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MultipleEarth Saga


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Notes A to Z: A



Main character in story; of special nature and abilities. A young woman, eurowhite, slimly muscular, attractive and surprisingly similar in appearance to a famous Bigtropolis supermodel.


Anderson Family

Mother, father and baby (to be extended).


Androids of Bigtropolis and BigState

The androids of this realm are basic duplicants, more advanced replicants and very advanced simulicants. While duplicants are fairly common, replicants are not very common and simulicants are rare. Androids are normally only found in the Elite Zones of the superhumans and their superclone followers, along with a large minority of others allowed to dwell there.







Angelic-human, human having come from Bigtropolis-BigState.


To be expanded and edited.

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01-11 (0011)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The crying baby was with a young mother and father, yuppy-hippies with pretensions of being more environmentally aware than they actually were. With them were a CivilPolice Constable, a gardener, four frightened teenagers being all male and a wounded CityGuardsman, a man. They were holed up in a utility-hut of concrete and steel designed to withstand vandals and thieves; the gardener had used her keys to open up its locked metal door of light armour. Derra brought hope of sorts to them at first; they saw only a young woman with some looted resources and not much more.


Derra attended the wounded soldier first of all, seeing to his wounds with medical stuff she had brought with her. It became quickly to the others that she had strong first aid and other medical training. There were seemingly no other medical needs to meet except some bruises. A basic medical kit in the utility hut had taken care of many needs. Derra got the young parents to try to quieten the baby but she herself ended up doing that herself as the parents were too frightened, too tense, and their baby girl was picking this up.


Derra sat looking at the others with the baby girl sleeping in her arms. She spoke. "So how did this all begin?"


The baby's father, a business accountant specializing in assisting small businesses and co-ops, frowned softly. "Nobody seems to know just how it began. We were at the markets, at a vegetarian tent cafe, with some friends when suddenly animals started going fear crazy. Then there was some shooting, shouting and screaming. We got out of the tent as fast as we could. It was a bit of a panic."


The baby's mother sighed. "Yes, we acted like fools. So much for all of our c**p about how aware and wise we had become, how in touch with our inner natures we had become. We abandoned other people. We abandoned some of our friends."


Her husband looked annoyed that she had confessed this but then just sighed.


Derra nodded. "Once outside?"


The baby's mother, a receptionist at a large legal firm with many branches, looked to the exhausted Policewoman. "Tanya saved us! She was outside in her body-armor, with her pistol, was trying to calm people down and get people to go in a calm hurry towards safety. Most ignored her and ran in all directions but we stayed with her. There were other CivilPolice Officers there, some just as panicky as everybody else. Animals were going crazy mad. Then the... possessed came rushing at us. A priest held up a cross, one of those silly religious nuts, but it worked; the crazies were pushed back. We thought we could use crosses as well but the priest said it only worked if the user of such a religious icon had true faith and we did not have true faith. In the later confusion our group got divided from the bigger group that he was with. We do not know what has happened with that other group."


Constable Tanya spoke tiredly. "One of the demonic bit me; the priest called them demonics. He said they were not true demons but related to them in some way that he 'sensed' but could not quite understand. Now I feel sick."


A strong impulse drove Derra to go to the police constable at once. She touched the puzzled woman on the forehead and the woman shimmered as the transformation took her. Tanya fell asleep at once as the others looked upon what had happened with shock. The four teenagers, young men wearing Tshirts proclaiming that they were supporters of the People's Democratic Cooperative Party, looked quite suspicious of what had happened. The PDCP was one of the major political parts of Bigtropolis and BigState. Like much else about the supposed democracy of Bigtropolis, it was fraudulent for the PDCP was tightly controlled by a faction of superhuman immortals, the same superhuman immortals that unofficially ruled both Bigtropolis and BigState with an iron fist inside a colourful padded glove. Young party fanatics were a thorn in the side of many, including their own parents.


Derra realized, fully, at that moment that the Bigtropolis superhumans no longer had any influence on her mind as they did before she had been transformed. Only at that moment did she realize just how fully she had been under that influence just as the normies on the SkyIsland of Koombrasa had been. It sickened her that she had been an unknowing slave and realized now that many of her past actions reflected that controlled state. At least her life made more sense in some ways than it used to!


The gardener just sat quietly and observed the situation; she seemed oddly calm about it all.

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01-12 (0012)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The four teenagers were going to be troublesome, Derra knew that much simply by knowing their kind well and by easily reading their body language. They were political thugs who had most likely come to the markets to hurt some 'undesirables', to get a chance to feel 'good' by bullying others. Often such thugs would try to do more than that. There was good chance locals would have got to them, making them vanish, or at least their corpses do so. The four teenagers were frightened and wanted to feel better by blaming somebody and attacking them. They were pretending to be relaxed while spying out Derra in a way that she found to be amazingly clumsy.


The utility building held some tools in lockers, some emergency items such as survival torches and two wheelbarrows. There should have been more items of use. Many kinds of resources had been getting less available over the years for reasons that the superhumans, or their followers, would not speak of. Whispers spoke of a secret war taking place at the very edge of BigState, to the far east of Bigtropolis itself. Would would explain the growing disappearances of young adults from the general population and the push for new children to be born in as many numbers as possible. There were other mysteries it would explain also.


Derra found the hidden floor locker, armored and triple locked, being full of valuable resources the park workers did not want taken from them by other government people or stolen from them by the growing black market dealing with rationed and less commonly available items. There were some power-tools, a couple of electric stunguns, some copper pipe fixtures and an ordergun with ammo and spare chargepacks. The ordergun was a mixture of a special semiautomatic 12-guage shotgun, an electric stungun, a flash-laser and a powerful torch. It was probably meant for security purposes unless the purposes for it being there were darker.


The gardener spoke with a calm, strong voice. "High voltage electricity harms the demonics far more than it does normal humans. The flash-laser will have a very damaging effect."


Derra had found also some glossy pornographic magazines of an illegal sort that she found rather sickening. She left them in the hidden locker and sealed it up again. Then she turned to the gardener. "You are an angelic possessing a human."


The gardener shook her head. "Angelics do not possess living bodies; we meld with willing hosts in a cooperative manner. I suggest you test-transform the teenagers before they do something very foolish. I 'sense' you have encountered angelics before but we can discuss such matters later."


The four teenagers chose that moment that stand and charge across the room towards Derra. Then they froze in mid air as if wrapped in invisible webbing and with comical expressions of shock and fear on their faces.


The gardener spoke. "My human name is Ash. I suggest we use that name as my angelic one is untranslatable in human terms. Can you please test-transform the four as my energies are low and the field will hold them only for a minute or so."


Three, of the four, teenagers failed the test-transformation and they vanished. The fourth teenager transformed to become younger and with blue skin and hair, being of the phase elemental powers. He lay on the concrete floor and slept peacefully, deeply. The married couple stared in wonder, as did the policewoman. The Guardsman was asleep.


Ash spoke. "You did very well. The angelics you met must have been of the high orders, must have been very learned and powerful; I am of the low orders of the angelics, am very young for my kind and still need much growth in learning and in power."


So Derra told Ash about what had happened to her, about the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, about Shazz, about the peoples she had met on that other Alternate Earth. Ash took it calmly, as if such things were quite normal from her point of view and it turned out that they were. Derra admitted that she was confused, was still puzzled by what had happened, was happening, and had many unanswered questions.


After she was done speaking, Ash sighed. "I am not free just to speak of any matters and much that I would speak of, you could never comprehend. I 'sense' that there is a hidden door over there in that corner and that it leads to a secret tunnel. I suggest that we use both to leave this place as soon as we can, as quickly as we can. First, though, I will do some basic angelic tricks to improve our situation. I dare not do more than that lest I draw the attention of demonics in the area, especially of demonics that are more powerful than I am."

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01-13 (0013)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Ash, the angelic-human, might have known much that she could have told Derra, that Derra wanted to hear, but they had to both focus on escape for them and the others. The Anderson Family, of parents and baby, were helped down into the surprisingly large, good condition tunnel. Ash used her special abilities to cause a wheelbarrow full of useable, maybe useful, items to float down to the tunnel floor since there was only a ladder down to there. It was soon clear that the tunnel was a modified, otherwise very old, construction going right back to the founding of Bigtropolis and of BigState. The superhumans had brought a large population of human refugees with them that had relatively few resources and the first century was very hard on most. Many had lived underground in complexes of basic, but sturdy, chambers and tunnels, many of them long forgotten.


They were in one of those forgotten underground bunker-complexes. Derra was starting to realize that the real history of Bigtropolis-BigState was generally unknown except for superhuman propaganda that came in the form of fairy tale like generalizations and a whole lot of slogans and proverbs. People were overtly, and covertly, influenced against knowing what had really happened back then or what had been the real threat, the real emergency, that had led to the creation of Bigtropolis-BigState. The subtle power of the psychic influence that she had been under was still making itself evident to her and she was feeling shocked by how greatly it had influenced her life.


There was the green elemental teenager, now much changed of mind, body and spirit. He quietly helped, though still a little sleepy. They got the wounded CityGuardsman down into the tunnel, again by Ash's levitating power, and the policewoman joined them easily enough. Derra had an odd impression about the constable, for just a moment, but then dismissed any concern so as to focus on getting the group moving. Using a special emergency stretcher, those who could took turns in carrying the soldier and the green teenager pushed the wheelbarrow full of stuff.


They made good, steady progress along the tunnel that had probably been modified by organized crime of perhaps Syndicators or HydraPact. Sound thinking and good resources had gone into modifying the tunnel.


They walked steadily for some time, in quietness, even the baby seeming to 'sense' the need to remain so. The tunnel forked with one tunnel, leading off, being older and less cared for. It was whispered, by those who dared to, that the superhumans destroyed, or locked away, much of the Lost Earth that would conflict with their expressed story of history. It was also whispered that such bunker-complexes held hidden treasures of stuff hidden away, saved from the superhumans and their followers. Derra had grave doubts about the latter whispers because she suspected that nay such 'hidden treasures' would have long ago been discovered, sold, destroyed, locked away or met some other such fate.


Ash spoke, breaking the silence suddenly. "Much evil was done in this place. It was no normal refugee bunker-complex though it was partly one. I can not define what was done, the psychic impressions are too blurred and fragmented, but much pain was caused. There seems to be much evil history hidden in, and beneath, Bigtropolis and perhaps in other places in BigState. Do you know how old Bigtropolis-BigState are, Derra?"


Derra went to respond that she knew this, of course, but then she froze in surprise because all she knew was that it was over a thousand standard years old. She shrugged instead. "No, not really! Do you, Ash?"


Ash shook her head. "No, not exactly, but impressions lead me to think it is more like over 2,000 or even 3,000 years old. The technological developments, the historical flows, the social changes, all and more have been tightly controlled by the superhumans in Bigtropolis-BigState. Mostly there have been many small refinements and, now and then, the introduction of one or two new technologies but the latter has been uncommon."


It was then that a distorted human scream echoed along the tunnel and was quickly followed by that of another from another twisted individual.

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01-14 (0014)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The twisted ones were not demonic. They certainly were not angelic. Ash showed much concern as the sounds echoed along the tunnel. She spoke with a tone of urgency. "Chaotica are here, savage with unbounded insanity, strong with out inhibitions of any kind. This is said also of the demonics but is not the case. The demonics have their own sense of order, of limitations, of control. I suggest that we move away from where the noise is coming from."


So they went back the way they had come and ended up going down the rougher, long unused tunnel, moving steadily. They left behind the noises of the 'chaotica' possessed humans. Ash spoke of the chaotic possessing people who were vulnerable because they were under the heavy influence of some kinds of drugs or were heavily drunk. Both had been only too common in the market area when the strange attacks had begun of the demonics, of the chaotica and perhaps other influences coming through from other plains of existence. The angelics had come also but only attacked the demonics and the chaotica, or perhaps also other forces. None of these had caused the rift, or the forces sucking such entities on-into that world. Ash had no real idea what had caused the rift but suspected that it was linked to the great explosion on the SkyIsland of Koombrasa; that is the same explosion that had left superhumans of Koombrasa dead, dying, insane or vanished.


The tunnel soon became damp and then they were making their way through slow flowing, ankle deep brackish water. Water dripped down tunnel walls, the tunnel sloping gently downwards so that the water flowed in the same direction that the group was taking. Then there was a big change as they came to an abrupt halt at a large, armoured, old fashioned door. The symbols and numerals indicated it was SUBGROUND REFUGEE SHELTER COMPLEX ALPHA-GAMMA-123-129-098-POL-JHU. The armoured door was showing some small streaks of rust, was filthy, but was well made and in surprisingly good condition for the long time it had probably been neglected.


Neither Ash or Derra liked the 'feel' of the place ahead and perhaps they would have gone back except that the screams of chaotica could be heard coming closer. Something seemed to be drawing them along the tunnel. It was enough to make them choose so Ash managed to get the great armoured door open. They went through and swung the door closed behind themselves just as a dozen or so distorted physical shapes, once human, came racing madly along the tunnel towards them.


They found themselves in a kind of security quarantine airlock reception chamber. The skeletal remains of humans, in slowly rotting jumpsuits, lay close to a big curving reception desk. 3Dwallscreens were still active, showing some kind of beautiful fantasy landscape or propaganda of something called the Umbrella Corporation. Derra had heard of no such corporation but doubted they were named that because they manufactured and-or sold umbrellas. The big chamber was fairly bare and though the screens were active, the impression was that many network-systems were semiactive at best though some were active.


Ash looked around in obvious curiosity and then stared at a large Umbrella Corporation logo-symbol on one wall. She spoke then. "The symbol of this Umbrella Corporation is based on an ancient symbol of 'undeath', of powerful and dreaded antinatural forces linked with the Negative Multiverse, the mirror opposite of the Positive Multiverse. Yet it has been altered with an addition, blending, of an ancient symbol of the unnatural suspension of life, of death. The bringing of these two symbols together as one reveals an intent behind this 'Umbrella Corporation' most disturbing. Both symbols are also linked with the great catastrophe that ended the AncientOnes and their AlternatesEmpire. There is much mystery attached to the ending, the vanishing, of the AncientOnes. It would be most ironic if some clue to the truth was found in such a place as this."


A muffled pounding began at the door and though the door did not budge even slightly, the fact that such a massive structure could be pounded so showed just how dangerous the chaotica humans were.


They moved on to the inner door, an exact duplicate to the massive armoured door that they had come through. As they did, a woman's voice spoke to them charmingly of how the Umbrella Corporation was striving to advance the condition of humanity in the new Bigtropolis-BigState. The voice spoke of something called Project New Hope that would see the release of an amazing array of new advanced technologies for humanity to use; these were such as cable-teleportation, super virtual reality, regenerative medical tanks, rejuvenation treatments, antigravity cars, servile human like androids, multiple modular homes to be altered at will to taste and so forth. Most of these technologies were not to be found in Bigtropolis-BigState except for in the Elite Zones. Some were not found anywhere, at least officially, while some were fairly common. Clearly Project New Hope had not happened.


But when they reached the inner door, Ash insisted they make no attempt to open it for what lay beyond it was incredibly dangerous.

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01-15 (0015)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Derra and Ash found the lightly hidden security emergency exit going out from the side of the big airlock security quarantine chamber. Even as she did so, the 'voice' informed her that Shazz was on his way to the minehold to deal with the situation that was there; Shazz was not looking for a fight, had other plans, but would fight if such became necessary. The expedition was moving steadily through the air, low flying fashion, across the desolation of claytol poisoned landscape.


Derra was surprised when the Andersons, the married couple, came to her and requested the testing-transformation. She looked to them and spoke. "I do not do this testing-transformating, as you call it and as it probably should be called, but only instigate it as another can do who is named Shazz. May I ask why you want this?"


Ellen, the woman, answered for the married couple. "We are amongst those who have always 'sensed' that something is wrong with society, with our lives, with us. That is what drove us to seeking an alternative life style but we lacked the courage to really challenge our fears. Now we wish to for the sake of our child."


So they were transformed and became, all three of them, green elemental humans of green coloring. Somehow the outcome seemed 'logical' and the green transformed teenager, also of the life elemental powers, was soon drawn to being closer to the Andersons.


Ash was surprised, but pleased, by what had happened with the Andersons. As they entered a secret emergency escape chamber, fairly large but much smaller than the airlock chamber itself, she spoke. "Life elemental powers are potent against the demonics and chaotica but even more so against what I 'sense' is beyond the inner armoured door. We need to find a way to get out of this bunker complex and to the surface with out running into the chaotica or that which is hidden here. The true nature of it is unknown to me but it is of the 'undeath', that is the true undeath."


Derra decided that she could not spare the time, or energy, to try to solve the deeper mysteries facing her; she needed to focus on survival and other practical considerations.


The chamber was quite well equipped with emergency hitech equipment and supplies, much of it beyond the general standard of Bigtropolis-BigState. There were security power armour suits, pulselaserguns, security roboremotes, MREs, regenerative medical serums, special portable motion-detectors and much else. More importantly the chamber held part of an explanation to what disaster had taken place in the bunker-complex.


Ash 'hacked' databanks and brought up audio visual recordings of a fragmented report that had been partly erased. Onto a big 3Dflatscreen was shown the image of a very worried woman, somebody who probably was normally very calm and professional in her appearance. Wearing a security uniform, and advanced body-armour including a helmet, she was speaking urgently. "The infection-infestation break out was not accidental. This was a matter of well planned, deliberate sabotage, of murder and worse than murder." She paused before speaking on. "The Primary Research Development Sector has fallen to the infection-infestation. Emergency containment attempts failed before they began partly due to sabotage and to the way that the U-virus was released at a series of coordinates at the same time. The RedQueen AI-Persona has locked down all of the PRDS, trapping many there, including security personnel, who were not infected-infested. Fighting continues in seven subsectors as zombies, zombers and malcons swarm through the sector. The RedQueen has utilized robotic gun turrets, laser cutter traps, security roboremotes, high voltage electricity traps and other means to destroy the threat. It is difficult to communicate with the RedQueen but negotiations have allowed for the creation of three ArkZones. These are most likely to be the final solution for we who have survived so far."


Suddenly the woman turned and stood up at her desk. Then she picked up her black, compact looking energy weapon and simply ran from sight. There was the sound of an armoured hatch door hissing open and then closed. Then the screen was full of the face of what had been a man, twisted and ugly, unnatural and the mouth gaping with amazing width to show great pincer type fangs, four of them splayed out from the centre. Then the fragment of a report ended.


Ash turned to Derra. "The others must go through the test-transformation so that we can better survive, even the android."


Which was when the policewoman pulled out her pistol and aimed it at the others.

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Notes A to Z: B



Popular Bigtropolis-BigState game in which two teams of body-armoured players use baseball style bats with hardened baseball type balls. Players also fight enemy players with reinforced bats. There are highly regulated legal games, less regulated semilegal games and very brutal, highly illegal, games with spiked bats and other such tricks.



Slang name for Bigtropolis.



Huge supercity and the vast superstate that it centres geographically and which it rules, regulates, protects all of in theory. Some areas more isolated areas are rebel held or are independent because of their isolation or are largely semiautonomous because of practical reasons. In the story part of the far southern BigState is occupied by invading armies.


BlackQueen BlackChessNNS



Short for 'robot'.


To be expanded and edited.

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01-16 (0016)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Ash smiled at the android policewoman. "You are a replicant gone AWOL from the Elite Zones of Bigtropolis-BigState. Test-transformation will free you from any hidden residue control programming and other unwanted extras inside you. Your secret nature, the real origin of androidcants, means that your kind has souls though different from those such as humans or animals or other carbon based lifeforms. You are open to the test-transformations and what blame can you gain since anything you did was because you were program-conditioned to do so."


The android lowered her gun and then reholstered her pistol. She nodded. "I accept!"


Ash touched the android and there was a brief sparkling shimmer. Then the android looked just as she had before. Then she smiled and spoke. "I am free for the first time since I was brought out of the androidcant core complex and given final program-conditioning at the Androidcant Academy #45. I was program-conditioned, then trained, to be a light infiltration operative but when I got instructions to prepare to go to the Secret War Front at the far eastern edges of BigState, I broke my 'bondage' and went AWOL. The war is terrible even for androids fighting in it. Superhumans and superclones also find it difficult deal with the horrors of the enemy, both unthinking and thinking. The secret of the enemy is here, hidden in this bunker-complex, along with other places. The Grand Immortals (the superhumans running Bigtropolis-BigState) know of this place but somehow, for some mysterious reason, they have never dealt with it properly. It is as if they fear this place, fear something in this place, so much that they have done dared to confront it."


She went on speaking. "I am enhanced now of mind, body and spirit... I have spirit! I have new augmentations and other improvements, new tools, weapons and instrumentalities. We must move soon. My new sensors are picking up something unnatural coming this way."


Ash sighed. "Unnatural but, in this case, not actually dangerous. She may even be helpful to us. I can not 'sense' exactly what she is but she was human and is now a seemingly impossible blend of life and... U-virus mutation."


"Part human, part malcon?" Derra shrugged was not too sure about the nature of the one that she 'sensed' was approaching, felt wary but no real danger. She was unsure what she should do. Many things she was learning about her world, Bigtropolis-BigState, had shaken her badly but she suspected that there was far worse to come.


The CityGuardsman went quietly through a test-transformation and became just a generally enhanced human now free of superhuman psychic control. He went on sleeping but now his wounds were healed. The sleeping was needed to recover from the ordeal of the test-transformation itself. They had meant to go on but now they waited until the strange hybrid woman would come to them.

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01-17 (0017)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Alice moved smoothly, dangerously, just as Shazz did who was a metaclone but she had a different 'feel' about her. Alice stopped and calmly examined the group after she stepped through an armoured power hatch, that closed behind her and locked itself. She wore advanced body-armour, from head to foot, and carried a deadly collection of weapons. On her chest were the words UCSSF. Alice spoke with matter of factually. "Stands for Umbrella Corporation Special Security Force. Welcome to the UmbrellaHive, a vast underground complex. Except the actual complex is not on-in this world. I came through an AlternateGate to get here. Nasty business, using one of those things. If I was still human, I would still be semiconscious trying to overcome the side effects."


She shook her head. "You all 'smell' wrong to be normal humans and you, the policewoman, you are an android of some kind. There are androids in the UHive, the short name for the complex, which lays buried deeply beneath the metropolis of RaccoonCity, on another AlternateEarth. I do not know where I am now or why there should be a section of the UHive here. There are more than the one set of horror secrets to be found in the UHive."


Tanya, the policewoman and transformed replicant, responded. "You are beneath an outer sector of a great supercity known as Bigtropolis that is at the centre of territories known as BigState. Both are ruled by the immortal superhumans who are also known as the Grand Immortals. Did the androids assist to fight the spread of something evil in the UHive?"


"The U-virus only spread through one of thirteen large sectors of the UHive but the disaster set off other disasters. I do not know how many people survived, what they control and if they still follow the orders of the Umbrella Corporation, or UmbCorp. The only thing wrong with the androids, in assisting with the crisis, was that there was not enough of them." Alice shook her head in wonder. "UmbCorp decided that there only needed to be a relatively small number of androids in the UHive because of the complex's heavy automation. They figured RedQueen could deal with any crisis, with the use of roboremotes and other technologies, but they did not figure on 'her' security network-systems being sabotaged or on the release of the U-virus in eight places, spread out through the complex, at once."


Suddenly the whole chamber shook just a little but to do such an explosion would have to be very powerful.


Ash showed her concern on her face. "Somebody is using powerful, advanced bombs or warheads. I suggest strongly that we move quickly, that we go to the AlternateGate that Alice spoke of, and that we use it to escape from the threats now facing us, including the menace that I 'sensed' earlier."


Another shudder went through the chamber, was a little stronger this time, and sirens began to shriek.


Alice turned to Ash. "Do you understand the nature of the 'menace' that you 'sensed'?"


Ash shook her head. "Only that it is extremely dangerous."


Alice frowned. "Then we must go and discover the true nature of this 'menace' for it could be a threat to the whole of Bigtropolis and BigState, to the peoples of this place."


It was decided, quickly, that Derra, Ash and Alice would go to discover the true nature of the 'menace' while Tanya waited with the group that was now made up of her, four life elemental humans and the sleeping CityGuardsman.

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01-18 (0018)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Derra, Ash and Alice got to the big airlock chamber they had been in earlier. Alice went to the inner armoured door and touched it before drawing back as if recoiling from something dangerous and noisome. She turned to the others and spoke. "There are some four powerful malcons in there, creatures of the U-virus. Three used to be guard dogs and one used to be a human. They have a wary alliance with each other. There were zombies in there, with them, but the malcons destroyed them for the malcons are distorted lifeforms while the zombies are undead, though not of true undeath. It is the T-virus that creates malcons, the T-virus being a genetically modified version of the U-virus that the Umbrella Corporation did not invent but which somebody discovered in a crashed alien spacecraft. The aliens are of the species known as zetans who are part greytari and part teman, the temans being another species of intelligent sentient aliens. I only know the basics as stolen from some UmbCorp databanks. I do not even know how the damned corporation got such information because they stole a sample of the U-virus from somebody else. They stole it, and much else, from something called the Area 51 Warehouse that is actually a huge underground complex beneath the actual fortified warehouse that is full of more normal left overs of top secret projects. That place is on the same AlternateEarth as RaccoonCity is."


The voice spoke deep in Derra's mind.


=The AlternateEarth of RaccoonCity is a world controlled by humans; it is a world facing a great natural breakdown due to human over exploitation and abuse of the natural environment but also other threats. Clearly Alice does not know what has happened, is happening, in RaccoonCity. RaccoonCity is a metropolis designed and built by the Umbrella Corporation for the sole purpose of hiding the construction, the existence, of the UHive and also to secretly service support the same complex.


Derra somehow knew that the 'voice' knew what was happening in RaccoonCity but was unable to give her this information.


They went to return to the others but had no need to do so. The others came to them, driven by the green elemental humans' 'sensing' of approaching danger. They found another lightly hidden emergency security exit, this time opposite from the first one they had found, and were soon moving quickly through a security chamber and then along an emergency tunnel that also served as a secondary utility tunnel. They did not go far before they were confronted by a roboremote, a robotic humanoid figure on a box main body with four wheels. The RedPawn was a special heavy security roboremote serving the RedQueen but it offered no threat.


Instead, through it, spoke the RedQueen with a girlish voice quite out of place in such a complex and facing the threats that they did. "I have been monitoring your activities and propose an alliance to end the threat in this outpost of the UmbrellaHive. My primary programming is to make sure that neither the U-virus, or the T-virus, or other threats found in the UmbrellaHive, get out of the complex. So far I have succeeded but the network-systems of the complex are breaking down. I need your assistance to do some repairs and to gets my main network-systems relinked with some isolated network-systems, along with over a hundred roboremotes that I no longer have control over."


Suddenly Alice spoke, with a tone of determination in her voice as she sought to make the decision for the whole group. "Yes, such alliance will do us good but please do not try to betray us. You laser sliced up some comrades of mine."


The RedQueen responded. "Only because they were trying to shut down something that should have staid active. You saw what happened when your group succeeded. Or perhaps you do not know, Alice Ruby, that both the U-virus and the T-virus have escaped out into RaccoonCity. I have only limited knowledge of the fate of the city, and its people, but what I know does not look good. Now, will you help, including helping to undo some of the damage you helped to do in the first place?"


Alice explained to the others. "We thought we closed down the RedQueen but clearly we did not. In doing what we did, we released locked up zombies, and zombers, out into the city. Zombers are those who die infected with both the U-virus and T-virus. Zombies come only from the U-virus. Malcons come only from the T-virus. Or at least that is information what we found in hacked databanks that seemed to be the speculations of UmbCorp scientists perhaps surviving somewhere in the UHive."


The RedQueen spoke. "Over three thousand humans and animals survive in a heavily secured, isolated section of the UHive but they are slowly, steadily running out of vital resources and are under the increasing threat of zombers, who are intelligent enough to use weapons and tools though still of low intelligence when compared to humans, and from very cunning, powerful malcons of varied kinds. There are also other threats that I can not speak of because of strict security programming. You are one of them, Alice, an experimental subject given a modified version of the T-virus and an experimental inoculation against the U-virus."


Ash spoke then, calmly. "I suggest we go along with Alice this time, though she needs to remember that she does not make the decisions for the group. RedQueen, we are not what we seem, none of us."


RedQueen responded. "My special hidden instruments tell me as much. I find this scenario to be most fascinating and hope to learn much."

Edited by Maharg67
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