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04-08 (0107)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Suzane returned Shazz02 to Domehaven, where he returned to be with Derra, to assist her in her special research and development projects. Resources were coming through from GreenhavenNaria to assist them including specialists of various kind along with many kinds of equipment and supplies. The others who had gone with him, also returned to Domehaven.


Shazz05 had emerged into existence inside the SuzaneTARDIS, would now go with her in a special mission into Deathcity. It was quickly decided that only such as a ShazzAvatar and a TimeLord could go into such a terrible environment with any real hope of survival. The very environment drained at the life energies but both Shazz and the TimeLords had powerful natural defenses against such.


Even as this happened, Field Marshal Rear Admiral's taskforce came to the rescue of the United People's Republic of Koombrasa, the UPRK. Lifterships, aeroships, wingships, globedisks and other flying vessels spanned out across the sky in careful military formation as the enemy attacked with salvos of missiles, pulsebeams, lightening bolts and many other weapons. The great vessels returned fire of much the same kind. Thousands of attack-drones were launched by both sides, swarming in clouds through the air.


A burning aeroship tilted towards the ground, falling towards its doom. Globedarts, faster and more agile than globedisks but less resistant to attack, shot through the sky as they were unleashed from flying vessels or ground bases. Lifeboats and other vessels fled from it, zipping through the air to arrive at allied vessels. Some were blasted out of the air but most managed to make it to safety.


The great sky battle was only the first of many big battles to come. For Field Marshal Rear Admiral was soon to realize that these were no normal warlords but were some of his oldest and greatest enemies; they were known as the WarMasters and long ago they had been defeated soundly by the TimeLords. The WarMasters had relatively primitive TARDISes that looked like black cubes or huge black spheres or saucers. The WarMasters were an alternative of the TimeLords themselves from an Alternate Universe different from that which the TimeLords had come from.


Normally Field Marshal Rear Admiral would have loved such a challenge but he knew that this was a trick to draw him away from helping Shazz. Yet he could not leave the struggling Unity of the Peoples Republic of Koombrasa to be destroyed. The unityfolk were fighting hard from their new Greenhavens of GreenhavenDaria and GreenhavenToria. Nor did they fight with out allies. The traditional enemies of the WarMasters, the PeaceKeepers, had shown up in their own relatively primitive TARDISes. Except that, in this case, the WarMaster forces outnumbered the PeaceKeeper forces by more than a hundred to one. This imbalance was partly mitigated against by the fact that the PeaceKeeper technologies and units were more advanced, more sophisticated, than those of the WarMasters.


When the AncientOne artifacts began to appear out of seemingly nowhere, when they began to pop up all over the place, the battle ceased. Field Marshal Rear Admiral withdrew the taskforce north-westwards and with them went the PeaceKeeper forces in jade green cubes, saucers and spheres.


RedFoxie, and the other supersoldiers, appeared in a battered teleportship hovering over a superhuman city now populated by a mixture of normies, muties and former slavefolk. They were all tested-transformed, to the surprise of the newcomers, and were preparing for a major attack from two Fortorian Legions. The heavily armed and armored Fortorian Legionaries were soldiers in power armor that were in turn in huge fighting mecha. The Legionaries were not human, were not of any species native to Koombrasa, but were mass cloned Sontaran sontar soldiers. Each was a bulky humanoid with a great round head that had no neck to turn its head but which had a sentry-eye at the back to watch its back, along with the eyes at the front. Even with out their power armor the Sontaran sontars were very powerful and quite hard to kill though fairly slow in combat. Along with the Legionaries were Auxiliaries of cyborged normies, muties and former slavefolk. These cyborgs used light power armor, battlecrawlers, faster lighter hoversleds and other such warmachines.


FEAR55 could not really help defend the city against the huge military forces that were coming but RedFoxie soon had a very daring, and dangerous, plan. FEAR55 would seek to assassinate the Emperor of the Fortorian Empire. That is the mysterious one who always kept his face hidden by the dark shadows of his hooded robes. The team went deep into the eccentric appearing superhuman city, where locals were busy building up defenses, and met with locals with good knowledge of the region. In a largely bare rocky chamber, in the light of flurotubes, RedFoxie worked out that FEAR55 would need local scouts, would need stealthy transportation closer to where the Fortorian Emperor was said to be situated and other support.


Thus she missed seeing the first of the AncientOne artifacts appear out of seemingly nowhere, hundreds and hundreds of them across the landscape, of all different kinds and sizes but mostly of the more basic and smaller types. RedFoxie, upon hearing the news, went out into the open, along with her people, and they all stared in amazement from the top of a watch-tower at the strange event happening in all directions. RedFoxie doubted that the Fortorian military attack would continue under such conditions but would make no foolish assumptions either; nor did the locals. Yet she believed that the Fortorians would wish to halt their campaigns and explore the new situation, examine the amazing artifacts that had appeared, were still appearing. In that she turned out to be correct.


For five days the AncientOne artifacts appeared on, and inside, Koombrasa including more supercities. Everything had obviously changed but what most did not realize was that other changes had taken place that were far from obvious.

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00-15 (0108)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatOne, the neuter version of the LittleFatMan and LittleFatWoman, made its way through the streets of the sprawling city of Perth of the what was abandoned territories. Some sort of social, economic existence was still happening thanks to people's persistence, the help from the Maharg Foundation and the parachute cubecanisters that had come floating down from the sky. What had really saved everybody, weirdly enough, was when all of the zombies, zombers and malcons had begun to vanish. They were seen to be heading towards what could only be described as bizarre holes in the air, patches of disturbing glimmering fog in which things could just be seen moving. But the malcons would not go through the rifts willingly, would turn and rush away to vanish into grey metallic cubes that appeared just for them, it seemed. They were a 'primitive' copies of TARDISes, or QuasiTARDISes, but they were capable of transporting large amounts of malcons, being bigger inside than outside.


The LittleFatOne stopped to donate some items to a Sisterhood of Welfare Centre before he stopped off at a diner to buy a fishburger and a glass of milk. People saw 'him' as a beardless, slightly effeminate man and yet could not fail to 'sense' the strength radiating from 'him'. As 'he' sat in the diner, looking out at people gossiping madly about the vanishing of the threat that had done so much destruction to their world, other stories were circulating also. Strange plants had been found growing out in the 'outback' of the smallest continent. People had caught glimpses of great massive things floating very high in the sky above, that is things that would appear and then disappear. The virus-peoples were all going into the Maharg Tower in Perth. A steady flow of people and animals were doing the same. Plants were vanishing.


Elemental beings began to appear of life, of phase or of the solar while physical elemental beings appeared focused on the physical, the mental or the spirit; the last was truly hard to define in any practical sense.


The same things were happening around the world, them and more not talked about by the people of Perth because they did not know about them or could, would, not realize their importance.


The LittleFatOne smiled at Graham Maharg, tall and broad shouldered wearing a Tshirt, blue denim jeans, boots, a pouchbelt and a baseball cap. Graham Maharg blended well into the environment when he wanted to, vanished into an ecosystem even if it was an artificial one of a human city. A bus rumbled past, being packed with passengers. An public transit system had been maintained, somehow. Many buses were taking people to Maharg Tower. People and goods were going into there. Those who could not be cared for, or who people did not want to care for, were going to Mahargia through the Maharg Tower.


Graham Maharg smiled. "Very clever of you. The locals mostly do not even realize to wonder how a number of suburban train lines now go not only up to the Maharg Tower Station but into Maharg Tower which is now much larger than it was, much more complicated. Then there are the trucks and helicopters going to and from the Maharg Tower. I take it that this AlternateEarth is going to cease to exist as it is."


The LittleFatOne nodded at the MahargAvatar who had become somewhat of a good rogue entity. "You have been up to some positive mischief again. Still it did work out in the end, thanks to the assistance of some of our 'neutral friends'. So what will you do now?"


Graham Maharg sighed long, hard. "As usual! Continue to hunt for the ForeInheritor, for the NineofNine and others on my ListofLists, seek the Ashaarasha, make positive mischief, take holidays, continue my hobbies and much else have as I have done for a very very long time. Oh yes, seek enlightenment, illumination and ascension. Also, find Wally!"


The LittleFatOne smiled. "Then you can carry out some positive mischief for us, if you care to do so."


"Consider it done!" Graham Maharg paused to order a glass of milk, two fishburgers, hot potato chips and some green salad from a tired, harried looking waitress. He lightly touched the young woman and suddenly she was just a little happier and more energetic. Even Graham Maharg understood there were limitations in how much he could interfere in the lives of mortals.


The LittleFatOne took out a small silvery sphere and passed it to Graham Maharg. "Perhaps you should absorb the briefing before you make your final decision."


Graham Maharg took the sphere in hand, closed his eyes for a short moment and then opened them even as the sphere vanished with a soft shimmering. "Intricate, problematic, dangerous, demanding, very challenging and I like it for more than one reason. This could assist me to find the ForeInheritor and some others that I have been seeking. Well, it certainly is not done and may never be done but I will focus on this, very much. I will do this!"


The LittleFatOne smiled. "You have the data you need to start, including the location of resources that we have put into place for you. I must depart back to Mahargia. There is much more to be done there for those remaining there and for those using Mahargia as a staging post to transmigrate to the new world to be formed. You know you can try to contact us any time but due to the very exotic events taking place, the extremely powerful forces operating, we can not promise you will reach us or that we will be able to assist you if you need it."


"That bad!" Graham Maharg sighed just a little. "See you when and where we next meet."


The LittleFatOne nodded, smiled again, then turned and walked away. Graham Maharg focused on eating his lunch, the waitress being very friendly to him.

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00-16 (0109)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The great Maharg Spheres appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and each was open in four directions to ships, submarines and boats entering it on their way to Mahargia. One appeared in the British Channel, another in the Pacific Ocean, another in the Atlantic Ocean, yet another in the Indian Ocean and others also began to appear. Other great Maharg Spheres appeared but floating high in the sky with gateways that aircraft of many kinds could safely enter. In both cases the entering transports seemed to be carefully guided, even controlled to some extent, to make the entry operations safe. Highways, railways, river canals and more were now going up and into huge Maharg Towers around the world. The Maharg Exodus, as it became known, continued steadily as hundreds of thousands of people and animals left the world in that manner every day.


Salvage operations began to take up cities and other human made structures across the world, the salvage materials flowing to the Maharg Structures. Governments and other factions tried but failed to halt the Maharg Exodus and then crumbled as their own people began to join the transmigration. Plants, mosses, animals, other lifeforms that could not escape to the Maharg Structures, began to vanish. The elemental entities became more common. People began to be test-transformed in larger numbers.


Strange shimmering shivering effects would go through the whole world, and everything of the world, at times.


A great Maharg Sphere appeared in orbit and began to move through space to swallow up spacestations, spaceplatforms, aeroshuttles, orbital shuttles, satellites and other such. Nobody resisted but sought to go there, to the Maharg Sphere. The Spacers remained isolated from the Earth, being in, on and around the Moon.


With amazing speed the human world was vanishing away but so was the natural world of flora and fauna.


This was happening with other AlternateEarths, including the home worlds of AliceS and AliceK.


On yet another AlternateEarth, the LittleFatMan was busy!


The LittleFatMan walked along a busy highway sidewalk in Bigtropolis of BigState where it was as normal on the surface but where, underneath, it was filled with tension, fear and anger. The normies, animal-humans and other common folk of the great citystate, were facing more difficulty in their lives as time went on. There was increasing rationing, shortages, vanishing people being transformed to be sent off to fight in the south, fighting between the Grand Immortal Factions, strange illnesses, strange monsters and much else. The CityGuard, Police Networks, Emergency Response Networks and other government forces were finding it a struggle to deal with all of the problems. Even the assistance of militias and other non official fighters, and other volunteers, was not enough to stem the tide. Also much of the unofficial assistance was of dubious nature and sometimes caused more harm than good.


As the LittleFatMan kept walking, around him people, animals and plants went through the testing-transformations. Three RoboCops thudded along with their heavy armored bodies, having been upgraded and augmented in the near past. Such units, and new BigChessNNS roboremote units, seemed more out to improve morale but they were increasingly involved in the actual 'Troubles'.


The common slang name for Bigtropolis was the BigBright but it did not seem so bright any more. Yet the citizenry were struggling, it seemed, to carry on with their lives, to keep the city running.


Then there were the TriataThirteen, the unity superhumans and their unity peoples, that Derra the superhuman belonged to. The LittleFatMan had seen to the delivering of many resources to the TriataThirteen in the form of a CarrierTARDIS, basically a TARDIS freighter, full of equipment and supplies along with some very special items. The cargo including a small fleet of aeroships, more network-system units for the BigChessNNS including roboremotes, special medicines against the new illnesses and much else.


Doubledecker electric trams hummed past, emblazoned with government slogans and commercials as well as citizen murals. There were a fair few cars but most were government or corporate vehicles or taxis while only a relatively small minority were privately leased or owned. The privately leased ones outnumbered the owned ones. There were far more small motorbikes, scooters, bicycles, other pedal-vehicles and other small electric devices. There were many buses, vans, trucks and special hovercarriers. The number of police and paramilitary vehicles seemed to have increased greatly since he had last been to Bigtropolis and that was only a year ago.


The man screamed out in rage and agony, his skin pock marked with strange red splashes centered often by what looked like glistening black blisters. The LittleFatMan frowned heavily. This was very bad, very bad indeed! Some very dark, very malignant, entity was behind what was happening in the supercity. He was inclined to assume it was the TwistedLord but there was far from enough evidence to jump to any conclusions; anyway the idea somehow did not 'feel' right. Growing indications were that the TwistedLord was linked with superhumans of the Senior Partners that were behind the Umbrella Corporation and its many operations. A large number of the Senior Partners had their power base in Bigtropolis and BigState; damaging those was hardly in their best interests. It was hard to tell though for the TwistedLord, the TwistedOnes, and the untransformed superhumans, were quite chaotic in their ways; the TwistedLord, and his TwistedOnes, were far more so than were the superhumans.


The screaming man raced through the crowd, people rushing away from him, often grabbing up children or small pets or valuables while doing so. The man saw the LittleFatMan, an expression of desperate hope flickered on his face, and he vanished with a flash of yellow. He was gone but now he was being helped. The LittleFatMan would do what he could do to help, what he was allowed to do what he could, but he wished that he could do more. The man had not been suffering from any normal, or even known exotic, threat but from a terrible thing that attacked mind, body and spirit. From this had arisen, an incredibly long time ago, the U-virus and other bizarre entities. This was quite different, was far more deadly for this was the TwistingSickness. The TwistingSickness did often kill and there were a very few who were immune to it but most terribly it distorted the bodies, minds and spirit of many of its victims, turning them into twisted monsters. Those with the U-virus, the T-virus, the K-virus and other such conditions, or who were fully test-transformed, were fully immune from the TwistingSickness.


Yet the TwistingSickness was not the worst of what had probably come to that world; no it was only a very strong clue that something else was there and that was the ForeInheritor that was sometimes known as the TwistedGod. The LittleFatMan was wondering just what he could do, along with his other aspects, as he kept wandering along the wide sidewalk that was full of hurrying people who did not begin to realize what a terrible threat had come to their metropolis.

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00-17 (0110)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


Shadozaza, the transformed ShadowLord, was becoming more aware of his own new nature and of what had been happening on-in Koombrasa since an extremely long time ago. Yet he was also very overwhelmed and confused by it all. When Shadozaza 'sensed' the presence of test-transformed AncientOnes, that is of the WayOnes, and of Shazz, he was fearful and yet determined to strike out at them if he had to. Then he 'sensed' the presence of one of the TwistedOnes being relatively close to the supercity he was in. That is the supercity he had come to with the captive AncientOnes who then had escaped from him, apparently to become WayOnes. Shadozaza did not like the WayOnes, who were more resistant to him than the AncientOnes had been, but he instinctively hated the TwistedLord and his TwistedOne. This was especially because both were actually linked to the TwistedGod, also known as the ForeInheritor as foolishly created by some of the incredibly ancient, long gone FirstBorn. Or at least he assumed that they were all gone.


Shadoza created the first of his avatars to serve him and named them his Shadoza. Any one Shadoza was to be a Shadozan. Thirteen Shadoza were sent out into the supercity to explore it, to seek riches and dangers, to chart the great AncientOne structure.


Conda Armies met at the outskirts of Deathcity, not just the four Conda Armies that had been active on-in Koombrasa but others of other twisted Conda Elementals. Yet there were also other Conda Entities who were not elementals, who had also become dominated, manipulated and twisted by the TwistedLord. While they gathered there, resources arrived for their use. All the Conda Elementals now used strange, dangerous fabricated bodies.


Graham Maharg, not the same one as was on another AlternateEarth, made his way through the dim hallways of Deathcity in his Phantom Power Armour that was very powerful but efficient and perhaps immodestly tight against his slimly muscular, tall body. As he moved, with amazing speed, grace and quietness, he did so with twelve figures like him but not identical to him. These PhantomTroopers were nine fighters, a techi, a medic and a com operator. Like the Phantom himself, an aspect of Graham Maharg, each carried a large multiplerifle that was more than a weapon but which could carry out other functions also.


Hopefully he would soon meet with Suzane and Shazz05, though neither Shazz04 or Suzane expected to meet him, or his troopers, in Deathcity. The LittleFatWoman had met briefly with the Phantom and had asked him to assist the pair, for they would need such assistance. She had also given him three special resources.


The Grand Triple Labyrinth continued to expand through Koombrasa, and to evolve as it did so. New Greenhavens gained structures, including domes. More Maharg Sanctuaries appeared on the fringes of the Grand Triple Labyrinth.


All fighting had paused, including the two wars that RedFoxie and Field Marshal Rear Admiral had become involved in, while the strange changes to Koombrasa were investigated. More AncientOne artifacts were appearing but in decreasing numbers and these tended to be far more basic in nature.


On the one and only SkyContinent of the Skylands, Skaromondas, the warring ceased between the five monstrous created peoples while the five peoples, who had helped to create them, hunkered down and prepared to be attacked by their most feared of enemies. No such attack was even prepared. Thus the DalekEmpire, Clonemassen, Biovarada, CyberEmpire and Skaroida ceased fighting and began to quietly, efficiently build up their strength; large amounts of important resources were delivered to them from an unknown source. The Kaleds, Thals, Auriards, Mondars and Skarons strengthened their alliance with each other and prepared for a big possible war to come; indeed they had been preparing for such a war for a very long time, ever since they had been forced to flee from their own monstrous servants. Many resources began to come to the League of Five from an unknown source.


From the Kaleds had come the DalekEmpire, from the Thals had come the Clonemassen, from the Auriards had come the Biovorada, from the Mondars had come the CyberEmpire and from the Skarons had come the Skaroida.


Much else was happening but all of these events were but sub-patterns to a far greater pattern.

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Suzane Chrono



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03-21 (0111)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


"All of the zombies, zombers, malcons, ragers and ravers have gone from this world." The RedQueen spoke from speakers high on the wall of the HavenHive walls. "The zombies and zombers went into wild rift gates full of very disturbing glimmering fog while the malcons, ragers and ravers were picked up by QuasiTARDISes of some kind. Yet, that is not all for all life is vanishing off this world; people are going into the Maharg Structures, taking other life with them while out there other life is simply disappearing. Strange plants are reported appearing all over the world except they are not plants at all but silicon based quasiliving organisms. Human structures, left overs, even such as toxins in the ocean, are vanishing or, in fewer cases being salvaged and taken away by humanity."


Shazz04, Marshal Admiral, and the others who had been in the RaccoonVault, had returned to the HavenHive. Many were going into the HavenHive, or being taken there, along with many salvaged items. A far greater flow was vanishing into the Maharg Tower of RaccoonCity. The new Raccoon Republic was gone, in all practical terms, as were all of the nations of the world, newer or older. What had seemed to be a new start for the world had come to an abrupt end before it could even really begin.


The HavenHive was transforming, was being altered by silvery, copperish and golden metallic substances that were wrapping it in a new all round hull, expanding it, adding new features to it, adding transdimensional zones to it and much else. The WhiteQueen was in a tizzy trying to deal with it all even as the WhiteChessNNS, the RedChessNNS, the PurpleChessNNS and the GreyChessNNS were enlarged, enhanced, augmented by the same processes. The GreyQueen had fought hard, had lost many roboremote units, fighting for humans and virus-peoples in RaccoonCity but all units were now withdrawn into the HavenHive, including semimobile and static ones.


Shazz04 sighed. "Great changes are coming to the MultipleEarth, or at least to aspects of it. Everything being taken from this world, from other worlds, is to keep that safe while the worlds themselves are transformed. A new world will rise to replace some older worlds. I have only been gaining impressions of what is happening, of what will happen, and no exact details; it is most frustrating. Oh, I am now the Emperor of the WayOnes and am no longer to be known as the Emperor of the AncientOnes. Except for a relatively very small minority, the AncientOnes were evil, were chaotic ordered, were destructive and self-destructive. They created monstrous technologies with out real regard to the consequences of doing so and ruled a terrible, oppressive empire. The WayOnes are transformed from that way of existence and so the name no longer fits us."


AliceT shook her head. "It is not really over at all, is it? This is just a pause for some of us in preparation for more drama to come."


3Dwallscreens showed convoys of vehicles bringing people, flora, fauna, resources and special items into the HavenHive. There were a fair few Mahargfolk with them, that is those of the Maharg Foundation and the Maharg Corporation along with other Maharg Organizations and Networks but most of those had gone into, or were going into, the Maharg Structures; that is the Maharg Towers, the fewer Maharg Hotels and the single Maharg University. Whole regions were being stripped of all signs of humanity, of life, and large areas were already stripped. The quasiliving crystal, metallic and plastic looking 'plants' were expanding across the world, underground, above ground and even high through the air. Great smooth branches, trunks, cylinders, globes and other shapeforms, often blended into one another, had emerged or were emerging.


What of the Spacers? The only certain reports indicated they were pulling out of space, off the surface of Luna and were retreating deep into the Lunar Underworld of that Earth's Moon.


Shazz04 frowned softly. "I will remain here, in the HavenHive for now, but there will come a time when all of Shazz must return to be in one place, must return to being one Shazz, though I do not know when, where or why this will be taking place. Again, just frustrating vague impressions to inform me of what is going on, what will take place."


Shazz04 turned to AliceK and AliceS. "Your home AlternateEarths are going through the same process this world is. I get the strong impression you will be be able to be with your peoples again, in future, if you wish to." He turned to the Sliders. "As for your AlternateEarths, I suspect none of them are part of the strangeness that is taking place. You will be trapped here, in the HavenHive, for some time but for how long, I can not even answer that question for myself. You need must be patient."


The Sliders were not overly pleased by this but seemed used to taking such news.


Maggie, the soldier, shrugged. "My home world is long gone, anyway, and we fear for the fate of the others. Also we have been offered new, improved Slider Technologies and that is worth waiting for. The wormhole way of Sliding was getting increasingly more dangerous and haphazard."


Shazz04 gave AliceS, and the other Sliders, an odd smile. "We will also need to find out what really happened to you before you came here and how many of you are real Sliders."


Apart from AliceS, the other Sliders Rembrandt, Wade, Arturo, Quin, Maggie, Diana, Colin, QuexoTu, Rodge and Smalter. All were human except for Rodge the android, QuexoTu the shapeshifting alien and Smalter the genetically engineered dog.


Diana, the dark skinned woman doctor, was frowning. "Our memories are very clear on the matter. We are all Sliders."


"Very clear on the matter, are they?" Shazz04 shook his head. "No, not so clear or well formed as you assume. The world you arrived at, where you met AliceS, was less advanced than the AlternateEarths of AliceT and AliceK. Yet AliceS you say you were transformed there. I suspect they do not have advanced enough knowledge and technologies to do such. Also, where and when did you pick up an advanced android, an advanced genetically engineered dog with cybernetic augmentations or a shapeshifting alien?"


Quin went to speak, looked shocked, and failed to say a word.


AliceS snorted. "Okay, yes, the only real Sliders here are Quin, Arturo, Wade, Maggie, Diana and Colin. I was recruited from yet another AlternateEarth that had all the horrors of this world along with the rogue autorobotic SkyNet trying to destroy the virus-monster threat by simply exterminating all of them and all of humanity. The savage brutality and brilliant cunning of the SkyQueen is amazing to experience in action. The irony was that the Umbrella Corporation designed, developed and manufactured the original version of the SkyNet of that world. There were also more kinds of virus-monsters on that world, some of them very powerful and dangerous. When the AlternateLords recruited myself, and others of that world, we could not say 'no' because the AlternateLords promised to help our people on my home world. QuexoTu is not an alien as such but a transformed virus-monster; she used to be something dreadful called a doppelganger. Rodge is an advanced Umbrella Corporation designed and built android that the AlternateLords transformed and they did the same for Smalter who is a former virus-monster, like myself."


AliceS went on speaking. "The AlternateLords recruited us to help put an end to the Sliders who, with their primitive technologies, having been causing damage to the MultipleEarth. It has only been relatively small damage but in the longer term it could cause real problems. So teams like us were infiltrated into groups of real Sliders in order to find out not only what they were up to but how they developed the technologies in the first place; the reason is that all these Slider originating worlds are too primitive in scientific terms to develop such technologies so outside interference has been calculated to be the only rational cause."


Wade did not look very happy. "So you three come from the same world, that is AliceS, Rodge, QuexoTu and Smalter. How dare you deceive us and use us in the manner that you have done?"


Shazz04 shook his head. "The real Wade, Rembrandt and Wade ended their time with the group."


Wade frowned. "I was saved by the AlternateLords, from a Kromagg breeding camp on a Kromagg conquered world, at the moment of death, and returned to the others. Professor Arturo was given a similar treatment and so was Rembrandt."


Shazz04 sighed. "The AlternateLords do not have the power to do such things; nor was it the AlternateLords who did this. No, what ever did this created what are known as reflection-clones, clones created using 'templates' of the real individuals. You are real enough, you are real individuals, but you are much younger than you think you are. You were created using super-technologies of the AncientOnes. I can 'sense' this, have 'sensed' it to be true since we first met because of my intrinsic nature, my AncientOne genetic inheritance and other factors I will not speak of. You were sent with the group to pick up data and then to be retrieved so the data could be gathered, probably killing you in the process. This was not done by superhumans or others exploiting super-technologies but by some AncientOnes, which means some others have survived. This is not good but solving this problem will have to wait. For now we have to make the three of you safe from retrieval and probable death."


The Slider group would have much to adjust to, to deal with, but they had many resources on their side including people with special skills.


A strange shimmering shivering effect went right through the HavenHive and all in it.


Here Ends the Story 'HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats'

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04-09 (0112)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


The SuzaneTARDIS was an exotic hybrid of AncientOne, TimeLord and other technologies. It was much bigger inside than outside but also had thirteen transdimensional 'zone-levels'. Much of it was taken up by exotic technological network-systems needed to keep its various exotic aspects in smooth flow with each other. Suzane stood with Shazz05 at the golden cube shaped Central Control Chamber at a big metallic central console as the translucent, softly glowing cylinder moved up and down in the centre of the console.


Suzane was in special power armor designed and made to go with her TimeLord powers and special portable devices. She spoke to a hulking Shazz in his super power armor. "Deathcity is being difficult to penetrate. Natural laws are twisted in that supercity."


A soft shudder went through the exotic TARDIS. Suzane worked some controls very rapidly. The quasimentality of the SuzaneTARDIS assisted her. Then the timespace transport was materializing in a vast domechamber with streams of silvery sparkles running across its surfaces at times as natural laws clashed with antinatural laws. The golden cube appeared close to four huge overly elaborate, garish statues of the kind typical of the AncientOnes' taste in art, if one could call it 'taste'. Suzane and Shazz05 appeared outside of the TARDIS by teleporting there and waiting for them was the Phantom and the PhantomTroopers.


Suzane, her visor clear to show her face, spoke. "Good, so you are here on time and in the right place."


The Phantom showed his own face through his visor. "So much for the surprise. I suppose you used some sort of TimeLord trickery to detect we would be here."


"No, your mother told me you would be here." Suzane responded, referring to the LittleFatWoman. "Trick is, what do we do now." The golden cube of the SuzaneTARDIS shrank down and she picked it up, then put it into a special pouch. "This is the place where the AncientOnes created the TwistedLord in order to become far stronger and be able to strike at the TimeLords in a war of revenge. Thankfully not all of the AncientOnes but most of them. It was an insane idea but typical of the AncientOnes."


He snorted. "I was alive when it happened but not as I am now. I can not say much more than that but I was informed of the vanishing of the AncientOnes and the creation of Deathcity. My people, if you can use that term, were greatly concerned then, and still are, about the existence of this place that should not even be able to exist. I suggest that we get moving. First we could try to find any isolated, surviving AncientOnes who somehow sealed themselves off from the majority of Deathcity. According to the AncientOnes who escaped from the ShadowLord monster, who are now WayOnes, there must have been other groups of AncientOnes trapped in special shelter domechambers as they were. What ever transformed, malformed, most of the supercity into Deathcity somehow was unable to make everything and everywhere transform."


So they set out at once and very quickly discovered that the interior layout of the vast city was no longer that of any standard supercity. It was deadly quiet most of the time, a strange kind of silence that seemed to suck away at any sounds, that was disturbing instead of peaceful. It was stark silence, not quietness. Every so often, randomly, the dreadful silence would be broken by bizarre and terrible sounds that somehow were very difficult to track to a source or even to know what direction that they came from. They were like dulled echoes of terrible moments of terror, agony and horror.


They came upon the first huge clump of dessicated bodies of superhumans and other living entities that had served the AncientOnes as slaves or followers. The long long dead entities had tied terribly, unnaturally, and it showed in the contortions of their bodies and facial expressions, with those that had faces. Thousands of bodies, many in clothes or even armor, had been clumped together in such a way that they had fused together, and then the clump had been fused to a great wall.


The Phantom scowled. "These victims died after they were clumped together and fused to the wall. They took a very long time to die in a way that was amazingly terrible."


Shazz05 walked up to the clump. "Time for their souls to be free and time to start weakening this place and the malignant entity that lurks behind it. I do not mean the TwistedLord. No, I now 'sense' that the AncientOnes did more than create the TwistedLord for they opened a transdimensional gateway for the TwistedGod, also known as the ForeInheritor, to come to this place. It was the TwistedGod who transformed this place into Deathcity."


A great flash of energy, golden light, green of life, and others went through the great clump. Then the whole lot vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Even as it did so there was the briefest glimpse of the souls of the dead entities there, along with the 'sense' of their elation at being free of the torment that they had suffered for so very long. Then the area was very empty. At once the great area around them seemed less draining, more natural and they found they were feeling better.


A challenging scream of rage, agony and other intense emotions rang through out the area, echoing strangely. Something undead, something of great unnatural power, knew what Shazz05 had done and did not like it at all. The group began to move through the great supercity where time and space was distorted unnaturally but not in an overly obvious fashion. They passed great, half melted statues of the various deities and other figures held in esteem by the AncientOnes. Clearly the TwistedGod had not had the same feelings about those entities.


They passed great, elaborate, often strange appearing, power-artifacts of the AncientOnes. So many did they encounter it soon became clear that the AncientOnes had put a great deal of valuable resources into that one supercity. They found themselves moving through a great domechamber half full of big, powerful, intricate machines heaped up on top of one another as if thrown there by a very powerful child throwing a tantrum. Amongst them were many kinds of robots and other 'thinking' mechanisms. Many were military or security devices meant to protect the supercity, the AncientOnes, people serving the AncientOnes and other things; clearly they had stood no chance against the TwistedGod or was that true?


The substance was heaped up, bizarre and burned, into a huge heap inside cube shaped chamber. It was antinatural substance, undead stuff of powerful entities of undeath. With great slowness it was regenerating back to full 'health'. Clearly it had been doing so for a very very long time.


Shazz05 sniffed the air. "The TwistedGod suffered heavily. The AncientOnes fought hard when he appeared out of nowhere, hurling great energies at him. The TwistedLord suffered even more so and fled from Deathcity in order to survive and to serve the TwistedGod, also known as the ForeInheritor, in future. This great heap of substance should not even be able to exist in this Alternate Universe or even in the Positive Multiverse. Except, of course, that we are in the quarantined, isolated, MultipleEarth."


It was then that the massive zombie monsters began to appear, moving huge and terrible towards the area where the group was. They moved onwards at once.

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04-10 (0113)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Shazz01 had been disturbed by the sighting of new entities appearing on Koombrasa. The great, strange entities were quasiliving, silicon based beings that had once served the AncientOnes in many ways.


Shazz used his mindeye to observe them as some of them got closer to the boundaries of GreenhavenNaria and knew they could not get through its defenses. Nor were most of them dangerous, being construction, transportation or other workers. The trouble was some were military entities, quasiliving warmachines, while some others were huge games fighting mechanisms. At least the military mechahulks were controlled by orderly military program-conditioning but the game fighting mechahulks were more chaotic, more renegade, in their program-conditioning.


Yet the mechahulks were not the most disturbing of the things out there, that had appeared on-in the SkyIsland of Koombrasa along with all of the AncientOne artifacts. They had once been living AncientOnes but were undead zombie monsters of monstrous size and they were also super powerful cyborgs in super power armor. The only good thing was that these zombies seemed unable to operate many of the super-technologies of the cybernetics and the armor. Great battles began to rage between the monster zombies and the fighting mechahulks. The battles were very savage, brutally violent, and it was good that none were happening near GreenhavenNaria.


=-Just thought you should know that a great hull is forming across the bottom of Koombrasa but is not destroying or blocking of such as ancient airgates that once opened to allow in and out great skyships and other vessels from the surface of Korra. Also a great dome ring is forming around the edge of Koombrasa, the basis of a great dome that will cover Koombrasa one day. Yet that is not the most exciting of the news. Fleets of skyships, rocketships, aeroships, wingships and other vessels are rising up from the surface, bringing peoples to Koombrasa, very many peoples, animals, plants and much else.


He wondered what was happening. Why was Koombrasa transforming in the way it was? Why had the great majority of AncientOne artifacts been brought there by mysterious means, from many AlternateEarths? Why had the terrible zombie monsters and mechahulks been brought along and where had they come from?"


He 'closed' his mindeye, opened his eyes and came fully back to being in the great Central Command Chamber of GreenhavenNaria that had been recently expanded in size and ability. He turned and examined the three exotic alien cubes that had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to replace the last of the silver cubes when they had vanished. That is the silver cubes as given over by the LittleFatMan. He stepped up to one of the golden cubes, somehow knowing which one to touch and that this was the right moment to do so, and touched it. The very exotic, very powerful artifact vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Seconds later a soft, strange, shimmering shivering sensation went through everything but quickly ended.


With a sparkling shimmer, nine smaller copperish metallic cubes appeared out of mid air to replace the one gone golden cube. It was not yet time to utilize these.


=-NullDoNull has vanished from the ZeroZone. We, the WayOnes of the ZeroZone, have searched for him with the assistance of others who dwell in the ZeroZone. We tried to leave the ZeroZone to search for him, tried to leave the ZeroZone for the first time since were sent here by the AncientOnes but something inexplicable, something hidden from us, has us trapped here.


[shazz01]Trapped just you or all of those whom NullDoNull saved who were hurled into the ZeroZone by the AncientOnes?


=-All who were saved, transformed, by NullDoNull, can not leave the ZeroZone and others who dwell there, who are natives to the ZeroZone, can not leave anyway. What has prompted you to ask such a question? Are you having doubts in NullDoNull?


[shazz01]No, not in NullDoNull but perhaps for the first time I have really considered your situation in the ZeroZone and how it is that you came to be rescued by NullDoNull there, how it is that NullDoNull happened to be there in the first place.


=-Has not NullDoNull always been linked to the ZeroZone?


[shazz01}NullDoNull has always been linked to the LittleFatMan, the LittleFatOne and the LittleFatWoman though in a very exotic fashion. My memories of my previous existence to being just Shazz, the metaclone metahuman, are becoming stronger, clearer and more coherent as a greater story. I have good reason to doubt that the one you have always thought was NullDoNull, was never NullDoNull.


=-What reason could, would, that be?


[shazz01]Because I am, or at least I was, NullDoNull! NullDoNull was based in AncientOne powers, was related to them, and would never be linked to the ZeroZone for that represented the very antitheses to such. There would be no way that NullDoNull would be based in the ZeroZone or could be so based. Tell me, could an AncientOne ever truly become a zombie?


=-Not a true zombie! The body itself could be possessed by some kind of undeathly force or other dark force to become a quasi or false zombie. The AncientOne would have to be truly gone from its body for that to happen. As you now know, the AncientOnes were partly of both the Positive and Negative Multiverses, making them, and we WayOnes, immune to becoming zombies or other forms of undead in a more traditional manner. Aaahhh, yes, you are showing me your memories of the monster zombies now moving across the surface of Koombrasa. No, they are not true zombies but quasizombies as animated indirectly by a powerful undeathly force.


So who, what, was the false NullDoNull that had been in the dreaded ZeroZone and why had he transformed the AncientOnes, and others to both save them and trap them in the ZeroZone?


Suddenly a great realization came to Shazz, to Shazz01, and he grinned. He shook his head just a little.


[shazz01]How very clever of you, how very clever of you indeed! WayOnes indeed! Where did you get that name from? Did you meet the real AncientOnes who once secretly had faith in the Lords and Ladies of the Light? You are not WayOnes at all, have never been such. Only now, though, do I fully know why. For I can 'sense' the nature of AncientOnes and WayOnes. I have no such 'sense' of such in you and have never have done. Somehow you did fool me for a long time. What are you really?


But the voice was gone, the entity had fled, what ever its true nature was.


After a moment, though, the voice returned.


=-You promise not to try to hurt us?


[shazz01]I give you my promise as Emperor of the WayOnes and former Emperor of the AncientOnes.


=-More than good enough! We are AncientOne criminals who were hurled into the ZeroZone at the whim of one of the Emperors. It was a terrible, cursed, whim for many of us were petty criminals at worse though a few of us were of the worst kind. A great and powerful entity saved us, transformed us, as it had done others. It told us that we were to identify it as being NullDoNull though we did not really believe this to be the case. It also told us we must do what it bid us to do or we suffer. We were also trapped in the ZeroZone by the very transformations that had saved us. The irony was that this entity, the fake NullDoNull, actually treated us all quite well. Our duties were relatively few and far between, most being easy and quite harmless. Then we were informed to contact you, the one called Derra, and others to speak a mixture of truth and falsehood. The false NullDoNull told us exactly what to say and monitored our communications with you. We dared not disobey him because he could hurt us badly at any time, thanks to how we have been transformed. We must go now for it is exhausting to communicate with you, which is the real reason that we broke off many of our conversations early. We will seek more information of the fake NullDoNull and his plans, his intentions.


Once more the 'voice' was gone but this time did not return until much later.

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00-18 (0114)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The entity, that had been the fake NullDoNull in the ZeroZone, had carried out its task and done it well according to its instructions. It had no real idea why it had carried out such instructions and knew better than to try to find out; anyway it had no real interest in doing so. Its duties, its life, in the ZeroZone had been relatively peaceful and the duties had been easy so all it wished was to carry on in the same manner. The TwistedSublord, more powerful and higher ranking than a TwistedOne but less so than a true TwistedLord, arrived on an AlternateEarth that it did not like very much at all.


The TwistedSublord had been told that a great, quite enlightened civilization had existed there but all that remained of them were long abandoned graceful, self-repairing supercities that were very very slowly crumbling. There were also a few other structures and many were actually semiactive in their level of functioning while some were even fully active. The landscape was bleak, sterile and made up of bizarre mixtures of melted rock, glassed sand and swampy areas with strange quasiliving silicon based lifeforms.


The TwistedSublord stepped out of the bizarre shaped QuasiTARDIS that had brought him to that world and examined the world through his own senses directly and not indirectly through a scannerscope screen. This was the sort of world that the TwistedLord would be drawn to, might even be infatuated with. The TwistedLord knew nothing of real 'love' for such was not possible with its nature. The TwistedSublord did not want to meet the TwistedLord, feared that he would be absorbed for the information, the experience, recorded inside him; that is he would be destroyed.


"No, no, no, I need you intact!" The TwistedLord, or at least one aspect of the TwistedLord, rose up out of the ground in ghostly fashion and then became solid. "You have done well. You have assisted, guided, Shazz and Derra in just the ways that I wanted to be done. You have no need to fear me. I am twisted, I am evil, but I am not all evil and I am not stupid. The one we really need to fear, all of us, is the TwistedGod, the one also known as the ForeInheritor. I expect that many have assumed that I serve the TwistedGod but this is the opposite of the truth. I fight the TwistedGod, in my own twisted fashion, and seek my ultimate freedom from it, the breaking of the intrinsic link that I have with the TwistedGod."


The hulking humanoid was distorted, was a crazy mixture of features but, somehow, in a weird fashion, was graceful.


The TwistedSublord bowed briefly in respect. "What would you have me do next to defeat the TwistedGod?"


The TwistedLord frowned heavily. "The QuasiTARDIS will take you to the Korran SkyIsland of Koombrasa. There you will quietly, discretely, gather as much information as you can. Go now! There is much for you to do."


The TwistedSublord hurried off to the QuasiTARDIS and soon the timespace transport vanished with a shimmering effect. The TwistedLord grinned with insane mirth and laughed with wickedness. Then it spoke to something unseen, amazingly well hidden. "It is amusing to play with such expendable things as that one. Oh Great One, the TwistedSublord has soaked up many negative energies from the ZeroZone, a dull reflection of the Negative Multiverse, enough to cause a great explosion when he steps out into the open, into the Positive Multiverse."


The supposedly great civilization that had populated that world had been a colony of the ForeEmpire as controlled by one of its most dysfunctional and evil factions of FirstOnes. The world had become so terrible that the Emperor of the FirstOnes had intervened and smashed the faction, had rescued the many victims and victims of victims, had sent that world and its culprits into the ZeroZone. The world of NullDazNull, a name it had gained when it was moved to the ZeroZone, had once been a normal AlternateEarth. The TwistedLord was standing in a region that was once called North Africa.


It began to snow lightly. The TwistedLord opened its mouth and swallowed some of the highly toxic snow. It would do no harm to the entity and it desired both water and the toxins.


The voice seemed to emanate from everywhere at once, causing a gentle shudder to run through the landscape. "One was born as One from more than One. One was born to be supreme as the One. ForeInheritor I am, the TwistedGod, and what more can one want than that other than the obliteration of all that does not truly reflect on the One and the desires of the One that are all important to the One. Only the One is ultimately important. What you do is of ultimately no interest to me. What you are is ultimately no interest to me. One is only interested in the One that it is being the only One that is important."


The TwistedLord bowed very low to the ground, all three arms spread out upon the hard, hot ground where the toxic snow sizzled as it struck. Steam rose from many places but in some toxic water was building up in large puddles and even in flowing streams. It was always extremely dangerous to communicate with the TwistedGod, especially on its home world, but to the TwistedLord this was very amusing, very amusing indeed.

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00-19 (0115)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


AlphaOmegaOri arrived on the host world, the distorted home world, of the TwistedGod in the AlphaOmegaTARDIS that was in the form of a great Dominatorzor Warship, a gracefully ugly scaled metallic monster three kilometres wide and one kilometre thick at its centre. The real Dominator Empire had risen, had fought the WarMasters and had lost but both not before greatly weakening its enemy. Fragments of the empire still survived and Dominator Warships were still active but the Dominatori no longer seemed interested in making great conquests or oppressing many other peoples. Their fragments of empire were surprising democratic for all peoples. This was explained by whispers that the last of the Dominatori had been saved from the revenge of the WarMasters by the LittleFatWoman and the TimeLords.


AlphaOmegaOri disguised his TARDIS as a Dominatorzor partly because he had helped create the Dominator Empire in the first place, had gained some profits of vital resources from doing so but had hen lost even more when the WarMasters had crushed the Dominator Empire. AlphaOmegaOri was still enraged about that but, then again, AlphaOmegaOri was enraged about a good many things for he liked to hang on to his rages, sometimes bolstering them. The huge figure stood in super power armor and did not bother to look around at first. He knew that the TwistedGod was part of the very dysfunctional fabric of the world that was at the 'transdimensional edge' of the ZeroZone.


He noted the cavorting shapeform of the TwistedLord in the distance but did not bother to communicate with that one. Every TwistedLord, there was more than one, was totally convinced that it was the one and only TwistedLord and that it would somehow never be destroyed by the TwistedGod; both types of assumptions were totally false. There were easily more than one TwistedLord at any one time, though they never met, and though many had been created by the TwistedGod, many had also been destroyed by the TwistedGod. Others had been destroyed by other forces including the insanity of the TwistedLords themselves.


AlphaOmegaOri was extremely powerful but he was nervous there, and then. He decided he would not wait around for the TwistedGod to notice him. Instead he would do what he had to do and then leave. He took out a bizarre twisting globe shapeformed thing that kept distorting, that was near impossible to focus fully on even for AlphaOmegaOri himself. Then he simply dropped the thing onto the ground. It had taken a great deal of effort, of energies, of dangerous experimentation to create the thing and now it was done.


AlphaOmegaOri turned and began to walk back to the Dominatorzor that hovered just above the ground.


Then the voice came from everywhere at once, or so it seemed. "One is aware of the lesser one called AlphaOmegaOri sneaking, sneaking, sneaking upon the One's one world. One is not pleased by One's awareness of this lesser one's doing of such things. Yet One understands that the lesser one naturally fears the One and this pleases the One."


AlphaOmegaOri bowed deeply, but only briefly, and then he spoke. "I have brought the third and last gifting. Our agreement is completed from my side. I have paid off my debt to you. I have done all that you demanded. Now I am free of you. I will go from this timespace alternate and I will never return to any time, any place, any alternate where you have any real power."


The voice responded. "Oh, feeble feeble lesser one who does not understand that only the One is true of the One, that the One is true only to the One, that the One only keeps promises to the One. Yet the One will choose to overlook your foolishness this one time and place. No more giftings, no more tributes, will the One ask of you. No, the One will give you a gift. The TimeLords have freed their world, Gallefrey, of any attempt to take it over by infiltration. The one named Sazori, the one who was the fake Professor Chrono for some time, has been returned to Gallefrey where he has been placed under intensive investigation by the TimeLord High Council. Your efforts on Gallefrey have failed, lesser one full of hatred, rage, shallow stupidities wrapped in the camouflage of clever brilliance. Aaahhh, a great big TARDIS filled with TriOri and other little monsters. Yes, false TimeLords known as TimeMasters, none of whom would have a hope of being allowed into the TimeLord Academy of the TimeCitadel on Gallefrey, let alone of graduating from it as TimeLordites. But they will do as my gift to you which is a chance to give their life energies to the One. The One will feed upon them now."


AlphaOmegaOri scowled. "I think not!" He tapped a very plain looking bracelet of copperish looking metal, tapped it three times in exactly the right spot, and the last gifting he had given exploded. Terrible shudders ran through the world and the TwistedGod, the ForeInheritor, screamed out in rage, hatred, agony but also in shock that somebody, anybody, would dare do such a thing to it.


By the time the TwistedGod recovered from the pain, the shock, the disruption, both AlphaOmegaOri and the AlphaOmegaTARDIS were gone. The TwistedGod sang to itself soothing madness and planned revenge on one that had dared not fully understand that only the One, that One, had any real importance at all.

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