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02-18 (0074)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


The Super Explosion was an event linked through timespace, and alternates, to many dramatic events and not so dramatic events. The Grand Thirteens had been planning a very exotic, and dangerous, project that was called the Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility. It was a typical superhuman type label and said nothing of the truth of the project but was, if anything, very misleading. Had the name been designed to be misleading? This seemed very likely as the Grand Thirteens tried very hard to keep the project as secret as possible. This included creating a large number of false projects, under the same name, to misdirect people. Not all of these other projects were totally false, a minority being actual projects but of lesser importance than the Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility,


Thus was the story as told by the data showed to Shazz01, Professor Chrono and others at Greenhaventown. The data came directly from the slipjet pilot but also from various portable databanks and other documents carried by her. The three artifacts were the bomb, now safely deactivated and put into very secure status storage, an exotic pair of metallic gloves and a large AncientOne powerkey of even more exotic nature. The gloves were of superhuman design and manufacture but were derived from AncientOne knowledge. Or so Shazz and the TimeSage both agreed though Shazz was not sure how he knew this.


The Demoniconda Army continued to move slowly, steadily, towards Greenhaven though nobody seemed to know why they were doing so or what they were up to.


Shazz01 sat, one day, drawing on a great big sheet of white paper covering a large area of floor in a largely empty chamber of his own set of rooms. Two cats were watching him, sitting comfortably, being full of curiosity about what he was up to. Shazz did not know why he was drawing, what he was drawing or how he knew what he was drawing. It soon turned out to be a basic but accurate line-drawing map of the underground of Koombrasa. He drew the supercity of Centrosaza, the only officially existing supercity of Koombrasa that was mostly underground, but also the place once known as the WolfdoomCastle with a supercity beneath it, the supercity of Deathcity, a supercity deep beneath Greenhaven and five other deep buried, long secret supercities through out Koombrasa. So there were nine supercities on-in Koombrasa which came as a big surprise to most. He also drew the Grand Triple Labyrinth, now extending rapidly through out the flying island, and even where it was going to expand to. He also drew some other underground structures, networks and other features. Sometimes he gave names and-or numbers and-or other data but often there was little actual data to go with the map markers.


Shazz01 was exhausted of mind, body and spirit when he was done. He slept and when he awoke it was find that the map had been carefully transferred to the ChronoTARDIS and was now displayed on a large metallic table overlooked by platforms and being carefully studied in many ways and by many specialists along with some smart-supercomputers. Professor Chrono was carefully studying it and so were the superhuman triplets. Shazz01 made his way to the big main platform where the four were standing along with Tanya, the special android, who was working over some data related to some of the markings on the map.


The TimeSage turned to see Shazz01 reaching the platform up a ramp and spoke. "Nine supercities! Koombrasa must have been very special to the AncientOnes though the great majority of people have assumed that the most important of the Skylands has always been the SkyContinent of Skaromondas, easily bigger than any of the SkyIslands, including the three Grand SkyIslands of which Koombrasa is one. There appears to be no logical layout of the supercities. There are many long hidden buried cities, towns and other settlements along with temple complexes, bunker complexes, fortresses and many structures of unknown nature or purpose. I suspect many were abandoned, very long ago, by the AncientOnes. The great event that caused the vanishing of the AncientOnes, and the end of the great oppressive empire that they ruled, was focused on-in Koombrasa. Or so the data now seems to indicate."


A strange energy shimmering, and physical shivering, went through the chamber. Professor Chrono did not seem much impressed and also greatly concerned. "The ChronoTARDIS is now returning to its old self but is now surrounded by a far greater, more complicated, and exotic structure that was once part of the ChronoTARDIS, that grew out from it. At least I am getting the ChronoTARDIS back and it is now 'improved' in some ways though I will need to check over those 'improvements'. The Super Explosion originated at the very core of the supercity of Centrosaza but also from other coordinates through out Koombrasa. One such energy burst took place in Deathcity, another in the supercity beneath WolfdoomCastle and another in a supercity deep beneath us here, at Greenhaven. We do not know where else other such energy bursts took place but it would be no surprise if the same happened in all of the nine supercities."


The Grand Thirteens had spoken of their only being one Koombrasan Supercity though they had most likely known there were at least a few more. Why this was so was uncertain except that they simply may have wished, very strongly, to keep the existence of the other supercities very secret. Or perhaps it was that they did not see anything to be truly Koombrasan unless they, the Grand Thirteens, controlled them. The superhumans tended to view matters in such a way. Most likely there was more than one explanation.


Jezz frowned softly. "We know what the damned Demoniconda Army want, both the Demoniconda proper and the DoomLords! They want you, Shazz! They are demanding that you be handed over to them or they will destroy Greenhaven, the whole of it including all life. We have refused point blank to pass you over. You are Shazz! So far none in Greenhaven have even hinted strongly of giving into the demands of the Demoniconda, or so it would appear."


Shazz01 frowned. "I would give myself over to them, to save Greenhaven, only I have a strong, subtle 'sense' that this would be most unwise though I do not know why except that somehow it has a strong link to the fate of the AncientOnes and to the Super Explosion. Also I do not trust the Demoniconda to keep their word. How is the war going out there on poor suffering Koombrasa?"


Joza answered this time. "The Chaoticaconda continue to attack them from a distance, as do we of Greenhaven and the Angelicaconda. The Demoniconda are launching long range counter attacks against the Angelicaconda and the Chaoticaconda but not against Greenhaven. We suspect this is because they do not wish to risk killing you though there may be other reasons. Oh, there are new reasons to fear the Demoniconda Army which is now more powerful than the Angelicaconda and Chaoticaconda Armies combined. They have been joined by many more DoomHorda including thirteen great monsters bigger than their biggest cyberdemons and cyberspiders. Some are truly huge cyberdemons or cyberspiders but others are more like three headed dragons or great warped centaurs. There are also new smaller DoomHorda demons such as the dragon like creatures, the warped centaurs and hulking reanimants like oversized former humans. The reanimants also have with them now many warmachines like transformed Nazi German machines of that other AlternateEarth that the Nazi Germans came from."


Shazz01 frowned. "The Wolfdoom Project. I think we must send an expedition to the old WolfdoomCastle, that was briefly the RedCastle, but also one down to the ancient supercity beneath it. Still, there are many things we should be doing but do not have the resources to do properly or at all." He turned to the TimeSage. "Can the TimeLords assist?"


Professor Chrono shook his head. "Gallefrey is now dealing with a civil war driven by deep treachery as well as infiltration but a very dark, subtle and powerful enemy. The enemy are losing. They underestimated the difficulty in taking over the TimeLords and overestimated their abilities to do so. The TimeCitadel remains under the control of the TimeLords. The treacherous faction of TimeLords, now known as the TimeMasters, have been expelled out onto Gallefrey. There they face both TimeLord and Gallefreyan Imperial onslaughts. There was a large treacherous faction in the Gallefreyan Empire, and amongst the TimeLordites, that were linked with the TimeMasters but they have also been undone. Too many have died, there has been too much destruction and disruption but there would have been far more if somebody had not warned the TimeLords what was really going on. The current TimeLord Elder Council has been scrapped as there were traitors amongst them. Suzane has been given her graduation documents since she was unfairly expelled from the TimeLord Academy. Assistance has been promised."


Shazz01 sighed. "Perhaps the conspiracy on Gallefrey was not meant to be successful except to make sure that there was not too much TimeLord interference in what is happening elsewhere."


Professor Chrono looked surprised and then he gave a mild grin. "Yes, that could easily be the case. You never cease to surprise, Shazz!" The TimeSage turned to study the big line-drawing map again with much intensity. "The map is more than a map. It is a coded message in its own right. That is why the supercities are set out the way they are. Or so I suspect strongly."


As Shazz had slept, after creating the big map, he had dreamed many strange and vivid dreams. Some had been disturbing and the reasons were what they had shown him and what the implications of that were. He made no effort to speak of the dreams to anybody there, to the TimeSage, as he had done in the past. Instead he turned and made his way off to where he could attend various needs of his body. Professor Chrono seemed to take no attention of him as he left the big chamber.

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00-10 (0075)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

02-19 (0075)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Suzane was assisting to heal some wounded from the battle with the cybermanic forces, when she was struck by a very powerful psychic impression of TimeLord nature, an alert of sorts that she was about to go through some kind of deep mind shift but not a harmful one. Yet she completed her task of helping to heal a young adult-male mutie, who was peacefully semiconscious and without pain, before she quietly left that part of Domehaven.


She had heard from freefolk that one DoctorTime Pertwee, and his unusual group, were heading towards Domehaven in a hovering MiniTARDIS of a very old model. This made great sense if it was one of the five MiniTARDISes attached to the DoctorTARDIS that was a very old experimental prototype that had never gone into fuller production. Not that any TARDISes ever went into mass production because they were too difficult to create, too dangerous to have in such large numbers and there were only so many TimeLords that could key into them to make them function fully. Suzane was excited to meet this other TimeLord who was one regeneration personality of over twenty-one of them that had been DoctorTime. Nobody knew just how many of them there had been.


Now though she was drawn to go to a place in the ancient museum type chamber of the AncientOnes, built by them in memories of the war with the TimeLords, that she had never been before. She had assumed all of the more exotic items had been taken from the great domechamber and the muties had searched almost 99.5% of it to report everything of interest that they had found. The mystery was soon solved in the form of a secret entrance that looked like just one more basic metallic alcove. This one had only a water-tap and a sink so any muties who had found it would have not considered it to be of importance. The secret entrance was even psychic screened in a subtle way that suggested this was the work of the LittleFatMan and not the AncientOnes who seemed to have lacked any idea of the concept of subtlety.


Through the entrance she went, it opening automatically for her, into a small teleport chamber and as she did so, she felt a sense of trepidation as if she was going to learn something that she really did not want to learn, be forced to face something that she did not want to face. After the chamber teleported to another set of coordinates, she came out into another vast AncientOne domechamber but now she knew she was not in the Domehaven thanks to her special TimeLord senses. Instead it was an actual archival type museum that simply held artifacts in secured display storage with no attempts at embellishments or decorations by AncientOne standards; which meant there were still a few of such but it was very uncluttered in comparison to what they normally did.


The artifacts were from the TimeLords AncientOnes War but also from other timespace events, from other entities, and soon she was very amazed.


There was a human designed and built ocean going passenger liner called the Titanic II that sat in great cradles inside a massive display dome.


There was a AncientOne spacetime-battleship from the war, an overly embellished double globe fused together in an ungainly fashion that the AncientOnes had considered elegant.


There was a row of acid toxin blooded biometallic monsters known as hivaca, being a worker, a soldier, a male winged drone, a huge guard, a bigger queen and some other hivaca kinds including some herd creatures.


There were some single eyed human like creatures who were amazing fighters and strangely attractive but who had odd strengths and weaknesses.


There were some dragons including a massive stardragon.


There were some captured TimeLord TARDISes along with one captured TARDIS of the elusive FateLords.


There was a great big zetan mothership of these strange hybrid-clones generated by the Greytori monsters, the 'Greys', and serving them in a strange semiautonomous fashion.


There was a Sontaran battlecruiser of the cloned totally militaristic people with their multitudes of cloned sontar soldiers.


There was the great spaceship designed to look like the Titanic, being a starship that had almost crashed into one of the Earths except that DoctorTime had stopped it from happening.


There were dinosaurs, giant toy robots of the ToyMasters, a Martian war-tripod, some triffids, a great living starship of a laviathan, a starship of a saucer with some extensions including a long conical part, named the Enterprise, some wezels that were strange humanoid creatures in black jumpsuits with great big mouths full of big teeth, some artifacts of the mysterious Q Entities of the Continuum who vanished long ago, a great globe shaped space warmachine called the Deathstar III, robots, androids, cyborgs, many kinds of aliens, varied kinds of humans and many other exhibits.


Suzane realized there was much suspended life there that were basically prisoners and that, ethically, the TimeLords would be impelled to try to free them and send them home, back to their own timespace sectors if that was wise or to some other sanctuary. Some, though, would be too dangerous to release like the Borg in their huge cube shaped Borg Assimilator. The TimeLords had destroyed the Borg, along with some allies including an advanced human federation, in one of the Alternate Universes. There were also the vampiric star-wraiths who would not be released along with the 'weeping angels', some Grand Daedra entities, the transformers and a few others.


She was led through the amazing collection, past a row of Brothers of Steel cyborg soldiers in power armour and then through an area showing peaceful mushroom people, the advanced shoomshoomi. They had been though long extinct and that they were there was a pleasant surprise but not the only one. Some peoples might gain a new start.


Then she saw it and even as she did so her mind did a flip flop. She was looking at Professor Chrono, the real one, who was suspended in a great capsule inside an energy field of sorts. The real Professor Chrono was much younger appearing than the fake one she had known for centuries. Yes, it came to her now as buried knowledge came to the surface, she and others had known of some of the truth of the fake Professor Chrono for some time. They knew he was fraudulent, had mostly done good but had secretly committed some terrible crimes, was the actual leader of the treacherous TimeMasters though others officially had taken that role and that he was very clever, cunning, brilliant and powerful but not as wise as he pretended; they did not know his real identity or where he had come from or even if he was a real TimeLord.


The irony was that the fake Professor Chrono had helped bring her, Suzane, to the real Professor Chrono who had been captured by the AncientOnes a very long time ago. She wondered just how she could assist him.


The LittleFatMan stood there, almost as if he had always been there, sighing and shaking his head while small coloured lights blinked on his tophat. "Timespace karmic patterns of timespace controdictuum continuum have led us to this moment when at last I can intervene to free not just the real Professor Chrono but others in this bizarre place. The AncientOnes who made this place did so openly to create a quiet archival museum but, in truth, they were a rare group of AncientOnes who had gained true wisdom and awareness. They put these peoples, these artifacts, here to keep them safe until they could be properly dealt with. God's blessings on them for being so brave. The other AncientOnes turned on them not long after this place was created and hidden away; the WiseOnes escaped except for a few. They are in here, somewhere, or at least some of them are."


Suzane studied the LittleFatMan with a smile. "I love the tophat but perhaps you could put some pants on."


The LittleFatMan looked surprised, looked down, blushed softly and then made some pants appear. They were knee length, purple and did not go at all well with his other gear. Then he smiled at her. "It was just a small shock, was it not?"


"Not so shocking, not so small but distracting." Suzane sighed. "Is he okay?"


"He will need to regenerate again but hopefully he will return to looking much as he does now." The LittleFatMan reached out to touch the display case. "He was closely allied to DoctorTime during the TimeLords AncientOnes War."


Suzane suddenly 'sensed' great danger in what the LittleFatMan was going to do but more for him than for her and yet it would be dangerous for her to intervene. She did not hesitate but reached out to firmly, but gently, grab his wrist. It was like grabbing an impossibly strong limb but he halted his motion anyway.


He sighed with relief and smiled at her. "Very good, very good. You have passed the test with flying colours and now you can truly seek redemption." He reached out and touched her. With that she vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer. "Your long testing-transformation will be painful but you will survive and be transformed for the better."


Then he turned and spoke to the figure of Professor Chrono. "Always too clever for your own good, always too clever. You were the 'Master' and you did assist the 'Doctor' to fight the AncientOnes but in the end your real nature asserted itself and you betrayed him. Then you were betrayed in turn by a far more ancient, powerful and cunning TimeLord rogue named AlphaOmegaOri, a rather unfitting and pretentious name. Rassilon himself fought and defeated AlphaOmegaOri, and his cronies, a very long time ago. That was even before the first true TimeLords had arisen. Back then there was the TimeEmpire but of course you know that. I will free you from this prison but you are going to somewhere you deserve to go."


The Master flicked open his eyes and looked upon the LittleFatMan with contemptuous fear. "The trap was all set to take you and she saved you, damned her."


"The trap would not have touched me." The LittleFatMan sighed again and took out a paper bag of assorted lollies, popping a glowing chocolate baby into his mouth before consuming it and speaking again. "You are used as bait and still you must delude yourself that you are more important than you are in the flow of things." He reached out and touched the display case. With a sharp flash of strangely beautiful, harsh blue light the Master vanished.


The LittleFatMan looked around to work out just what he needed to do next but then gave that up and went and did it anyway.

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Notes A to Z: M



Special clones of a special metacloning process used by various peoples, civilizations, through time, space and the alternates.



A special enhanced form of humanity that can be metacloned but also naturally reproduced or created by other means such as metatransformation.


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03-06 (0076)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


While the 'other Alice' was busy saving the people in the church, Alice was feeling the odd impressions of that other Alice being out there. She was in the secret UmbCorp complex buried inside the much larger Darkwolf Corporation complex in RaccoonCity. Except that now she knew this was not actually 'her RaccoonCity' on her 'own AlternateEarth' for that other RaccoonCity had been destroyed with a hidden nuclear weapon buried beneath that city. There seemed to be no significant UmbCorp activity taking place in the surviving RaccoonCity but Alice was wary of making such assumptions when it came to that monstrous organization.


Alice was going through databanks with one of the AliceClones assisting her. The AliceClones had taken her on as their leader for though they had the latent memories, skills and abilities of the other Alice, they were somehow still young and untried. They had found a lot of records to do with the experiments taking place there, a good deal of administration stuff and most of it was not of immediate help. Yet they had learned some important facts and clues to other answers. The Umbrella Corporation had been taken totally by surprise by the sabotage that had taken place in the UHive. Because of the nature of the sabotage, it was clear to the UmbCorp CEO and other Junior Partners, that there must be an internal conspiracy of some kind behind what had happened. Yet the extensive, sometimes brutal, search for culprits inside the corporation had led to nothing but some angry, embittered employees and the exposure of some petty corruption that led to some expulsions and two terminations.


UmbCorp had scrambled to send a taskforce to RaccoonCity but heavy involvement in three other major projects had meant shortages of special resources at that critical moment. The taskforce had to be made up of what they could get with such short notice which meant many people that normally would not have been chosen for such a vital task. While most of these doubtful choices had done exceptionally well, some had worked out poorly and one had been a complete disaster. Unfortunately the complete disaster was in charge of medical quarantine security. Issuing a set of foolish orders, so that he could sneak away and get drunk, the man had allowed zombies and worse to escape from the UHive but other experimental subjects to escape from that complex. What happened next was only recorded in brief, urgent fashion but most of the people in the hidden complex had escaped towards an unidentified safehouse in the metropolis. It was, of course, not noted if they got there safely or not.


The WhiteQueen sent some WhitePawns into that complex to gather up valuable resources to take down to the UHive. Three of the AliceClones went with them while two remained with Alice. The RedQueen also sent some more roboremotes there to assist including some more powerful RedKnights. While the WhiteQueen did have her own WhiteKnight roboremotes, they were all needed down in the UHive to help keep it secure along with other special roboremotes suited to combat.


A couple of hours passed with much, mostly fruitless, searching being done.


Alice turned to the door even before the other Alice walked in alone. The people from the church were now being cared for by others and were safely ensconced in a set of VIP apartments of the Wolfdoom Corporation. Full darkness had come outside and the zombie swarms had grown in strength, were now 'swarming' across the Red Zone of the city and even into the Amber Zone. There was much intense fighting going on in the Amber Zone but the zombies, zombers and malcons dominated the Red Zone.


The newcomer Alice spoke. "I got married, had a child, so my married name is Thomson so perhaps I can be AliceT."


The other Alice, who had already been there, nodded. "I have never been married so I kept my, our, maiden name of Alice Keating, if that is your maiden name."


"It is and so you are AliceK." AliceT shook her head in wonder. "Almost like looking at a reflection of myself but something tells me our different experiences means that we are quite different people. What happened where you come from?"


AliceK shrugged. "I was told that my world's version of RaccoonCity was destroyed by a nuclear weapon, as was my world's version of the UmbrellaHive. Something happened on another world that had been go between AlternateEarths just moments before the nuclear weapons were detonated. I suppose my life was saved." Then she went on to explain about Koombrasa, the SkyIsland, and her other adventures along with other stuff that she had learned about.


When AliceK finished her quick, but fairly concise narrative, AliceT was clearly amazed. "So the damned Umbrella Corporation not only knows about the existence of AlternateEarths but has been taking advantage of the situation. As you say, though, they seem to be the creation of a far older and more powerful force. So when the Super Explosion took place on-in Koombrasa, you were drawn between AlternateEarths. What makes you so important?"


"I have no idea and I would not put it that way." AliceK shook her head. "No, you are more bitter, more cynical than I am. I 'sense' something very dark happened to you. We would do best to work together. That means gaining as much valuable data, and other resources, as possible from this place."


"Then you are looking in the wrong place." AliceT looked mildly annoyed at AliceK's words but made no effort to refute them. "Some of us were corrupt in my version of the Umbrella Corporation, on this world, and I was one of them. We stole a whole lot of valuable stuff from the corporation and hid it in this complex, including data that we could use to blackmail the corporation with in order to help us escape to safety, if we had to do so. We managed to get hold of some very strange items indeed and some very interesting information. Much though we did not even manage to get a look at properly. The CEO of the Darkwolf Corporation was involved but he was terminated for being majorly involved in white collar crime against the corporation."


So AliceT took others, including AliceK, down a series of corridors, through a secret door, through another tunnel and then down a rampway tunnel to the real secrets. There was a large chamber partly filled with a complete smart-supercomputer network-system including gleaming mainframes and other structures. There were roboremotes, sets of power armour, prototype portable lasercannons, cash-boxes full of cash or jewelry, a fancy European motorbike, computer tech, crates of bottles of fine wines and much else. Most of it was stored away. But it was the computer network-system that AliceT headed straight towards.

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02-20 (0077)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


"They are all trying to get to somewhere in Deathcity, or so I compute." The false Professor Chrono was busy doing some adjustments to the central console of the Central Command Chamber of the ChronoTARDIS. "That is the Demoniconda, the Chaoticaconda and those silver metallic stompers, the cybermanic army. They represent at least three powerful factions, if not four if a different faction is behind the DoomHorda forces working with, but not amongst, the Demoniconda proper. Something draws them but the question is what and why they are drawn to it. Also what do they intend to do if or when they reach Deathcity."


Then he turned and studied the others in the chamber, including the three J-Triplets as they were now often called by those around them. Jezz was studying a wall display of datasymbols and looking puzzled. She turned to the professor.


"Some of the changes you are making to the ChronoTARDIS, now it is once more your TARDIS, are most unusual."


The TimeSage nodded. "I am altering the ChronoTARDIS because of the data that we have gained that has allowed me to understand far more clearly the true situation that we all face. I suggest that you not be so concerned. Everything will be fine."


Joza nodded and he stepped forward. Like her clone siblings, that she was linked with in a special way, she wore light power armour or at least it appeared to be so except some minor features that suggested the suits were enhanced and adapted in many ways, perhaps even augmented. Joza frowned softly. "You have ejected all from this TARDIS except for about half of those you brought from Gallefrey with you and have sealed off access to the ChronoTARDIS to all but a very few. You even seemed reluctant to allow us in."


The false Professor Chrono sighed. "So Shazz has come to learn that I am not in truth Professor Chrono at all. He sent you three here to decoy me while he tried to infiltrate this TARDIS to really see what is happening. No, I am not Professor Chrono. There was no real Professor Chrono. It was a name given to the criminal rogue TimeLord known as the 'Master' or MasterLord, a stupid name he created for himself but which did not really catch on. The MasterLord was quite insane and fell into a trap set by myself. I passed him over to the AncientOnes in exchange for a couple of TimeLord artifacts that the AncientOnes had no real use for; they could not use them even if they had wanted to."


Then the fake Professor Chrono shimmered, sparkled, and changed appearance. Now a tall, pale white woman stood there in adjusted gear and with ice cold grey eyes. "I am the TimeSage Rani, rogue scientific criminal TimeLord but I am not the one you really need fear. No, for I have come to serve one who is far greater than I am. I was in the WolfdoomCastle having come from the AlternateEarth where their version of World War Two was still being waged very savagely. I infiltrated the ranks of those primitive Nazis with ease and convinced them, truthfully enough, that I could find them an escape route from the advancing Soviet enemies. The Wolfdoom Project fools truly feared the Russians and in that I could hardly blame them though in truth the Soviet Union would probably have recruited those scientists. So I brought them to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa but not by accident but according to the plans of my glorious master. Then plans began to grow wrong when we were discovered by the Grand Thirteens superhumans of Koombrasa before my master could reach us with resources of his own."


She threw back her long black hair. "It feels good to be a woman again after so much time."


Jezz frowned. "Was the Master given the name of Professor Chrono to cover his true identity? Perhaps the TimeLord High Council might have done such a thing or perhaps the TimeLord Elder Council."


Rani sneered. "You play games with me to divert me while Shazz01 tries to get out of the trap I set for him but he is no TimeLord and so can do nothing to get away. What is Shazz? Not that it really matters. Perhaps he is some long lost AncientOne but still he is in a TARDIS now. I also have you as my hostages. Did he think that I would hesitate to kill you if I had to do so? Shazz is still a weak little slave at heart, a pathetic metaclone metahuman. It is too bad I must destroy both him and the three of you for I would have loved to experiment upon the four of you."


Joza spoke. "What happened at WolfdoomCastle here in Koombrasa? I ask for no diversion but because we are curious since superhumans, our people, were involved."


"A people who created you from stupid, unwise experimentation and then confined you in a prison so they could try to forget you. Crazed you were until you were test-transformed. In theory so was I but such things have no real effect on me thanks to the power of my one true master. The other Grand Professors of the WolfdoomCastle escaped somehow when the DoomHorda came suddenly attacking the great underground complex through foolishly opened transdimensional gateways. Those gateways were opened secretly by other professors and with out my knowledge until it was too late or I would have stopped the stupidity from happening. The Koombrasan superhumans, their inferior peoples, they were destroyed by the DoomLords invading the WolfdoomCastle. It seemed only one small faction of superhumans knew about the WolfdoomCastle and they all perished so the other Koombrasan superhumans never learned about it or so is my guess; one can never tell with superhumans just as one could not do so with the AncientOnes they were cloned from so very very long ago. Yes, that is how superhumanity arose to serve the AncientOnes; you were their lesser clones and they treated with the proper disdain that you deserved."


Suddenly the triplets began to clap as if applauding a well done performance. Jaze spoke for his sisters. "Very good acting but not quite convincing enough. Perhaps you tried just a little too much. Anyway we can 'sense' you are male at core and not female."


The false Professor Chrono, false Rani, scowled at them and then suddenly grinned happily. "Well, that was fun but really I must go now. Perhaps you will work out one day who I really am but I doubt that very much for you see I have been changing this TARDIS into a trap to confine all of those who are still here. I pretended to expel all those who also follow my one true master and kept here those TimeLords and other Timefolk who might cause us trouble in future."


Then he-she vanished with a sparkling shimmer only to reappear a moment later with a shocked look on his face for now he once more looked like the original fake Professor Chrono. Any deceptive appearance of being the Rani was gone.


Which was when Shazz01 walked it and, aiming a large silvery device at the TimeLord, zapped him with a sparkling shimmering beam of multiple energies. The false Professor Chrono fell to the deck and lay there deeply unconscious. As he lay there he shimmered and changed appearances and there lay an unknown face, an unidentified TimeLord.

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00-11 (0078)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

03-07 (0078)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


They soon found out that the sabotage explosions that had caused so much death, disruption and destruction in the UmbrellaHive, was not sabotage at all. Something had triggered self destruct mechanisms situated through out the complex but not all of those that had been there. True somebody had been trying to steal a sample of the T-virus and had unleashed it but that had been successfully contained by the RedQueen before the explosions took place. That person, a traitor criminal in the ranks of the Umbrella Corporation, had been killed when with AliceT trying to escape from the UHive; the Licker had killed him, a super version of a typical malcon. AliceK had faced her own version of the 'Licker' and had killed it so she knew just how tough that battle must have been.


RedQueen: "Not all of the self destruct mechanisms in the UHive were detonated and those that were, they were in a haphazard pattern. The sabotage was not 'sabotage' but triggered, I suspect, by the same forces that made AliceK go from one Alternative Earth UHive to another one, from one version of RaccoonCity to another one."


AliceT was counting some neat bundles of cash, all in sealed tight plastic. She was smiling to herself. "We could retire with this much as millionaires in our own mansion-bunkers where no zombies could get us." Then she sighed and turned around. "I have a sinking feeling the rest of you will not go along with such a wonderful plan. Anyway who wants to be trapped in a bunker, no matter how luxurious it is, while the world goes to hell. Sooner or later the U-virus, the T-virus, even some other experimental viruses, will be released out onto this poor damned world. Perhaps I am just being pessimistic or cynical but that is the feeling I have."


The RedQueen spoke from a hitech speaker high on one wall of the secret chamber. "I would not be surprised if it did happen but I have picked up no such news from my spying on the advanced radio communications network-systems of this world; I told you I managed to tap into an Umbrella Corporation satellite that is in geostationary orbit above this city as which is constantly spying on the governments and other big corporations of this world. This world's modern mass media has at last picked up what is happening here and the humanity of this world is reacting in the expected fashion of fear, even panic, anger, demands to find scapegoats to punish or attempts to not face the truth. Or perhaps I am being cynical or pessimistic."


"Most of this world's modern mass media can not be greatly trusted except to produce sensationalism and propaganda." AliceT walked over to a big unmarked plastic crate and began to open it. "I am bored and you are searching the databanks here much better than we could, RedQueen, so why not find out just what is here? We stole these plastic crates from a warehouse of UmbCorp where they dumped a lot of forgotten experiments or at least ones they wished to forget about, at least for a time."


"Oh, AliceT, what a silly one you are." The LittleFatWoman was sitting in a wooden rocking chair and was knitting a thing out of glowing metallic wool, or at least that is what it looked like. The LittleFatWoman, and the rocking chair, were suddenly there almost as if they had always been there. "Inside that plastic packing crate is the equipment that your true master left for you to use. Do you really think he intends to keep his promise to bring back your dead daughter? Even if he wanted to do so, he could not do so. Power alone can not do such a thing or cunning or brilliance. No, it is the grace of God, GodGoddess, the Light or what ever else you wish to call it. Right now humanity of this world is being armed with new technologies to use against the T-virus, the U-virus and even the K-virus that the Umbrella Corporation has been experimenting with in a smaller UmbrellaHive beneath the city of London of this world. Winter is coming to the northern hemisphere of this world but summer to the other hemisphere. Many people wanted to flee from the northern hemisphere or just to the areas closer to the equator because zombies burn in bright hot sunlight but all commercial air travel is now heavily restricted and regulated for the use of military, scientific and other special travel."


AliceT cursed softly and then she spoke to the LittleFatWoman. "Okay, test-transform me. Isn't that what you want to do to me."


The LittleFatWoman smiled. "It will happen but only because, deep down, you want it to happen."


AliceT sparkled and shimmered, fell to her knees and then she was looking much the same, only about five years younger. She looked up in shock at the LittleFatWoman. "I remember now, I met him in a nightclub, a middling sleaze joint in the cheating corner of RaccoonCity. I was there because I was bored and still getting over the death of my six year old daughter. My husband was filing for divorce, having run off to Texas with his private assistant, a young man named Ted. Never did see him again. At least he left me the house and most of his money and UmbCorp was paying me big money to pretend to be part of a married couple in that fake mansion outside of RaccoonCity. I wonder what happened to it?"


RedQueen: "American Army soldiers have occupied it. They found the entrance to a tunnel leading down to the UHive but so far there has been no effort to go down there. It seemed no malcons, zombers or zombies tried to go up that way to reach the surface, which is a blessing for they would have spread beyond the city by now. Something called the Fringe Division of Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, are sending a team there to investigate matters."


The TallThinMan came into the room. He strode across it, halted and smiled at the LittleFatWoman. "I have heard that Maharg Tower has appeared here in RaccoonCity."


The LittleFatWoman smiled back. "You young scoundrel, what are you doing here? Playing war games again, I suppose, Field Marshal Rear Admiral."


The TallThinMan sighed with some melodrama. "Mother, you know these are no mere war games. The survival of a world is at stake. Still, it is very interesting. Those FEAR Troopers are very good to work with for supersoldiers. They can do some trick called SloMo so they move quicker in relation to time around them."


"Stolen TimeLord genes have been added to their mix, the poor little things. You take good care of them or I will box your ears. Don't forget you are only just two trillion years old relative to eternity." The LittleFatWoman lay back and wriggled to make herself more comfortable. "Something ancient, very ancient, and evil is behind all of this and it has come time to put an end to this one for ever. There is a time and place proper for everything. Don't forget what happened to the Q Continuum and the AncientOnes. You take care now and be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be, or I will box your ears."


Then she turned to AliceT again. "So you met this incredibly charming, handsome and understanding youthful man who swept you off your feet."


"No, he was fairly ordinary and we had sex because I was bored." AliceT shrugged. "Then he kind of grew on me and the next thing I was taking his orders, was doing anything he wanted me to do, including some rather.... strange things I prefer to forget let alone talk about. Next thing was I was creating a white collar crime ring inside the Umbrella Corporation. Any information stolen I immediately shared with, along with any scientific prototypes that would be given to him but I only got some minor ones of those. I did manage to get some rather interesting data. He let me, and my cronies, keep and share all the rest of the loot. Oh, he helped create the crime ring with information of his own and some other resources. About three months ago I lost contact with him. All the forms of contact became useless suddenly be they Email addresses, mobile telephone numbers, drop-off points or what ever. Individuals that I used to make contact with, go betweens, suddenly vanished or turned up dead in police morgues."


The LittleFatWoman nodded and then responded. "That man was no man but was an avatar, an expression, of one known by many dark names, cursed names, in too many Alternate Universes but one name is that of the DoomGod, another is that of MolagBal of the Grand Daedric Princes, and also... but no even I dare not say that name in this particular Alternate Universe. Names carry power but only in certain ways under certain conditions. As the DoomGod he controls the DoomLords who in turn control the DoomHorda, both of them being demonic of the living demons but as closely linked with demonic elementals of the demonics. That explains why the DoomLords are willing to ally themselves with the Demoniconda, of the demonics, on-in Koombrasa but not to actually mingle with them in being allies."


She smiled at all of them. "Time for me to go. There are some very useful items here in this room but you must need be careful with them." She gave an extra smile to her son. Then she was gone almost as if she had never been there.


AliceT frowned softly. "I feel better but not like a saint or a super hero or anything like that." She went to the plastic crate and opened it to reveal a neat array of special hitech weapons. "Very nice, very nasty, and now we can all use it."


RedQueen: "The chamber has some new things in it, things that were not here before the LittleFatWoman was here. Or at least I note new crates in expanded areas where there was only an empty chamber before that. Oh, yes, that empty chamber was hidden away and now it is exposed and something is exposed there now that is... very odd."


Curious, they went and had a look, the RedQueen doing so through a RedPawn. When they got to what it was, looking at it clearly, they were very surprised. For it was a armoured glass container, reinforced with steel, full of semitransparent green water and full of the glowing mushrooms that were found growing in the toxic claytol of Koombrasa. There even was a basic metal label that spoke of the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, in the English language, and had some administration codes. What were glowshooms doing beneath RaccoonCity there on another AlternateEarth away from both Koombrasa and Korra?

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02-21 (0079)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Suzane, the TimeLord, had vanished from Domehaven and the others there sought for her in vain. DoctorTime Pertwee, a tall elegant gentleman, reached Domehaven along with his MiniTARDIS, RedFoxie and the others with them. Shazz02 and Derra met him, met the others including RedFoxie.


The CyberImperial Army continued towards Deathcity.


Greenhaven continued to prepare for the great attack coming against it as the Demoniconda steadily came closer.


The Chaoticaconda Army continued towards Deathcity.


With out warning the Angelicaconda Army abandoned its defense of Greenhaven and began to move downwards, through the depths of the ground, towards the ancient supercity buried deep beneath Greenhaven. The peoples of Greenhaven felt betrayed until many angelics arrived, not of the Angelicaconda, to help defend that place. There came over a million of them and with them came angelicozi angelici-human hybrids like humans of angelic powers. There came leading them, if the angelics could said to have anything such as a leader, one named GabrielAngeli as related to the Archangel Gabriel herself. GabrielAngeli came warning that the Angelicaconda had long become estranged from the vast majority of angelics for what they sought was the powerful to impose their own vision of heavenly order and bliss upon the whole Multiverse, the universality of universes, the ultimate of alternates.


RedFoxie faced Derra and she spoke to her the following words, "One with the riddle arrives alone at the gateway to inner truth; awaken now and now your true purpose in being here."


Derra shook and then looked very startled. Then she spoke in turn to RedFoxie. "So the Senior Partners of the Umbrella Corporation are a faction of superhumans in Bigtropolis-BigState, a faction of superhumans still hiding somewhere in the SkyIsland of Koombrasa and a faction of superhuman faction known as the TrueIlluminati on AliceT's AlternateEarth where they are not based in RaccoonCity but in an AncientOne supercity buried deep inside the Antarctica of that world, the south polar region. Please show me the artifact you have brought with you."


They were in a smaller domechamber, a kind of antechamber to a main domechamber of Domehaven. DoctorTime Pertwee, Shazz02 and others were there. None spoke but all observed quietly what was going on including the muties there, RockyWolliogo being amongst them.


RedFoxie took out the very small, lightly grey metallic globe and passed it to Derra. As soon as Derra took hold of it she closed her eyes and her whole body shimmered. Then she opened them and she spoke. "I am Derra but I am also unity-superhuman of the Unity, of the TriataThirteen. Yes I am a superhuman but one that was tested-transformed to become part of Unity and to turn against the other Grand Immortal Factions of Bigtropolis-Bigstate."


So Derra was really a superhuman but also of Unity! It was a surprise but not as surprising to Shazz as he thought it should probably be.


Derra then did something surprising as she swallowed the small silvery globe with a visible gulping sensation to get it down. Then she shuddered softly before speaking again. "I had much of my superhumanity suppressed and now it will all arise again. I am transformed by the other testing-transformation I went through but remain of Unity, of the Triata. I was originally hunting down a possible wild gateway or rift between my home AlternateEarth and another. The vampiric entity came through and then Shazz appeared to save me, taking me back to the AlternateEarth of Korra, to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa. That was a good mission result but was an answer leading to many new questions."


"Now I bring some answers to you from the TriataThirteen. It is not the toxic claytol that was most important to the Grand Thirteens but the bizarre glowing mushrooms that grow from it in profusion; they used to claytol and made a public show of doing so but pretended to see the glowshooms as useless mutated toxic weeds of a sort. In truth they were gathering vast amounts of the glowshooms, as many as they could get, often doing so by having claytol shoveled up with the glowshooms still in it. In theory this was for economic reasons for it was easier to get rid of the glowshooms later; in practice, in the supercity of Centrosaza, the glowshooms were carefully sifted out of the claytol and the secret processing of them began.


"The Grand Thirteens wanted the toxic claytol to grow across Koombrasa to give them as much glowshoom material as possible from which they gained a much smaller amount of a substance they would use in their dangerous and bizarre project, the Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility. It was a name that meant, at the same time, nothing and something very special to the Grand Thirteens. Yet the project was also linked to the Senior Partners of the Umbrella Corporation who were the superhuman main faction, on Koombrasa, driving the project."


She paused before she spoke again in wonder. "The superhumans, not all superhumans but many of us, have been trying to turn themselves into AncientOnes or at least something like them, something as powerful, as immortal or even more so. They were doing so using a great powerful AncientOne artifact in the very core of the supercity of Centrosaza, the core that disintegrated but which, perhaps, did not remain in that state. That artifact was probably the most powerful, sophisticated and central one the AncientOnes ever created. That is three super devices as one super device."


DoctorTime Pertwee frowned heavily. "The TripleThrone of the AncientOne Emperor, Empress and Empone being male, female and neuter. When those three special AncientOnes, who were very powerful even by AncientOnes' standards, sat together on-in the thrones and melded with the TripleThrone and each other, they achieved vast power to alter the basic timespace controdictuum continuum, that is basic reality. Yet the AncientOnes rarely dared to use the TripleThrone except as thrones because even they knew it was simply too dangerous to wield its powers with out very excellent reason to do so. It seems there were superhumans who were far from wise enough to see this."


The results were the Super Explosion of Koombrasa that was linked with other dramatic, and not so dramatic, event through out timespace and the alternates including the vanishing of the AncientOnes so very long ago.


Derra spoke some more. "Once upon a time, a very very long time ago, the AncientOnes used the TripleThrone to create another artifact of vast power that was placed at the very core of a new supercity that they created, whose name has been lost, but that is now known as Deathcity. When Deathcity was created somehow, by some bizarre and terrible transformation of the original supercity, was when the AncientOnes vanished."


Deathcity, the very supercity that the Conda Armies, and the cybermanic army, were now racing to get to as if they were being drawn to something and it was all linked to Project Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility and to the Super Explosion.

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03-08 (0080)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


They found data indicating that the Umbrella Corporation, known by other names on some AlternateEarths, had been busy gaining power, wealth, influence and knowledge. It was the last that seemed to be most important. Mostly it went to troubled worlds or even devastated worlds to seek out the secrets of super-weapons, of exotic power sources, of many things. The drive was also to create many research and development projects of many kinds so as to conceal their true intentions beneath the complexity of what they were doing. The U-virus was first found by superhumans when an expedition of them went to Deathcity, deep inside Koombrasa, then passed to the Umbrella Corporation to run many research, to experiment with in many ways. The U-virus caused the rise of zombies in humans and other living entities but, amazingly enough, some were immune to the U-virus though they were not common and the immunity was of different levels and kinds.


"Robocop cyber police officers, Universal Soldier reanimated dead soldiers; recovering a Stargate on one AlternateEarth of another version of the AncientOnes who were much wiser but less powerful; creating advanced primate humanoids from gorillas, chimpanzees and other species; investigating acid-toxin blooded hivaca entities and other dangerous species." AliceT was shaking her head in wonder as she looked over a great 3Dwallscreen showing a spread display of the Umbrella Corporation and what it had been up to; only the display was far from complete and much that was there was of a guesswork nature even if of a well supported guesswork nature. "All of this to support the one effort of superhumans to become as powerful, as immortal, as the AncientOnes who created them."


The RedQueen spoke from a speaker box. "Being superhumans I suppose that they sought to grab up what they could but the Umbrella Corporation, the Senior Partners, are still very much active. Even on this world they are all too powerful and resourceful, are still a threat. I found something that may show how they are not just on-in Koombrasa of the Skylands of Korra. On-in the SkyContinent of Skaromondas there had been a great war going on between superhuman groupings that are more like nations than factions; they are the Kaleds, the Thals, the Auriards, the Mondars and the Skarons. They wage terrible war against each other, the Umbrella Corporations helps each of them develop terrible weapons to keep the war going and then their super weapons turned against their own peoples, as intended by the UmbCorp monsters. From the Kaleds came the DalekEmpire, from the Thals came the Clonemassen, from the Auriards came the Biovorada, from the Mondars came the CyberEmpire and from the Skarons came the Skaroida. The five original peoples continue to survive but sheltered deeply in bunker-cities. The irony is that they have formed a strong treaty with each other for mutual defense while their enemies, the super weapons, continue to wage war on each other. There were also five superhuman geniuses involved in the creation of the super weapons, each more a whole weapon network of network-systems than an individual weapon. These are meant to serve a new breed of very super superhumans or so I consider."


AliceK was busy opening yet another plastic crate, exposing a special designed status-capsule. Floating inside blue liquid were strange, ugly creatures that were in status. She read the plate on the side of the capsule. "GoaUld parasitic puppeteer controlling creatures that take over certain peoples as hosts. They come from the same Alternate Universe as do the AncientOnes of the Stargates. There is mostly harmless valuables in this chamber but this needs to go to very safe storage with the PurpleChessNNS or be destroyed."


"Not all GoaUld were evil, are evil." The RedQueen spoke again. "The use of dangerous mind influencing technologies helped to turn some GoaUld evil as the GoaUld Lords. Those who became far more enlightened, compassionate, were the TokRa who have never used the dark mind influencing technologies of the Sarcophagus Technologies. RedPawns will take the crate down to the PurpleChessNNS. Please reseal and relock the crate."


AliceK did so with a soft frown. "You have been out into the Red Zone a few times now, AliceT, but have not reported much of it."


"What is there to report? The zombies, malcons and zombers have mostly gone off to seek new prey in the Amber Zones, meaning to fight with the human and roboremote forces there. I found some zombies who seem less aggressive than most. They mostly just avoid the sunshine, when it gets too hot and bright. They eat cockroaches and things like that, perhaps rats if they catch them. They even eat rotting meat found in some of the old food storage areas of this part of the city." AliceK gave AliceT a dirty look. "Stop reading my mind or what ever it is that you do. Very well, I found some peaceful zombies who I have been assisting to survive. I do not know why. Perhaps it is because some were, are, children."


RedQueen: "We will not harm them but we will do tests on them. Peaceful zombies? This is a major find. Have you made any more discoveries that, perhaps, we should know about?"


"How diplomatic you are for a AI-supercomputer network of network-systems but then again you are partly cloned brains." AliceT sighed. "Immune humans are hiding down in the RaccoonCity Emergency Bunker Network built for possible nuclear, biological, chemical attacks on the city but never really used except for wild secret parties, the storage of stuff including stolen goods and shelters for folks in emergencies or other such matters. The Umbrella Corporation also intended to use the bunkers for other reasons if it had to do so, such as if it needed to abandon the UHive, now the HavenHive. Problem is that there are more than one kind of immunes. I am still figuring things out. Yes, RedQueen, you are needed there. I suggest we go have a look."


AliceK snorted. "Then you could tell us what you have been hiding from us."


A RedPawn wheeled past carrying some valuable artworks, carefully stored, towards an elevator that had been constructed to take things down to deeper levels. For security reasons it did not go directly to the HavenHive. Another RedPawn followed with a whole lot of eight year old whiskey. AliceT sighed for she could not longer get drunk, thanks to how she had been changed, but she still enjoyed good whiskey.


RedQueen: "I will have some whiskey delivered to the commonroom you share with AliceK."


AliceK suddenly gave a start. "Perhaps the bunker network, in my version of RaccoonCity, survived and people survived there, people that I know such as good friends and some family."


RedQueen: "I do not know how you could get to that other AlternateEarth; the irony is that the more similar AlternateEarths are to each other, the more difficult it is to go between them and the more dangerous it is to do so."


The STAR Troopers had gone out into the Red Zone, that had expanded some kilometres despite the efforts of humans and the GreyQueen with her roboremotes. The STAR Troopers had scouted the area, along with some supersoldiers, had destroyed a malcon nest full of trapped zombies infested with malcon eggs and larvae. The ability of some malcons to reproduce in this manner was most disturbing and yet only the one nest had been found. Some samples of larvae and eggs had been sent to the PurpleQueen's control. As for the TallThinMan, they never saw him much but he indicated that he was trying to map the 'demographic patterns' of the creatures moving through the city as well as helping to keep HavenHive secure.


The two Alices, known often as the AliceSisters by others, got geared up for this new mission even as the hidden white collar crime chamber continued to be stripped. So it was that they so the hatch in the floor even as two RedBots, more basic kinds of roboremotes, took away the crated deluxe hitech entertainment network-system that had hid it. Curious they went to examine it, as did the RedQueen through a RedPawn. Had it always bee there or had the LittleFatWoman made it appear somehow? The question was mute as they probably would never know the answer. It was strange to think that the TallThinMan was the son of the LittleFatWoman but they suspected that the relationship was more complex, more subtle, than it would be with humans.


The hatch opened to reveal a safety-ladder down into the depths and the RedQueen brought in two RedDroids, roboremote androids, to go with them. To their surprise, four supersoldiers showed up out and all they would say was that they had been sent by the TallThinMan to go with them. Field Marshal Rear Admiral considered that there might be danger where they were going. So it was that they moved down the ladder. When they got to a large tunnel a puzzled


Carlos, with the remaining three other STAR Troopers, had gone through test-transformations. They were enhanced of mind, body and spirit but were hardly superhuman. Carlos had become more peaceful but tougher in some ways. They were all better Troopers and not just better fighters, having increased old skills and picked up new ones. Carlos was becoming an expert 'urban tracker', as he had come to call it.


Carlos spoke, with a light tone of puzzlement. "We were ordered by the TallThinMan to come with you along with these, our comrades." He indicated five zomans, five zombors ad five newcons all geared up for combat and other mission duties. "They eagerly awaited your appearance, AliceK and AliceK. They seem truly devoted to the both of you."


AliceT smiled. "Of course these wondrous folks are. Now let us do what we must and follow me."


So they did.

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Notes A to Z: N




Nemesis, Nemeses


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03-09 (0081)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The creatures came rushing along the tunnel at the expeditionary group. Grey skin, hairless, there was something disturbingly unnatural about them both like and unlike zombies. These were entities of cold, uninhibited hatred of life. These were people who had undertaken the longevity treatments of the True Longevity Movement for amongst them was a once famous actress and a briefly famous musician; they were no longer human any more. They were linked with the terrible 'Greys', the Greytori. Some had guns but most had picked up items as weapons or nothing at all. Yet their real weapons were the vampiric abilities to drain life energies from others and as they came, the STAR Troopers moved back nervously. The vampiric had no effect on the roboremote or the AliceSisters or the transformed zomans, zombors or newcons. The five newcons flicked forth long claws and launched at the greyfolk with amazing force and power but eve as they charged the RedPawn blasted the attackers with two bursts of 12,7mm bullets. Greyfolk screamed and died, burning away unnaturally as they did with great speed. The newcons slaughtered the greyfolk except those that turned and fled away, slashing and smashing, burning away former creature after creature.


When the attackers were gone, AliceK and AliceT checked the newcons to make sure they were not infected-infested or put in danger in any way. They were fine but they enjoyed the attention, which including some pleasurable scratching. The remains of the greyfolk were investigated carefully and some items were taken such as identification documents, smartcards, money and useful stuff. None of it was dangerous to use since the greyfolk were created by processing. They took some ammo, a combat knife, a flask of whiskey and some other items also including a nice golden ring taken by AliceT. Reluctantly she handed it over to the RedPawn as property to be investigated for security intelligence reasons.


They moved on with great care now. The True Longevity Movement had become the target of United Nations and government investigations around the world. They had been forced to take their experimentations and longevity centres into hiding though even then many had been found by special agencies and forces, had been destroyed. STAR had been involved in the hunting down of TLM activities in RaccoonCity and the other Umbrella Corporation linked cities where STAR was established. So it was the STAR Troopers who first recognized the particular stink, light on the air, that came from the TLM processing.


Clearly the STAR Officer did not like to speak of past experiences when he, and others, had raided and destroyed a TLM complex at the edges of RaccoonCity. "We destroyed the few greymans there, all of them almost mindless like zombies but more deadly, vampiric and stronger. They drained dead one of my troopers. We had to burn his body then and there. I can still hear his screams in my dreams, sometimes. When the T-virus and U-virus broke out, we were not so shocked and were more ready to fight because we had already experienced horrors before and not just produced by the TLM, which were linked with the Umbrella Corporation but, which I had heard, had turned against the TLM for some reason."


The RedQueen spoke through a RedDroid. "What reason?"


Carlos frowned. "I never spoke of this before because the information was so unreliable. The given reasons were that the TLM had gone much further in their experiments than UmbCorp had wanted them to and that the TLM had bought stolen technologies from a man called Brian Abdula."


AliceT cursed and then explained why she had done so. "Brian Abdula was one of my cronies in our white collar crimes against UmbCorp. He stole secrets. He stole heavily restricted technologies and artifacts. Then he vanished with a big chunk of money that he should have shared with the rest of us criminals. No honour amongst thieves. I did not know he had links with the TLM but it would not surprise me, not in the least."


Carlos spoke then. "Those greyfolk that attacked us, they were almost mindless, were failures of the false longevity processing for it does not extend natural life at all, as you have seen, but replaces it with antinatural existence. 'Antinatural'? I would have once thought the term melodramatic but now, well now I think its very accurate when it comes to these greyfolk and to, some extent, the zombies but not to the zomans." He gave a mild grin to the five zomans who all nodded a little to acknowledge his acknowledgement of them.


AliceT frowned. "Not all zombies are bad."


AliceK sighed. "Especially if one of the friendly zombies is your child."


AliceT scowled but then visibly relented. "Okay, my little girl is a zombie, a peaceful zombie. UmbCorp lied about her death, took her and experimented upon her because she had picked up a very unusual virus while she was with me in North Africa on a working holiday. I should not have taken her with me but she was lonely and I wanted her to be with me. She got something like the HIV virus, which causes AIDS, but I never learned the name of it. I never found out how she did so but there were stories of bizarre oversized mosquitoes biting some people. The locals were suffering a great deal already and did not need that to happen. The Umbrella Corporation gave out bribes of food, drink, water filtration units, basic computers, mobile phones, tools and some other stuff to keep the locals quiet about the 'giant mosquitoes'. They also carried out lots of experiments on local peoples but also on UmbCorp people in the area, including my daughter."


They came upon what remained of a TLM Complex. It was in one of the emergency bunkers and it had been set up with some haste and then had been stripped of some valuable parts just as hastily. The TLM people there had departed very quickly but not after some fighting had taken place. Dead workers, in basic coveralls and other gear, were half eaten and with them was one tech and what seemed to be a scientist along with a security guard whose weapons, ammo and body-armour had been taken. Indeed the bodies had all been looted and later partly eaten by something with human like teeth, being the greyfolk greymans. Any forms of official identification had been taken but the RedQueen was able to identify the fingerprints. All were people who were on official records as having worked for the True Longevity Movement in the past and some had also worked for the Umbrella Corporation or other bodies linked with the Umbrella Corporation.


There they found capsuletanks full of glowshooms or heavily processed glowshoomic substance. A link had been formed between the TLM and the SkyIsland of Koombrasa with its toxic claytol and glowshooms.


The supersoldiers scouted ahead for a while, moving out and away from the others. They returned fairly quickly to state that they had found a small group of 'failed greymans' and had destroyed them. They brought some taken items with them, including stuff for identification purposes. The surprise was that with them came the TallThinMan and some other supersoldiers including two in special weapons harnesses carrying powerful xolaserguns.


Field Marshal Rear Admiral spoke. "The xolaserguns burn the greyfolk away easy enough but they are a little clumsy to use. I came down this way about three hours ago to look around. Found the friendly zombies that AliceT has been visiting but did them no harm; they are friendly zomans now, including the daughter of AliceT. AliceT, you are lucky you did not burn for what you did to your daughter."


AliceT blanched. "They told me that the procedure would cure her leukemia and I was desperate. They put her arm into a tank with one of the giant mosquitoes. I realized something was wrong then but it was too late. Then UmbCorp had my memories scrubbed and replaced by false memories but the process failed to work properly. Later, when they experimented on me with the T-virus and the experimental inoculation for the U-virus, my memories returned and the false ones were rejected fully."


"You are not the finest human being I have met but you are okay." The TallThinMan snorted. "AliceK is a finer person than you are so I hope she is having some positive influence on you."


AliceT gave the TallThinMan a dirty look and sulked. AliceK looked surprised by the words that the TallThinMan had spoken because she did not feel like a 'finer person than AliceT'. She gently squeezed AliceT's hand and then moved on. The RedQueen was sending a small taskforce to strip away the TLM complex, remaining, and to take everything to where the PurpleChessNNS could investigate it. This included the surprise find of a greyman baby in a status-capsule.


AliceT's zoman child raced to her and was picked up and hugged heavily by her mother. As a zoman she was improved over being a zombie, even a friendly one, that was obvious. They were soon with other zomans and then even some carrier immunes, humans who were not effected by either the U-virus or T-virus but were carriers. The trouble was that there were two types of immunes; there were those who would die normally and those carrier immunes had the problem that if they died of any reason, at all, they would not be dead but would become zombies or zombers or malcons, depending on what viruses they carried inside. That is until they were test-transformed and they were no longer so, the viruses being swept away.


There were rare immunes who were not carriers, or so stories stated.


The implications of there being carrier immunes were appalling. Now the RaccoonCity Green Zone under threat as many had been allowed to go there on the assumption that there was no immunity, were no non-zombie carriers, was no longer safe. Thankfully the whole city had been placed under quarantine. Nobody could go out with out extensive health checks that included, out of automatically enforced regulatory reasons, extensive blood testing that would reveal the presence of the T-virus or U-virus. Except that there had been stories of people managing to get out of the city using illegal means which meant a chance of uncommon immune carriers escaping.


RedQueen: "The United Nations Security Council has officially released a series of international warnings against immune carriers of the T-virus ad or U-virus, be they the Beta or Gama kinds, the Beta kind who die normally by other means and the Gamma kind who become zombies, zombers or malcons upon non virus death. I have gained stolen data as well. One Alpha immune has been found. She is pregnant and is being held secure in a special facility just outside of RaccoonCity where the Fringe Division is investigating her, including the eccentric genius Walter Bishop. The Umbrella Corporation would like to grab her, or any other Alpha Immune."


The Green Zone had been going through a series of medical sweeps, people being given extensive medical checks, but now there were two problems; one was that, due to the chaos in RaccoonCity, along with other difficulties, there were many who had not been checked; another was due to some petty corruption leading to the issuing of false medical papers stating people had been checked when they had not been. The whole series of medical sweeps had to be done from scratch even as criminal investigations were undertaken to find the guilty.


RedQueen: "Testing-transformations have been taking place in the Green, Yellow and Amber Zones. Government, and other forces, have not only taken note of this but have been investigating. More people are coming into RaccoonCity or but most go to the deeply secured AlphaGreen Zone that is next to the city boundary and very heavily quarantined off from the rest of the city. None can now leave the rest of the city, not even those who had been able to leave before."


The situation was getting more complicated, tense and dangerous not just for that city but that world.

Edited by Maharg67
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