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MultipleEarth Saga


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00-13 (0099)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatMan walked along a street crowded with refugees, humans and animals. and noted some of the cubecanisters were in evidence. He had had nothing to do with the arrival of millions of the parachute cubecanisters arriving all over that world, appearing out of mid-air high in the atmosphere to float down towards the surface. Yet the cubecanisters had been guided towards settlements and to land, as much as possible, in safe clear areas away from humans or doing damage. The cubecanisters had also been guided to land mostly in areas safer, clearer, of the virus-monsters but others had been sprinkled across the rest of the world. It also became clear that the cubecanisters would not willingly open for tool using, thinking virus-monsters such as ragers or zombers.


Children pedaled past on bicycles and tricycles. A scavenger convoy of trucks, four wheel drive vehicles, vans and other machines, returned from the Yellow Zone outside of the Green Zone that was caused because of the unseen influence of the Maharg Tower at its centre. They had made a good, successful collection run with out any real trouble because the virus-monsters did not like even going that close to the Mahargia Structures.


The Observer of Ways, appearing like a pale white skinned, bold headed man in a black business suit, complete with neat black city hat and a briefcase, stepped up to the side of the LittleFatMan and began walking with him. The LittleFatMan smiled at the other with no apparent surprise at his appearance. "Mr Dans, I was wondering when your kind would begin to make your appearance on this world, at least since you last appeared here over a century ago."


Mr Dans smiled pleasantly back. "We have been involved in on going events, timespace tremors, based on other AlternateEarths. A difficult dilemma has been resolved as best it could be, partly thanks to your assistance and for that we are most grateful. Now in turn we offer our assistance, are drawn to difficult dangerous events and ramifications emanating from them. This dilemma, this paradox, must need be resolved efficiently, as quickly as possible."


"Very much agreed!" The LittleFatMan responded. "Accept, of course, you know of my nature. I do not always think as others do or do as others do. I suspect that the LifeProclomation dropped off those parachute cubecanisters. It would be their sort of action-reaction to the events happening on this world."


"Yes, it was the LifeProclomation but under the influence of the angelics." The Observer of Ways shook his head, just a little, then nodded his head just a little. "What they do is good in the short term but perhaps meaningless in the longer term. This city of Perth means much to you but it has been abandoned by the Australian New Zealand Federal Government who are focusing their resources on the South-East Australian region of Australia and a specific part of New Zealand. There are no more ships, or airplanes, arriving from other Australian States or from foreign nations except some smaller, private ones leaving to try to break through the quarantine barriers."


Not only had the region been abandoned, it was cut off by quarantine barriers including nervous military, customs and law enforcement people who were likely to shoot first and make certain later that any approaching folks were not dangerous. That in darkness or faded sunlight but in brighter conditions there were still hard suspicions and people were locked into large refugee camps. Out at sea the people were thrown in the ocean if there was any suspicion, in the hope that any zombers would drown and any others would not drown. It was crazy but so was much else happening around the world. The foolishness was that Australia was in its geographical summer period and zombies, zombers and malcons would find it difficult to travel across the smallest continent because they would find it extremely hard to find shelter from the sunshine. Malcons and zombers did dig down underground, if they had to do so, but zombies tended to be too mindless to do this. Then the relatively few zombies, malcons and zombers were vulnerable to being hunted down by humans led by dogs, or spotted from the air, and then exposed to the sunshine.


The war was often called the Scattered War, or the Scattered World War, simply because of the scattered, chaotic fashion the conflict was being fought around the world.


"The Compression Factor will begin soon." The Observer of the Ways managed to sound grim in a subtle fashion that went with his general calmness. In truth he was not really a 'he' at all and was not human either. "Most of those who seek refuge in Mahargia will then not be able to return to their home worlds for there will be no home worlds to return to."


The 'Compression Factor' was a simplistic name for what it actually meant in MultipleEarth terms. The LittleFatMan frowned softly and then sighed deeply. If it had to happen, then best it happen with many trying to save as many 'innocents' as possible or even some of the 'guilty'. Perhaps the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth would be then revealed.


The LittleFatMan spoke. "I will meet you again when and where is best to meet you. I suggest you try the Deep Hot Mexican Cafe that is just two streets over. It serves just the kind of food that you appreciate."


"My thanks for the recommendation. See you when and where we next meet." Then the bold headed, pale skinned man turned away from the LittleFatMan and walked away in a smoothly efficient hurry.


The LittleFatMan casually touched a worried woman passing by and cleaned out the U-virus from her, for she was an immune carrier though not one that could become a zombie by dying of a non monster-virus cause. He was quite limited in how much he could intervene but he could help keep the areas close to any Maharg Structure clean of the monster-viruses.

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00-14 (0100)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatWoman went to the chamber where the DollHotel was situated and visited, smiling and chatting to the doll-people who appeared in the big, semi-open lobby chamber. She had brought lots of baked cookies for the doll-people, down sized to useful proportions of course, along with roast turkeys, a block of marble for an artist, books, movies, DVDs, blankets, carpets, cans of paint, some androids and also some new doll-people to move in. The newcomers would be allocated their own apartments to live in, common facilities to share with others, other resources but also general obligations and specific duties to undertake. They were all former high ranking employees of the Umbrella Corporation being punished for the evil they had done but being given a chance to make up for it.


Many of those in the DollHotel carried out important projects and the former UmbCorp people would be doing a major audio-visual works and books on the truth about the Umbrella Corporation's purpose, history and other facts.


Then she turned, walked across the special room, passed through some special barriers, and was then facing the DollHouse. The doll-people in the DollHouse were living in strange conditions, were at best mildly eccentric and were at worst criminally insane. They were heavily supervised, often regulated, in the DollHouse. The LittleFatWoman sighed as she noted the big semi-enclosed commonroom of the DollHouse where five overly dressed, angry doll-people were confronting each other with much anger. They would have been violently aggressive but that could not happen in the DollHouse. They turned, almost as one, to glare up at the LittleFatWoman.


A tall angular man, wearing a black leather bath-robe and pale purple pantaloons, shook his fist at her. "You have come to torment us more already than you have already done already."


The LittleFatWoman half smiled at the doll-person man. "KarandashaVurlKori of the FirstBorn, a name full of arrogance and fraud. So long ago did you become criminally insane but sane enough to know what you were doing was of ultimate evil. The FirstBorn of human stock, launched greatly far back into the past in a way that sent you all insane. Yet the impossible empire that arose from that world, incredibly long ago, was not so evil as it could easily have become, no thanks to you or those like you. All of us were sterile, we FirstBorn, but we became endowed with vast and exotic powers. So we created the ForeEmpire. Great but not truly good or truly evil, that is for you and your faction. How many times did you try to take over the empire before you were forced to flee into exile? A thousand times at least! You never did learn!"


KarandashaVurlKori scowled more. He rarely had any other expression on his face. "You did this to us! You projected our world, our people, our flora and fauna, our everything back into the past."


The LittleFatWoman looked sadly at the fool. "So you have forgotten, most likely with deliberate intent, and now lie both to yourself and to others. You, and your kind, launched our world, our people, our flora and fauna, our everything back into the extreme past. I was one of those who opposed the decision, one of the minority who said it was better that we, our world, perish instead of undertaking such insanity. The majority were terrified of final doom and listened to the mysterious one who seduced us all. A terrible paradox was created and only now is it being resolved. I came here not to go over what we already both know, even if you are not willingly to admit to the truth even to yourself, but to inform you that at last we are tracking them, it, down. That is the evil entity, influence, malformation of unnatural existence, that arose from our sterile living gods of a people when you, and others, tried to create offspring. It would have been best if the ForeEmpire had been allowed to quietly perish. We have found the ForeInheritor."


"Our beloved will destroy you, he will manipulate you, he will digest you with much pleasure." KarandashaVurlKori threw up his arms in ecstasy and made a strange crowing noise.


A tall, muscular woman, in garishly elaborate power armor, looked as if she wanted to strike KarandashaVurlKori to the floor but she, of course, could not do so. AshaAliKori frowned softly up at the LittleFatWoman. "You think you have won but you have lost."


The LittleFatWoman smiled sadly at the doll-person woman who had once been a very powerful living-goddess. "In the end we all lost; only some of us lost more than others." Then she turned and walked away from the strange DollHouse with its strange, sad, bitter inhabitants.

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Notes A to Z: Q




Quin Mallory

One of the Sliders who traveled between AlternateEarths, 'slid', with AliceS.


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04-05 (0101)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


The second Greenhaven arose, in a far off place from the first one, then another and another until Greenhavens were arising, and expanding, across Koombrasa. So it was that the original Greenhaven became known as Greenhaven One, in more formal terms, or GreenhavenNaria in more informal terms. Reports also came to GreenhavenNaria that most of the muties, and other life, of the surface of Koombrasa had gone from there, had gone or been taken to the Grand Triple Labyrinth, to Maharg Sanctuary or to the first Greenhaven. Perhaps 25%, at most, remained living as they had done for such a very long time. This included not just the remaining claytol toxic areas but clear, clean areas of no mutations, of no claytol toxins.


A brutal militaristic normie empire, known as the Fortorian Empire, was rising in a southern area of Koombrasa, closer to the southern edge of the SkyIsland. It was waging war against normies who would not accept its rule, against former slavefolk who did not wish to be enslaved again or muties who did not wish to be exterminated. The mysterious Fortorian Emperor, also known as the Founding Leader, kept his identity hidden but it was said that he had strange and terrible powers.


The freefolk were not in a great position to deal with this new threat, arising seemingly out of nowhere, but RedFoxie would lead her supersoldiers in a special mission to there. For one thing there was a newly arising Greenhaven uncomfortably close to the Fortorian Empire that was vulnerable to falling under the domination of the brutal Fortorian Legions, Aerofleets and other military forces.


Tanya, the android, went through an AlternateGate and returned to Bigtropolis.


The Conda Armies did not return, as such, but once more a minority of former Conda Elementals began to appear, transformed, in GreenhavenNaria. These were a minority of a bigger minority being transformed, for most of the bigger minority were returning to the home realms of their elemental peoples. The four Conda Armies were trapped in an exotic vortex realm that was somehow linked to the Grand Triple Labyrinth. Yet a minority were 'escaping' as fanatical Conda Elementals, refusing to change their ways, and forming four new Conda Armies somewhere on or in Koombrasa. The conflict with the four Conda Armies had not ended but had been postponed. The good news was that the cybermanic forces been freed, that the muties had been freed, the normies had been freed as had the supermutants and others. Transformed, the cybermanic forces became the xybermanic freefolk, the supermutants became the dupermutants and other such changes took place to form other freefolk. That is except for the Doomhorda who were forcefully expelled back to their home realm.


The Unified People's Republic of Koombrasa, the UPRK, had not communicated directly with GreenhavenNaria for some time and then communications came through that the republic was being attacked by a brutal alliance of survivalist militaristic warlords. Field Marshal Rear Admiral set out at once with a large taskforce to go to their assistance. In a great air-fleet of liftercraft, solarplanes and other flying-machines, they set out as quickly as they could. The sending of Field Marshal Rear Admiral, and the taskforce, was a gamble but the UPRK had come to the aid of Greenhaven and so it was felt that they must be assisted in return.


Shazz01 walked beneath the new dome of GreenhavenNaria and was most impressed by its great size and protective capacities for that Greenhaven. He felt tired and in need of more rest but he was starting to catch up with his sleep. Greenhaventown was bustling city, over 90% of it being underground, of elegant tower-blocks, geodomes, defense-towers and other structures. Test-transformed freefolk of many kinds now dwelt both in the city and the greater Greenhaven. A great deal had happened since the fateful day of the Super Explosion on Koombrasa, was still happening, and yet he had a strong 'feeling' that the most dramatic events were yet to come, as were the most powerful of revelations.


Shazz02 was still in Domehaven with Derra, newly married with her, and others. Scouts had dared to travel towards Deathcity but had either turned back because of an intense 'sense' of deep unnatural threat or, in the case of five scouts, had vanished. At once it was decided that Shazz02 would lead a small taskforce to try to learn what threat was there, closer to Deathcity, and to try to rescue the missing scouts, if they needed saving. Derra was pregnant and wanted to focus on some special projects she was carrying out with superhuman power artifacts. Shazz03 was happily married to Derra, was looking forward to having children, was not pleased that he had to leave Derra's side. Derra was happy in turn and also looking forward to having children, though not so much to the process of going through the actual pregnancy and the giving birth.


Shazz03 and others, not including the supersoldiers for they were heading southwards, began to attack the GlimmeringFog with xolaserguns, high voltage electricity lances and other such tricks. Yet the GlimmeringFog, though visibly troubled and damaged at the edges by these powerful technological assaults, was clearly not much harmed in general by them. Shazz03 ceased the attacks but set up defensive boundaries in case the GlimmerFog began to expand or started unleashing terrible undead armies or other threats. The silvery metallic maze slowed even more in its expansion rate but it was still steadily pushing the undeath back. Shazz03 had come to realize that the GlimmerFog was unnerving to many who came too close to it. Though he was immune to it, he made sure others never spent too much time on duty close to the GlimmerFog and those 'too sensitive' to the very alien entity did not undertake such duties at all. Shazz03, Shazz, did not like the menacing, malignant, antinatural feel of the GlimmerFog that felt as if it was draining away at any lifeforms' life energies though this effect was greatly dampened by the silvery maze.

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04-06 (0102)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


The closer that the Shazz02 led taskforce got to Deathcity, the AncientOnes' supercity buried deep inside the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, the worse the sensation of unnatural threat became. They moved away from any signs of superhuman influences, found no sign at all of muties having ever lived, or even having moved, through the area. Indeed nothing dwelt there that was alive. They came upon a great underground quarry chamber dotted with ancient mechanisms of the AncientOnes, great legged or wheeled or stationary structures that had quarried materials. Those materials would have been fundamentally transformed by the super technologies of the AncientOnes and would have been used to help create the supercity. There would be many such huge quarry chambers, supported by great columns and other structures.


They halted close to one great monolithic electromechanical humanoid that towered high above them. It was made to lightly resemble one of the thousands of variations of gods, goddesses and other deities as worshiped by the AncientOnes in their own exotic fashion. This one was the God of Fruitful Creative Productivity as Related to Infinity of Paradise. As Shazz02 picked up very faded psychic impressions, he knew that many slavefolk of the AncientOnes had suffered in that place and others like them, including superhumans. Superhumans had special powers but were almost powerless when compared to the AncientOnes.


Shazz02 spoke to the others with him, all of them feeling wary because of the every present background feeling of unnatural threat. "I am remembering, slowly, my vast past story but with difficulty and powerful subconscious resistance. I was born the son of an AncientOnes' Empress and DoctorTime of the TimeLords. I am a supposed impossibility being a TimeLord AncientOne hybrid. I am fertile, which makes the impossibility even more seemingly impossible. I was here once, at least close to here, was in that supercity now called Deathcity. When I was there, with my mother the Empress, it had a very different name and a very different nature. It was then a typical AncientOnes' supercity but became something twisted, something antinatural, something very dreadful. I compute that in that supercity a great project was completed to create the TwistedLord and that the AncientOnes expected to be able to control the TwistedLord, to force it to transform them into beings far greater than AncientOnes. The TwistedLord instead was uncontrollable and turned against them, perhaps understandably, and did what? What happened to all those AncientOnes who vanished even as Deathcity came into existence?"


Shazz02 'sensed' the strange attackers before they even appeared. He drew up a portable pulsecannon, primed it and flicked off the safety. The others took up defensive positions in a good defensive pattern. Transformed muties, normies, metaclones, animal-humans and others wore fitted power armor except those with elemental powers for power armor only got in the way of them using their special abilities. Then he saw the first of the changed Chaoticaconda fighters moving towards them. They came not as supermutants or zentaurs or other such entities that they had previously dominated but now in quasiliving synthetic bodies of glistening biometallic nature. They came in many shapeforms like distorted helicopters, tracked machines, stomping legged robots, hovercraft, six legs beasts and much else. There was barely any uniformity at all amongst them, this reflecting the chaotic nature of the chaotica very well. They came in lightly organized swarms in the air, above the ground and on the ground.


Shazz02 sighed. "They outnumber us at least a thousand to one but the Chaoticaconda have made a grievous mistake. They have underestimated 'me'! All of you fully shield your helmet visors and look away from the enemy."


His people did as they were commanded.


Shazz02, Shazz, reached out a hand towards the great electromechanical humanoid. At once, with a great trembling humming effect, it moved one great arm and pointed a massive device, of crystal huge tipped prongs, at the Conda chaotica who seemed determine to attack Shazz02. Even as the giant humanoid mechanism moved, the enemy began to shoot missiles, rockets and pulses of destructive energy at Shazz02's group. From the massive prongs of the great working mechanism came a great blast of sizzling, glowing energy. There was a huge explosion, a flash of glowing light, and the ground shuddered. Most of the enemy forces simply disintegrated and most of the other units perished anyway. Very few survived the blast, were hurled in all directions being damaged, even dying.


Then it was over!


Shazz02 observed the few survivors of the blast escaping, who could escape. Then he vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Then he was going amongst the shattered, scattered Chaoticaconda and was test-transforming the survivors. Not all survived the testing and most of those that survived departed back to their home realms as free elemental entities. Some staid and joined the ranks of Shazz02's taskforce.


Shazz02 had done what he had done seemingly on a sudden impulse but now he felt shocked, numbed, by what he had managed to do. Not that there would always be such AncientOne super-mechanisms handily placed to use to his advantage. He had massacred the Chaoticaconda but had 'sensed' that they would have destroyed Shazz02, and his comrades, with out any hesitation at all or any remorse or regret afterwards for what they had done. The TwistedLord had truly turned them into monsters of the worst kind.


The Four Conda Armies were, apparently, in that area which meant that they were in danger. The great burst of energy, the death and destruction caused by it, would be certainly detected by the other Conda Elementals. He had to find a way to get him and his people out of there in a great hurry.


Which was when the golden metallic cube of the SuzaneTARDIS appeared and the doors opened, facing Shazz02 and the others. Suzane, the TimeLord, stood in the doorway and she frowned softly. "Well, are you going to stay there all day or are you going to escape before more nasty Conda Elementals, or worse, show up?"


The group moved quickly into the SuzaneTARDIS, the doors closed and the TimeLord machine vanished with the familiar type of odd sound.

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03-18 (0103)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The parachute cubecanisters were landing around the world and not just at smaller sizes of one metre wide-high, two metres high-wide or four metres high-wide. There were fewer bigger ones of eight metres high-wide, sixteen metres high-wide and even thirty-two metres high-wide. The bigger the cubecanisters, the less of them there were and the more likely they were to land outside of heavily cluttered areas. Often the much bigger cubecanisters would land to float in water, either in large lakes, rivers, seas but not out in the oceans where they could get easily lost. Bigger cubecanisters carried vehicles, special trailers and much else better suited to the greater volume. Soon fighting broke out between different human factions over grabbing these new resources and organized crime began to make claims on them. Realizing they could not open the cubecanisters themselves, ragers and zombers used captive humans to open the cubecanisters for them.


Mack Mackers became famous, at this time, as a commentator on strange trends, and reactions to the world wide crisis, by humanity. From the rise of Black African warrior brotherhoods sworn to destroy all virus-monsters, to a movement supporting the rights of the undead, to a form of insanity where humans became convinced they were zombies to some humans willingly living with zomber or rager groups who accepted them as comrades, to a religious cult declaring undeath as truly a holy state of existence to a controversial artist using captured zombies in his art exhibitions. Mack Mackers investigated the Umbrella Organization, the Maharg Corporation, the scattered True Longevity Movement, the falling of cubecanisters from the sky and much else. Mack Mackers had a knack for discovering the truth, for getting at facts, for surviving various attempts to kill him. Indeed it was said that Mack Mackers seemed superhuman in his survival abilities and seemed almost to be in more than one place at once.


AyersRockCity, in Australia, became the first metropolis to declare itself clean of the undead and other virus-monsters. It was also clean of immune carriers but only because of a brutal policy of ejecting all such people into a quarantine camp just outside of the city. The Australian New Zealand Federal Government sent military forces to the city, along with relief aid, but were turned back as the city declared itself independent of a government that had abandoned it to its fate.


The Maharg Foundation formed an alliance with the freefolk of the HavenHive. The supersoldiers already in the HavenHive had been sent by them in the first place, along with many resources.


The United Nations Central Regulation Authority, the UNCRA, rose into existence but found itself fighting hard to gain enough resources to be of any use to the world. The elites, the superpowers, kept abandoning the world as new aeroshuttles, rail-launchers and other technologies were used to send people and items into low orbit. From then on they would be sent to the L5 or Lunar Colonies. The brain drain of experienced, highly trained people and the taking of valuable artworks of national heritage, were only some of the sources of anger held against the 'Spacers' as they were increasingly being called.


The Maharg Corporation refused to give over its copyrighted prototype technologies to the newly formed Exodus Regulatory Commission, the ERC or even to sell them for a high price. To add insult to injury, the ERC was based not on the troubled world but in low orbit in a large spacestation.


The Maharg Foundation provided the UNCRA with a large amount of resources but only after it got to vet the leadership of the UNCRA. It kicked out the corrupt, the incompetent, the power hungry and others who should never be given positions of authority and power, which were often the same people with more than one fault. This angered many people but pleased far more people. Quite a few UN people ended up in prison.


The United States of America was now based in Hawaii though Washington DC remained a Green Zone. The USSR had fortified Moscow, Peking, other major cities and surrounding areas.


When the first aeroshuttle was destroyed by a SAM, a surface to air missile, it was a strong indication of the growing rage of the majority of humanity at how they were being abandoned by the Spacers who were using many valuable resources to support the Exodus. Security was high with such launches, including fancy anti-missile defenses and escort fighters, but the missile was very hitech and luck was on the side of the attackers. Tensions began to rise to breaking point. Many began to speak openly of approaching war.


It was Mack Mackers who widely revealed the existence of the 'Third Great Threat' to the majority of the world. That is the greyfolk as created by the false longevity treatment of the True Longevity Movement, the TLM, but also the cult behind it. These greyfolk were in relatively small numbers but they tended to be much smarter than any of the undead or the K-virus ragers. Some of them even had strange and terrible powers. Most folks quickly decided that Mack Mackers was being overly dramatic, that there was no way that a few greyfolk could prove to be a real threat when compared to the U-virus, T-virus and K-virus monsters. Yet a minority, amongst them VIPs of various kinds, did take note of what MM spoke of and a fair few began also to speak aloud of the need to find the greyfolk and to deal with them.


The Maharg Corporation released to public view its first hulking, armored aeroships of advanced design and high efficiency. Given over to the Maharg Foundation, these began to be used in a wide variety of functions. The great flying machines were combinations of liftergas airships, fanjet helicopters and also spaceship for they could enter low orbit using secondary rocket systems. The Spacers at once demanded that all aeroship technological secrets be passed over to them, along with all operational aeroships. Which was when the Maharg Foundation revealed that some of its new aeroships were fighting vessels bristling with hitech network-systems, drop-fighters and other defenses and weapons.


Suddenly the Spacers no longer dominated orbit as they had done.


The Scattered War continued across the world but the tide was turning against the virus-monsters, especially as faters, zombors, zomans and newcons were being accepted as citizens by many nations, as valuable allies, even if many humans of those nations did not like the idea.


Mack Mackers revealed that an astonishing 30% plus of the world's population had vanished through Maharg Towers, including the so called virus-people who were transformed virus-monsters. Many animals, plants, other lifeforms had either gone their or been taken there. So had many artifacts, artworks and such but these were being held openly in trust by the Maharg Foundation to be returned to their legitimate owners, if they had any such, when it came rational and possible to do so. All those who went into Mahargia were test-transformed and while a minority failed the test, most lived to go through to that other amazing realm. Most of those found a much better life in the new realm and quickly decided they would never return to the Earth they had left behind; they were given that choice. The Green Zones around the Maharg Tower, the fewer Maharg Hotels, and the one Maharg University, became known as Haven Zones because they were protected by powerful, seemingly inexplicable forces from the point of view of humanity, making them quite different from standard Green Zones.


RaccoonCity declared itself to be independent of the United States of America, who had abandoned it, and claimed territories including RaccoonTown and some other settlements along with other resources. New nations arose as other areas around the world declared their independence, having been abandoned by their governments or their governments having collapsed. Map makers were having an almost impossible time keeping up and interactive, upgradeable electronic maps became very useful and popular. The world was going through some great changes.


Because large bodies of salt water were a great barrier to the virus-monsters, with the limited threat of zombers or ragers using aircraft or boats, even larger islands were becoming clear of the threats. One of the Japanese Main Islands, one of the New Zealand Main Islands, much of the Philippines Archipelago and other such places were becoming cleansed Green Zones.


The first wave of parachute carried cubecanisters, from seemingly nowhere, came to an end and people wondered if there would be more, most hoping there would be more to come. Millions of the cubecanisters had landed in the waters, on land, and had mostly been found, claimed and used. The Spacers had tried to grab those coming down outside of their secured Earth Territories but soon learned the hard way that they were not welcome there any more and that their attempts to steal cubecanisters was largely considered another crime against the majority of humans, against the very world itself.


People kept disappearing into Mahargia and most never returned. Governments began to try to stop the flow with mixed success. Tensions further rose!

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03-19 (0104)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The PurpleQueen, in charge of the special research and development being done in a special section of the HavenHive, announced that disturbing discoveries had been made when it came to the longer term effects of the U-virus. Zombies would sometimes transform into other forms of undead creatures. This would also probably happen to zombers. The PurpleChessNNS had gained data on the skelters, that had arisen from the zombies in the RaccoonVault, from AliceT who used a special form of technologies to make brief, important contact with the RedQueen who then passed the data on. Yet the new findings, after much difficult experimentation and careful studies of genetic materials, of organisms, eluded to far more than skelters appearing in future.


Disturbed by what was being hinted at, AliceT managed to return to the HavenHive from the RaccoonVault, after learning of such through the same tricky to use communications gear. Four supersoldiers returned with her and they managed to get out of the RaccoonVault, to seal it up behind themselves, with out trouble.


AliceT met AliceK, AliceS, the other Sliders and the Robocop in the partly functioning VIP Visitors Centre of the HavenHive. AliceS, and the other Sliders, had visited hitech AlternateEarths but were still impressed with the big chamber, newly cleaned and sorted out as much of the centre complex was. It had been hope that the USA might send an envoy group to the HavenHive to negotiate with the newly proclaimed nation of the Raccoon Republic, that the VIP centre would be used for its intended role for the first time in a long time. Instead the US Federal Government had sent only some vague threats and the statement that it would never recognize the new republic or any of the other nations that had arisen on US soil, including the New Confederacy.


AliceK had come from an AlternateEarth with much the same technological advancement as that one, being more advanced and less advanced in some ways.


The RedQueen spoke through a new kind of roboremote unit, a RedChancellor, a very sophisticated form of remote-android, that is far more so than the RedDroids. "The threat of the virus-monsters is hardly over if the surviving ones begin to turn into new, more dangerous ones. The Scattered World War is still raging across much of the world. Zombies, zombers, malcons are all over the world and ragers, along with ravers, are in the United Kingdom. With the assistance of the virus-peoples, transformed virus-monsters, the threat is being crushed. The Spacers have ended the Exodus early, stranding many people on the world that were supposed to go to the Lunar and L5 Colonies."


Spacers had not only done that but they had sent missiles from low orbital spaceplatforms that destroyed their own spaceports, rail-launcher sites and other facilities on the Earth. In the process they had killed and wounded many people who had remained loyal to them. The Spacers had also began to abandon facilities in low orbit except for some that they towed through space to L5 or to the Moon.


Some abandoned spacestations, spaceplatforms and satellites were self-destructed or destroyed by missiles. Clearly the Spacers felt threatened and did not want Earthers, as they had begun to call people still on the home world, to follow them to the Moon or to L5. But other spacestations, spaceplatforms and satellites were captured by the sudden appearance of advanced Maharg Foundation aeroshuttles escorted by large space-fighterships. This included the big four spoke wheeled Spacestation Freedom, Spacestation Progress and Spacestation Seeker. In those stations and platforms were found many secrets that had meant to be destroyed, along with people left behind to die that some powerful faction wanted to terminate.


The RedChancellor was very human looking, was an elegantly dressed woman in a fine diplomatic outfit. The RedQueen spoke through 'her' again. "It has been assumed that the immune carriers who did not become zombies when dying of non monster-virus causes, were otherwise harmless other than being carriers. Now these assumptions must be questioned."


AliceT looked at a series of big 3Dwallscreens showing changing images broadcast from around the world, from other parts of RaccoonCity and from other parts of the HavenHive. "What of the ragers and ravers, what transformations could they go through? What of we Alices and others like us? What of the Nemeses?"


AliceK then spoke. "In truth all of the known immune carriers, and immune non carriers, have been kept in controlled conditions by governments and other groups around the world. Except that many have not been discovered, are out there in the general population of the Earth. At least the Spacers would have triple checked everybody going up into space. They should be safe from any further developments from carrier immunes because they let none go into space."


AliceT frowned. "What about the rare immunes who are not carriers of the T-virus or U-virus or even the K-virus? Are they as harmless as we have assumed that they are? Could something else be in them that we have not detected?"


AliceS broke in. "Now, now, this could lead to unnecessary paranoia."


The Sliders observed savage fighting between British Soldiers and ragers in the English city of York, a 747 jumbojet landing in Paris, France with too many passengers aboard but making it safely anyway, new Maharg Foundation aeroships carrying large cargoes of emergency relief aid across the Pacific Ocean, a large burning city in India swarming with great hordes of zombies, Green Zone flags being raised over another large island of the Indonesian Archipelago and many others.


AliceS noticed a large 3Dmap high on one wall showing the ever changing situation and she was obviously puzzled. "Where are the Friendlies Archipelago and Centralia, the great floating island? Where are the ZeroTowers?"


The others looked puzzled, apart from the other Sliders.


Quin Mallory spoke out then. "Yes, the ZeroTowers were incredible. They were vastly tall, thin towers just out of phase with local reality that acted like strange elevator towers to mid orbit above the Earth. We never saw such on any AlternateEarth except that one of AliceS. As for the Friendlies Archipelago or Centralia, the floating island, AliceS has never mentioned them before. We were in RaccoonCity of the United States of the Americas and one of the ZeroTowers could be seen in the distance from there."


AliceT, AliceK and AliceS all experienced the strong, subtle, 'sense' that the spoken of difference between the three AlernateEarths, each having or having had a RaccoonCity, was important but they could not begin to say what that importance would be. At that very moment a strange, disturbing, but non harmful shimmering shivering went through everything and everybody. Alarms began to shriek but were soon turned off as no death, destruction or disruption had taken place. The exotic shimmering shivering had gone through the whole world, through the whole populations of life, but there had been no seeming changes after it was over in just a few seconds.

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03-20 (0105)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The Umbrella Corporation was gone from that AlternateEarth, apart from active spies and passive observers that would remain to keep an eye on events on that world, and many of the UHives around the world had been self-destructed. Except one major one did not get destroyed for something had gone wrong with the self-destruct mechanism or so it seemed at first. Then it was discovered, by infiltrating Japanese going beneath BlossomCity, that the WhiteQueen running the Blossom UmbrellaHive had decided it did not want to perish. It turned out that it was that UHive was the site of UmbCorp research and development into a number of types of exotic cyborgs. These were in some ways like the RoboCop and RoboTrooper Programs abandoned by the Umbrella Corporation and taken over by the Maharg Corporation except these cyborgs were meant to be part zombie, part cybernetics and part other technologies.


That other UHive was about as large as the HavenHive but much of it was taken up by a large series of autorobotic factories, workshop complexes and storage depots. Thousands of the cyborgs had been manufactured, packaged for long term storage and neatly stored in the depots. Japanese scientists and other specialists began to study data as provided by the WhiteQueen while soldiers and others continued to explore the great underground complex. Then valuable databanks were found filled with ultra secret topics that, in theory, should not have even been in that place. It seemed some high ranking UmbCorp executives had been stealing valuable data and concealing it in that UHive for later retrieval and sale to the highest bidder. It was they who had hacked the WhiteChessNNS in that UHive and had made sure the WhiteQueen would not use the self-destruct mechanism there.


It seemed too good to be true but it wasn't!


The valuable data was soon being sent around the world by supposedly top security means and thus the data was copied by various political factions, organized crime syndicates, freelance hackers and others. The Maharg Foundation gained all data through official security channels as did the United Nations in all of its forms. On the very day that this happened, the United States crumbled and had become the Union States of North America, the New Confederacy and over a dozen smaller republics and even a commonwealth plus two citystates. The USSR finally crumbled just twenty-four hours later. No superpowers remained on the Earth for the European Union was in a mess as were other, once big powers. It was realized that much more had been taking place on that world, when it came to UmbCorp projects and operations, than had ever been considered possible let alone probable.


The Umbrella Corporation had not been experimenting with the monster-viruses in order to learn how to use them but in order to learn how to destroy them and any virus-monsters that came from them. The Umbrella Corporation was an enemy of the undeath which made it even more ironic that it was partly responsible for causing the outbreaks. The zombie cyborgs were to use captive undead monsters that would be then used against other undead monsters. When it was necessary, the zombie-cyborgs could be used as kamikaze weapons that would go into enemy ranks and then explode with various strengths of bombs, including nuclear ones. The T-virus had been developed to be used to make people immune to the U-virus while enhancing them in various ways but the U-virus experiments had not worked out as hoped. Then the K-virus had been developed and other monster viruses on other worlds, all based on the U-virus, including something called the FEV, the Forced Evolutionary Virus.


Shazz04, Marshal Admiral, and others were still in the huge chamber of slabs, of the AncientOnes, when they were joined by ten fast moving, new type RedSlider hovercraft roboremotes. They brought valuable information, a new prototype communicator that did not use radio waves and some other equipment and supplies. Earlier on a strange shimmering shivering sensation had gone through the great power-artifact of the AncientOnes.


Shazz04 went through the new data as gained ultimately from the BlossomCity UmbrellaHive. He did so with amazing speed and efficiency. Then he looked up and shook his head in wonder. "The Umbrella Corporation, under that and many other identities, has been searching for ways to negate what it predicts is the coming of a great threat to the many 'restricted' AlternateEarths that form the MultipleEarth. For the AlternateEarths of the MultipleEarth, and the MultipleEarth itself, are removed one transdimensional step from the greater Multiverse. The whole of the MultipleEarth is a vast high security quarantine zone and also a prison. The TimeLords did not speak of this to Shazz; if they have not been fully truthful about this, what else have they not been fully truthful about?"


"Do not blame the TimeLords for not revealing the whole truth to you. They were only allowed to come here if they had such knowledge blocked so they could not reveal it." Marshal Admiral frowned softly. "The same was true of myself, of Field Marshal Rear Admiral, but now I can talk freely of such matters. The MultipleEarth is vulnerable to an undeath influence that escaped from the Negative Multiverse into the Positive Multiverse. The quarantining of over a thousand AlternateEarths, and related areas of timespace, was a drastic but necessary one. All of the AncientOnes' artifacts were already here or brought here into quarantine. All the AncientOnes, in one form or another, are focused here as are all superhumans and humans. For as superhumans were ultimately cloned from the AncientOnes, humans were ultimately cloned from the superhumans."


Shazz04 spoke abruptly. "We must leave here now, get outside of this AncientOne power-artifact. Something big is going to happen, something quite strange, wondrous and terrible. It is linked with the AncientOnes, with the TwistedLord but I do not know how or why. We must go!"


The great metallic stone structure vanished and was replaced by a huge, smoothed out chamber strengthened with great pillars, buttresses and other structures. It was to turn out that all of the AncientOne artifacts in the RaccoonVault were vanished, most of them being far smaller and more standard than the great transformational one that Shazz04 had been investigating. There was still danger in that place, still plenty of zombies and a fairly large number of the faster moving, weapon using skelters. There were also many resources of value to be recovered and used for those in RaccoonCity and the Raccoon Republic.


Marshal Admiral took charge of the ongoing battle for the RaccoonVault, as military and support units moved in along with supplies. Even as fighting broke out through parts of the haphazardly lain out underground complex, with its varied technologies, architectural designs and other varied historical influences, Shazz04 went to the HavenHive to meet the others there, including the AliceSisters and the RedQueen. There was also one surprising one that he wished to speak to.

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Notes A to Z: R










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04-07 (0106)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Shazz01 witnessed the appearance of thousands of AncientOne artifacts across the landscape of Koombrasa. The great majority were smaller, more basic and less powerful but some were massive, very complicated and most powerful. Many were of the basic look shapes of cones, pyramids, cubes, oblongs, globes or cylinders but some were far more intricate of detail. A great four legged electromechanical machine stood passively next to a great metallic stone pyramid and a great light house structure overshadowed a great array of cones. The power-artifacts were being drawn across to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa from other AlternateEarths of the MultipleEarth. With them came other structures such as supercities appearing underground, great statue-buildings, raised power-highways, massive spacetimeships of many kinds, TransGlobes, even more globedisks, raised hover-rails and much else. Some kind of network was forming to link all of the structures but it was mostly hidden underground.


Shazz01 stood in the top of a great tall tower that projected out of the very apex of the dome that now covered GreenhavenNaria, Greenhaven One, and looked out through armored one-way super-glass. The tower actually came up from deep beneath the surface of GreenhavenNaria, projecting up through the very centre of Greenhaventown that was now a large city, most of it being underground.


=-Not all other AlternateEarths are being stripped of AncientOne artifacts and not all those being stripped are being totally stripped yet that is exactly what is happening to most. The rule appears to be if aware, self-aware, intelligent beings of a certain level and above are aware of artifacts, then they do not vanish. We WayOnes do not understand what is happening and if NullDoNull does, he is not saying. NullDoNull has not left the ZeroZone for a while now, seems most reluctant to do so even in the form of avatars. Something is deeply concerning him despite all of his awareness, knowledge, skills and powers.


[shazz01]NullDoNull is linked with the LittleFatMan/Woman/One. They could assist NullDoNull.


=-The relationship between them is very subtle and yet complicated. NullDoNull will not speak of such matters except to say that if he attempted to explain the truth, all he would do is miscommunicate and cause more bad than good. We WayOnes must gain more wisdom, more understanding, more awareness and more compassion before he could do good by attempting to inform us of such things.


Shazz01 wondered about the many worlds that the artifacts had come from.


=-Most AlternateEarths that were once part of the AncientOnes' Empire were devastated in the troubles following the vanishing of the AncientOnes. Most became either lifeless or unpopulated by what are generally known as sentient peoples. All the artifacts had come from there with some odd exceptions. It seems some have come to support flora and fauna, unique ecosystems, and they are being transformed somehow. Again the dark one hunts us, the one linked to the TwistedLord but that is not him. We have been forced to adapt, to evolve, to change our ideas.


There were the WayOnes, test-transformed AncientOnes, with NullDoNull in the ZeroZone and others with Shazz01 in GreenhavenNaria. The WayOnes in the ZeroZone seemed trapped there. The WayOnes in GreenhavenNaria were in deep healing sleep becoming stronger to serve their new Emperor the better. Just where had all of the vanished AncientOnes gone? There had been hundreds of thousands of them, if not more.


Shazz02 had confronted one of the Conda Armies, the Chaoticaconda, close to Deathcity in a great quarry cavern. Shazz02, had destroyed many of the enemies by activating a great power-artifact of the AncientOnes. It had been an opportunistic attack. Then Shazz02 had, along with those with him, been rescued by the TimeLord Suzane with her SuzaneTARDIS.


If Shazz02 could influence, use, power-artifacts then perhaps Shazz01 could do the same. If nothing else he could soon send out people to start bring in the globedisks and other, more basic, devices of that kind. He found himself reluctant to try to control any of the more powerful of the super-artifacts. He 'sensed' they were tricky to use, especially with the more intricate and potent of their abilities.


Derra, and others, were carrying out a series of changed and new research and development projects in Domehaven. They were trying to find a way to deal with various problems, threats, that had arisen including the GlimmeringFog that Shazz03 had confronted in the deeper, more troubled, levels of Gaedricska. The silver metallic substance continued to slowly expand, to drive the GlimmeringFog back, but the antinatural substance remained a terrible threat along with the things just glimpsed inside it. Shazz03 remained in Gaedricska to help guard the settlements and peoples there but also to try to learn more about the GlimmeringFog and why, how, it had came to be in that minehold.


Shazz04 was still in the RaccoonVault that was beneath RaccoonCity on another AlternateEarth.


In the distance another great artifact appeared, shaped like a great squat saucer that at first hovered in the air and then, with amazingly gentleness for its size and mass, landed on a great clear area of land. It was as if some mysterious, hidden, powerful force was trying to keep to a minimum all death, destruction and disruption caused by the transference of all of the artifacts across the alternates of the MultipleEarth. This one appeared to be one of the mighty spacetime-motherships of the AncientOne, a starship that was also a supercity and much more than that.


It was then that he saw the first of the strange creatures appear and he became troubled.

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