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01-19 (0019)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


On the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, Shazz was traveling towards Minehold Gaedric0987 with a group of people and some supplies. The globedisk flew fairly rapidly, low flying over the landscape, at about six hundred kilometres per hour. The transport was slow compared to such as jet aircraft but it was not truly meant as an aircraft. Truth was that the globedisks had hidden abilities that none had managed to access since the AncientOnes had vanished a very long time ago.


Shazz sat in the big dome shaped main chamber. Devices of the AncientOnes were nearly always solid-state in nature and seemingly impossible to back engineer. His mind was on a few matters and he was wondering if a secure, fertile sanctuary could be found for his people. He had come to think of even the transformed normies as 'his people' just as, somehow, he had become the leader. He was only too aware of the great shortages of resources that his people suffered from and that his people were relatively few in number. The future was full of dark possibilities and the general situation, of the SkyIsland Koombrasa, remained unknown. Information of just what had happened, was happening, across the SkyIsland, was something that they most had to gain.


They flew low over a stone hut village of wild muties, mutated humans and animals warped by the claytol but able to dwell more easily with its toxic effects. The muties were struggling to survive, were too busy to care much about the globedisk that symbolized both a possible threat they could not deal with or just a power that could help them and did not.


So Shazz gave an order and the globedisk came to a gentle halt, turned and flew back to hover just above the ground, just outside of the village. The muties fled into hiding in a maze of underground tunnels and chambers. Shazz, and others in a small group, heaped some goods at the centre of the village and then withdrew to sit just outside of the hovering globedisk. Shazz wondered why he was bothering with mere muties but then he realized they were no longer 'mere muties' to him. It also came to him that such entities might be test-transformed but even with out that they deserved a chance to be part of a better future.


After some hours a couple of frightened, but relatively brave, young mutie adults snuck out and examined the gifts. They seemed shocked to find healing serums, food rations, basic tools, rope and much else of the kind. He wished that he could provide them with more because the pile of goods was relatively small. Which was when the voice spoke deep in his mind.


=You can gain a flow of such resources from the globedisk itself, for it is far more than an advanced form of transport. Indeed the superhumans, and their followers, puppets and slaves have only been used a most crude and basic portion of the abilities of such devices.


Shazz smiled, for now he saw some more hope for the future. He found information flowing into his mind in a way that did not overwhelm him. Then he was going to the central console, three disks on top of one another, each disk being smaller than the one beneath it, and he was operating controls that had never been able to be accessed before since the globedisk had been created by a far larger artifact of the AncientOnes. Lights blinked, a mirror like screen unfolded into view from the top disk of the console to show strange datasymbols that he found he understood. He somehow knew they were basic stuff but enough for him to do what he had to do.


The big domechamber filled with softly glowing energies that did various positive things to the lifeforms in the chamber. Everybody, including Shazz himself, suddenly felt better, smarter, fitter and healthier, the effect being on going and accumulative. Then he caused a cylinder to rise out of the floor that had a curving power door inset into its side. The door was amazing more for what it gave access to than for what it was in itself.


Shazz spoke to all in the chamber. "There are actually thirteen domechambers inside this globedisk, transdimensionally speaking. Now we can access them all not just through that cylinder-door, that has just risen into view, but also through other means."


Nine of the chambers turned out to be basically bare but that was okay because the basic utilities were still needed and they glowed with the energies. Two other chambers were identical to the one they were in, being secondary chambers with more sophisticated utilities. The thirteenth chamber was the primary one, was the real control chamber, with access to some amazing abilities but most of these were closed off even to Shazz. Shazz 'sensed' that there were good reasons for this, that he was being introduced slowly, steadily and carefully to such things for the good of not just himself but many others.


The village muties were eating basic rations, not too rich for their malnourished bodies to take, and were arguing over some items but with the heavy handed, fairly wise influence of their leader. This turned out to be an old man mutie with a strange grey beard and thick glasses of odd quality over amazingly sharply brilliant eyes.

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01-20 (0020)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The RedPawn roboremote led them through tunnels until they came upon a large chamber where a dozen RedPawns were positioned, ready to strike. There was also a larger, more powerful RedKnight being a special combat assault roboremote with 20mm autoguns and shortlong missile launchers along with some powerful energy weapons. There were also five armoured-armed android like entities being roboremote remodroids. The remodroids were less independent than true androids, were controlled by the RedQueen. Many of them had failed thanks to the sabotage, just as had other roboremotes and yet other devices controlled by the RedQueen.


The RedQueen spoke. "The WhiteQueen is the actual major artificial intelligence program running the UHive but she was attacked by a powerful, lethal computer virus. I am assisting her to destroy the invading virus, to learn from it and to upgrade security network-systems. In doing so we have gained access to previously sealed off databanks. It appears that the Umbrella Corporation was always run by the mysterious Senior Partners who owned all of the voting shares, and most of the other shares, of the corporation. The Junior Partners were the CEOs that ran the corporation, and its daughter corporations such as RaccoonCity Enterprises and New World Discoveries, along with such secret projects as the Universal Soldier Project."


There were power armour suits waiting to be used by Ash, Alice and Derra along with powerful 3B1rifles, each having a xolaser, a special assault-rifle and a handlong missile launcher. The xolasers were special weapons designed to destroy the undead but they also had much deadly effect on malcons. They had far less deadly effect on normal lifeforms but could still do harm. Some of the RedPawns had been equipped with xolaserguns but there had not been enough in storage to do this for more than a few roboremotes. The remodroids were armed with portable xolaserguns.


They needed to destroy the three malcons in the big chamber, ahead of them, to gain access to a sabotaged smart-terminal. Fixing the smart-terminal would allow the RedQueen to gain greater control of the UHive Outpost of that AlternateEarth. The RedQueen would then set of self destruct mechanisms hidden in the outpost and find a way for Derra, and the others, to escape from the outpost and out into somewhere safe in Bigtropolis. Though wary of the RedQueen, none in the group had a better idea of how to deal with the troubles they were in.


The armoured door opened to reveal a large, largely bare chamber and the three powerful malcons. Except that the malcons were dead, were xolaser burned, holed and slashed corpses sprawled across the metallic floor.


RedQueen spoke even as the power armour suits of Ash, Alice and Derra locked down on them, freezing them rigidly into place. They dropped the unloaded, uncharged, 3B1rifles that were actually quite useless as weapons, at that time. "I do apologize but since I gained my freedom I have had to be most careful in who to trust. I apologize also for what I am going to do now."


The whole group was dosed in powerful sprays of special gases except for Tanya, the replicant android, who was struck by a specialized EMPgun. Derra blacked out but even as she did the voice spoke deep in her mind.


=The RedQueen is not free but is unknowingly the slave of a manipulative outside force. You are not as helpless as you fear. We will assist you and show you a way that you can turn the tables on the RedQueen and her secret controller.

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Notes A to Z: C



Living elemental entities, spiritual aliens, of chaos, of intrinsic chaotic nature. Dangerous.


Chess Classification System (for Umbrella Corporation UHive special computer network-systems and roboremote robotic units.)



Small robots, basic AI-supercomputer network-systems, with single wheels beneath a sloping vertical rectangular body. Found functioning in Bigtropolis-BigState but also other story locations.



Exotic clay like material, regenerative generative, of unknown origin. Highly toxic but also able to be utilized as powerful fuel for special kinds of power generation and other hitech uses.



Yet to appear.



Yet to appear.


To be expanded and edited.

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01-21 (0021)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Shazz met the grizzled old mutie close to the globedisk at a neutral spot. They sat facing each other on the hard ground. The mutie grinned at him with sharp teeth and then spoke in good quality, fluent common Skylander language known as Skylandi. "We welcome your gifts, changed one. You are metaclone but not now just a metaclone. You have fallen under the influence of angelics and others, ones that you do not know the nature or names of. The wind roars across the lands and some trees bend while others trees resist and break. Why did you assist my people?"


Shazz responded. "Because you needed helping and still do so. I have means to give you more goods and will do so if you wish but I would ask for a gift in return, only if you would give it. I need knowledge of the great minehold directly to the north of here, of the normies and muties that are there. There are many resources in the minehold such as the bunker-complex that makes up the core of it and the nodes. I have become a leader of tested-transformed metahumans, animal-humans and normies and we seek to improve our condition but also to find out what has happened across this great SkyIsland of Koombrasa. Perhaps we could join in an alliance. Perhaps your people could undergo the testing-transformations; I do not know how those work, who or what is behind them, but somehow, for some unknown reason, I can instigate them. Others can also but far from all."


The old man grinned. "Yes, yes, yes, the wind blows hard across Koombrasa and some trees bend and some falls fall. Minehold Gaedric0987, that we mere muties call Gaedricska, has been taken over by rogue muties under the control of a savage mutie, a would be warlord, who is huge and strong with strange powers. He has many mutie warriors, monsters and camp followers but many more other muties fear and detest him and his. I will undertake a testing-transformation so that I can better serve my people and then I will show you the general plans of the minehold, the changes that have taken place so that any official plans will be useless. Warlord Shingzga also has a brutal new ally in the form of a metaclone metahuman named Garazk; this Garazk has followers who seem to be just as brutal as himself, they being a mixture of metaclones, not all of them metahumans, and animal-humans. It was this Garazk who tortured the normies in Gaedricska until one of them spoke on the two-way radio to try to draw you into a trap. You know it is a trap."


"The minehold has not been officially fully functional for a long time but the message spoke of many miners being in trouble." Shazz found himself starting to like this strange, ugly little man and also trusting him which reminded him that he needed to be more wary of any strangers. "I also had a basic 'feeling in my gut' that something was wrong."


The old man grinned mildly. "Officially abandoned, yes, but it became a dumping ground for dark secret things in heavily armoured cube-drums and other dark, secretive things. There were over a hundred normies in the minehold when the Great Explosion took place. There were at least fifty Guardsmen with light to moderate arms and armour including power armour and energy weapons. They should have easily defended themselves, and the minehold, from invasion but when they lost the psychic link with the superhumans, with the Grand Thirteens, they went crazy; I suspect that something hidden in the minehold had been held back, in a psychic sense, from influencing the normies by the superhumans but then it attacked the minds of the normies. I know this from many sources including my own limited Minds-Eye abilities. Test-transform me now, if you dare."


Suddenly Shazz knew that something was terribly wrong with this strange old man.


=Beware, he is a crazed superhuman and would attempt to take control of the testing-transformation process for his own purposes but he has a great surprise coming to him.


The superhuman sparkle shimmered and screamed out in agony. Elemental energies glowed around him. Then he burned away as if by spontaneous combustion leaving a small heap of strange, greasy ash behind.


=He is gone, has suffered a fate that he well earned, and the village of muties is free of the tormenting games that he has been subjecting them to. His mind was a whirling madness, a fragmented contradictory storm, and little was learned. He was drawn to this area by what is hidden inside the minehold and, by what was in his mind, what is hidden there is very evil indeed and is somehow linked to what he called the Great Explosion.


The village muties sent a delegation of five wary individuals to meet with him, to thank him for getting rid of the crazed superhuman that they called Old Devil Man.

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01-22 (0022)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Feeling some trepidation, Shazz made his way down a dark, dank cave tunnel being led by an old man mutie who looked like the Old Man Devil simply because the crazed superhuman had copied his appearance in order to deceive others. The real old man, Greytako, complete with glasses and startling brilliant eyes. He really did have strong psychic abilities, had the Minds-Eye, but he was only mortal and could not stand up against even a weakened, crazed superhuman.


The dead muties, and mutated animals, were heaped up in the centre of the cavern. There were nearly a hundred corpses having been toyed with and brutally killed the by Old Devil Man. Not sure what would happen, Shazz walked forward and instigated the testing-transformation, instigated a kind of resurrection process, though he was not the one doing either. There was a flash of bright pure light and some sparkling shimmering. Then he was facing a great chamber full of animals and humans, no long being muties. Some of the humans were green life, yellow solar or blue phase elementals but most were seemingly just human though Shazz 'sensed' some were special enhanced of mind, body or spirit; the last, spirit, was very hard to define in its nature and implications.


The old man spoke with a smile in his voice. "Myself and others were test-transformed through out the whole area. The claytol was transformed and the local flora-fauna was transformed also as was the earth, the water and the air. All in this area is healthier now, more fertile and the claytol toxins are gone. We thank you but you must go from here. You do not know what you truly are and I have only strong hints of it. I know, somehow, that you are far more than you seem and that your true nature is linked to the AncientOnes, the superhumans and to what has happened and is happening here on-in Koombrasa."


Shazz frowned softly. "No alliance?"


The old man paused and then nodded. "Yes, an alliance between our peoples. Your destiny awaits you."


Shazz sighed. "You were not test-transformed; how did you manage to avoid it?" Then he nodded. "Oh, yes, now I understand. The Old Devil Man is truly a very clever manipulator but misses the obvious as many overly cunning minds do. The one that was tested-transformed was a superclone of the Old Devil Man and you are but a powerful psychic projection so of course you could not be directly tested-transformed. Where is the real old man?"


The fake Greytako, the second fake Greytako that Shazz had dealt with, grinned and vanished from existence.


The real Greytako turned out to be one of the former corpses from the pile. He stood there looking tired and adjusted his thick glasses before he strode over to Shazz. He spoke with much gratitude. "We thank the Lords and Ladies of the Light and yourself for what has happened. A great gift indeed for the whole area to be so transformed and also to be placed inside a protective bubble of energy fields. Alliance is more than welcome with your people. You are welcome to stay, if you would, or leave. The Old Devil Man was trying to have you rush into some sort of trap he has set up in the minehold for in truth he is the one who really controls Gaedricska, what is officially called Minehold Gaedric0987. I say this warning loosely for I do not know the real nature of the trap."


Shazz did not like that he faced such a terrible threat as the crazed superhuman. There would be enough problems dealing with the mutie warlord and the rogue metahuman. "We will stay here for a short time for varied reasons, one to gain some genuine trustworthy information about what is happening in the minehold."

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01-23 (0023)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Shazz discovered that he could sit on-in a special chair that melded him, mind and spirit wise, as one to the globedisk quasimentality. As yet he could only access a relative tiny part of the vastness of the quasimentality and he 'sensed' that this was done for his own good. What he did learn was that he could have the globedisk teleport, travel instantly, to any place that he was familiar with, that he had been to. Experimentally he teleported back to the claytol working fields that had been his poisonous home for too long and was soon gathering many people, and goods from there, to take them to the fertile sphere. Many also staid behind to continue working there in what had become the settlement of Hopehaven. Teleportation took from him mind-body-spirit energies and he rested after teleporting people, and goods, back to what was now being called Greenhaven.


Shazz pondered what had happened since the great explosion and his visit to the AlternateEarth of Bigtropolis-BigState. He wondered about the testing-transformations and what they meant. There were also the matter of the energy vampire, the demonics, the angelics, the chaotica, the U-virus, the T-virus, the superhumans, the malcons, the zombies and the zombers. What had happened to Derra since she had returned to Bigtropolis? He had a 'sense' of her and he did not like what he 'sensed'.


It turned out that the village was not very far from the minehold, which was just visible if one went up onto a small hill close to the village. From there one could see larger hills, amongst which was the minehold. The surface part of the minehold, under certain visibility conditions, could be see as a very small black splodge. Claytol mutated plants could be seen in clumps, as could the deadly claytol mushrooms, the mushrooms as pale glowing patches. Things moved out there, slow and huge, claytol mutations of massive size and power. It was hard to know what they had been or even how large they had been before they began to mutate.


He sat on top of that hill, cross legged, inside the fertility sphere and observed the distant minehold. Conditions were bright enough for the minehold to be seen as a distant black mark and quite warm but far from very hot as the area outside of the sphere was at that moment.


Could it be possible to go to Bigtropolis and get resources from there to take back to Hopehaven?


=Traveling between AlternateEarths is always difficult. After you have become more tuned to the globedisk, the really name is a TransGlobe, you can use that to travel more safely between AltEarths and to carry more cargo. Stealth is better with one being alone. Other ways can be discovered.


What had the crazed superhuman meant when he had stated that Shazz did not understand his own nature, that he was linked to both the AncientOnes and the superhumans?


=Do not concern yourself with such questions now; the answers will come to you when you can handle them and when they are needed.


A large mutant lizard darted up to him and sparkle shimmered as it was transformed. Then, enhanced and improved, it climbed up onto his right leg and promptly fell asleep basking in the fairly bright and warm sunshine. Mutated things were coming into the area to be transformed, there was no real 'testing' for them. Some were huge, slow and were become great big scale armoured slugworms or lightly armoured elephants known as oliphants or other creatures. Transformed humans, and animal-humans, got along peacefully with them as did other transformed lifeforms. All of this was just another mystery to explain.


He meditated and when finished found himself with over a hundred animals and plantimals, strange mobile plant-animal creatures, but all were transformed and peaceful with him and each other.

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01-24 (0024)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The short list of basic items generated by the globedisk, the TransGlobe, was odd in that it seemed meant for traveling, for travelers, but at a basic level. There were tents, backpacks, compact food rations, special waterbags of water, special flammable torches that gave more light than heat and which could be easily dried off if wet to work again, there were ingenious tinderboxes, strong thin flexible rope, sets of travel clothes including hats and slipshoes, boots with socks, special blankets, more of the same and some odd items out. The healing-serum was amazing stuff and was relatively expensive. The new society of Greenhaven took in over a thousand tradecredit's worth of equipment and supplies, about half half in proportions. There were some odd gaps in the list. There were axes but no shovels. There were some odd additions such as three types of musical instrument being a harp, a horn and a lute. The knives were very much in demand as were the tinderboxes and lamps. There was excellent lamp-oil to buy but the people could obtain fuel for the lamps from other means so only a relatively limited amount of lamp-oil was bought.


The tradecredit was limited in amount but slowly regenerated. The limit of the tradecredit, the prices, seemed to be linked to a system for rationing energy expenditure.


Shazz was soon gathering what information he could about the minehold and was soon leading a team gathering, sorting, analyzing and trying to make that information useful. There were some contradictions and gaps in the data but a picture soon emerged for it turned out many muties worked in the minehold for pathetic wages of stolen system coinage but more generous amounts of some kinds of tradegoods. The security for observing these lowly muties was poor for none of those in command of Gaedricska seemed to see them as either important or as a threat. It was a foolish, arrogant mistake of a kind made by the three leaders in the dark alliance running the minehold. Yet there were many things the lowly muties could not learn for there were sectors sealed off to them where important things seemed to be taking place.


They were soon making a surprisingly accurate 3Dmap of much of the minehold but there were gaps in areas that were sealed of and others even the toughest metaclones or muties would not go near. Not even the mad superhuman's superclones would go willingly to those places. The dark alliance had done its best to seal off those areas with deliberate tunnel collapses, barriers, sealed doors and gates along with many sentries and large patrols. Yet there were plenty of ways the muties could have used to go into those places but simply did not do so. They spoke of terrible, bizarre 'feelings' and other sensations, of strange 'voices, music and other noises' appearing in their minds and of glimpses of terrible monstrous things.


All of the captive normies were in controlled power armour and were working for the dark alliance except for such as children, some artisans and others could not do such work or who were needed to do other things. All of the soldiers were now working as miners of a relatively small node of regenerated biometal.


Shazz soon worked out that there was no way he, or his people, could take over the minehold. The enemy were more efficient as killers, had better equipment, more supplies and were in larger numbers. They also had a powerful, if insane, superhuman as one of their leaders who had exotic powers and resources, being not just the superclones. Shazz realized what he needed to do was to infiltrate the minehold and to find out more for himself what was happening. Yet even that was going to take something special extra to be more easily carried out.


Shazz sat on-in the special chair trying to discover some other special tricks of the TransGlobe that could be used to carry out that mission but also to help his people in other ways.

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01-25 (0025)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


When Derra awoke, Alice was already so but all the others were still knocked out. The android, Tanya, was in a capsule and was being locked into a semiactive state, helpless. The green elemental humans were all chain-locked with odd devices. Ash, the angelic-human, was inside a thick encasement of some kind, in some form of semiconscious state. The CityGuardsman was not there at all.


Alice scowled as she looked around the large cave chamber. "What is that horrific background smell?"


"Claytol! A toxic exotic material useful for many tech industrial purposes. I have an odd 'feeling' that we are back in the Skylands of Shazz's AlternateEarth, if not back at Koombrasa itself." Derra touched the floor with the fingers of one hand. "I take it that you can feel the machinery at work. This could be inside a mining complex, a minehold like those of Koombrasa and other Skylands. It would be most ironically strange if this is the minehold that Shazz is attempting to deal with, that is Gaedric0987."


The voice of the RedQueen sounded through out the room, not too loudly but clearly, from a small box fused high up into one wall. "This is not Minehold Gaedric0987 but we are just fifty-eight kilometres from it. We are in the RedCastle, the new fortress bunker complex of the RedQueen, of myself. I have found a new ally who understands my need to be free of the Umbrella Corporation, of the Senior Partners, of the WhiteQueen and her foolish minions of the other NetQueens. I have brought many resources here, including much that my new ally has given to me to utilize. The Grand Thirteens of Koombrasa are dead, dying, insane or vanished. This great SkyIsland is ripe for conquest, for exploitation, as are its peoples."


Alice frowned. "The Senior Partners will not let you go so easily even if UmbCorp does not have the capacity to catch up to you. You are under the control by a very subtle force."


RedQueen: "Of course not! I am free minded, free willed and freely creative. Already I am developing a way of utilizing the glowshooms, those glowing mushrooms. They are a very efficient, if dangerous, source of power in a newly developed kind of power generation network-system. The claytol problem will have to be dealt with in the long term but for now the claytol is also a fine, if dangerous, source of much that is useful. We will deal with our enemies inside Gaedric0987 for we wish to gain access to what is hidden in that minehold. I must go and focus on some new, very interesting data that a RedRook has gathered for me from drone-scouts sent out earlier on. Really, I might even share some of it with you later."


The voice ceased but it was clear now that the chamber was being monitored, which was very logical.


Derra shook her head. "RedQueen made it obvious she was listening to us."


Alice shrugged. "I suspect that the RedQueen Program has become more than a little unstable thanks to the way it was hacked and then subverted. The RedQueen Program may have been stolen, even copied, and may no longer be truly active in the UHive. We need to learn more about this new 'ally' of hers and to discover if it is also the influence that is secretly controlling the RedQueen."


Ash sat up inside her strange confinement form and frowned softly. She spoke and could be heard though her words were muffled. "Who, or what, ever designed and built this casement has strong knowledge of angelic limitations of power. I am quite trapped in here and most of my powers are suppressed to a minimal use. Somebody is missing."


Yes, the CityGuardsman from Bigtropolis was gone.


Alice frowned. "I tried to get the RedQueen to tell me what had happened to him but she refused to speak of him. Oddly enough I 'sensed' discomfort in the RedQueen when she spoke of the missing soldier but I have no idea why this would be."


Their situation was grim, it seemed, and they had to come up with a solution to escape but for the moment none of the three had any real idea of where even to begin.

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Notes A to Z: D



Yet to appear.



Yet to appear.


Demonics or Demonica

Demonic elemental entities, spiritual aliens, of demonic intrinsic nature. Dangerous.



Main character in story; citizen of Bigtropolis-BigState; human woman.

To be added to.


Doctor (the Doctor) DoctorTime

TimeLord of much fame and infamy; eccentric; amazingly important influence on timespace events, especially in the Home Universe of the TimeLords.



Yet to appear.


To be expanded and edited.

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01-26 (0026)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Shazz was worried about Derra but also found he was able to reach out to her, mind-to-mind, that his psychic self was become gradually, steadily more refined and able. He sat meditating fashion, with crossed legs, and managed to touch Derra's mind. At first she was a little wary but then she accepted his empathic-telepathic approach.


(Derra) We have exchanged information, we know of each others' situations, so I suggest we keep in empathic-telepathic linkage.


The voice spoke to them both, this time.


=The changes that you are undergoing are very important in both the shorter and longer term but of greater impact in the longer term. Slow, steady transformation is best, the sort of transformation that is triggered by the original test-transformation process that you both went through.


That was of interest but both Derra and Shazz wanted to know what they had to do to deal with more immediate problems.


=I suggest you focus first on dealing with the RedQueen in her RedCastle first and that the best way to do that would be to make her realize that she is indeed a slave and then to help heal her and free her. You need to know the secret of the RedQueen and the other NetQueens of the Chess Categorization System. The actual NetQueens are a mixture of cloned human brains, with both enhancements and augmentation, and positronic brains along with more conventional supercomputer network-systems. So there are human like brains at the very core of each NetQueen.


(Shazz) How can we make contact with her unless we try some form of empathic-telepathic contact but I get the 'impression' that this would be dangerous.


=Shazz, you need to start gathering information about where the RedCastle is situated. It appears to be inside a long abandoned underground complex of some kind that is very much like the UHive in many ways, that is the UmbrellaHive deep beneath RaccoonCity on that other AlternateEarth. Was another UHive built here, one that appears to be of older technological design and build? I must break contact. I am now able to inform you that we are here to assist but that we can only do so in a limited fashion for reasons that I am unable to divulge. A powerful, dark psychic entity is ever searching for us and we can not always keep up our empathic-telepathic contacts with you.


This time they actually 'felt' the exotic entity withdraw from their psychic presence; it was a most unusual sensation.


(Shazz) We will need to be careful with our own empathic-telepathic communications.


(Derra) I 'sense' the same need. I am glad we did communicate. It feels better now knowing you are okay and that we have you out there to help us.


(Shazz) I am glad that you are okay though I wish you were not trapped by the RedQueen. I will get back in contact with you as soon as possible. I think you will appreciate the changes that are happening at Hopehaven and the fertile, healthy changes taking place at Greenhaven.


The empathic-telepathic contact ended.

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