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05-05 (0124)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Tanya stood in a special chamber in the secret inner apartment of the Home Apartment, as they had come to call it. It turned out that the Home Apartment was now linked to the Maharg Structures, to Mahargia, in a secondary but important fashion. She faced a command console and three big 3Dwallscreens of the newly named Mission Chamber. Tanya wore a white tight jumpsuit and slipboots. Her hands flew over a special keyboard with amazing speed and dexterity. Words flowed across a large screen.


The HomeQueen spoke from three high quality speakers, a strong female voice. "You are seeking something in particular?"


"A hunch of sorts, a 'gut feeling' if androids can have such". There are superhumans here, Grand Immortals, who are Senior Partners of the Umbrella Corporation and who belong to known Grand Immortal Factions but what if there are also other Senior Partners of a different nature?" She paused speaking again but kept on writing what were a series of questions and statements. "Together we carried out a good deal of research, accessing as much data we could from the vast Bigtropolis-BigState computer networks of network-systems. That is from the general Internet to the more regulated Supernet and some others more secretive and heavily regulated. Yet something does not add up... more than one thing does not add up."


Bigtropolis-BigState appeared to be a supercitystate, a superstate centered by a supercity. That is it was seemingly just a great big over sized citystate. In this case it was a very big citystate ruled by immortal superhumans with strange powers and enhanced general abilities. Yes was this true? Why, how and when had Bigtropolis-BigState come to exist? Why was it surrounded by the terrible DoomWarZone? What relationship did it have with the DoomWarZone and those that existed there fighting an endless war, seemingly?


Was the DoomWarZone still the same now that a great transformation had taken place? KorraTerra, the new much bigger world, had a strange new world geography.


The HomeQueen spoke. "I have found identifications for the three armies that were invading BigState before the transformation swept away the invaders. They were the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclaven and the EarthEmpire, being wary allies of each other but also being human centered. Except that the Brotherhood of Steel were armies of cyborgs in power armor or power mecha, the Enclaven were power armored enhanced clones and the EarthEmpire were human and human hybrids in power armor or exotic warmachines. This was a generalization, all of the forces having more technologies than that. The high commanders of these three invading factions all declared they were seeking justice, revenge and compensation for past evil done by the superhumans known as the Grand Immortals."


Tanya was surprised. "Where did you find that data?"


"I did not find it, it was sent to me but I can not identify how it ended up in my databanks let alone the source of the information." The HomeQueen sounded a little frustrated. "The amount of data is not extensive in size but there is more. The DoomWarZone is plagued by undeath and unlife, by mutated monsters, by terrible environmental conditions and much else of the kind. What has made it worse have been powerful forces raiding out of the big bubble, seen as a dome because two thirds of it is underground, to steal resources including prisoners while inflicting as much death, destruction and disorder as possible. The three factions invading BigState had suffered most from these raids. All had once been part of something called the United States of Earth, the USE, that had been destroyed when Bigtropolis-BigState was created by the superhuman factions of the USE; the Grand Immortals created the DoomWarZone when they created Bigtropolis-BigState to be their own heavily controlled, heavily isolated, empire centered on their own utopian paradise. This great selfish move caused much death, destruction and disorder across the AlternateEarth the Grand Immortals were based on. Yet this historical account is problematic."


"Such is how did the Grand Immortals manage to carry out such a massive project in a seemingly very short time?" Tanya stopped using the keyboard. "Such a project would have taken more power, resources, than superhumans could have attained. Then again, what of the idea that a TwistedLord may be heavily influencing the Senior Partners who control the Umbrella Corporation, including its various fronts under other names. Perhaps it was the TwistedLord who provided the resources, the powers, to create Bigtropolis-BigState but why would it?"


"More than a TwistedLord might have been behind the project but the TwistedGod itself, the ForeInheritor." The HomeQueen responded. "Again, why would it and what is the link between this and..."


A small shiver went through the place but considering how much the inner apartment was sealed off, screen away from, the supercity proper it was not good. Alarms began to sound and the HomeQueen quickly cut them off as she sought to find out just what was happening out in Bigtropolis.


Tanya waited patiently for the HomeQueen could get the task done much faster and more efficiently than she could.


Then the HomeQueen spoke with a grave tone to her voice. "A great metallic sphere structure appeared deep inside the ground of the far north-eastern sector of BigState. More data has come to me from an unknown source, by unknown means. The great structure was the very centre of the supercity of Centrosaza that had vanished during the Super Explosion that had caused so much death, destruction and disorder on Koombrasa that was back then a SkyIsland. It had moved through timespace, seemingly, but how and for what reason? What forces were behind this event?"


Tanya wondered why she was feeling a sudden surge of trepidation, a very strong 'sense' that something was very wrong indeed. Just where, when, had the core of the supercity of Centrosaza been? Just what had happened to it and anybody, anything, inside it?


Graham Maharg entered the chamber in a great hurry, being in super power armor and carrying a menacing looking super-weapon in his arms. He looked grim faced through his clear helmet visor. "I need must go and check out the appearance of the CentrosazaCore inside BigState. The 'request' came from the LittleFatWoman herself. You asks that you remain here for now and carry on the excellent work you have been doing with the assistance of the HomeQueen. There will be other tasks for you to carry out. You are asked to further explore the more exotic resources of the Home Apartment. She also states she has been working with the TriataThirteen to deal with the dark influence that infiltrated them, that briefly took control of part of their aspect of Unity. Soon the cleansing away of the dark influence of a TwistedOne will be completed. I will be meeting with other forces closer to the site of the CentrosazaCore."


Soon Graham Maharg was gone. Tanya had gotten used to him being around and was sorry to see him go for a range of reasons, one being that she had grown rather fond of him.

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00-23 (0125)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The TwistedSublord, who had been the fake NullDoNull in the ZeroZone, stepped out of the QuasiTARDIS that had supposed to take him to Koombrasa to blow up. He had actually known the truth of what was supposed to happen for the LittleFatOne had appeared earlier on in the QuasiTARDIS that he had used to escape from the ZeroZone in. The TwistedSublord had gone through a testing-transformation, a painful but rewarding process, to become an exotic kind of WayOne. As one of the WayOnes he had decided to serve Emperor Shazz, to serve the new cause of the WayOnes and to serve the LittleFatFamily.


He stood on Koombrasa, now a transformed SkySuperContinent instead of a large SkyIsland, looking out over an amazing fertile green landscape of great thick jungles, of lighter forests, of mountain ranges and large areas of grass. He looked with the enhanced, extended, vision of a WayOne. Now he was at peace with himself in a way that had been impossible for him as a TwistedSublord. Yet even as a TwistedSublord had had fought against the TwistedGod as much as he could, as much as he dared to do so, by treating the foolish criminal AncientOnes as best as he could. The TwistedLord who had sent him to the ZeroZone had wanted him to exploit the trapped AncientOnes there to the point of destruction.


The LittleFatOne stepped out of the QuasiTARDIS and looked around even as the device vanished with a humming noise. He spoke. "You will not need the QuasiTARDIS here and it would be dangerous to use something created by the TwistedGod as a crude, distorted copy of TimeLord Technologies. Koombrasa has changed greatly and this is one of the grand new Green Life Zones but there are also the Black Claytol Zones of toxic claytol and other less fertile, more dangerous zones. We, of the LittleFatFamily, did have some influence on the creation of KorraTerra but what resulted from the transformation has taken us by surprise as it has most others. What name do you choose for yourself?"


The WayOne smiled. "ZeroZander from the ZeroZone! In the distance there, is that a supercity of the AncientOnes? It looks strange even by their standards."


"It is a great melded, networked, conglomeration of AncientOne artifacts taken from many AlternateEarths. You could call it a supercity or just a super mess. You could go that way or follow the dice throw!" The LittleFatOne handed to ZeroZander a small pair of strange six sided glowing dice. "These are no normal dice but that is evident by the feel and look of them. Good luck and fate to you. I must go but here!" The LittleFatOne passed to ZeroZander a small, bulging, metallic leathery bag tied by a metallic leathery string as with a coin purse.


Then the LittleFatOne was gone almost as if he had never been there.


ZeroZander set out for the distance supercity, or super mess, and was soon making his way across a great plain of grass that undulated as of shallow hills and wide, shallow gulleys. Small mammals, reptiles and birds were not frightened of them and he attempted to do them no harm. As he went, the WayOne began to be followed by an old male ape creature, clearly having been thrown out of a group of such creatures. ZeroZander 'sensed' the large, though easily smaller than himself, creature had once been an alpha male but was now hungry and tired. It was not long before the creature was riding in a sling like harness on the back of ZeroZander and was sleeping peacefully, having had a feed and an injection of healing serum. ZeroZander had made his first real friend and he liked it.

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06-03 (0126)

MultipleEarth Saga: Deathcity Death, Undeath, Life and Unlife


The TwistedOnes, three of them, led the first attack against the transformed TransGlobe, hurling deadly energy blasts at it. Around them were quasizombies of long dead AncientOne bodies and many who had once served them. The force was only moderately large, attacked only briefly though with much savagery, and then withdrew when it was clear it was making no impact on its target.


Fighting was going on through out large areas of Deathcity but for a while it did not get close to the TransGlobe.


Then came a day when Shazz05 was joined suddenly by Shazz01, Shazz02, Shazz03 and Shazz04. Koombrasa had been transformed largely for the better, the Greenhavens were thriving and were surrounded by great fertile areas. The WarMasters, and their armies, had vanished but none assumed they would stay away. The same was true of the Fortorian Empire. All of the Shazzs became melded into one Shazz and began a long testing-transformation, preparing for something coming that Shazz would not, could not, speak of for the moment.


Word came of Unity rising across Koombrasa, though with much newness and awkwardness, with the rise of the Unification Federation of Republics, normally called just the UnityFederation. Based in the Greenhavens, the UnityFederation was soon laying the foundation of great plans and programs to come but it also built up its capabilities for trouble to come. The Unity Federation Defense Force, or UnityForce, was created and was soon growing quickly in size, strength and sophistication. UnityForce did more than military operations and programs; UnityForce carried out civil projects in more dangerous, more isolated areas.


Ghosts kept arriving at the TransGlobe and reported a large army of AncientOnes in super power armor, with huge energy weapons, were leading an even larger army of monstrous mecha warmachines and superhumans in power armor inside battlemecha, hovertanks and other warmachines. They were heading, it seemed, for a particular destination, seeking a particular goal, but were having trouble gaining either in the unnatural madness of the distorted supercity. Yet the ghosts reported other 'things' out there that seemed even worse, somehow, than the TwistedGod's Armies or these bizarre AncientOnes.


Glowing morgue green fog moved and in it moved many dark shapes, it being all of powerful antinatural undeathness dotted with the undead. Yet there was also glowing white mist, as if sunshine was beaming out of it, which also had shapes moving inside of it. These had both arrived and when they met there were huge storms of bizarre energies as they clashed with each other, sending shudders through large areas of Deathcity and causing other forces to move away from those areas.


Shazz began to transform to become more than just the Emperor of the WayOnes, though he remained the Emperor. From the TransGlobe reached out energies and transforming influences so that area of Deathcity began to transform into something new that was both like and unlike the AncientOne supercity. It started to become the first WayOne supercity but only very slowly.

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05-05 (0127)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Graham Maharg was angered by what he found close to where CentrosazaCore had appeared in, deep underground in, BigState. Five Grand Immortal Generals had appeared on the scene with armies of cyberborgs, abducted and transformed humans, robots, androids and elite forces of metahuman supersoldiers in special body-armor. There were even some Grand Immortal Soldiers going into combat or protecting the five Grand Immortal Generals. The fighting was savage as twisted undead things came broiling out of the CentrosazaCore. Many had been superhumans but now were lichs, a powerful kind of undead, or vampires that were another kind of powerful undead. Others had been metahumans or animal-humans but most had been normies. They came inside a undead entity of morgue green glowing mist that spilled up out of the ground, sometimes fountaining upwards out of big cracks in the earth. Plants were less effected by the GlimmeringMist and animals either fled or died. Only some kinds of animals, in smaller numbers, became undead.


Volleys of smart-rockets, rockets and missiles struck the enemy exploding and flashing with UV rays. The Grand Immortals understood the enemy that faced them, understood what many of the vulnerabilities were and were taking advantage of that knowledge as much as they could. Xolasers and pulselasers fired upon the GlimmeringMist, slashing into it. UV flash warheads and bombs exploded amongst it. Caseless projectiles, of many kinds, hammered into the invasion force. But despite all of this the GlimmeringFog kept on slowly and steadily advancing, expanding its territory though it was greatly slowed in its progress and many of its undead perished.


The enemy bore the banners of the TwistedGod, that was also known as the ForeInheritor, and the GlimmeringMist was not as thick or as powerful as the GlimmeringFog that which had been experienced in the minehold of Gaedricska or was being experienced in Deathcity. Graham Maharg looked upon it and 'sensed' that the GlimmeringMist was a weaker copy of the GlimmeringFog, was what the TwistedGod had created while attempting to be like far more powerful forces that had come from the Negative Multiverse for unknown reasons.


Graham Maharg did not turn as his own army came out of concealment being TriataThirteen superhumans, metahumans and transformed normies along with others. They came in energy-armor and with special energy weapons that were very potent against many kinds of enemies. Both were of elemental energies but there was also back-up power armor or super power armor along with projectile weapons. Though he did not wish to do so, though he was angry with them for many reasons, he called for a temporary alliance with the Grand Immortals. Though they did not like it, though they hated him as they did the LittleFatFamily, the Grand Immortals quickly accepted the offer for they knew they needed to do so.


The 'Mahargan' Army attacked the GlimmeringMist and its denizens, striking with more effectiveness than did their new allies. This time the GlimmerMist was forced to draw back as many undead, mostly lesser undead, were destroyed and burned away as if from spontaneous combustion. Elemental life, phase and solar pulsebeams and flashes struck the enemy and then it was retreating underground to leave only weakened plants, dead bodies and some strange ash of the burned away undead.


The DoctorTARDIS materialized with an odd thrumming sound and then the blue police box door opened. Out stepped DoctorTime Baker in a floppy hat, with a brown coat, long trousers, a long multiple colored scarf and black boots. His held a long, thin sonic-staff in his right hand. Soon he stood next to Graham Maharg, who was in super power armor as a hulking figure sparkling with energy armor also.


Graham spoke. "You took your time getting here. You missed all the fun!"


DoctorTime Baker gave a mild grin. "The 'fun' will return too soon. We both know that the first attack was just the TwistedGod testing local military forces and defenses. I went to Gallefrey and then to an Alternate Gallefrey of an Alternate Universe where the FateLords dwell. Most exotic a people to deal with, most exotic. They gave me access to the Grand Archives of the Fated Eye, which is a very rare privilege."


Graham Maharg shrugged. "Been there three times. The LittleFatFamily helped to create the Grand Archives of the Fated Eye. Did you find what you were looking for?"


"No, it found me!" DoctorTime took off his hand and ran fingers through his black hair. "The Grand Immortals were set up from the start and in turn they helped to set up the other peoples of Bigtropolis-BigState. The TwistedGod helped to create the whole thing in the first place though the Grand Immortals also exploited a great, dangerous AncientOne artifact. I take it you know of the AncientOne supercity that is beneath Bigtropolis and that beneath that is a even greater, far larger, far stranger city of the ForeEmpire, of the FirstOnes that should never have existed as they did."


Graham Maharg sighed. "I am the kind of entity that does not quite always know things fully, as you know. I have become aware of what you speak of. The TwistedGod has set this all up as a great big trapped feast of life energies, I suppose."


"That and a great, trapped source of many undead subjects and other resources." DoctorTime shook his head. "When the TwistedGod has grown more powerful from conquering and exploiting Bigtropolis-BigState, or so goes the plan, then it will use the new resources to help it conquer and exploit Deathcity and its very extreme, very unstable and very dangerous resources. Its plans have not gone to schedule. The TwistedGod wanted Bigtropolis-BigState both conquered and drained of resources, over a century ago. It was delayed by a mixture of its own foolishness, by enemy actions and just bad luck, if you happen to believe in such a thing as 'luck'."


Graham Maharg frowned. "In the CentrosazaCore is an powerful, unstable and deadly AncientOne power artifact, I can 'sense' it strongly to be the case. It appears to be of the same kind as the one that the Grand Immortals have taken advantage of, that lies in the AncientOne supercity now revealed fully to be below Bigtropolis. They are known as 'KeyThrones of Greater Lesser Elemental Reality Essence Manipulation' but just 'KeyThrones' will do just as well. The AncientOnes really did have a way of distorting the use of words."


DoctorTime Baker spoke again with a grave tone of voice. "Something is missing from the jigsaw puzzle, at least one piece needed to make the picture clear of just what has been going on, is going on and most like could go on in future. That is another force that may be behind the creation of the TwistedGod in the first place but also linked to many other factors."

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00-24 (0128)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


Yes, it was trapped!


A great and powerful entity that had manipulated matters across many Alternate Universes, through time and space, attempting to extend its existence in a seemingly impossible manner, it was trapped inside what was called KorraTerra. It had considered itself unable to be deceived, beyond manipulation, but able to do so to any other entity but this had shaken up its absolute confidence in itself. It had not observed any signs of the trap being prepared; it had begun to 'sense' confusion, to become frustrated, as its plans did not come out as smoothly as it had expected they would.


The entity hid deeply but out in the open!


The entity had brought one AlternateEarth of humanity back through time in a dangerous, apparently impossible, fashion to create the FirstOnes and the ForeEmpire.


The entity had corrupted many of the FirstOnes, had failed to corrupt all of them, and had caused a faction of the FirstOnes to create the ForeInheritor, the TwistedGod. The Empress of the ForeEmpire had almost upset his plans by thrusting the ForeInheritor into the Nothingness but not quite.


The entity had created, indirectly, the one called AlphaOmegaOri and had manipulated that one.


The entity had helped to create the AncientOnes and had manipulated them to create a TwistedLord and to unthinkingly free the TwistedGod from the Nothingness.


Then it had manipulated the superhuman factions of the Grand Thirteens, the Grand Immortals and others.


Why, because it was desperate to exist way beyond the ending of the Great Multiversal Cycle that naturally would have seen it cease to do so. Yet it did not truly exist even as it did so for it was a contradiction that should not have been and it was disrupting the very fabric of the Greater Multiverse that included both the Positive and Negative Multiverse along with other aspects of the Greater.


The entity writhed in great agitation in a special place that both existed and did not exist as it made plans to do something about this new trap it found itself in and to try to find out what threat had put it there.

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05-06 (0129)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Tanya made her way through a series of curving 'circuits' of streets with a kind of 'continental' feel to the architecture of a long lost Europe. Reports had come from the shopping district of people falling ill of a strange illness and of survivors often transforming strangely or the dead often rising in strange ways. The CityGuard, the Civil Police, the new Paramilitary Police, were struggling to deal with such troubles on top of other increasing pressures. Android and roboremote numbers had been heavily increased to assist. A large new AI-supercomputer network of network-systems had been put into place to run many network-systems including roboremotes of many kinds; these roboremotes were stationary types, were semimobile, were robotic and there were even remote-androids. CitySecura was actively led by the CityQueen backed up by the CityKing. All of this was the work of the TriataThirteen that had managed to cleanse itself of the dark influence of the TwistedLord that had influenced it.


As Tanya went past a row of cafes, with round table beneath umbrellas, she picked up tension beneath the surface behavior of good cheer and quiet pleasure. Intellectuals, yuppies and other Bigtropolis sub-culture types hung around that area. Apart from the cafes, restaurants and other eateries, there were collector shops, bookshops and antique shops along with art gallery-shops. She picked up the presence of androids pretending to be humans. Security intelligence and undercover police officers were also around the place as human plains clothes officers.


Then she turned and walked into a particular bookshop that the LittleFatWoman had given her the address to. It was a wonderful old style bookshop full of faithful reproductions, legally stated as such, of many historical books along with good translations of such done in the old ways. There were plenty of people in the big front area but as she went past that area, as she went into the smaller, darker back area away from the cute young women attending to customers, Tanya soon found herself alone.


The old stooped man smiled at her from behind a big old wooden counter that was dotted with small stacks of large leather bound volumes with strange languages and symbols on the covers. "I was wondering when where you would show up, Tanya. It was either here or the other bookshop... oh yes, you can not access that one. Silly old me. I suppose you want to know more about... well... lots of things. What is the real reason for the existence of Bigtropolis-BigState? Ooommm, a very good question!"


Tanya nodded and smiled at the old man. "Do you know the answer?"


The old man grinned a little. "There is more than one good answer to that question. The Grand Immortals were faithful in their desire to have it built to be their sanctuary to escape from big problems that they had largely caused. That is to escape the repercussions of their deeds, to escape real justice from the greater population of their world. Those superhumans were both influenced, and assisted to do so, by the TwistedGod. The TwistedGod did so directly but also made sure they had the use of a powerful AncientOne artifact also that still lays at the very core of Bigtropolis."


Tanya studied the old man. "Those answers have begun to emerge with many but the question is, why would the TwistedGod put so much effort, so many resources, into creating Bigtropolis-BigState?" Then she stopped and stood in silence for a while, in stillness as androids tended to do when deep thinking. Then she became active again. "A trapped feast! All these souls, all this life energy, to feed upon. That is the mortals, the humans, the others if not the superhumans or androids or others who can not be fed upon so easily."


The old man nodded in satisfaction. "You have the truth but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Something else has been gathered up in Bigtropolis, something that can not escape, something that the TwistedGod also wants badly. You already know those who know the truth though they do not know that they know the truth. Perhaps you need to remind them that they need to know the truth once more. Perhaps they want you, need you, to do just that. Something can seem to be free while in truth it is not so; just because something is obvious, does not mean it is true. You must go but please take this book with you and please go out that wooden door. It will take you to a special place where you need to go. The whole story has not been told for there was another faction, a force, an entity, that helped create Bigtropolis-BigState even if they may not know they did so."


She smiled, turned and went through the wooden door to find herself in a wooden room with another door facing her. She knew it was some kind of transdimensional airlock and that both doors could not be opened at the same time. As she left the bookshop the old man grinned and then sat in a big old wooden rocking chair. Soon he was fast asleep with a big old ginger cat curled up on his lap, also sleeping.


Tanya stepped through the other wooden door, clutching a large leather bound volume, straight into a huge underground chamber of AncientOne appearance and design.

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05-07 (0130)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


The great chamber was of AncientOne design and structure but amongst it moved humans and androids in specialized power armor. Clearly some kind of scientific investigation was taking place. Soldiers, in power armor, came to intercept her but with no hostile intent. Instead they seemed to be expecting her and led her at once to where a superhuman was standing in a jumpsuit. The TriataThirteen superhuman had gone through a testing-transformation, had lost the usual need for pretension that was the superhuman ideal. He wore practical gear only. Yet there was something about him, standing with out power armor, that expressed power and authority.


"Tanya, it is good to see you again." He turned to her. "There have been many changes for both of us. As you can see, can 'sense', I have voluntarily gone through the testing-transformation and have become as one with the Unity as any of us superhumans can. This is a place linked with the very creation of Bigtropolis-BigState. Here, somewhere, lies a powerful artifact. There are many such chambers, a maze of them and great hallways. The creation of KorraTerra has not, seemingly, changed the basic nature of Bigtropolis-BigState. My name now is HoriOshi."


It was a much less pretentious name from his old one that had been longer and more elaborate. He had been crueler back then, driven by a dark core of confusion and rage. He was also one who was so busy fighting factional fights that he would not bother to do something like leading a scientific investigation.


Tanya nodded. "Have many superhumans gone through the testing-transformation? That is of the Grand Immortals!"


"Many, yes, but far more many will not even consider the option." The superhuman shrugged. "There is somebody I want you to meet, a very special somebody of a kind that my old self would have feared enough to want to destroy."


The small man came out of the moving flow of peoples, a small child like man, looking somewhat puzzled and a little sleepy. His hand was held by a taller woman, though not very tall, youthful and attractive, who seemed quite protective of him. They shared enough features in common to indicate she was either his mother or sister. It turned out that she was both. The pregnancy had been forced onto her but she had kept the child despite pressure to do otherwise. The manboy had soon proven to have both handicaps and strange abilities. After both he and Sarah had gone through a testing-transformation process, his handicaps had lessened and his abilities had increased. Sam could 'see' things that others could not 'see', not even those who were supposedly far more powerful than himself.


Sam smiled at Tanya. "Test-transformed android who can have babies."


Tanya smiled back but was shocked at the idea that she could get 'pregnant' since her test-transformation. Was that actually possible? Considering all the strange things she had experienced, there was a good chance it was. "I am Tanya and HoriOshi wished for me to meet you. You 'see' what others do not 'see'."


Sam nodded a little jerkily. "Others also see what Sam 'sees' but not very large numbers. Sam talked to the LittleFatMan who took him and lovely Sarah on a big trip around BigState. The LittleFatWoman took us to a very lovely place, special, magical. The LittleFatOne showed us fun time games of wonderful dinosaurs. The LittleFatBaby giggles and jiggles. Now they are gone into Mahargia. I miss 'hearing their song'. I would like to go and find them."


The superhuman nodded. "Contact has been lost between the TriataThirteen and the LittleFatFamily though the Maharg Structures are still active. Have you any idea of what is going on?"


Tanya could only shake her head. "No! Graham Maharg, and I, met the LittleFatWoman only a short time ago."


"Graham Maharg who is out confronting the appearance of the CentrosazaCore from have come the GlimmeringMist of the TwistedGod." The superhuman did not seem pleased at all. "The Grand Immortal Factions have greatly reduced their factional fighting to confront this threat that even they can not ignore. Getting them to actually have a cease fire amongst the factions is proving to be very troublesome. Tanya, I suggest that you go with Sarah and Sam to the special places that Sam has found. You will find them to be most 'interesting'. I know that I did. Soon I will be getting into super power armor for something is threatening our operation here, is threatening us, though we do not know its nature."


Tanya nodded and spoke to Sarah and Sam. "Can I hold your other hand, Sam?"


Sam nodded and Tanya held his other hand as the three of them went through the big chamber, departing from it. Behind them the superhuman was now in super power armor that was impressive appearing but not overdone as superhuman super power armor often was. Tanya was starting to 'sense' a subtle but increasing presence of threat herself. She 'sensed' it was important that she 'see' what Sam was meant to show her.

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05-08 (0131)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Tanya, Sarah and Sam went to a place that both existed and did not exist. People went along a hallway tunnel, solid and the same as others in the AncientOne complex, but Sam could see that it was also a vast domechamber that stretched out from the hallway tunnel to the sides and upwards. Sam could see the domechamber that was both there and not there; the other two saw it because he did and wanted them to do so also. Then, holding their hands, he took them into that domechamber and it became the only reality around them.


It was a most disturbing reality for around the edges of the great domechamber were thousands of huge statues of humans in distorted positions, dance movements, fighting actions, going crazy, attacking each other, panicking, copulating, and doing many things but all in an extreme crazed chaotic fashion.


Sam nodded his head. "Humans but not as humans should be; humans broken and scattered by the actions of an ancient madness, an ancient mad deity hidden in the open. Not the TwistedGod and yet its essence lies partly in the TwistedGod, the TwistedLords, the TwistedSublords, the TwistedOnes but also in humans, in superhumans, in the AncientOnes. The very ancient deity of much power and yet both exists and does not exist. Look there, over there, is a bigger statue than the others. That is the GodlessGod!" Sam shivered. "This is a dream memory of the AncientOnes made solid by their powers, a genetic memory that frightened them so much they took great steps, used much power, to conceal it in this way and then they forgot it exists. AncientOnes came, sort of, from the TwistedGod and the FirstOnes of the ForeEmpire. The FirstOnes were not the only ones of the ForeEmpire for there were the ForeOnes, hidden as FirstOnes, who secretly served the ForeGod, also known as the GodlessGod."


Sam sighed. "It gives me a headache just to think about it. The GodlessGod, that exists but does not exist, caused all the problems because it came from the Last Great Cycle of the Greater Multiverse and it wanted to continue to exist though it should have, needed to, cease to exist. The GodlessGod, the ForeGod, exists not only in secret but inside humanity, superhumanity, the AncientOnes but not in those who have been test-transformed. The MultipleEarth has its own great big quasimentality, thinks but not like we think, feels but not like we feel and it reacted to the GodlessGod trying to exist beyond the end of the last Greater Cycle. It attacked and the GodlessGod fought back; in the end the GodlessGod came to exist but not to exist. The GodlessGod took humans from a dying AlternateEarth and sent them back in time an impossibly long way back. This created the FirstOnes and the ForeEmpire, this caused profound disruption to the Multiverse and a chain of timespace events that caused many distortions. The Multiversal quasimentality created the MultipleEarth, with some assistance, to quarantine the distortions."


Sam suddenly looked sleepy. "It is time for Sarah and I to leave, to go to Mahargia to join the LittleFatFamily. What I have told you, Tanya, and the strange book you got from the OldBookMan, will be of great assistance to you in what you need must do, what ever that is."


Tanya was trying to take it all in. "Did the LittleFatFamily send you here to meet me?"


Sam nodded. "Yes and to tell you what I told you but I do not know why. I think that the LittleFatFamily is somehow linked to the ForeGod but I do not know what that link is."


Sarah nodded. "Yes, soon we must go to Mahargia. I can 'sense' that a special doorway will open for us soon. Tanya, I suggest you go back to the other chambers. This place will not be safe for you if you are left here with out Sam's natural protection. Yes, he has been protecting us somehow."


Tanya 'sensed' truth and wisdom behind the suggestion, the warning. So it was that there came a shimmering in mid air and Sahara led Sam through it. Tanya watched the shimmering vanish and went to leave that place, now even more chaotic and oppressive to feel that Sam was gone.


But she could not escape! The way out was gone! There was only the domechamber!


The great statue stood slowly up, distorted and changing impossibly, disorienting to look upon because it was never quite possible to see anything clearly. The great humanoid shape emanated hatred for Tanya, for anything that lived or even quasilived as Tanya the special android did. The great statue, that was more than a statue, came lumbering towards her, intent on destroying her.


Tanya shimmered and vanished even as the GodlessGod screamed out in hatred and frustration at the escape of the android.

Edited by Maharg67
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