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Oblivion don't read saved games


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Hi! Like the title says, my game don't read my last saved games.

I played yesterday and saved before quit.

Today i start play, I saved a couple of time (i use a new save everytime) and I just realize that they don't appear in the savd game menu of the game.


The last who appear are those from yesterday.

I look in my save folder those from today are there. Why the game don't read them?


I don't change anything in my game since. Does someone know why it do that?? PLease and thanks

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Do you have a large number of saves in your saves folder? I occasional move most of my older saves to a backup folder, not located in the Oblivion\Saves folder (in my case on a different drive altogether). I do it whenever the saves menu starts to get a bit slow opening (it has to read all those saves after all).
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Well before posting, i thought it was because of the number of the files, so i delete about 70 and rest 39 in my saves folder now. I don't have save back up but IT READS the old. Not my newest.


EDIT: I deleted a couple of other and it read the news one. Thanks

Edited by opheliau25
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Another thing to be aware of is that after you start using Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) you will find two save files for each save, one with the standard .ess file extension and one with the same name and the .obse file extension. They need to be kept together (if you archive to a different folder) or both deleted (if you're not a pack rat like me).
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