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clearing/refilling aliasses quest scripting


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Alright, I have a series of quests made, but they won't run properly and I need some scripting advice...


I have a unique actor in an alias in Quest A

Upon completion of Quest A, stage 10 of Quest B will be set

And in Quest B the unique actor again is filled in an alias

However, because the actor is filled with an alias from Quest A, it won't fill Quest B


I tried adding


to the fragment of the last stage of Quest A before setting stage 10 of Quest B

and upon stage 10 in Quest B added


to the fragment


(Alias and ActorWorldreference would both have the right properties made, of course, the script compiles perfectly but just does not do what I want it to do)


This didn't work.


Does anyone have an idea on how to empty the Reference of the Quest A Alias, and make Quest B refill it?


(I have to do this several times to different ReferenceObjects and Actor References in multiple quests that I really want to have their own Quest Names, so I'm not really looking for 'why not make it all one quest' answers)

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  • 1 year later...
Using just the clear function in the stage fragment didnât solve the problem in my case... i had to check the allow reserved box for it to work for me... Depending on what youâre trying to do in your script, youâll still have to check the box on the alias...
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