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Dry creeks esp. around Whiterun


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I've...never heard of a mod that is meant to have missorted masters (masters it expects in a certain order and aren't) in WryeBash...that's new on me. For my own learning, can you suggest a mod where it says that explicitly? I'd like to learn more about that just so I don't give out potentially erroneous advice when sorting them...

Okay, so the water itself is missing. Well, that tells us something, at least. So the mesh data may be missing...No mesh, no wire frame to skin the textures to. Hmm...something got overwritten and shouldn't have, I'm thinking. And then uninstalling it (whatever it is), or when that overwriting whatever itself got overwritten, it may have botched the mesh data for the water. It happens from time to time because NMM is no longer supported and sometimes downloads go sideways through NMM.

Something is very clearly either preventing the water from rendering, or has removed the ability for the water to render (by deleting a mesh, perhaps?).

Sorry, trying to brainstorm.

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Isn't the water mesh basicaly just the same for every body of water; it would seem to me that if the mesh is entirely missing, ALL bodies of water would be empty, but it's only those creeks.


Anyway, just search the nexus mods in Skyrim / Skyrim Special edition for "good guys" you'll get it at least two mods that give some more good guy options to vanilla quests. If the vanilla quests don't get overwritten, you wouldn't get those changes.

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And no, no splashing, there is no water at all.


If there is no splashing, then the mesh is not being put down to begin with which means something is overwriting that cell. Load up your mods in SSE Edit, filter for conflict loser, then go to that cell in world space. This will tell you what mod is causing the problem and allow you to edit (remove) that part of the mod (which is probably a wild edit). As always, back up the file before editing.

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@Original poster


So I managed to fix the problem by getting rid of the Realistic Water Two LOD fix mod; I went to check the posts under mod itself and lo and behold, in one of the first few posts the modder said the LOD fix used the creek water in the fix, and so I went, "And I have a problem with Creek water." I turned it off, and presto creek water is back.


So I checked your mod list quickly, and I didn't notice the LOD fix, I did notice a Forge Water Fix mod. If that fix uses the creek water to fill the forges that may be the culprit. Turn it off, and see if that fixes the problem for you. (I'm pretty sure RWT also enhances the forge water these days, so you don't need a separate mod for it anyway.)




Thanks for trying to help, I'd like to point out though, that neither LOOT, nor Wrye Bash, nor Mod Organizer showed a conflict between RWT and the RWT LOD fix (or with anything else for that matter); even though apparently there is.

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As a brief update from my end:


Reinstalling Realistic Water Two resolved it. I had done that before, but for some strange reason that wasn't captured correctly.


All good at my end now. While the water is not recognizable from far away as such, it is from close by now.

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  • 6 months later...


And no, no splashing, there is no water at all.


If there is no splashing, then the mesh is not being put down to begin with which means something is overwriting that cell. Load up your mods in SSE Edit, filter for conflict loser, then go to that cell in world space. This will tell you what mod is causing the problem and allow you to edit (remove) that part of the mod (which is probably a wild edit). As always, back up the file before editing.



I have - yet again - run into the same issue in a completely fresh install: The water mesh is missing, i.e. the river (this time close to Markarth - but also the same issue just outside Whiterun) is cut in half by a section that "shows" floating foam and waves on top - but which, if I run into it, behaves 100% like a dry riverbed, not like a river with water in it.


That said: If I filter in SSEEdit on Realistic Water Two for conflict losers, I get a lot of mods ... What exactly do you mean by "go to that cell in world space"? I guess I need to check the cell when Skyrim SE is running first, but how do I do that? And how do I proceed within SSEEdit once I have identified the cell where the problem occurs?


Thanks for any insight!

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