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How do I get rid of or fix this vegetation?


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So this is my first time trying to play Morrowind with mods, I've already spent several learning how it all works and starting up a new game that doesn't immediately crash. One new thing I noticed in the starting village is now there's this vegetation all over the place, like this:




Looks pretty, but... it's all freakin impassable. Walk into it and you get stuck, have to mash the jump button to try and get out. In town there's a number of NPC's stuck in it too.


Now I've figured out how to get everything setup, but the problem is I have so many mods in there now I don't specifically know which one this is and/or how to get rid of it or make it passable. I've been patient up to this point but I don't have the energy to start going through mods one by one to see what may fix it, so I'll just leave it here and see if anyone recognizes the problem and can tell me how to fix it.


Here's my full list of mods mlox. I started with the big Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds and Graphics mod, then worked from there:

_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
_005_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_006_ Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm
_007_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm
_008_ Tamriel_Data.esm
_009_ TR_Mainland.esm
_010_ MCA.esm
_011_ PSsorticon.esp
_012_ SirLuthor-Tools.esp
_013_ Unique Banners and Signs.esp
_014_ Better Bodies.esp
_015_ Windows Glow.esp
_016_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
_017_ JEB_muffin_fix.esp
_018_ Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
_019_ Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
_020_ Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
_021_ Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
_022_ WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP
_023_ Better Skulls.ESP
_024_ Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
_025_ Psy_VGR_Armour.esp
_026_ MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp
_027_ Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp
_028_ AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
_029_ abotWindowsGlow.esp
_030_ Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
_031_ bones.esp
_032_ Shieldfx.esp
_033_ NX9_Guards_Complete.ESP
_034_ Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp
_035_ Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp
_036_ Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp
_037_ Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
_038_ NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp
_039_ Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
_040_ BetterClothesForTB.esp
_041_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
_042_ Bloated Caves.esp
_043_ Graphic Herbalism.esp
_044_ ExcellentMagicSounds.esp
_045_ almalexia armor.esp
_046_ Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp
_047_ More Better Clothes.ESP
_048_ Golden Gold.esp
_049_ New Voices.esp
_050_ Sleepers, Awake!.esp
_051_ guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
_052_ LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
_053_ UniqueFinery.esp
_054_ Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
_055_ True_Lights_And_Darkness_1.0-NoDaylight.esp
_056_ Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
_057_ imperial chain fix.esp
_058_ UF_HortRobeF001.esp
_059_ NON2.RoadtoMournhold.v1.0.2a.esp
_060_ New Bodies - Clean.esp
_061_ Female Armor - Complete.esp
_062_ Better Weapons and Armors.esp
_063_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_064_ STA_guides_replacer.esp
_065_ MW Containers Animated.esp
_066_ Better_Sounds.esp
_067_ TR_Factions.esp
_068_ TR_Mainland_1709_hotfix4.esp
_069_ DD_Caldera_Expansion + Stonewood Pass Patch.ESP
_070_ Vurt's Groundcover - BC, AI, WG, GL (Stonewood Pass Patched).esp
_071_ DB_Attack_Mod.esp
_072_ Ulfric'sMorrowindFunSettings.ESP
_073_ Galsiahs Character Development.esp
_074_ GCD StartScript for Trib or Bloodmoon.esp
_075_ GCD better balanced birthsigns.esp
_076_ GCD Restore Potions Fix.esp

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