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TwistedGod, the ForeInheritor




TwistedLord, TwistedLords

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04-11 (0116)

MultipleEarth Saga: Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...


Suzane, Shazz05, the Phantom and the PhantomTroopers moved away from the huge quasizombies that had once been the 'normal' bodies of AncientOnes, easily outdistancing the slow, cumbersome moving things that had once been graceful, fast, agile and truly powerful. They found three more of the great clumps of the distorted bodies and Shazz05 helped to save the souls, helped them to escape back to the natural life death cycles of the Multiverse. Each time this was done, the general undeathliness of the supercity was weakened but only by a relatively small amount. They kept on moving until they found a shelter free of the undeathliness but with five AncientOne bodies. They had committed suicide only to have their souls trapped in that place in misery, unable to escape because of the threat of the undeathliness and fear of the afterlife. Shazz05 instigated resurrection with them and then there were five WayOnes, transformed AncientOnes whose long suffering had opened them to moving on, in a spiritual sense. The group moved on now with the five WayOnes assisting with the mission.


Domehaven began to transform, to grow, to evolve and to merge into the Grand Triple Labyrinth. Domehaven transformed into being part of a new, underground, Greenhaven with great domechambers full of fertile landscape and ecosystems. It became known as GreenhavenDomia. Shazz02, and Daria, continued to dwell there with the peoples there.


Shazz03 witnessed the vanishing of the GlimmeringFog from the minehold called Gaedricska, the freeing of many souls, the transformation of zombies and other undead. Zombies became zomans or other kinds of transformed undead. Most of the long suffering souls moved onwards in the great cycle of life and death of the Multiverse, the universality of universes. The silver metallic substance, actually an extension of the Grand Silver Labyrinth, absorbed all of the minehold very rapidly after the GlimmeringFog withdrew through some kind of rift. From many surviving AncientOnes arose WayOnes and they willingly went with Shazz03, and others to the new settlements of Gaedricska. These were now considered to be part of a Greenhaven in its own right and this became known as GreenhavenGaedria.


Shazz01 was the first of Shazz to 'sense' that the time for the collective gathering of all of the aspects of Shazz together was coming. Shazz01 also 'sensed' that though a great transformation was coming, that it would not mean the ending of a great conflict that was also coming but only a change in the nature of that great conflict. Yet he was again frustrated by a lack of any details to arise with this 'foresensing'. Shazz activated the second and then, some hours later, the third exotic golden metallic cube as left by the LittleFatMan. They each vanished with a sparkling shimmer and each was replaced by nine smaller, copperish metallic cubes. Now there were twenty-seven of the copper cubes and the one amazing cube that appeared so totally unlike the others.


Field Marshal Rear Admiral, and his forces, along with his allies, witnessed the rapid departure of the WarMasters and their forces. Yet he was not fooled, he knew that they would be back and that there would be other dangers to come. The PeaceKeepers settled down in the two Greenhavens of the United People's Republic of Koombrasa to prepare for the expected return of the WarMasters and the arrival of other threats. That is GreenhavenDaria and GreenhavenToria. Everybody seemed to be 'sensing' the coming of a great transformation. Field Marshal Rear Admiral, and his forces, began the return journey to GreenhavenNaria.


The Fortorian Empire vanished into some secure place, along with its mysterious, brilliant and brutal Emperor.


"Except for the Greenhavens, the Maharg Sanctuaries, and some other special sanctuaries, all of Koombrasa is almost empty of life and will soon be so. Exotic quasiliving silicon based plant like entities are rapidly expanding over the surface, and through the subsurface, of Koombrasa. The same happened, is happening, with other AlternateEarths." Shazz01, Emperor Shazz of the WayOnes, sat on-in a great sophisticated throne on a great disk shaped dais but the main reason for the throne's design was practical. This allowed him not only to overlook much activity in the great new Central Command Chamber but to turn the throne to see even more. The chair provided him with many controls and other utilities. He spoke partly to himself and partly to the others in the chamber. "A sense of waiting for something major to happen, a great transformation of some kind, not an ending to the whole story but just another chapter coming to its completion."


The feeling was shared by most but nobody seemed to know just what was going to happen or, if they did know, they were not saying. Shazz01 had no evidence that any more dramatic events would take place before any such transformation occurred by he remained ready, kept his people prepared, just in case. He was soon to be glad that he had done so.


An assistant-adviser turned to him and spoke. "A large number of unidentified entities are moving towards GreenhavenNaria. They appear to be of many sizes and shapeforms, most being smaller and more basic. Sensors indicate they are quasizombie entities as animated by some kind of outside undeathly force. While many are the bodies of AncientOnes, most are the bodies of those that once served the AncientOnes in various ways, including superhuman corpses. Yet there are other things like great tentacle creatures, floating octopi things and many other shapeforms. There appears to be over a million of them."


Alarms began to chime through out GreenhavenNaria.


Which was when about the same time that the BlackQueen, of the BlackChessNNS, struck at the great undeathly army with thousands of roboremote units. BlackDrones shot through the air, along with much bigger, but slower, BlackSaucers and sleeker, faster, BlackDarts. There were also many BlackKnights, BlackPawns, and other battle worthy fighting roboremotes. Shazz01, Shazz, observed from GreenhavenNaria, through many varied means, as the battle raged. It was soon that he realized that the roboremote forces could not do much damage to the great undeath army and that he ordered freefighter and other forces to attack from GreenhavenNaria. Cluster-missiles were launched from the fortified boundaries of GreenhavenNaria. Great xolasergun batteries opened up.


=-A message has come to us to send onto you. Not just one TwistedLord operates out there. Of them all only one is aware that it is only one of more than one TwistedLord and the irony is that this one TwistedLord is no longer really a TwistedLord at all. Long ago did this one begin to understand that the TwistedLords were more than one, that they were helpless hopeless expendable puppets of the hateful TwistedGod. This one TwistedLord turned against the TwistedGod, also known as the ForeInheritor and yet pretended it remained but a helpless hopeless expendable puppet. It has secretly influenced the Senior Partners, the superhumans who controlled the Umbrella Corporation, to try to find a way to defeat the undeath. Yet it could not fully control the Senior Partners or the Umbrella Corporation.


Shazz01, Shazz, 'sensed' truth in the words and gave more orders to the GreenhavenNaria defense boundary fortifications to strike at the quasizombies in varied ways. Volleys of smart-rockets and rockets were launched. Yet even as this was done he began to 'sense' that what was coming was a most unwelcome revelation.


=-Aaahhh, this is terrible! You have been deeply betrayed by one who is herself deeply confused. The superhuman named Derra, who served the unity superhumans of the TriataThirteen, who you Shazz have married as Shazz02, she is more than she seems to be. Indeed she, Derra, does not truly understand her true, core, nature. Thus she was able to deceive not just the TriataThirteen but even herself. For she is a superhuman, yes, but she is also partly of the TwistedLords, of the genetics of a TwistedLord, and thus the TwistedGod has the capacity to deeply influence her. I only learned this terrible secret of late. You must need act soon...


But it was too late for Shazz, all of Shazz, felt Shazz02 die as Derra turned upon him, a transformed twisted version of Derra newly awoken to her core nature and fallen under the influence of the TwistedGod, the one called the ForeInheritor. Great agony swept through all of the still living aspects of Shazz, agony of physical and psychological nature. Yet Shazz did not remain dead, and fought to resurrect Shazz02. So it was that Shazz02 returned to living in a very painful manner of much struggle. By the time Shazz, Shazz02, was capable of finding out about Derra, she had disappeared from GreenhavenDomia. What had she taken of value; some artifacts of power, much damaging knowledge and the unborn infant of herself and Shazz02 with all of its genetic inheritance.


Here Ends the Story 'Saving Shazz, Greenhaven, Koombrasa and...'

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00-20 (0117)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The transformation took place!


AlternateEarths vanished as did all of the Skylands of Korra, for all of them had been transforming as had been Koombrasa, including the SkyContinent of Skaromondas. Korra itself was transforming and then it also vanished.


The great new world appeared, fully formed, seemingly out of nowhere. That it had all taken place suddenly was an illusion. All life was in status, as was all quasilife. Nothing came to harm. Much was changed.


KorraTerra was its name and it was great in size, in volume, but such was its mass that its surface gravity was 'Earth standard' of one gee. The transformed Skylands floated very high in the sky of the enlarged atmosphere but now SkaroMondas was one of three SkyContinents, there were nine large SkyIslands and Koombrasa had become greatly larger, was now the one and only SkySuperContinent.


RaccoonCity, formed from more than one RaccoonCity of more than one AlternateEarth, centered a region of the much enlarged Koombrasa. That region of the SkySuperContinent of Koombrasa had many Terran like features including cities like a version of NewYork complete with a version of the Statue of Liberty and a version of Sydney with a version of the Sydney Harbor Bridge except all were larger than they had been.


There were now thirteen super-continents being nine 'smaller' super-continents, three 'larger' super-continents and one 'grand' super-continent on the surface of KorraTerra.


Bigtropolis-BigState now stood in the center of the biggest super-continent of the surface of KorraTerra.


As life awoke, across KorraTerra, to all of the changes, only a very few understood that many of the events that had led up to the transformation had been necessary for the transformation to take place. Much had changed but much remained, relatively, the same. Only the same tiny minority understood that a main purpose of the new world was that it was to be an isolated battle zone between great forces. The troubles had not ended but had entered a new phase.


Deathcity, the distorted transformed AncientOne supercity, was no longer inside Koombrasa but was in a special, terrible place.


The MultipleEarth still existed as thousands of AlternateEarths, quarantined as it had been, but KorraTerra was a quarantined zone within a quarantined zone.

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05-01 (0118)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


BigState had shifted but it was still inside a great big super-bubble so the vast majority of its people did not have a clue that anything major had happened of that nature. Yes, there had been some odd events, but such odd events had become quite normal for Bigtropolis and for BigState that it centered. Tanya, the very special android, 'sensed' great changes had taken place. She had been through a testing-transformation and was able to 'sense' far more than she had been able to. Now she was moving, disguised as a typical citizen, through a busy city sector of Bigtropolis.


The transformation, the shifting off Bigtropolis-BigState, had done some good for the realm. The superhuman factions of the Grand Immortals had abruptly stopped warring with each other, as if focused on something more important than their endless power struggles. Tanya guessed, correctly, that the superhumans knew about the big changes and that Bigtropolis-BigState was now on a very different world. The supercity was quieter now, seemed more tranquil, and the strange incidents had ceased. No more cases of the TwistingSickness had been reported. Strange stories of recently dead corpses coming to 'life', had stopped appearing, as had those of people being possessed by 'demonic spirits', of monsters appearing in the more isolated areas of the supercity and much else.


The invasion of BigState was over. The invading armies had simply vanished. The Grand Immortals claimed responsibility for this supposedly 'great victory' but there was much doubt about this claim. The Grand Immortals were becoming increasingly isolated from and held in contempt by the majority of Bigtropolisfolk and BigStaters living outside of the supercity.


Tanya was dressed 'modestly sexy' as the fashion media would call such a look. She wore a knee length zip-dress, a pair of mid-heel shoes and a small, stylish hat that were all of matching colors. Of course the large shoulderbag complimented the rest of her gear and the pale white of her altered skin. Since she had returned to her home realm, Tanya had made brief contact with relatives of the Anderson Family and with some special friends of her own. Their lives were surprisingly much as they had been before she had vanished mysteriously. They were happy to see her return. The irony was that most of her friends did not even know that she was an android.


With out the invasion of BigState taking place there should have been a big reduction in rationing but there was only a moderate reduction in rationing though shortages improved greatly, many shortages ceasing altogether. Vanished people did not return magically, though. Stories began to circulate about the great war and how stolen human adults had been transformed into fighting, working and specialist cyborgs. They were known as Cyberborgs. Many had perished, many more had suffered badly, in the brutal war with the invaders. As for the invaders, just what had they been? Had they really been evil and had their intentions been evil? Strange whispers spoke of peoples outside of BigState fighting for their survival against some kind of evil caused by the very existence of Bigtropolis-BigState as it had been. The whispers spoke of the DoomWarZone beyond the boundaries, the bubble, of BigState where great armies constantly fought each other, many of them of horrific nature, and had done so for many thousands of years.


Tanya had made brief contact with the TriataThirteen but they had seemed wary of her nature as an android though they did admit she had gone through a testing-transformation. A compromise had been made and they had assisted her with some resources including a modest apartment, a fair sized weekly income and some resources that had been left inside the apartment. In return she had given them a great deal of valuable information about what had taken place on-in the SkyIsland of Koombrasa which was no longer a mere SkyIsland but which was a SkySuperContinent.


She was very good at detecting people around her, of keeping a track of movement, of patterns, but suddenly he was walking beside her. She 'sensed' no threat from him. The tall man wore a trenchcoat and hat that should have attracted a good deal of intention but somehow did not do so. He smiled at her and spoke. "Hi, my name is Graham Maharg."


"I have heard the name before. The Grand Immortals have you on their prime death list." Tanya smiled at him. "I hear they have never managed to get close to you."


"It is always good to be wanted." He gave a mild grin. "So you no longer serve the Grand Immortals."


"No!" She wondered what she might say next. "Do I have a soul now?"


"Considering the way replicants are made as silicon quasilifeforms, you always did have one though of a different variation than those of carbon based lifeforms." Graham Maharg sighed. "The troubles of Bigtropolis-BigState have been postponed, the supercity has been given some breathing space, but that is all. You made contact with the TriataThirteen and they assisted you by giving you an apartment, some payments through a smartcard and resources in the apartment. Have you been to the apartment yet or used the smartcard?"


Tanya shook her head. "No, I have been using cash and cash convertible items that I brought with me from Koombrasa. Derra told me that the TriataThirteen were to be fully trusted."


"Yes and no!" Graham Maharg held out his hand, palm upwards. "Please place the smartcard here."


The android did so and the smartcard glowed softly. Then Graham Maharg passed it back. "The TriataThirteen have partly fallen under the dark influence of the TwistedGod through one of the TwistedLords. Yes, there is only supposed to be one TwistedLord bu there are more than one."


Tanya shrugged. "I did not know there was supposed to be only one TwistedLord! So the smartcard is harmless now."


Graham Maharg grinned. "Harmless? It is now grand! It was set up to cause you trouble with the Civil Police here but now it will give you ten times the income along with some valuable data and access to other resources. You may tell me how wonderful I am."


Tanya smiled warmly at him. "You are very wonderful!"

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00-21 (0119)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

05-02 (0119)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


The HavenHive was now deep beneath Bigtropolis but at its western edge. It was greatly enlarged, for more self supporting, far more secure and far more heavily populated. Tanya was pleased to learn this fact from Graham Maharg even as they went to her apartment and found there four elite assassins waiting to kill Derra. These were metacloned metahumans, were cybernetically augmented but they had one good luck at both Tanya and Graham Maharg before quietly leaving. They were free lancers and very soon both Tanya and Graham Maharg were on a big list of 'jobs' that such people staid away from, no matter how many incentives they were offered. Not that the threat was over. There were plenty of fanatics, plenty of hard programmed-conditioned elite killers, out there who would not back away.


They had lunch, drank good coffee, made love, had showers and then went through the special resources in the apartment. Most were okay but two special weapons were booby-trapped to explode, to kill the user. A jar of honey, of the kind Tanya loved, was poisoned with stuff that would kill a normal replicant android but which would no longer harm the transformed Tanya. They ate the honey, it could do no harm to Graham Maharg, because the flavor of it was not spoiled.


Tanya, wearing only white cotton panties and a matching bra, was sitting in the commonroom of the apartment, was examining a powerful battlerifle designed to be used with power armor. It fired the 12.7mm calibre, a common type calibre for such weapons along with more powerful 20mm firing weapons and those that fired more of the smaller 10.5mm rounds. She looked up at Graham Maharg. "Why would the HavenHive appear beneath Bigtropolis instead of beneath the new RaccoonCity?"


"I wish I had the answer!" Graham Maharg responded. "The new RaccoonCity is no longer under threat so perhaps the HavenHive is much more needed here. It turns out that there has always been both a great UmbrellaHive beneath Bigtropolis, being at least ten times the size of the RaccoonCity UHive. More disturbingly is that buried deep beneath that has been a great AncientOne supercity. Beneath that, in turn, is a vast supercity of very mysterious nature that may be linked to the FirstOnes."


Suddenly the LittleFatWoman was there, almost as if she had always been there. "We do not always know everything, which is good, that is we of the LittleFatFamily. Now that is a name for us that has not been used for a very long time; I think it is about time it came back into vogue." She sat knitting translucent glowing crystal substances into a very small jumper that floated in the air. "Another LittleFatBaby is on its way to making its appearance. So cute and adorable. To think it will be only two or three million years before the cutie emerges fully into existence."


"So there is no reason to buy a gift then." Tanya responded quietly in amazement. Then heard a baby cry of protest, turned to find a small chubby baby figure floating semitransparently close to her face. The baby figure was in a crystal, softly glowing, nappy and was pleasingly plump. "On the other hand there may be a million, billion very good reasons to buy a gift."


The LittleFatBaby chortled happily and then faded away.


Graham Maharg nodded to himself. "Aaahhh, to be such a one."


The LittleFatWoman sighed. "Now, don't you go feeling sorry for yourself. You know that we love all of our children equally. The great UmbrellaHive was hidden away, as were the two supercities, by a very subtle and clever altering of the timespace flows of history. Perhaps we, the LittleFatFamily did this or perhaps we did this in conjunction with other forces or perhaps we had nothing to do with it. We do know that it was done as part of the preparations for the lesser great transformation that just took place that is unlike, for instance, the greater great transformation that created the MultipleEarth in the first place."


"What does all of this have to do with the fate of the AncientOnes and the existence of Deathcity?" Tanya sat close on a double-couch with the Mysterious Stranger, Graham Maharg, who was no longer wearing the trenchcoat but denim jeans, a Tshirt with BettyBoop on the front, cowboy boots and a thick leather belt with two very big holstered revolver-pistols. Graham Maharg did not change gear in the normal way unless he had to keep up appearances; otherwise he simply made things appear, disappear or just change.


"Very good question but I am not sure I can answer it." The LittleFatWoman looked thoughtful. "The AncientOnes lacked wisdom and common sense but they were also very canny, very cunning and wished strongly to survive. When they found the amazing supercity of the FirstOnes, they were at first in shock. Then they created the supercity above it for many purposes including to research the even vaster and more ancient other supercity. This took place a very long time before their war with the TimeLords or even before their war with the monstrous rogue TimeLord known as AlphaOmegaOri. They won the war against AlphaOmegaOri and his great AlphaOmegaArmada but not easily so. As it was they used secrets, gained from the FirstOnes, to destroy the AlphaOmegaArmada. AlphaOmegaOri never forgave them for the destruction of the AlphaOmegaArmada though he accepted military defeat as simply part of existence as he sees it. Such a powerful, and yet petty, mind that one has. AlphaOmegaOri may have sought revenge by helping to influence the AncientOnes to undertake the very foolish actions that led to the creation of the first TwistedLord and the reemergence of the TwistedGod back into the Positive Multiverse from the Nothingness where it had been trapped since the last of the ForeEmpire's Empresses trapped it there as a last desperate effort against it. The TwistedGod, that is, that is also known as the ForeInheritor."


So it was that Tanya learned much more though she seemed to learn most of it by some subtle indirect means that she could not understand. The LittleFatWoman spoke of the sterility of the FirstOnes who created substitute children but could not truly reproduce, which was something that was actually for the best for the Multiverse. Then a small majority faction of the FirstOnes, deluded and desperate, created the ForeInheritor in a very foolish attempt to create real offspring. The ForeInheritor, also known as the TwistedGod, turned out to be incredibly evil, with out conscious and narcissistic to the extreme but also amazingly powerful though with some odd weaknesses. The ForeInheritor turned on its creators and thus began a great war between it and the ForeEmpire. Despite all of its great power, its many resources, its many powerful followers, the ForeEmpire was driven back and began to lose the war badly. It was only the Empress who saved the empire by using her own special abilities to thrust the ForeInheritor into the Nothingness, also known as the NullVoid.


The LittleFatWoman departed, almost as if she had never been there, but left behind some instructions and some very special resources in the form of six metallic spheres being one golden, two silvery and three copperish in color.

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05-03 (0120)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


AliceT went off to the new RaccoonCity using an upgraded and augmented teleportboat. She went there to look around the UmbrellaHive that was underneath that city, to track down people she had known and to gain information of many kinds. The Robocop went with her as it was its program-conditioned duty to serve in RaccoonCity and it also wanted to investigate, to find some answers, to some questions that it had.


AliceS and the Sliders, they all kept that label including the mirror-clones, settled down to living in the HavenHive and learning more about along with Bigtropolis-BigState. AliceK did much the same. The White, Red, Grey and Purple ChessNNSes carried out normal duties, went through upgrades, carried out exercises, added enhancements and augmentations.


The PurpleChessNNS continued development and research in new expanded and improved facilities, the PurpleQueen being joined in her efforts by a large team of specialists of many kinds.


The RedChessNNS took over all internal security roles and became a back up for the GreyQueen and GreyChessNNS. There were also preparations for special security operations. There were more resources of many kinds to be used, that were used.


The GreyChessNNS became the military defense force but also prepared to carry out military missions if it had to do so. Again there were more resources of many kinds to be used, that were used.


The WhiteChessNNS kept on running much of the HavenHive with much expansion, enhancement of network-systems and other resources.


The supersoldiers were linked back to their home metropolis again but they remained in the HavenHive as did Marshal Admiral and other special units.


Then Shazz04 suddenly departed and went to GreenhavenDaria, teleporting there using newly realized abilities. He promised to return as soon as he could but no more than that.


The HavenHive was to remain a fairly quiet place with few real dramas and no real surprises, for a fairly long time. The focus was on preparing for something 'big' to come though nobody seemed to know for sure just what that 'something big' was going to be. People did miss RaccoonCity, did miss people who had been on that other world, in that other region. Plans were begun to get some of them to the new RaccoonCity for a visit or even to stay there. Security quarantine was begun and remained in place for a long while. This was especially true in relation to Bigtropolis-BigState.


The expanded HavenHive had some interesting surprises in it, so big was it, and it seemed that the occupants of the HavenHive were meant to explore and find many of these secrets themselves and more than that. It was a challenge of a nature hinting strongly of the influence of the LittleFatFamily. Yet it would would turn out that there were to be other kinds of surprises in that place of a very different nature, that were to be not so welcome.

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Notes A to Z: U


Umbrella Corporation


UmbrellaHives, UHives

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06-01 (0121)

MultipleEarth Saga: Deathcity Death, Undeath, Life and Unlife


Shazz05, Suzane, the Phantom, the PhantomTroopers and others moved onwards through the dreaded bizarreness of Deathcity. The AncientOne strangeness was made even more so by the influence of the forces now through out most of the distorted underground metropolis. Then came the signs of far more recent activity, of a battle having taken place of much savagery. There were great burn marks and even some holes, some rounded craters, burned out of areas of the metallic stone. Normally such a supercity would self-repair, would regenerate, but somehow this one was not doing so.


Shazz05 gained deeply uncomfortable impressions, visions of dark truths, that he had no desire to gain. The real history, the real origin, of the AncientOnes was linked to that supercity though it was very far from the oldest structure they had ever created. They had placed something of their hidden selves into that supercity even as they had created it. That is their distorted twin nature as reflecting both the Positive and Negative Multiverses. They had done so as to create the TwistedLord as an entity that they would then enslave and exploit to alter further their own already transformed natures. That is transformed in the secret place that had once been part of the RaccoonVault.


"Not all AncientOnes were transformed in that super-mechanism, in the chamber of slabs where Shazz04 first emerged into existence." Shazz05 shook his head as if trying to clear away the confusion of his general impressions and short, startling visions. "The great majority were so but a large minority hung back from doing so out of fear. A small minority actually dared to object to the whole process, fearing what would happen. Their numbers grew slowly but steadily right through out what happened to Deathcity before it became Deathcity. All of the transformed AncientOnes, they came to be called the AzaraOnes though I can not pick up why this was so. The unchanged AncientOnes, who did not rebel, were called the Non-AzaraOnes. The active rebels became known as the Anti-AzaraOnes."


One of the WayOnes, who had been an AncientOne, spoke out. "All of us were Non-AzaraOnes. Azara was supposedly the deepest voice of true clarity of greater lesser wisdom. It supposedly spoke deep to the minds of the driven leadership of the AzaraOnes. The Emperor became a Pilgrim of Azara, one of the chosen of the chosen. The Empress became one of the Anti-AzaraOnes but her power, authority and influence became weakened somehow though she was still revered as Empress. The Empress became the leader of the Anti-AzaraOnes. She, and her followers, departed from Deathcity many days before the terrible events but what happened to them, we do not know. Foolishly we Non-AzaraOnes mostly staid here but inside protective domechambers like the one you found us... us five long dead ones in."


They were in a great domechamber of half melted statues, massive and badly damaged despite being incredibly hard. The great disk shaped floor stretched out into the far distance. As the thousands of dead emerged into the chamber, a great misty clump of ghosts moving as one for mutual protection, their fear was starkly evident, as was their pain, but so was their rage. Upon detecting Shazz05 they flowed rapidly towards him with hopeful, fearful expressions; they seemed not so much to fear Shazz05 but that he might not be able to help them. The majority of ghosts were not of the AncientOnes but were of those who served them from the lowliest slaves to the highest of followers.


Shazz05 reached out, there was a great flash of white light and then the ghosts were all gone; they were free of the city as souls now going on their natural life-death cycles of the Positive Multiverse. In their place were thirteen glowing spheres being one big, three medium and nine smaller sized. Shazz05 reached out towards them and they also vanished away. He looked puzzled but not greatly.


He spoke. "Somehow I did the right thing, instigated the rescue of those many thousands of lost souls, and in return gained thirteen very special devices of cleansing transformation. They can only be used at the right time and place, each, for them to be truly effective. They are not the key to victory in this place but can assist in the process of reaching those 'keys' and also just to help us survive. There are more than the undead in Deathcity but something very different that seems to also be related to the Negative Multiverse; that is the opposite of life being unlife even as death is matched by undeath. Undeath and unlife here fight each other with great aggressiveness. Neither should be here. This place should not exist, should not be able to exist as it is."


They set out again but now Shazz05 was leading them in a specific direction, was starting to feel a strong, subtle, 'pull' towards a special place in Deathcity. They got across the great domechamber and went past a great, partly melted, globedisk like TransGlobe. Even that very powerful AncientOne artifact had not stood up to the dreadful forces unleashed at the moment when the AncientOnes' Empire had come to an end. They got past the great transdimensional transport when Shazz05 stopped, turned and faced it. The others halted, some not looking to the TransGlobe as they kept alert for danger.


Suzane, the TimeLord, was looking uncomfortable for Deathcity played badly with her special senses. "Time fields and flows are distorted here in a way different from that which I have picked up before now. There are survivors in the TransGlobe, or so I suspect."


Shazz05 nodded. "Yes, living survivors, very many of them. The survivors include over a hundred AncientOnes. Alive they might be but they are damaged, as is the TransGlobe, and are at its very core inside multiple forms of defense. There they are cramped and overcrowded. They take turns at being in status, even the AncientOnes. There is another there! Powerful, though weakened, his identity confuses me for it is the real NullDoNull but I am the real NullDoNull. Still, if there can be more than one Shazz as Shazz, why not a NullDoNull also?"


With some difficulty they entered the TransGlobe and made their way through great broken domechambers, through distorted zones, through functional gateways until they came to the deep inner sanctuary. NullDoNull, looking actually like a typical AncientOne, came to them. Except that NullDoNull was a female, was a 'she'. NullDoNull was of Shazz and Shazz was of NullDoNull but they were also semiautonomous from each other. They met in a great domechamber that was crowded with sleepy, sick looking entities from great AncientOnes to the merest metahuman workers. There were many mechanisms, strange food growing plants and much else that helped to serve-support the lives of those there but it was clear that the situation had been getting steadily, though very slowly, worse.


Shazz05 took out one of the nine smallest of the spheres of cleansing transformation. "This will do the trick but it will not be all easy or painless."


NullDoNull nodded her large humanoid head as wrapped in a basically stylish super power helmet. "Please do as must be done. All of us are beyond caring about the old ways. We simply wish to be rescued from this hell hole."


If Shazz05 had any expectations, the results of activating the sphere of cleaning transformation took him totally by surprise. The flash of light went through everything, through other transdimensional spaces, through out the whole of the TransGlobe. All went through testing-transformations and all either vanished or were transformed. The non vanished AncientOnes became WayOnes and others became also enhanced, changed, who had not vanished. The TransGlobe was repaired as of new but most of its great energy banks remained under charged. Networks of network-systems came back online, became fully or partly active once more than had been dead. Other network-systems became stronger, more efficient. More space, more resources of many kinds, became suddenly available partly because, over two thirds of, those that had been there were gone.


The WayOnes, and other transformed folks, began to operate the TransGlobe or to move through out it to carry out other duties or to take care of their own needs. None were of the AncientOne Empire any more and new ways quickly formed of greater equality, efficiency and mutual respect. The results were far from perfect but were an amazing improvement over the madness of the AncientOne Empire.





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00-22 (0122)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

06-02 (0122)

MultipleEarth Saga: Deathcity Death, Undeath, Life and Unlife


Using the instrumentalities of the TransGlobe, Shazz05 began to do scanning probes and sensor sweeps to pick up local energy patterns, that is clues to what was really going on in Deathcity. At first he was forced to do a great deal of messing around, with the help of the WayOnes, to get be able to pick up any useful patterns at all. When the instrumentalities began to do so with success, the results were amazing. Deathcity was partly in the Negative Multiverse, partly in the Positive Multiverse and partly in the Neutrality Buffer Zone between the two of which one aspect of was the ZeroZone. Deathcity was linked directly with the AlternateEarth at the edge, just inside, the ZeroZone that was infested with the TwistedGod, the one also known as the ForeInheritor. None of this was accidental.


Shazz05, TimeLord Suzane, the Phantom and others stood in the great Central Control Chamber of the TransGlobe.


Suzane spoke with obvious fascination mingled with a strong hint of revulsion. "So the TwistedGod was always part of what happened to AncientOnes?"


The LittleFatMan was suddenly there, almost as if he had always been there, and he nodded. "The TwistedGod was there in the sense that it influenced, seduced, the majority of AncientOnes to either be part of the great foolish act or to fail to resist it even if they wished to do so. The TwistedGod even influenced the AncientOnes' attack on their own Empress and others who fought against the madness of the project taking place with, and inside, Deathcity. Yet the TwistedGod was not the only influence. The twisted inner nature of the AncientOnes themselves was largely to blame and the TwistedGod only had to push that, to use that as a lever to get the supercity built and the project begun."


The LittleFatMan sighed. "There are limits to what we can do, we of the LittleFatFamily. We are limited by the Great Balance, by the truth that we could easily do more harm than good and by factors that I can not, will not, speak of here and now. Deathcity must either be transformed to its old self or destroyed. Deathcity, as it is now, feeds power to the TwistedGod and the TwistedLords, the TwistedOnes. Deathcity, as it is now, also helps keep certain unbalances of forces in places and here there are ways that entities can cross from zones they should not normally come from. Such as the DoomHorda forces of the DoomLords that came to support the Demoniconda Army. From here came one of the original sources of the U-virus, which is far more than just a virus. There are also other threats here, that you may or may not encounter."


"Nine Conda Armies have begun invading Deathcity, each bigger and more powerful than any Conda Army you have dealt with before. The Conda Elementals, twisted elementals, survive inside and animate fabricated outer entities of many kinds. The fabricated bodies protect them from Deathcity but have a distorting influence on the mentalities of the Conda Elementals, which are already twisted far too much. The TwistedGod created the basic forms of the fabricants and then a TwistedLord completed adjusting, altering, enhancing and augmenting them for the Conda Elementals to use."


Nine great Conda Armies?


The LittleFatMan shook his head, as if to himself. "I must go very soon. Three TwistedLord led Armies of TwistedOnes and lesser TwistedNoids are also invading as is one great, mysterious army that is letting the others taking the brunt of the invasion for its first phases. More you must learn yourself except that the reason for such a great invasion is that Deathcity has become the host of one, or more very powerful forces, that are extremely hostile to the TwistedGod, to the ForeInheritor."


Then the LittleFatMan was gone, almost as if he had never been there, and yet he had left a great big three metre by three metre metallic cube that turned out to have one golden side, two silver sides and three copper sides. All those in the chamber gained the impression that for now they had to leave the artifact alone while it carried out a series of important processes such as charging up the energy banks of the TransGlobe while also enhancing its super-technologies and networks of network-systems. These processes were discovered through the TransGlobe itself but other processes remained hidden in their function and purpose.


Other great forces were in Deathcity, were opposing the TwistedGod, but how many were there and what were they, where were they and would they be a threat to those in the TransGlobe? Also what did these other forces have to do with the timespace alternates linked series of events that had caused so much trouble to the Multiverse and had led to the creation of the MultipleEarth?


Swarms of ghosts began to arrive at the TransGlobe, drawn there by the MysticCube as was its true name though people did not know how they came to know this. The TransGlobe welcomed them, drew them in and the ghosts were tested-transformed. Most departed to be once again part of the great life-death cycle but a minority returned to assist those in the TransGlobe. They had amazing and disturbing information as they came into the TransGlobe, always with the same basics but always with some odd bits of data. Problem was that the information was not complete and often begged more questions than giving final answers. The information was added, carefully, to what was already known.


The ElementalGods of Life and Death had sent powerful avatars into the city!?


The Nine Conda Armies and Three Twisted Armies were encountering powerful resistance of many kinds!?


Real AncientOnes, in special super power armor and with powerful exotic devices, were also active in the ancient distorted supercity!?


AlphaOmegaOri was noted to be in Deathcity with a large force based in a great alien war vessel!?


Areas of Deathcity were transforming slowly back into a 'normal' AncientOne supercity while other areas were deforming even more in a variety of ways!?


There was much more, most of it being very fragmented and-or vague.

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05-04 (0123)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Using one of the silvery spheres, as left by the LittleFatWoman, caused the apartment to transform. It now had two aspects being the original like outer zone and a new, bigger inside than out, inner zone. The inner zone was only about three times the volume of the old apartment but it had a large amount of general resources and a few special ones. The existence of a hidden cable-teleport network reaching through out Bigtropolis-BigState was something a large minority knew roughly about but only a very small minority knew where it was situated or how to use it.


The apartment inner zone had a fairly large, a standard small-large sized, cable-teleport chamber. It was dangerous to cable-teleport any lifeforms, especially more complex lifeforms, with out special equipment and normally cable-teleport network-systems were regulated from doing such. Special devices could over ride this and ensure the safety for people, or other lifeforms, using the cable-teleportation technologies.


The apartment inner zone had an AI-supercomputer network-system that controlled a number of smaller sized roboremotes, turrets and other hardware including holographic projectors and remote-androids that could trick others into believing that Graham Maharg and-or Tanya were in the apartment outer zone when they were not.


The apartment inner zone had super virtual reality capsulechairs and an interactive holographic chamber.


Tanya spent some hours in the interactive holographic chamber using it to gain more information about what had been happening in Bigtropolis-BigState since she had first gone to Koombrasa, then being a SkyIsland. There had been the on going invasion of three large armies from the DoomWarZone, outbreaks of elemental intruders that had not been all evil and small outbreaks of bizarre 'illnesses'. The BigGov, the Bigtropolis-BigState Government, had managed to move quickly to suppress outbreaks of what seemed to be of a K-virus, U-virus, T-virus and even other kinds. The TwistingSickness had struck in the mysterious Undercity, in the Midcity above that and below the 'normal' supercity. The BigGov had sent in specialist units to deal with such problems instead of regular military, paramilitary or police units. These were new style SWAT units being Special Weapons Armor and Tactics, STAT units being Special Tricks and Technologies and a few others. FEAR units being First Encounter Assault Recon, were also busy as were others. The great transformation, the shifting of Bigtropolis-BigState to a transformed world, had given it a breathing space but too soon troubles were starting to arise again.


Tanya spoke with Graham Maharg as they stood in the semi-enclosed main balcony of the apartment. "Superhumans have often been openly active in Bigtropolis-BigState as super heroes, super antiheroes and super villains. The activities of such have increased greatly since I went to Koombrasa with Derra and the others in the group. The Super Guardians have been dealing with the activities of strange monsters in the Midcity, or so go the stories."


Graham Maharg snorted in annoyance. "Though there is some truth to the existence of such entities, mostly they are cover stories for real superhuman activities such as dealing with messes caused by superhuman experiments or factional conflicts between certain superhumans. The monsters seem to be zombies, zombers, malcons, ragers, ravers and some others like skelters. I have been gaining information in my own way but there are too many vagaries and gaps in the information for my own liking; more questions are begging than answers are achieved."


"That has always been the way of Bigtropolis-BigState." Tanya shook back her hair as she stood there in a string-bikini top and shorts. "A young man is spying on me with a pair of binoculars."


Graham Maharg sighed. "He is busy not just spying on you; he is holding the binoculars with only one hand. I suggest that we go down into the Midcity, to one of the locations of reported trouble, and try to find any clues there to what is really going on in this supercity."


Tanya nodded. "Yes, a very good idea. Humans are very strange organisms."


"Most strange!" Graham Maharg shook his head. "The young man has departed from the window, taking his binoculars with himself, but others observe us with much more professional cleverness and technological know how. Professional assassins and others, who are supporting them as members of an assassination team. These are fanatical followers, are not freelancers who will choose to just walk away because the contract is not worth trying to carry out. Even if this apartment was not transformed, they could not reach us as this apartment block is all moderate security designed and manned."


Yes, the apartment block had also transformed; the apartment block now had many alarm network-systems along with panic rooms, armored shutters, stungun turrets and much else of the kind. It was not the sort of environment that assassins would choose normally to operate in. There were too many chances of detection and of more dangerous forces being called in to deal with the assassins. Fanatical followers classed themselves to be expendable for their causes but, at the same time, did not want to waste all of the resources that had been spent on their training.


Tanya smiled. "We will need to get the holographic tricks up and running, along with some other tricks new to the apartment, to fool such people into thinking we are here while in truth we are elsewhere."


There were also other preparations that had to be made before they traveled to the Midcity using the cable-teleport network-system.

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