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Most Innovative and Most Influential Mods Ever!?


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So we're coming up on the 6 year anniversary of Skyrim being released (yay).


What has been the most innovative mod in these past 6 years?




What has been the most influential mod in these past 6 years?


Lets gather some opinions on the matter then we can whittle down the mods and take a poll on them? :)

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1. the Most innovative mod would have to be Enderal, without question. i would definitely say this would have to be the most original and advanced mod for Skyrim, its basically an entire new game.


2. as for the most influential mod, that would have to be Sky UI, this is the 1 mod i cannot live without, simply because this makes Skyrim feel like an actual PC game. i have been playing skyrim since 2012, and have gone through absolutely thousands of mods, and this is the only mod that has never left my mod list through all these years.

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For me, the most influential mod Requiem. My whole list of over 350 (merged) mods is based around it.


The most innovative mod is probably OSA, even though it is hardly been used besides the adult stuff, what is kind of disappointing given its potential.

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