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Walls/ buildings disappear from certain angles

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I'm not sure when it began or why but in my mod walls and buildings won't appear at certain angles. The attached pictures shows this!



Similarly sometimes I get distance LOD textures even when I am really close to them.


Finally the structures I have added from my mod are just totally invisibile regardless of angle until I get close then there is an awkward janky stutter and the whole lot just loads in at once.



I have clearly overlooked something to do with previs or something Idk. But I would appreciate any help.



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You definitely have an issue with Pre-Combined meshes and visibility. There are some cheats you can apply to solve this and I've used them in my mod to not have to regenerate Pre-Combined. I did this so I could keep the file size down for the XB1 but it comes at the cost of performance.


If you right click on the cells you've edited and tick the No PrVis flag your objects should show in game but again your going to loose some performance. Other then that your going to need to regenerate both Pre-Combined Meshes and Pre-Combined visibility for all the cells you edited.


Edit: sometimes you need to tick the No PreVis flag in adjacent cells also but, You'll need to also disable it's Pre-Combined in the cell or you'll have sprinting issues.

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