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04-01 (0091)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Shazz gained the ability to teleport items between his three different aspects. The size was small at first, of items sent, and he only teleported non living things. Yet he could do so at least once an hour and so the ability became very useful. Shazz01 and Shazz02 sent items from Domehaven to Greenhaven and from Greenhaven to Domehaven, often being courier packages of electronic data, samples or such like at first. Then Shazz03 sent both samples he gathered from his travels across the toxic claytol territories of Koombrasa and they sent him equipment and supplies.


Shazz03 was closer to the Minehold of Gaedric0987 than Shazz had ever gotten before. Greenhaven was clearly to be seen in the distance as was one of the Conda Armies laying siege to it, preparing to attack it with full force. Those in the minehold had not taken part in the war between the Conda Armies, had sealed themselves off from the outside and hunkered down. Yet Shazz had not forgotten them or the secrets hidden in the minehold. Now he was not so sure of just who was in the minehold and what they had been doing since Shazz had been forced to focus on other matters.


Next to a great, slowly rusting and abandoned wreck of a supercrawler he found a great slope of claytol congested and poisoned soil, tough gnarled thornplants and a secondary entrance to the minehold complex in the form of a decaying smart-concrete road ending in a great armoured metal power-gate. It was closed tightly shut but next to the actual gate was a much smaller power-door used by security guards, inspectors, caretakers and other people. Through this door he went, easily getting through the electromechanical locks. He locked the power-door behind himself, once it had hummed softly closed again and stood there in survival power armour, including helmet and gloves, along with a big backpack of gear and a special multiple purpose device that he held; the device was partly weapons, partly tools and partly other mechanisms.


This place was still a typical Grand Thirteen's type working establish where slavefolk and followers would do all the work. In other words it was of basic, efficient design, was largely bleak and bare, was not a friendly place to live or work in. The Grand Thirteens had never cared much for the so called 'lesser peoples' and in many ways the AncientOnes had treated those who served them better than did the Grand Thirteens did. It was one of those dark ironies that had led to a slow and steady growth in the feelings of rebellion amongst the slavefolk which the deliberate spread of claytol had made worse. The big chamber was shadowy with only some small electric wall-lamps being activated, most of the lighting being switched off. The dulled stink of toxic claytol lingered in the background. Some steel tablets fused to a wall gave instructions to visitors, showed safety codes and directions complete with arrows. The long dead bodies of security guard normies lay abandoned in a corner where they had long been shoved.


Shazz03 did not need light to 'see' clearly all of the big chamber and quickly noted the starved mutie huddled fearfully in a corner, exhausted and very sick. The mutie opened her eyes and looked at Shazz03 as if knowing that he would kill her. Instead he took his canteen and gave her some purified water and then some basic food she could eat with out getting sick. She crouched there in amazement and relief as he worked to heal her with some regenerative medicines and various creams.


She spoke. "Things aren't normal here, that is less normal than they were even. There was that damned brutal metaclone metahuman, Garazk, the Warlord Kavava090, the Old Devil Man and their nasty cronies and followers. They dominated this place and they sought the dark secrets hidden down there in the depths where they had been stored by the stupid high and mighty Grand Thirteens. Most of us muties staid away from there, from the terrible badness we 'sense' there and those fools did the same for a long time. Then the Old Devil Woman came and she said she wanted to go down there and steal ancient terrible secrets from that place to make a powerful new alliance. I was there but I dared say nothing because they would have killed me but I made sure I was not part of the big expedition to go down there. Only I failed to escape from the minehold as many muties did, fleeing before they could be endangered by the stupidity of the plan. I hid up here, as many muties did, as some metaclones did. There were the captured normies as well but they were in prison chambers doing slave work. Others staid up here working and guarding for the superhuman fools and the stupid warlord. Then the expedition went deep into the depths, over a thousand well armed muties, metahumans, superclones and the superhumans. They vanished. No messages came back of what happened, none returned, not even refugees from any kind of disaster. Time passed, people got nervous, barriers were raised, security was increased, plans were made to escape. Then, blank, all my memories are gone. The next thing I knew was waking up to see you entering the big chamber and my thinking it would be a blessing for you to kill me."


"You have closed down your memories for the sake of psychological health, which is understandable." Shazz03 frowned. "I have caught glimpses of them and consider you sensible for doing so. What happened to you was horrific. Now though I need to instigate a testing-transformation."


So the mutie was test-transformed and became a blue phase elemental being. Healthier, fitter, enhanced but tired, the transformed mutie crouched and spoke with a tone of wonder. "What a selfish fool I was, a coward who only cared for herself. We could not escape from the minehold because of the Conda Wars taking place outside. Mutie refugees begin to arrive at the minehold and we let them in to boost numbers against any internal threat and because they brought valuable resources with them including fighting power. Then they came, fleeing refugees left over from the big force that had gone deep into the minehold. Of over a thousand came barely two hundred survivors. They were led by a badly wounded Warlord Kavava090. He was not so arrogantly over confident any more but was terrified and very weak. They had to carry him on a litter. Still he was still cunning and experienced a commander. He gave out orders, took reports and improved defenses. He had big old UV-lamps taken out of storage and put into place, had high voltage electric floor plates put into place along with high voltage gridwork walls. He had some areas flooded with salt water. He knew what he was doing even if some of us, who had not gone on the expedition, thought him mad, me being one of them. Those who came back with him were very supportive of what he was doing as they went on about zombies and hulking superzombies. The hulking superzombies were superclones but nobody seemed to know what had happened to the superhumans or to Garazk the metahuman leader. They also went on about other horrors called vampires and doppelgangers that could appear like people though closer up one could more easily see their falsehood and there were ways of making them show their falsehood. Other horrors were unnamed."


She shook her head. "They came in a great flood, like a tidal wave of undeath. Zombies, superzombies, tentacle things, winged vampires that flew where they could if rather clumsily, swarms of zombie critters and some things I never met but others fought. I fought at first but then terror overcame me and I fled to hiding. A few others did the same but most staid and fought. That is they fought and they died, became the undead unless they were too damaged to do so or made sure they could not be made undead. The warlord detonated a bomb blowing himself up, and lots of zombies, so they could not turn him into a zombie. I picked up whispers from others fleeing as the attackers, a great horde of them, overtook the defenders. Here is a very strange fact; most of the undead attackers were not missing members of the big expedition. They were things we had never seen before, zombie humans with strange rags of clothing, zombie animal-humanoids and much else of the... unknown."


Shazz helped the transformed mutie teleport to Domehaven. She had expressed true remorse and terror. She would do well in the Domehaven community. Shazz03 kept looking around, seeking more survivors, but he found none. He found signs of a big battle, a few remains of the dead, dried blood stains, burn marks, smashed defensive structures, broken machinery and much that looked quite normal. He found no bodies, no lifeforms except some scuttling insects, glistening moss and such like. The place was empty as if simply abandoned, or most of it was, but ever present were psychic impressions of fading terror, horror and extreme violence.


Shazz03 wisely decided he would not go deeper into the minehold until he gained more resources, some powerful allies, so he communicated with others through Shazz. Greenhaven was in no position to send him any real resources but Domehaven was. RedFoxie, and her supersoldiers, would be sent along with what other forces and resources could be both spared and teleported. A teleportboat was being fixed up and would use the link between Shazz02 and Shazz03 to travel safely to where Shazz03 was. Once the teleporting began, the teleportboat could make a few trips to bring people and goods.


Then Shazz01 teleported to Shazz03 one of the remaining eight dull silvery cubes, that the LittleFatMan had made appear, from Greenhaven. The first one had started the Grand Triple Labyrinth to expand across Koombrasa, which it was still steadily doing, evolving as it did. Shazz now 'sensed' it was time to use the second and where to use it but had no idea just what it would do.


Shazz03 took it into a huge, mostly bare chamber, 'sensing' that the cube thing was best activated there. The big chamber had vent tunnels, pipes and water channel tunnels that went through out the minehold. It was a chamber that was on the very edge of the area that the warlord had tried to defend from the massive undead force that had attacked. Shazz03 noted some softly glowing mutated roaches scuttling across some soft glowing glowmoss and then touched the cube that sat on the floor.


There was a flash of intense bright light and suddenly Shazz03 was in a big, dull silvery metallic chamber filled with various sizes of semitransparent status-capsules. In those status-capsules were all the lifeforms taken from, rescued from, Gaedric0987 that was also known as Gaedricska. Shazz03 knew this just as, somehow, he knew he was 'inside' the silvery metallic cube. He closed his eyes, driven by an odd impulse to do so, and his mindeye gained impressions of what was happening. Shiny silvery metallic substance, and glowing silvery mist, was expanding through and engulfing the minehold. It expanded steadily and as it did so the feeling grew in Shazz that it was on its way to attack a very unnatural and dangerous force, entities, that should not have existed in that place at all.

Edited by Maharg67
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04-02 (0092)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Gaining access to elevator chambers in Greenhaven meant that now these could be used to travel between there and Domehaven. The teleport chambers used a good deal of energy and needed inactive recharging of their network-systems at times but people and things were moving fairly constantly between the two destinations and also others including Hopehaven. Hopetown had appeared at Hopehaven, a new settlement, mostly underground, flourishing and growing fairly rapidly.


The Conda Armies were prepared to attack and then they began to procrastinate as if they feared to attack. Shazz, the TimeLords, the AncientOnes, freefolk including transformed superhumans, all kept busy preparing the special trick that Shazz had come up with. Shazz began to 'sense' the subtle, toxic presence of a TwistedOne pressuring the Conda Armies to attack at once, its growing frustration and rage at the Conda Elementals because they would not do so.


Shazz01 took the third dull silvery cube and placed it at the exact centre, 3D wise, of Greenhaven. That is in an emptied small storage room. For about three hours it hovered, glowing in the air, as if deciding what to do and how to do it. Then tendrils of silvery metallic nature shot out of it and began to thread through Greenhaven; they harmed nothing, hurt nobody, but began to create a greater substructure structure for the whole. Slowly the whole of Greenhaventown was engulfed in a silvery metallic globe that became a transparent dome above.


Then the bombardments began with missiles, rockets, long range energy weapons and cannons firing on Greenhaven. Greenhaven responded at once with huge barrages in all directions. Raids began of small, fast, agile aircraft against Greenhaven. EMPguns brought many down and the aircrews were captured, placed into special holding cells that they could not escape but in which they were safe, at peace and in which they began to go through testing-transformations. Elementals that did this became free of what they called the Conda Curse but they would not fight their own peoples and that was accepted. They were sent to Domehaven to join the community there.


Shazz found himself in charge of the military actions at Greenhaven and was reluctant to launch any full on offensives. Firstly, it would weaken the defensive power of Greenhaven and, secondly, he did not want to attack what were essentially mind enslaved elemental entities. To his surprise he found that these elementals had been fighting a long term war against their slavery, had been following a subtle agenda towards freedom from the TwistedLord and his TwistedOnes. Had they really feared Shazz or was that a false fear placed in them by the TwistedLord? Perhaps they even saw Shazz as a possible savior. The fighting was intense but the death, destruction and disorder was surprisingly minimal.


Then it happened and even Shazz was taken by surprise. The silvery bubble emerged instantly and engulfed both Greenhaven, a great sphere shaped area and all four Conda Armies. Inside the sphere everything, everybody, entered a state of suspended animation except for a select minority of individuals in some areas. Shazz knew the great status sphere was not a permanent solution for it would last only perhaps a week at most because it was draining on energies and was difficult to keep stable. The TwistedLord, the TwistedOnes, were hurled out of the sphere and lost any influence upon the Conda Armies.


DoctorTime Pertwee was grave faced as he spoke to Shazz01. "Now I know why the ChronoTARDIS was used to instigate TARDIS like changes here in Greenhaven. There is a TARDIS like zone where we can take the Conda Armies and where the TwistedLord will never be able to touch them. There the Conda Elementals and break the Conda Curse and those they dominate can become free. We can send the cybermanic forces home, free the muties and the normies, send the DoomLords home and try to do the impossible in so many other ways in the next week. No pressure!"


Shazz01 gave a mild grin as they stood in the big War Room. Suzane was busy in her own TARDIS preparing to help in the big, crazy operation to come. The WayOnes, former AncientOnes, were busy tuning AncientOne super-technologies and were busy also deactivating and dismantling some that were just too dangerous to have around any more. Tanya, the android, was preparing to return to Bigtropolis-BigState on a mission. The Anderson Family, of life elemental humans, had become firmly part of Greenhaven life but were sending messages to people they knew back in Bigtropolis. The missing CityGuardsman was still very much missing somewhere out there, on-in Koombrasa.


Field Marshal Rear Admiral was disappointed that there would be no big battle with the Conda Armies but was also pleased that the enslaved Conda Elementals would have a chance to escape slavery; he also 'reassured' everybody that he 'sensed' that the real battles were to come, which did not reassure a lot of people. The War ToyChest, as it had come to be known, remained unactivated, along with some other interesting artifacts that the TallThinMan had gathered up to use.


In Domehaven there was Shazz02, Derra, and others still trying hard to work out how to assist Greenhaven. They kept sending artifacts, ideas and other resources, kept taking in people who would be safer in Domehaven but who would return to Greenhaven if and when they could.


RedFoxie, and her supersoldiers, joined Shazz03 in Minehold Gaedric0987 where the silver metallic substance was still engulfing the minehold but had slowed down as if meeting a very powerful form of resistance. Then transformed zombies, zomans, began to wander to where Shazz03 was situated and he activated a series of devices that provided the same basic list of items that had been provided back in Hopehaven long before Shazz knew he was far more than a metacloned metahuman. There turned out to be big domechambers with soil, water and fresh air along with light dark cycles. The zomans were soon settling down there, being mostly former muties, former zombified muties. Dometents began to sprout up and also other structures amongst the grasses, bushes and trees of the big fertile domechambers. Then came the first transformed tentacle-creatures, floating peacefully through the air now as zoman fleshy globes with many manipulative and sensory tentacles, and also other zoman creatures came like animal-humanoids, tall elegantly angular breings and stocky three legged, three armed tripoids. The refugee settlements grew and evolved to become true communities in an amazingly short time but also an army began to form as the former zombies prepared to defend what they had gained, if they had to do so.

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03-14 (0093)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


While AliceS, the other Sliders, and the Robocop were attempting to link up with the other Alices, that AliceS 'sensed', and trying to warn locals about the new threat, the expedition in the RaccoonVault continued to be attacked by zombies. Then they were being attacked by things like skeletal thin beings that were faster, more agile than zombies and had some kind of alien intelligence that was smarter than zombies.


Marshal Admiral cursed softly in some ancient language unknown to the others. Then she explained. "They are skelters and are behind many of the myths of animated skeletons for that is what many have mistaken them for or wrongly explained them as. This is a bad sign for it means that the U-virus is entering another phase of transformations here on this world, causing zombies to become skelters. Where there are skelters, there can also arise worse. A TwistedOne had arrived in RaccoonCity, I can 'sense his noisome presence'. I will try to destroy him for he should not be here, now, and I am given permission to do so. Yet I do not need to hunt him for he is coming here, is drawn to RaccoonVault now that something fallen is awakening to the presence of outsiders."


Skelters from zombies? What else could emerge, transform, from them?


The zombies, and fewer skelters, ceased attacking and they moved onwards. AliceT was 'sensing' the presence of no less than three other Alices and was confused. Yet she was determined to remain focused on the dangerous task at hand. She moved ahead with Marshal Admiral as they went through areas were showing the slowly rotting remains of bizarre, disturbing cocoons. It was here that the zombies had transformed into skelters but such always needed an exotic form of catalyst in the form of another kind of undead entity. These things were related to the real nature of the U-virus and arose from the infection-infestation as the infestation in its full form.


RaccoonVault scientists had been experimenting with the U-virus using enhanced older technologies and strange human-alien hybrid sciences. They went through laboratories, laboratory-workshops, workrooms, meeting rooms, resting rooms and much the like. Then they hit the first 'jackpot', as Marshal Admiral put it. The humans were thirty of them, a mixture of soldiers, scientists, techies, caretakers, office workers, managers and others. They were resting almost peacefully in suspended animation capsules full of odd gases and were quite naked. They were alive but not fully healthy and so it was that, to save them, the TallThinWoman test-transformed them as they were brought out. Some failed the testing and burned away but twenty-seven of them came through, a minority of them being elemental humans in their changes. All were enhanced of mind, body and spirit; they were all youthful and full of mixed emotions, understandably so.


As jumpsuits were found in a storage room, along with other gear, and the transformed humans got dressed and geared up, an officer came to Marshal Admiral. He looked as if he was trying to look very assertive but was not sure how he should do so now that everything had changed. He spoke. "Just looking at you people, at your technologies, at the way the place here has changed, shows that it isn't World War Two anymore. That is not even mentioning the odd nature of our changes and your various natures though such things seem to mean much less to me now. What year is it? Give it to me straight, please."


"The year is 2024AD!" AliceT responded with a smile. "Eighty years have passed since you were put into these capsules, having been infected by the U-virus. Who, what, ever put you in those capsules knew what they were doing in that they stopped the U-virus in its activity but the capsules caused long term brain damage that the testing-transformations cured. They also burned away the U-virus. What were you people doing here?"


The man scowled. "Playing god! Being arrogantly stupid! I was one of them until the off-worlders came with their advanced, twisted technologies. They brought something with them, something concealed inside a great big metal globe but one could feel it trying to drain away one's very life essence away, trying to drain away one's very will to live. Many of us began to have grave doubts then, at least us humans of this world. It became clear to many scientists that we had been lied to, that the project goals were not the creation of a new type of super medicine. The problem was that with the newcomers came many heavily armed thugs that they called security guards. Our American soldiers were outnumbered and outgunned. Then the first U-virus outbreak took place after a series of stupid accidents that we began to suspect were not accidents at all. Something was influencing our minds in a cunning, subversive manner. Then we were drugged and that was the last we knew until we woke up. I take it that the other three 'failed' the testing-transformations."


The decision was made to keep on looking around that area, to see if their were others in capsules that need saving, and then to get the survivors to safety. They were in no condition to survive going deeper into RaccoonVault, even those with elemental powers. The ex-sleepers were able to provide some information of what had taken place but they had not known much of it, being kept too often in the dark by those who gave the orders, and some memories were blanked or blurred, almost as if deliberately. The ex-sleepers helped in other ways also because they knew much more about the layout of the complex, where resources were more likely to be found, despite changes that had been made to the complex. It seemed that most areas, many things, had not changed from what the ex-sleepers had known. A pleasant surprise was that Many of the Americans, along with foreign national humans of that world, had been planning an armed rebellion or an escape from the RaccoonVault; neither had happened but well hidden stockpiles of equipment and supplies had been built up; all of them were still in place. They had enough to equip more fighters than they had to use the stuff.


Marshal Admiral took out thirteen small figurines and placed them, spaced out in a careful pattern, on the concrete floor of a fairly large, quite bare chamber. There was a sparkling shimmer and the small figures became body-armoured soldiers, what she called a kind of quasiliving android known as a replicant. Tanya, off in Greenhaven of Koombrasa, was such a replicant. One was the officer, three were NCOs and the others were privates. All of them had skills, experience, other than fighting being also medics and basic techies. They took up arms and other gear efficiently and quickly. Then they were assisting the group in many ways.


Marshal Admiral made a difficult choice and opened up a special gateway to Mahargia, the Sanctuary of special nature. Twenty-two of the ex-sleepers went through the gateway happily enough, taking with them as much gear as they could that the expedition had no need for; this included personal stuff, historical artifacts, odd bits of technology, data of different kinds, artworks and much else. In Mahargia all would be prized and often researched as of historical interest. Those people know no felt that they were home in a frightening new world of a changed culture, advanced technologies and the horrors of a terrible war raging across the world. They had also had enough of horrors. What surprised was that five remained behind not only to assist but to investigate the new world. They had the option of going to Mahargia later through the Maharg Tower in RaccoonCity, if they survived and could reach it.

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03-15 (0094)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


"The superhuman alliance of factions, that is the Senior Partners of the Umbrella Corporation that has also gone by many other names, is chaotic at its core and the force that secretly manipulates it is also chaotic at core but we have doubts that the TwistedLord is that one. There seems to be some other dark force attempting to deal with the TwistedLord, with the undead, while gaining as much profit from doing so as it does so. Hence Umbrella Corporation's many experiments on many AlternateEarths, under various names and in various ways. Not all of it is science based for some of the AlternateEarths are worlds of magic such as the world of Nirn, of two moons, where the Umbrella Corporation operates inside the Cyrodilin Empire as the Order of Enlightened Alchemy. This is a rather grand, nice, name for an organization that is based largely around the dark arts and researches such as demonic studies and necromancy."


Marshal Admiral finished her little lecture even as the group spread out through the huge chamber that they had just entered. It was dotted with strange metallic stone tables. They had entered a metallic stone chamber of the AncientOnes that was part of a complex created in that world a very long time ago but had never been known by the vast majority of its people. There were some super-devices there of general AncientOne type but also a few that were very rare or even unique of nature. The chamber, and its hundred slabs, were all one artifact. The metallic stone slabs, each topped with a softly glowing plate of crystal fused into the metallic stone of the slabs, were able to transform things, even living or quasiliving things but could do other tricks as well.


Marshal Admiral was far from impressed with that great super-artifact but was visibly angered by its existence. She went on speaking. "Humans found this place and were unable to do anything much with it but the complex did provide electricity, water, air, a basic supply of items and hope for future discoveries. So they built a base based on this. Then along came others, from at least one other AlternateEarth, and the RaccoonVault was created. Superhumans must have been amongst the group for they managed to activate many of the more exotic ancient devices that the local humans had not had any luck with."


AliceT was obviously feeling disturbed by what she 'sensed' in that place. "Many unnatural, even antinatural, acts took place here and there was much suffering. Something big, dreadful and destructive happened in this place leading to RaccoonVault being abandoned and sealed up. The zombies, even the skelters, are only part of the story. The great big armoured capsule that was brought here, from another AlternateEarth, imprisoned something of undead nature of great power. Or so I surmise from what psychic traces I can pick up. This place is a cesspit of bad vibes."


The group stopped spreading out and came back together again as they all began to pick up the 'bad vibes', even the androids in their own way.


AliceT lightly touched a particular slab. "In the 1960s, in this place, they brought some exotic samples of minerals discovered on the Moon of this world. A US remote unit, they dared to call it a robot, was the one who picked up the strange samples from what could have been a kind of crash crater. It was a 'remote-robot' that most people on the home world did not even know existed. The US and the Soviets both had secret remote-robotic missions running on the moon. Despite the Cold War going strong, back then, the superpowers even cooperated with each other to some extent. I suppose that was when they first found the entrances to what they called the Lunar Underworld."


The USSR still survived on that AlternateEarth and some said one reason for this was that the Soviets gained a valuable foothold on the moon, in the Lunar Underworld, as did the United States and, then, other Earth nations. The United Nations had some influence, as did big corporations, but the two superpowers kept much of the real power and still had it on-in the Lunar Colony.


That place, and its purpose, was one of the pivotal points to what had happened in the RaccoonVault, to what had led to its existence in the first place, and to why it had been abandoned and sealed up so carefully. Except it was far from obvious what had happened there or how it had happened or why it had happened or even just when it had happened.


Suddenly, before anybody could stop him, one of the ex-sleepers, a male scientist, lay on one of the slabs and vanished with a sparkling shimmering effect. AliceT cursed softly. Marshal Admiral strode to a control console infused into one wall. The vanished man was not one of elemental powers. The vanished man had been influenced by some dark, cunning force that was in that place. The TallThinWoman worked the controls and moments later, the man, apparently unchanged and unharmed, reappeared on the same slab with another sparkling shimmer. He grinned broadly but Marshal Admiral instigated a testing-transformation on the man and he burned away dramatically having clearly failed the testing.


AliceT frowned. "Was he seduced by the Dark Side?"


Marshal Admiral snorted in mild annoyance. "Which particular Dark Side are you eluding to?"


Which was when Shazz04 appeared, crouched, one one of the slabs, with a sparkling shimmering effect. He hopped lightly to the floor in his survival power armour and looked around with a mild grin as he took in the situation, the environment, the people, on many levels. Then he spoke. "Shazz, or Shazz04, at your service. Emperor of the AncientOnes and TimeLord. I am here, now, for an important reason so what can I do to assist?"


The others looked at him in amazement but Marshal Admiral took it in her stride. She smiled. "There is a great deal you can do to help us. Shazz04, a great deal. Welcome to the RaccoonVault and to RaccoonCity."

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04-03 (0095)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Greenhaven remained frozen, inside a great silvery bubble, along with the four Conda Armies except for some individuals. Another change began as a silvery metallic, mostly transparent bubble began to form over Greenhaven but which did not include the Conda Armies. Yet even as this took place, Conda Elementals began to be test-transformed. Only a minority it was but a big minority and almost every testing resulted in them vanishing to go back to their peoples in home transdimensional zones. Only a minority of this minority appeared inside Greenhaven now being ready to defend it against the Conda Elementals that they once served along side.


Yes, they had secretly served the chaotic madness of the TwistedLord who made even the AncientOnes seem smoothly, straight forwardly calm and sane in comparison. The TwistedOnes that were avatars, expressions, of the TwistedLord were prone to attacking each other, to leading Conda Armies and other forces against each other, because they really did express different aspects of the multiple personality TwistedLord.


The TimeLords, and the others with them, were finding that the CoreTARDIS, at the core of Greenhaven, was melded to the TransGlobe in a way that would have previously been considered impossible. The idea that the Condo Elementals could, would, go to the CoreTARDIS was not happening. That had been the purpose, or at least part of it, but something powerful was blocking it from happening. It was at that moment that Suzane, now fully accepted as a TimeLord and not a TimeLordite, realized that the TwistedLord was partly of TimeLord nature. Shazz01 then spoke of the TwistedLord as being partly of AncientOne nature but there were also other elements inside 'him', if he was really a him.


So what purpose then was the CoreTARDIS going to serve, if not more than one? The answer came as a surprise! The CoreTARDIS was there to serve, support, a great profound change taking place to the whole of the SkyIsland of Koombrasa. The GrandTripleLabyrinth continued to steadily expand and evolve; it has a great deal of distance yet to spread out through as it had not even got half way to the centre of Koombrasa where the supercity of Centrosaza was situated. Yet it had already grown through a great deal of the SkyIsland with its triple aspects of Grand Golden, Silver and Copper Labyrinths.


Field Marshal Rear Admiral 'sensed' that war had not been averted though now the four Conda Armies were being weakened. He kept on making preparations for a great battle, gathering and sorting resources, going over plans, checking defenses and offensive unit placements. It was he who worked out the awful truth that the enemy had tricked Greenhaven and the freefolk, the TimeLords, Shazz and the others. It was the TallThinMan who came striding into an emergency meeting looking all grim and fairly angry. He came in super power armour of a grand commander, of course. Then he was facing the TimeLords of the Doctor and Suzane, Shazz01, Tanya the android and others there including freefolk high ranking officers, advisers, console operators, guards and others.


He spoke out. "The TwistedLord sent the Demonaconda, the Angelicaconda, the Chaoticaconda and the Orderciconda Armies to Greenhaven to make it seem that the priority of destroying or capturing Shazz was his utmost one. In truth what he did was to divert our attentions from what has been happening at the ancient, deeply buried, supercity of Deathcity."


Shazz01 smiled. "I guessed it might be so, Field Marshal Rear Admiral, but we had no choice but to protect Greenhaven, and its growing influence on Koombrasa. Greenhaven is an important key to the healing of Koombrasa. I also have a subtle impression, that I can not explain, that the TwistedLord really does fear me for reasons unknown to me. I am also gaining a subtle impression that I already know the secret identity of the TwistedOne, that is that I have met that one before but an amazingly long time ago. If the TwistedLord planned to do what you say he did, Field Marshal Rear Admiral, then perhaps his plans have backfired on him. Four Conda Armies are now useless to him and are steadily being weakened as a thin flow of the Conda Elementals are test-transformed and stolen away, some even changing sides to oppose him."


"Four dimensional chess! The moving of pieces forward and back through time as one plays." TimeLord Pertwee spoke. "An ancient game played traditionally by TimeLords, I think that this is what we have been playing against the TwistedLord even if we have not known it."


"Then you can alternates as a 'fifth dimension' within the tight definition of 'dimensions' that we are using." Suzane spoke then. "We had come up with the idea of some entity being linked with the same chain of timespace alternate events, whose very survival may be tied to those events taking place in the right order of timespace and alternates. Yet there may be more to it than that. We need to know just how the AncientOnes came to exist as entities in the Positive Multiverse who have also intrinsic aspects of the Negative Multiverse as part of their nature. The AncientOnes are very much at the core of what has happened, is happening and will happen."


Shazz01 gave a start. "The AncientOnes had always feared a dark entity, a presence, far more than they have feared any other and that includes the TimeLords who came close to defeating them in the AncientOne TimeLord War. I now suspect that this has always been the TwistedLord."


=No, Shazz, the AncientOnes did not fear the TwistedLord. They created the TwistedLord to nullify the threat of the one that they feared most of all, or even to destroy that threat. They took a great gamble and lost for the TwistedLord betrayed them the moment it was created and drew nearly all of the AncientOnes into a great trap being an exotic dimensional realm blended into the 'edges' of both the Positive and Negative Multiverses. They are still there.


Shazz01, Shazz, wondered what the AncientOnes had feared so much that they would create the TwistedOne.


=They feared you, Shazz, an Emperor who was prophesied to rise one day and to transform the AncientOnes into a new more enlightened form that those AncientOnes feared and hated; they had no desire to change; the irony is that in trying to stop the prophesy they have have helped to instigate it.


Shazz did not feel either very scary or very powerful. Suddenly he wished very much, with great force of will and instinct, that there would be some kind of solution to the problem of Greenhaven's safe future and that the solution would at least start to happen at that very moment. His whole body shimmered and a strange shimmering shivering went through the whole of Greenhaven.



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04-04 (0096)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Shazz01 slept for many hours from the strange happening that had happened with him. So he was only to learn after he awoke of the odd things that took place when he 'wished very strongly for something to happen'. All eight remaining silvery cubes, that the LittleFatMan had left at Greenhaven, vanished from where they had been carefully stored. In their place appeared three golden cubes and one cube of a very exotic color, shade, that was even hard to focus on properly. It was as if that cube was not quite there, did not quite fully exist.


Nothing else, at least nothing discernible by those at Greenhaven, happened. It seemed to be a big anticlimax at first. Shazz reached out and 'sensed' that something was happening across Koombrasa but not what was happening, this being quite frustrating. The TimeLords did pick up subtle timespace pattern shifts that told them not much at all. Field Marshal Rear Admiral did his best to learn anything but also gained no real knowledge, no substantial intelligence on anything.


The four Conda Armies vanished with a sparkling shimmering effect but nobody seemed to know why or where they had gone or what was happening to them.


In Domehaven Shazz and Derra got married with a spiritual ceremony dedicated to GodGoddess, to the Eternal Holy Light and to the future Ascension of all freefolk and others. A big feast was held, there were many games, much dancing, the consumption of much food and drink along with other fun activities. At the same ceremony many other couples got married and groups of muties entered into network-marriages more suited to their faith and general culture. Life went on at all levels.


In the Minehold Gaedric0987the silvery metallic labyrinth kept expanding through the mine complex, very slowly now as if fighting a silent battle against an opposing force. More former zombies, zomans, kept arriving and taking up residence in the new settlements of Gaedrictown and Gaedricville. The old general name of Gaedricska was still much used but so was the new name of Gaedrichaven of the Havens. Joined by zoman freefighters, Shazz03 led them, RedFoxie and her supersoldiers deeper into the minehold. They came upon AncientOne artifacts, including the one that had been used to try to entrap the ChronoTARDIS, which may have been more of an act of deception than anything else. None of the power artifacts were active and all seemed to be undergoing some form of total transformation. The transformation process seemed always to be going fairly slow.


They found the first of the AncientOne Sleepers, thirteen great humanoids that were obviously badly damaged of body but who were peacefully semiconscious lying in great capsules full of softly glowing white mist. They were neatly placed in a formation of a row of nine, a row of three and a row of one. Shazz03, Shazz, knew what was happening somehow and he spoke to the others. "At the very end many AncientOnes woke up to the fact that they had been very very foolish and had unleashed a very dangerous, dark force on the Multiverse by creating the TwistedLord. Yet they were not the one force behind the creation of that one. The AncientOnes had been manipulated but had helped in the process with their own arrogance. These are some of the AncientOnes who not only awoke to the truth but launched a brave, but doomed attack, against the TwistedLord. Yet, even though they were smashed brutally, even though they suffered greatly after that for a very very long time, they damaged the TwistedLord badly; this slowed down the TwistedLord and his terrible plans. The sacrifice made by those AncientOnes may have helped to save the Multiverse."


They set out again and soon found another thirteen AncientOnes and then another thirteen. As they went they found hundreds of the transforming AncientOnes. Shazz wondered if these AncientOnes would accept him as their Emperor. Even if they did it seemed obvious it would take much time for their transformations to be complete, perhaps longer before they could serve him and any new form of 'empire'. Not that Shazz wanted to see the rise of a new empire that was in any way like the long gone AncientOne Empire.


They came to the edge of the silvery metallic labyrinth, inside a huge half chamber that it filled up. There they looked with horror upon the forces that was fighting the silvery labyrinth. It was more than unnatural, it was antinatural! It was in the form of a glimmering fog and strange tendrils of rotting-regenerating unnatural flesh. Things moved inside the fog but could only be glimpsed in their horrific twisted forms. Strange, disturbing noises, smells and psychic impressions came out of the GlimmeringFog but they were 'dampened' in effect by the silvery metallic labyrinth itself. The slow, steady growth of the metallic silvery substance was visible but the pace was slowed down a great degree from the amazing speed it had first engulfed much of the minehold with.


Shazz03 shook his head, frowning heavily. "That fog should not exist, it simply should not exist; its very existence goes against the natural laws of the Multiverse. Here, and now, it is being slowly defeated but this is not the whole story, far from it."


=What is happening here, on-in Koombrasa, now, is of vital importance in dealing with the GlimmeringFog, the TwistedLord and the other threat, the threat that lies behind them.


Another threat? Shazz did not like that idea at all but then focused on helping to deal with what threats were at hand. Shazz03 started making plans on how he, with assistance from others, could assist in the battle against the GlimmeringFog in the minehold.

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Notes A to Z: P


Phantom, Ghost Who Walks (Graham Maharg)

Also known as Mr Walker or the Mysterious Stranger


Phantomica, Phantomics

Extremely exotic elemental people; elemental 'cousins' to the demonica, angelici and other such.


Plasma Technologies

Advanced technologies based on 'plasma' concepts. Plasma guns, plasma cutting tools and plasma drives are of the more common sorts.



Common robot of the Tron Series. Described sometimes as elegantly clumsy metallic humanoids.


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03-16 (0097)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Shazz04 walked around the big chamber with many slabs, shaking his head now and then with a deep frown on his face. Clearly he was upset by what he was discovering in that chamber. Then he turned and faced the others. "This super-device of the AncientOnes should not have been created, let alone conceived of. It has many levels of use from the basic to the subtle, from the direct to the indirect with other AncientOne artifacts of power. The creation of the TwistedLord partly took place here, partly in Deathcity and partly in other places. Not all AncientOnes were directly involved, or involved at all. The then Emperor and Empress were at the core of it, along with High Elders, Magi, Sages, Evokers, their version of scientists and others. Knowledge, memories, are returning to me and yet I can not remember who or what I was, or other details of how I gained such memories in the first place."


He remembered the words of NullDoNull, who was speaking as a statue that turned out to be more than just a statue.


"Once more only will I speak and thus I do so; fraudulence and lack of AncientOne good taste in wisdoms were behind the creation of that grand mockery that is secrets within secrets and is linked with Deathcity, with the ending of the AncientOnes, with the fruition of other dark horrors, distasteful secrets and woeful mistakes. True name of what is foolishly called now Domehaven, though in truth most amusing a concept that a haven can be made out of a horror with some touches of hopeful transformation, is the DomeTrixThirteens. Perhaps Domehaven can be made as such as long it is only the original thirteen domechambers. Even NullDoNull would hope to like that concept with muties so wandering around with helpless misunderstandings quite amusing and bemusing. Perhaps NullDoNull will speak again to you, Shazz who is both more and less than Shazz while being equal to Shazz. Except, that is to say, look to Wolfdoom and DarkWolf!"


Then he noted one of the symbols marked into one big metallic stone wall, just one small symbol amongst all of the others. "That is the Wolfdoom symbol as used by the German Nazis who left their own AlternateEarth, left Wolfenstein Castle of that world, and went to a hidden underground complex in Koombrasa that became known as the WolfdoomCastle. The Wolfdoom symbol is also a very ancient symbol going back even far before the rise of the AncientOnes, as far back as the FirstOnes."


Yes, the FirstOnes who had originated from a human populated AlternateEarth that should not have existed back when it did, which had somehow had been sent way back in time but nobody seemed to know how, why or who had done it. Perhaps it was an event created by the Multiversal multiple nature of contradiction and consistency but generally most considered it had been a deliberate act by some kind of powerful intelligence. A great paradox had been created and perhaps a dangerous one.


He related NullDoNull's words to the others. Then he spoke on. "Wolfdoom is a tricky translation from a far past meaning. The Wolfdoom relates to the Doomwolf, an ancient cosmic wolf that brought death, destruction and disorder but only to restore balance against dangerous influences. The concept is... tricky! Wolfdoom is more than the Doomwolf itself but is linked to the Legends of the Doomwolf involving other entities, many realms, many stories. Darkwolf is linked to the same legends somehow, is an entity seeking imbalances in the Multiverse but for reasons that are not so straight forward. We do not know much about the FirstOnes and what 'facts' we do have beg more questions than they give answers."


Field Marshal Rear Admiral frowned. "Give me a straight forward battle to fight, a military campaign to run, then I am fine but this stuff is beyond me."


AliceT gave a mild grin. "It is beyond most of us. It will be people like Shazz and the TimeLords who deal with this problem."


"No, it will be all of us who deal with this problem." Shazz04 responded. "This problem is many problems in one, many mysteries in one." He reached out and pointed at the wall covered with line-drawing symbols and everything changed. Holographic projections came out from the symbols, shaped by them to some extent but not totally. These holographic projections took many forms. Shazz studied them intently, as if finding meaning in them, but the others could not, or would, do so. After a moment Shazz04 spoke again. "This Transtransformator, this super-artifact of power, was used to change the nature of AncientOnes so that they could then be further transformed by the TwistedLord to become 'absolutely powerful'. These are AncientOne records, amongst other things, and are overly complicated, emphasize the egocentric nature of the AncientOnes and their basic removal from reality."


Again Shazz paused, in concentration, before speaking again. "The TwistedLord used this place to create the TwistedOnes, more than once over the centuries. The least I can do is to make sure that the TwistedLord has no direct, or indirect access through the TwistedOnes, to using this device again. Hopefully this will make things more difficult for the TwistedLord. I will close this place down."


"Not so quickly, my wondrous ever dancing Emperor of the AncientOnes." NullDoNull looked exactly as the 'statue' had once appeared in the TransGlobe but now the exotic figure was visibly living, if one could put it that way with such an entity. That is he was a grotesque appearing, almost phallic looking figure with bizarre tentacle limbs that kept flittering the air in a disturbing manner. He spoke in TruthNoTruth, the language of the AncientOnes. "Control it, yes, but lock it, no! Too many clues and uses lie in this monstrous creation. You will know when, and how, to finally deal with it when the timespace focus is correct." NullDoNull clapped his hands and a dark metallic globe, three metres wide-high, appeared out of mid-air with a sparkling shimmer. It was away from the platform slabs and closer to the symbol wall with the holographic projections.


Then NullDoNull was gone, almost as if he had never been there.


Others began to speak but Shazz04 signaled them to be quiet and they were so. Shazz studied the globe carefully and then he laughed sourly, a tone of bitterness to the sound. He took out a tiny sparkling, shimmering globe and suddenly hurled it at the bigger globe that NullDoNull had left behind. There was a great disturbing clash of many sounds that had all of them step back in surprise except for Shazz and Field Marshal Rear Admiral. Then the globe was vanished.


Shazz04 explained. "That was supposedly NullDoNull, as linked to the LittleFatMan, the LittleFatWoman and the LittleFatOne but it was not him at all. That was the TwistedLord himself, using all of his powers, his experience, to fool me into thinking he was NullDoNull." Then he explained more about NullDoNull, and his dealings with that one, to the whole group as best he could. Time to close this place down.... or is it? Was the TwistedLord playing a double game? Did he mean for me to discover that he was really the TwistedLord so that I would hurry to close this place down?"


Field Marshal Rear Admiral shook his head. "AncientOnes, devious to the point of madness."

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03-17 (0098)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


AliceK met AliceS, the other Sliders and the Robocop at a hastily fortified office complex. Because of the nature of the Maharg Corporation Complex, it was easily fortified though it was not obviously a fortress. The thick armaglass windows were often covered over with powered armor shutters or could be so in seconds. Remote controlled gun-turrets fired special rounds of a kind that seemed to have a far more devastating effect on zombies, zombers and malcons than they did on humans or living animals. Heavily armed, body-armored elite security guards and roboremote security units helped protect the complex, that was larger underground than above, having its own secondary subway station. That is subway trams instead of subway trains.


Refugees had been coming to the place for hours, being led underground where they could be safely scanned to make sure they were not immune carriers of either kind. Refugees found housing but were put to duties as soon as they could be trusted to do so. Some did work inside the refugee complexes while fewer began serving the Maharg Corporation on a contract basis. The complex had stockpiled resources of many kinds, had two autorobotic manufactories making more items. A large prototype hydroponics centre grew food.


They were in a big lobby chamber now turned into a heavily secured reception area. Through thick armaglass power-doors could be seen a main city street that was quiet when compared to what it had once been like. The traffic signals still worked. A cafe was open on the other side of the street and doing fairly good business. RaccoonCity was designed to be largely independent, self supporting, if it needed to be thanks to Umbrella Corporation planning.


AliceK smiled coolly at AliceS. "Welcome to hell."


AliceS smiled coolly back. "Hell is where I came from. Your world is in the early stages of what has overtaken much of my world but our technologies are more primitive than yours in many ways. Our RaccoonCity is much smaller than this version, and less modern."


AliceK sighed. "This is not my home AlternateEarth. The RaccoonCity I came from was destroyed by a nuclear weapon. I am AliceK. AliceT is from this world. Since you are a Slider, I propose we call you AliceS."


"Good enough!" AliceS nodded and that was a decision firmly made. "A TwistedOne has arrived with two nasty versions of ourselves. One a Nemesis version of Alice that we may as well call AliceN. The other was as if a barely suppressed berserker, as if effected by the K-virus, so we could call her AliceB, as in berserker, since there is already an AliceK."


Rembrandt spoke out, sounding impatient and tired. "The naming game is all very fine but what about those damned zombies? Also when, where, do we go Sliding again?"


Quin was giving his special instrument puzzled looks. "This is most strange. The timing down is not there. It is as if there is no way to Slide from this AlternateEarth to any other. I fear we may be stranded here. Not my choice of locations. We seem to be focused now on RaccoonCity with our Sliding instead of SanFrancisco or LosAngeles."


AliceK frowned softly. "Both those US Cities are now major battlegrounds between the virus-monsters, as people are now calling them, and humanity. In SanFrancisco the virus-monsters seem to be winning but in LosAngeles they are being beaten slowly back; those LosAngeles folk are a tough lot."


AliceS snorted. "You have to be to survive LosAngeles even with out the zombies, zombers and malcons."


AliceK shook her head. "In parts of NewYork I wonder if the people even notice the difference."


AliceS and AliceK both laughed sourly. The others stared in wonder at them.


Maggie was holding an M16A3 assault-rifle loaded with special bullets gained from the locals. "I wonder what is so funny about LosAngeles. I come from there. It isn't that bad a city."


AliceS sighed. "My version of LosAngeles is a monstrous hellhole of concrete walls, blocks and freeways. I suspect that AliceK's LosAngeles is as bad, if not worse. The police, gangers, gangsters and survivalists of LosAngeles slaughtered many zombies, zombers and malcons before they were defeated, were killed or driven out of the city. Their actions allowed many people to escape to the Green Zones of our world where the zombies, zombers and malcons are not a threat except on the borders, in the buffer zones. Would not surprise me, at all, if there are still many survivors in that city, isolated but still fighting hard for survival."


The strange shimmering shivering sensation went through everything, everybody, and then was gone. Nothing obvious had changed but both AliceK and AliceT looked around as if 'sensing' that this was not the case at all. Yet they came across as if frustrated by not being able to find evidence of any form of change having taken place.


It was fairly sunny outside, was around noon, and the v-monsters were gone underground, many of the zombies would likely be in their strange hibernation state waiting for darkness to fall. Somehow the zombies, zombers and malcons could 'sense' such things even when deeply underground. Humans were moving out in the open, using vehicles often in well protected convoys. Human bandits were turning out to be problematic in some areas of the city. City transit buses were carrying refugees to the Green Zone, the Maharg Corporation Complex being in the Yellow Zone, close to the Amber Zone.


The USA was no longer focusing resources on RaccoonCity, had been pulling out military units to send them off to defend Washington DC, Cape Canaveral and other designated zones of high priority security. The big NORAD bunker complex, a small heavily fortified city in its own right, in Cheyenne Mountain of the State of Colorado, had become the new emergency command centre for much of what was happening in the USA. RaccoonTown was abandoned except for some military forces and special units. The Raccoon Highway, that ran from RaccoonTown to RaccoonCity, was used mainly by those leaving RaccoonCity and going southwards. The US Federal Government was leaving the city, and its peoples, to their fate.


Then a dull, dark silvery canister came down gently to hit the street, a parachute falling around it. A car came braking to a halt. A RCPD uniformed constable moved towards the canister to investigate it. The rounded off metallic cube, being one metre high and wide, opened to reveal emergency equipment and supplies of rations, medical items, survival blankets, electric lamps and much else of the kind but it also had a kind of clever designed, well made type of device that soon were being called zombieprods. The zombieprods could zap with high voltage, could be used as clubs and could project power torch beams that would cause zombies to be stunned for short periods of time. The high voltage would help defend against zombies, zombers and malcons.


The group moved outside and looked up in puzzlement, and amazement, to see hundreds of the cubecanisters floating down from the sky high overhead. Yet there were no signs of aircraft or anything else where they could have come from. While most of the cubecanisters were one metre high and wide, fewer were two metres high-wide and even fewer were four metres high-wide in volume. Somebody, something, unknown had come to the aid of the city and the only clue was an odd symbol on every side of every cubecanister that was of a YingYang symbol.

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