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Need some help, ripping an exterior area and placing it in a new worldspace.

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I haven't played FO4 nor tried to in about 2 months now, actually uninstalled it the other day cause its just so lacking for me, I loved fallout 3 and NV and FO4 just doesn't capture the same feeling. Something I think it is missing, is that it is too open. Fallout 3 forced you to go through metros to get to parts of the city. This is one of a few steps I wanna do for FO4, forcing the player to go underground to reach certain, blocked areas of DT Boston.


My question, is for example Swan's pond, I want that to be an area you can do this with, and it is blocked off otherwise. I need to be able to cut the content from that area, and put it inside its own worldspace, and surround the area with a bunch of dummy buildings and stuff to look believable. And then cut it from the ACTUAL area so it doesn't have a dupe. How would one go upon this?. Can you mass copy and stuff and place it in a new cell? Theoretically it doesn't seem too out of the box, but I have never really used the CK before so I need some guidance.


The other few steps to give it that FO3 feel I can do, but this is different than just building blockades around places.

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I recommend reading this thread



you'd be overriding/rewriting the precombine per-cell,

a couple of people in the above thread are attempting to do that.


A number of folks have tried or are in the process of making macromods like that,

large overhauls and the such.




ostensibly, you could kludge via

place anywhere, any door to any where, and new lands refs...

that will force them to have to go via the maze you put there...



you could delete and override those cells pre-combine etc

have a decal surface with an animation recorded on that world-box if you will... (say, from some of the FO4VR players)

2D-3D old school the crud out of that, since most folks won't try to build there...


such as for the windows on the starship mod - prerecorded and match the limited destinations you can choose,

so as to avoid that nX! combinatorics shtuff.



or, you could just use stuff like TheUnderBoston,

Enclave Returns etc...




I hope this gives some possible avenues to explore,

and good luck creating new settlements or new lands etc.

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Hmmm yeah after reading all this. I don't see why I can't just block some areas off and keep the area there, but make load screens that redirect you to a new area you must go through, to reemerge in the area you originally wanted to reach? Yeah technically both doors may be like 20ft from one another, but if they are blocked off and must use a new underground area to get to it, they won't even know?

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@vtemporalzerov If you want to block off an area just use some Large trash collapsed building and place a load Door for the area. see the Goodneighbor and Diamond City area as a good example.

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