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Milky white overlay on player companions some npcs


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Running the second latest update of fallout.exe. Started a new game have quite a few mods loaded. No new mods. At random points my character and companions end up looking like they are covered in a pale white film. Happens to some other npcs too. Any ideas what might be causing this?

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Upload some screenshots on Imgur and then share the links here in this thread. It's impossible to help you if no one can see what you're seeing except you. A load order (and list of the mods you're using) would also be helpful. Be sure to use spoiler tags to keep things tidy.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Whilst not milky white, I'm getting a strange thing where it's flickering. Every five seconds on the main menu screen, the words flash brighter. In game this translate to what looks like anti-aliasing switching on and off and at a much faster rate, every quarter second or so. This is making NPC's and characters look smooth and then brittle, repeatedly. Epilepsy inducing at the very least so finding it unplayable. Never experienced this before... Not sure if recent updates have also meant a need to update nvidia drivers or something.


Edit, just tested again... it's less pronounced than it was last time I played but it's definitely still there. I thought it was an added effect for the pipboy style on the load screens, but it seems to be an actual graphical glitch, regardless of what settings I have or whether I have mods in or not.


Anyway not sure if it's related to yours, but wanted to put it out there, as the first moment I saw my issue it was because of "outlines" appearing on the characters and world objects.


Further edit. Looks like it was a setting in my NVIDIA control panel 3D settings causing it. I restored the defaults and it's gone. I remember I did alter one setting there recently, so must've been it.

Edited by m0ds1984
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Upload some screenshots on Imgur and then share the links here in this thread. It's impossible to help you if no one can see what you're seeing except you. A load order (and list of the mods you're using) would also be helpful. Be sure to use spoiler tags to keep things tidy.


I've restarted the game after deactivating some new mods so I will try and watch and see if it happens again and if so what triggers it. If it does happen again I will put up picks and load order.

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