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05-09 (0132)

MultipleEarth Saga: Bigtropolis, BigState, Growing Troubles


Tanya found herself standing close to Graham Maharg and DoctorTime Baker. The two were using an odd assortment of strange instruments to try to discover what the CentrosazaCore was doing, or more accurately, what the things inside the CentrosazaCore were up to. The pair turned to look at her but with out any seeming surprise as if for those two anything was possible.


Tanya held up the strange book. "I met the ForeGod, the GodlessGod, or at least its powerful avatar and a strange old man in a very curious bookshop gave me this."


Graham Maharg laughed softly, now he seemed very surprised. "The old man in the bookshop was an Avatar of GodGoddess, greatest of the deities of the Multiverse and you have confirmed our worst fears but have escaped from an entity capable of rending apart great worlds in a matter of seconds. Many have feared the legend was true, as is the prophesy that goes with it, but many have also hoped otherwise. Now the pieces of the puzzle are at last falling into place."


"We TimeLords know of the legend, and the prophesy that goes with it." DoctorTime seemed bemused. "Most TimeLords have dismissed it as basically fictional mythological nonsense but Rassilon did not do so and neither did AlphaOmegaOri or the TimeSages. It is said the Elder Council of the TimeLords, not to be confused with the High Council of the TimeLords, has always believed firmly in the GodlessGod Legend and Prophesy, have always kept up preparations and watch for coming trouble."


Tanya frowned. "This book, could this be the GodlessGod Legend and Prophesy?"


DoctorTime Baker spoke. "Yes, but that is not just a normal book as it appears to be. Start to open pages and there will be over a million of them to view along with projected illustrations into the air and much else. Only fifteen million such 'books' were made, which sounds a lot until you remember the vast size and complexity of the Multiverse into which the books vanished. The TimeLords have three such 'books' and it took a great deal of time, effort and cost in lives to get them."


Graham Maharg grinned. "Fifteen thousand special editions were made and I have one of them. It looks better, has more projected illustrations and is signed by the authors."


"Show off!" DoctorTime Baker grinned back but then became serious again. "We must stop the TwistedGod from consuming the life of Bigtropolis-BigState so as to feed itself, to bloat itself, not knowing that it has always been set up to be then consumed by the GodlessGod, also known as the ForeGod. The ForeGod will then be incredibly powerful for a relatively short time but, more seriously, more solid into this true existence. Right now the GodlessGod both exists and does not exist. To carry out its final demented plans it must become fully existent for at least a year. The GodlessGod is doomed to failure but what we must stop is a massive rampaging of death, destruction and disorder."


Graham Maharg sighed. "You need to willingly pass the book to us, Tanya, such is the way of it as a powerful ancient artifact."


Tanya passed it to Graham Maharg. "There, it is yours along with the consequences of taking it." She wondered why she said the last, it sounded odd even to herself.


Graham Maharg sparkle shimmered even as he took the 'book' into his hands and fell heavily to his knees. A moment later the sparkling shimmer was gone and he stood up again. "Very good, very good. Something was inside me that I could not get rid of, something that was false and that projected falsehood. The LittleFatFamily is the part of the GodlessGod that is still good, that is wise and honest enough to know that the time of the GodlessGod is really over. The LittleFatFamily has been making preparations for a sane GodlessGod, the ForeGod as it really was, to go to a sanctuary called Mahargia when at last it can do so. GodGoddess, the current version of the ForeGod, is very patient and wise, knowing when to act so as not to do more harm and good with its vast power."


Then Graham Maharg grimaced. "We have been tricked, partly thanks to the dark thing hidden inside me, and while the CentrosazaCore is the main threat, weaker seeds of doom have already entered and become embedded in BigState and, less so, in Bigtropolis itself. Tanya, please return to the apartment and talk with HomeQueen. We need to alert all that we can of the threat inside both BigState and Bigtropolis as soon as we can."


Then Graham Maharg turned and shot the TimeLord with a pulsating beam of light. The false TimeLord fell to the ground, writhing and changing appearance. Then there lay a TwistedLord there, on his back, very much alive.


The TwistedLord frowned up at Graham Maharg. "Why did you not destroy me?"


"Because you are the TwistedLord who turned against the TwistedGod but please, no more falsehoods." Graham Maharg moved his hand up and 'lifted' the TwistedLord to his feet. "Very good imitation of DoctorTime Baker but we had already created a set of checking stories in case of a situation like this. There were no 'special editions' of the 'book'. Such a foolish idea could only seem real to such a mind as yours."


The TwistedLord went to scowl but then relented visibly with a grin. "Yes, you got me there, you did. I loved the idea of a 'special edition' of a great tome and got carried away in being clever." He lost his grin. "The TwistedGod needs to be stopped and as quickly as possible. I have some knowledge of it that I gained with extreme difficulty. It will help you in the big battle to come. I am dying and will not be able to assist for much longer. I would love to be heroic about this but I feel very sorry for myself." His face twisted up in a big expression of deep agony and grief. But then he went back to grinning. "Na, haven't got the time for all that silliness."


Graham Maharg sighed. "As a reward for your courage, and it did take great courage, and the pain you have suffered, and you have suffered much agony, you may go to Mahargia as sanctuary if you wish."


The TwistedLord changed appearance and now wore a party-hart, an amazingly loud shirt of many blazing colors, purple shorts and purple thongs. He had a huge cocktail drink in one hand and a big picnic basket in the other. "So when do I get to go to Mahargia?"


"When you are ready to, of course, after you have given that valuable information." Graham Maharg sighed. "So you can get out of the beach party gear for now."


Tanya studied the pair in wonder. "Do greater immortals always act like this?"


Both Graham Maharg and the TwistedLord looked thoughtful and then, almost as one, both nodded.

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This story has ended up being rewritten as the topic story TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACK though this was not planned. I am locking this topic because this one has run out of steam and the other one appears to be much more popular. Thank you for your support as readers.
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