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Problems with Textures/Lighting


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Hey'o, there!


So, I've been running a playthrough, and everything's been working fine.

Then one day, I boot up the game to find some strange textures problems on many of the items. (pictures in the link below. Ss you can see by one of the images of a building, some textures are working fine, while others are pixelated.)





I'm not 100% sure if it's textures, since the Wasteland Walls (one of EvilViking13's mods) work if I look at them from a certain angle, as seen in the screenshots.
The base of the game is built off BiRaitBec's list, and mods have since then been added.
I don't recall making any particular changes to any of my mods, and I've already tried to verify game files. As I mentioned before, it HAS worked, but suddenly doesn't. It appears almost ALL wood items are pixelated, and some metal. I haven't seen any of Snappy Housekit's having this problem, but all vanilla wood items, and some mods (like wasteland walls) has it.
Any and all ideas are really quite welcome :S
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Stuff like this is always annoying to troubleshoot.


If you really haven't done any changes what so ever (incl. driver update, change a setting in the driver menu, remove / updated a mod, changed a config file, updated windows, ...), I would suggest starting by removing texture / graphic mods and / or reinstall them. Maybe a file of a mod got somehow corrupted.

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