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Character Creation Bug


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Hey. This is my first time asking for help on this.


I have a problem with the game atm with now, every time I create a new character, as he/she arrives in helgen, and it goes to the character creation screen, my character will be walking on the spot instead of standing still, and once done with character creation, he will walk past the captain into the wooden post behind. He will then turn around when called to the chopping block, but before the scene with the guy getting his head chopped off occurs, my character walks right to the block before him, and it stops it being able to progress any further, as all npcs just stand around doing nothing.


I'm certain its an addon thats causing this, but I don't know which one so I could disable it. Before I list them, or try disabling any, can someone tell me if they've noticed this bug before, and if they know which addon causes it which one I then have to switch off.

Edited by vectorcloud
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