is valid we will look extremely foolish and they can have that victory. However I tend to doubt that will happen, either way it's not going to be pretty.


Yeah, I can see your point..... trouble is, if the US acts unilaterally, we look like the bad guys, and joe terrorist has yet another highly effective recruiting tool. If Israel attacks, it is a given that the US will support them, in which case, we will also be seen as the bad guy. Not like there isn't enough anti-american sentiment in that part of the world already...... adding fuel to the fire just doesn't strike me as a good plan.


Iran allowing full-access inspections would certainly go a long ways toward removing any justification the US/Israel has for a pre-emptive strike as well. But, I can understand their reluctance to give full access to UN inspectors..... not like the UN has a steller, or even un-biased record. Once could argue that if they have nothing to hide, then they have nothing to fear either.... but, the average american citizen isn't required to allow cops to search their homes any time they desire either, even if there is reasonable suspicion that something shady is going on. (and I am not even sure we have reasonable suspicion here....)


As for Iran selling a weapon, of whatever description, to terrorists..... The Revolutionary Guard has already been tied to terrorism..... The terrorists don't even had to get the weapon here to the the states, we have a lot of target opportunities overseas for them to poke at.....

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