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Gimp and opacity/Transparency


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Hello, looking to see if anyone knows of a tutorial or can explain to me how to change the opacity of say like pantyhose in gimp. I tried transparency but it makes them invisible, I need to change the opacity so they still have their texture but are see through. I haven't been able to find anything on transparency levels, if there is such a thing, my guess is changing the opacity. If there is a way to do what I am asking whether it be through opacity or different levels of transparency, I'd greatly appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
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You can set the lvl of opacity in the bgsm file...

I think it's this one:


It's on 1 by default... Setting it to 0.8 will give you 80% opacity or 20% visibility...

If you want to set lvls of opacity within a single dds file, I have no idea on how to achieve that or if it is even possible...

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