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Destruction Master Trainer Rebuffs My Character


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When I approach Brasla Andaren, the master Destruction trainer, I get no dialogue when I click on her. She simply tells me to go away because I'm scaring the animals and making her job harder. I have the quest in my log; I even have 20 bear pelts. Time of day has not mattered. I cannot find a reference to this bug having happened to others. Any suggestions?

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Master trainers require a referral before the training dialog option will appear. Talk to either Delphine Jend at the Bravil Mages Guild or Marc Gulitte at the Anvil Mages Guild and see if they offer this referral. What's your current Destruction score/level? Also check your disposition with Brasla and bribe her to raise it as high as possible.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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My destruction level is 80. I cannot bribe or even talk to Brasla: as soon as I click on her, she delivers the "go away" dialogue and the speechcraft/topics icons disappear. (Her disposition should be quite high. Before talking I cast a +30 Charm spell on her.) Since the Destruction quest is in my journal I think I did get the referral, but I will talk to Delphine again just to check.

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You can use the console to find out if you've started the quest ... getstage TrainingDestruction will return stage 10 if you have talked to either Delphine Jend or Marc Gulitte (if you are seeing it in your current quests at all I think you must have talked to one or the other).

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I talked to Delphine Jend again, just in case, and she referred me to Brasla, but it did no good. I am still just told to go away. I find this especially interesting because the UESP entry does not even mention this brush-off as one of Brasla's dialogue items. I may have to try the console; or I'll just train in something else. It's mysterious, though.

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So I think we're down to "Brasla just doesn't like you." :D


This one is especially irritating because I remember having this same issue with Brasla at one time, but for the life of me I can't remember what fixed it. Personally I wouldn't waste too much time on it, just open a console and 'setstage trainingdestruction 20', then give her your bear pelts and she should agree to train you.

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