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MultipleEarth Saga


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Notes A to Z: F


Food Rations (of Koombrasa)

Mass produced foodbars, foodtubes, foodtablets, foodcubes (powdered foods) and fooddrinks were the main diet of the great majority of normies, metaclones, animal-humans and other 'lesser' living servants, slaves and followers of the superhumans.



Soldiers and other fighters of the freefolk.



Former slavefolk, muties, animal-humans, metaclones and others.


To be expanded and edited.


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01-35 (0036)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Shazz waited for another holographic projection communications from the TimeLord but none came. He had not even learned the name of the TimeLord. Shazz guessed, correctly, that the communications had been blocked by some form of powerful technological means but had no idea of what it could be. That is until the 'voice' informed him, quickly and briefly, that it was the doing of misused technologies of the AncientOnes and that they were being operated by a superhuman. The only other thing he learned was that the AncientOne device was situated in the Minehold Gaedric0987. Shazz assumed that the Old Devil Man was behind it until he remembered that there was a superhuman known as the Old Devil Woman; either one could have been operating the device.


Twice he tried to reach Derra using empathic-telepathic communications but something blocked him except for gaining an 'impression' that she became aware of his attempts to reach her. He hoped that this gave her some kind of morale boost, if nothing else.


Shazz returned to investigating the abilities of the TransGlobe and was now seeking ways to help him free Derra, and those with her, and also to overcome the AncientOne device in Gaedric0987. For the moment all he managed to do was gain some refinements in the use of the abilities that were already being used that led to greater efficiency of energy use and higher productivity of outcomes; in other words there was less energy used to make increased gains from duplicating, manufacturing, healing and other special processes done in the TransGlobe.


Shazz was pleased when he gained access to thirteen transdimensionally placed 'antechambers' that each was linked with one of the thirteen main transdimensional channels. Each antechamber was very large, being about as large as the main chambers were. The antechambers were multiple functional with alcoves, minichambers, raised platforms and other features making the use of their space more efficient. They were shelters, workshops, storage areas and much else. Yet the big surprise was that stuff had been stored there, of mixed value, proving that at least some others had known that the TransGlobe had extra, special abilities about them.


There were holotapes, two holoprojectors, fifteen androids, suits of power armour of different kinds, foodtubes, claytol antitoxin spraypacks, stimpaks, books, holobooks, cans of food, coffee powder, stacks of propaganda posters, inflatable statues of important superhumans, left handed screwdrivers, cartons of concentrated reconstituted ongtango juice, dried ongtango fruit slices, basic manual and powered tools, roboremotes, a small chest of valuable glowcoins, bottles of ongtango wine, one very valuable bottle of sapphire wine, diamond-flowers, electronic solid-state modular sections, small solid-state devices and much else besides including some smaller pulseblaster and pulselaser weapons. Most of it was an amazing assortment of semijunk and junk, stuff like old paperback novels, empty ongtango juice cartons, burned out solid-state modular parts, old used rubber tires, sacks of ongtango skins, old fashioned devices of many kinds and so forth. It was fascinating, if nothing else, and could perhaps be used.


"Eight of the thirteen of the thirteen antechambers are at least half full of junk and semijunk." Samrond was studying a clipboard-reader and was frowning softly. "Another two are about a quarter full of the same. I am just puzzled how so much ongtango juice could be drunk; that stuff tastes awful."


Ongtango plants had been genetically engineered to grow in claytol toxic ridden areas. The project had been partly successful with ongtango plants growing well in all but the worst of claytol toxin ridden areas and there they grew with less health and less yield. The problem was that, though highly nutritional, the ongtango fruits tasted awful and the superhumans had not really made much to improve this because ongtango fruits were grown not for them but for those who served them.


Shazz nodded. "My guess is that somebody was living, hidden, inside the antechambers for a long time. There is at least one secondary way to go between the antechambers with out going near the main chambers. Have you found other, empty, containers of consumed substances?"


His adviser-assistant, her status had changed, checked the clipboard-reader, it was a combination of both, this time looking at a plastic 3Dsheet of data. "Yes, empty foodbar boxes, empty waterjons, empty travel-snack packs and much else that would be explained by your idea. Question is why would they hide in the antechambers, of all places?"


"Because it seems not many knew of the existence of the antechambers inside the TransGlobes, or so is my guess." He shook his head in wonder. "I wonder just how many other spaces are hidden inside this ancient super-device of the AncientOnes."


Yes, a super-device! He had come upon the name recently only to find out it was a very old name for the amazing greater inventions of the AncientOnes, which the TransGlobe was one of. Shazz wondered just how many TransGlobes were out there. He was surprised to discover, from data he found in the TransGlobe databanks, that while all TransGlobes were globedisks that not all globedisks were TransGlobes. The great majority of globedisks looked like TransGlobes but were much more basic transports, were actually globedisks for real. Was it accidental that TransGlobes had been made to look like globedisks or had it been an attempt to make it harder to find the TransGlobes? Was this factor linked somehow with the ancient war with the TimeLords? He knew that he had to gain more information, to do more exploring in the TransGlobe, but he was feeling frustrated as he was only too aware of the need to assist Derra, to find out what had happened to the TimeLord and to do something about the menace as presented by his various enemies.

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01-36 (0037)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


How it happened, none of them were sure even later, but the RedQueen went through a testing-transformation and the process swept through the whole RedChess Network of Network-Systems. The RedKing fell soon after the RedQueen and then came the RedBishops, the RedKnights, the RedRooks and the RedPawns. The RedBishops were directors, coordinators, mangers while the RedKnights specialized in heavy combat security roles and the RedRooks were heavy working service devices. The RedPawns were multiple functional but often undertook lighter combat security roles. To these had been added pieces not in the original chess set system being RedDrones, RedDroids and RedMechs. Now the whole was transformed, upgraded and the secret dark mentality manipulating the RedQueen was driven out and away.


Everybody was taken by surprise by what had happened, including the RedQueen herself. Amongst her many first acts was the release of the rest of the group. Ash the angelic-human, Tanya the android, the life elemental humans and the CityGuardsman was brought to the great hall where Alice and Derra had been busy trying to understand more about the Wolfdoom Nazis from Castle Wolfenstein of another AlternateEarth.


The CityGuardsman had been given a series of basic medical tests, various samples had been taken but he had been all the time safe in a special medical status-capsule. Now he was looking around in wonder at the great hallway with its strange collections. In Bigtropolis-BigState there were extreme right wing NeoNazi groups but the Nazis were something of the almost mythological long lost Old Earth. Those Nazis had nothing to do with anything like Castle Wolfenstein, as far as the soldier knew. He had dabbled in history as a hobby and a way of fighting boredom at times when taking breaks as a CityGuardsman on duty. He was Lieutenant Ron Robson and he had seen many of his soldiers killed, or worse, by demonics and chaotica as the CityGuardsmen had fought to deal with the strange and terrible threat to the supercity. When the angelics began to assist matters improved greatly, the angelics dealing with the demonics fairly easily but even the angelics had trouble dealing with the chaotica.


Derra spoke to the rest of the group. "The RedQueen is busy dealing with the many changes caused by the testing-transformation. None of us knows how the RedChessNNS came to be test-transformed. I had nothing to do with it and neither did any of the others in our group."


Ash nodded. "A very power angelic was involved being one far greater, in such ways, as I am or even Derra who is more special than she thinks she is when it comes to such things."


Derra seemed oddly embarrassed by Ash's words but then she hid it with a light grin. "We are trying to get in contact with Shazz at Greenhaven. We will also try to get anybody back to Bigtropolis who wants to go back."


The CityGuardsman was clearly still dealing with the changes he had undergone, especially to his way of thinking. "I no longer believe in the rule of the Grand Immortals as I once did. I was totally loyal to their rule, was blind to their true ways, but now I have begun to see the truth and wonder how I was so blind."


Derra turned to the tall, slimly muscular soldier. "The Grand Immortals are very powerful psychics and use devices of the AncientOnes, long vanished, to boost their powers. They thus influence the minds of the masses, mostly of the normies, and back this up with the carrot and the stick approach of a powerful Citystate Government and special networks. Those who go into law enforcement, security, security-intelligence, paramilitary or military roles are all carefully tested to make sure you are heavily influenced by the superhumans and none of you have special abilities that could threaten that control. The superhumans of this realm, the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, also known as the Grand Thirteens, also had such controlling mind influences but now the superhumans are mostly vanished, dead or dying except for a small minorities of insane ones."


The RedQueen spoke with a new calmness to her voice. "Two-way radio communications are being blocked. I have failed to make contact with Shazz at Greenhaven. I am launching nine RedDrones, fast flying roboremotes, in an attempt to have them reach Greenhaven. They are even now setting out in three separate flights of three drones each, each flight going a different way to get to Greenhaven in hopes of improving their chances of getting there. The RedDrones will fight together, to protect each other, if they are attacked."


It was frustrating to know that there were powerful, secretive forces out there, good and bad, that might be able to clear up many questions, solve many mysteries and at least come out into the open where they could be more easily dealt with as friends or foes. For reasons of their own, these various forces appeared to be doing their best to remain hidden, to work indirectly by influencing events while not exposing themselves too greatly. Some things were known but much more was unknown.


The RedQueen spoke again. "I must focus on working on the changes that have taken place. Please continue to work on the mystery of this complex, of those who worked here and just what they were doing, what they managed to do, good and-or bad."

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00-02 (0038)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


Yes, a change was as good as a holiday and a stitch in time saved ninety-nine worlds. The LittleFatMan had dreamed again, of course, of the AlternateEarths but this time had interacted enough to have some influence. Yes, the RedChessNNS was test-transformed and now Derra, Alice and the others were not so trapped, were not trapped except by the forces surrounding the RedCastle. The RedQueen was their ally now, perhaps even their friend.


The LittleFatMan washed some dishes and then went to his DollHotel, a great multiple leveled structure where the small doll-people lived. He brought them new furniture, new books, other items, being all of their proportions and some of them came to greet him at the big foyer which had no privacy walls, as the hotel rooms did and some other places. Mack O'Donald was there, of course, standing impressively tall for the doll-people.


He spoke out in Irish accented English. "Aaahhh, some good Irish beer is what is welcome, for sure. I see you brought a few crates of the good brew."


A woman glared softly at him. Maria O'Donald would not stand for her husband getting drunk though in truth doll-people could not become so. Old habits die hard. Once the doll-people had been human but, the LittleFatMan's memories were vague on the matter, they had done something awful and had angered a very powerful entity of some kind. There were at least three hundred doll-people living in the DollHotel along with at least as many doll-animals and doll-androids. The O'Donalds could not have children in the old fashioned way so they had two lovely doll-android children, a boy and a girl, both growing up very slowly, to keep them company. The LittleFatMan had created the doll-androids and was wondering if he should create some doll-robots to go along with them. He had already created some unique doll-entities for amusement, not all of which the doll-people appreciated, such as Dracula the Bloodless, thirteen Frankenstein's Monsters, thirteen Robby the Robots, Fab the Fashionable, Fred the Flasher, Holly Hooker, Sam Samwise, the Muppet Hotel Theater, Maria of the Fix-It-Shop, Oscar the Grouch, the Garden Gnome Gang, Jungle Gym Jane, Steptoe and Son and a fair few others.


The LittleFatMan sighed. "I hope you like the apple pies. I have been dreaming some odd dreams."


Maria O'Donald nodded. "We know. We have the Special Dreams Television Channels, remember. It is all quite interesting but very complicated. I am glad you assisted to make the RedQueen, and the other Reds, transformed. It makes things a lot nicer, a little more balanced."


The LittleFatMan nodded again and for a moment spoke in a rather vague manner while staring into mid air. "Can't do too much and but must be careful not to do too little. Everything is a careful balance of energies, of actions-reactions, is karma." Then he snapped back to apparent full awareness. "Apple pies, I bought an apple pie and transformed it into one hundred very small apple pies for your consumption as I did with the bottle of fine Irish beer. My book has been published, that is Optical Illusionary Poetry #21. The Maharg Corporation fixed it up a little but they are publishing it just as they do all of my books. It is being sold at special obscure bookshops everywhere. How fascinating!"


The doll-people knew better to talk more about the dreams at that moment. The group began to pick up the large, neat pile of stuff that the LittleFatMan had brought to them, all of it in neat lidboxes that were also given over to them.


Mack O'Donald, a bottle of beer in one hand, gave a big smile. "You know, I might even just look at a copy of your new book one day."


His wife snorted. "Look at, that would be right. One would hardly expect that you would actually try to read it."


Mack gave Maria O'Donald a dirty look before he turned and walked off in a huff but not before he grabbed two more bottles of beer.


The LittleFatMan smiled. "From now on I will also be a doll-person in the DollHotel."


Maria smiled. "You already are, dear. Right now the doll-person versions of you are in your big apartment, doing some gardening, dealing with some trouble caused by Oscar the Grouch, is visiting that wicked Holly Hooker for reasons I will not discuss in polite company and other things. There are thirteen LittleFatMan doll-people who are, according to you, one-of-many-of-one."


The LittleFatMan sighed. "Why do I forget things so. There is a reason for it but at this moment I can not quite remember what it is. Everything is not only linked to everything else, everything is everything else. I will go now but please visit me at my apartment any time you wish to. I must go for there is much to do, always much to do."


Maria O'Donald, not to be confused with Maria of the Fix-It-Shop, smiled warmly up at him. "You take care then, Graham Maharg."


The LittleFatMan gave a small start. Then he gave a mild grin. "Yes, that is my name, or at least one of them. I will be seeing you soon, Maria." Then he turned and walked out of the big chamber which housed the DollHotel and, across from it, the big but smaller DollHouse where another set of doll-people lived who had a very different sort of lifestyle.



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Ancient War between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes!? Ramifications of this event!?





Transformed mortal cyborg from Bigtropolis-BigState! What is she really and what cause does she really serve? Why can she also instigate the test-transformations with others!?


Explosion that changed Koombrasa, that killed, made vanish, badly hurt and-or turned superhumans crazed (not mental illness)!?


Left Handed Screwdrivers!?

Just how important a factor are they in this wondrous epic story!?



What is he really and what is he doing, how is he doing it? How is he linked to Professor Chrono, Derra, Shazz and the others? What is the Maharg Tower? What are the strange dreams of the LittleFatMan and what is the meaning that lies behind them?

Maharg Tower

DollHotel, DollHouse


Umbrella Corporation and its true nature; the Senior Partners; the many other aspects of the Umbrella Corporation.

Progress Unlimited Corporation!?


RedQueen, RedChessNNS

To be done!



Who, what, is Shazz really? Is he more than a metaclone metahuman? Just what does the angelic-human Ash know about him? How is it that he can instigate the test-transformations with others?


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01-37 (0039)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Suzane dropped out of mid-air, with a sparkling shimmer, hit the ground inside her protective body-bubble of softly shimmering energies, and rolled down a toxic muddy slope past gnarled, ugly thorntrees and thornbushes, one of the few plants that could successfully grow with claytol poisoned conditions. Even as she came to a stop in her tight body hugging survival energy armour, she realized that she was surrounded by a savage battle taking place. Mutie warriors were fighting other mutie warriors with crude weapons, claws and fangs. While they fought with some savagery, they did with seemingly some reluctance and a fair few seemed quite reluctant.


Upon seeing her they all dropped down in fearful worship or ran away as quickly as their legs could carry them.


Suzane stood up, looked around to realize that one army had staid and the other had fled. She stepped up to a dying mutie, crouched and touched him with the tip of her multiwand. At once he relaxed, stopped making noise and became quiet in death; there had been nothing more she could do for him but give him a peaceful ending. The Gallefreyan stood up and looked around once more. She spoke in the local language as picked up by TARDIS launched microdrones. "What was the fighting about? Why do you wage war when it just costs you lives and resources?"


One big strong woman of a mutie came forward. She stood up slowly, holding a wooden club in one hand. Like the others she was almost totally naked with only a few necklaces dotted with bones and a crude leather belt dotted with crude leather pouches. Being used to this, she clearly was comfortable with the situation. The woman pointed her club at the running muties. "They are cheating, cunning Kowakoota of the Kowakoo of Kowa. They want to take our lands off us so that they can have our thornpods as taken from our thorntrees and thornbushes."


The TimeFolk woman had her doubts, 'sensed' deception in the words. "What and who are you?"


The woman mutie thrust her chest out. "We are Dashuwonga of Dashuwo of Dashu. We took these lands from those Kowakoota just yesterday with great cleverness and courage. Are you a superhuman? Will you fulfill the ancient promise made by your kind to our ancestors?"


"I am not a superhuman but a visitor from another world." Suzane frowned softly. "Perhaps you could form a peaceful alliance with the Kowakoota?"


The woman warrior scowled. "If you are no superhuman than I will kill you and take what is yours to make it mine."


Suzane aimed her multiwand at the mutie warrior's club, the end of the device sparkled briefly, and the club was thrown out of the mutie woman's hand. It flew through the air and, striking a big reddish boulder, fell heavily to the ground.


The mutie woman froze for a second and then spoke. "The great and powerful Dashuwonga peacefully welcome you to our lands. We will give you what tributes that we can spare so that you may not be angry with us."


"Stop the fighting. Most of you do not wish to fight." Suzane looked around at the hundred or so muties there. Amongst the human muties were human muties and those whose origin were hard to know; had some of them been animal-humans like those detected by the microdrones? "The fighting is more than pointless for it does harm while cooperation and peaceful trade with other peoples would do so much better."


The big woman mutie looked confused. "She Who Must Be Obeyed, she would not have us do this. Across these Claytol Plains of Griffintooth, from the Ditch Mountains to the Crumbling Cities. From the Acid Seas to the Tormented Swamps, She rules all muties. SheShaShiShoShu would strike us down, sending one of her own selves to do so be it Shata, Sheta, Shita, Shota or Shuta. She is five is one is five. She be five superhumans who are one superhuman. Long ago she come to the muties and spoke of great things. Then muties began to make great secret underground place for SheShaShiShoShu where many muties now dwell in good conditions with free health care plans, left handed screwdrivers, four door family sedans and long term good pension plans and things like that we do not really understand."


Suzane was starting to realize just how darkly and deeply troubled was the SkyIsland of Koombrasa; the situation was a very grim one and seemed worse the more that she and her grandfather learned. Getting away from the TARDIS had meant using a special emergency escape system only usable by a TimeLord, even an unofficial TimeLord like herself. As it was she had only been able to bring very little with herself.


She spoke. "Do you know of the place called Greenhaven?"


The woman mutie shook her head after a long thought. "Do not know the name but we know of strange, amazing place where there is less poison in air, water and earth, where claytol is less burning and where muties change to become better and even betterer." She turned and pointed. "That be that way, just left of the rising sun. Shata be that way. SheShaShiShoShu does not like the greening. She Who Must Be Obeyed, she says it is a big trick. She says all transformed muties must be killed. We do not know what to believe. She has given us nothing but promises." The woman mutie woman paused to look around in fear but then went on. "Yet the one called Shazz, he gives no promises but just gives. There are others that way one must be careful one. The Old Devil Man and the Old Devil Woman, they are superhumans who are enemies of SheShaShiShoShu."


Suzane nodded. "I will stay here for a short time and try to help your people. My people are the TimeLords. We come from a place a very long way from here. Then some of you will guide me to the wondrous place that you speak of so that I can meet Shazz. Now, who needs healing?"


The tall woman mutie bowed briefly but this time with true respect and gratitude with out fear. "My name is RhondaRail JetCan of the long lived MotorRotor Family. We use many ancient and important names of power."


Suzane smiled and nodded. "I am Suzane of the TimeLords."

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01-38 (0040)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The green fertility bubble was slowly, steadily expanding outwards on a horizontal basis but the number of mutie refugees coming to Greenhaven was increasing. They now came speaking of the fearful one called SheShaShiShoShu, She Who Must Be Obeyed, and her terrible followers known as supermutants that were muties given some strange process of change in metallic chambers full of high radiation, and strange mutagenic sprays and something called FEV. The muties were not clear of what these threats meant except to say that the supermutants were terrible, aggressive and had both body-armour and guns that made them even more terrible. Muties also spoke of the Old Devil Woman and the Old Devil Man, both as bad as SheShaShiShoShu but not as powerful.


Muties brought things with them that might get them favour and that might help their new home and its people; they brought thornpods from thorntrees or thornvines or thornbushes; they brought bits of metal; they brought strange plants that they tried to keep alive; they brought creatures that seemed to be immune from mutation be they rockworms or lungrunners or dropbears or other such; they brought carvings and necklaces; they brought seashells and opals; they brought golden nuggets and seedlings of thornplants; they brought small artifacts they had scavenged, traded or just found by accident. The muties brought mostly semijunk or junk but even this could normally be used.


When three RedDrones arrived at Greenhaven, all three showing light signs of battle such as burn marks and small dents, Shazz met them and the roboremote drones landed in neat formation. Shazz thus learned of what had taken place in RedCastle and he was both relieved and very pleased. He wondered what had happened to the fast moving, agile and armoured RedDrones. The supercomputers of these machines informed him that they had been attacked by strange delta-wing shaped roboremotes of sinister black-grey appearance. Only the fact that the RedDrones were even faster and more agile than the attackers, that had heavier armour and better weapons, had saved them from being destroyed. Shazz studied audio-visual recording taken of the strange roboremote attackers and could not identify them, had seen nothing like them in his life. Yet he had not had much of a life as a slavefolk claytol worker, had not seen very much at all of Koombrasa.


With each RedDrone had come some useful equipment and supplies including those to do necessary repairs on the RedDrones if they were needed. The RedDrones did not need repairs but they did need to be fully recharged. Shazz helped to take the roboremotes into the TransGlobe and to hook them up to be recharged. Even as he did he noted that the semijunk and junk from the antechambers was still being removed from the TransGlobe where it was all being recycled or found useful in other ways by the ever resourceful muties; muties had been forced to use everything and waste nothing.


Word came from Hopehaven that they were doing fine there though they had been attacked twice by small, aggressive groups of body-armoured and armed muties. Freefighters, of the freefolk, had driven off the attackers except prisoners taken who were test-transformed by elemental powered freefolk, the very few who could do such things. For only a relatively very small number of the transformed could instigate the testing-transformation process with others. Except for Derra, Shazz and a handful of others, these tended to be elemental empowered. Hopehaven had begun constructing workshops and factories but the completion of these would take some time unless they got more resources.


Though there seemed not much reason for hope Shazz felt a strong sense of hope. He stood on the hill top, now heavily fortified, and looked out at the world with his binoculars as he had a habit of doing. Even as he did so he observed groups of muties continuing to arrive seeking help, bringing what they could and also bringing information that might be very useful. No muties would be turned away as long as he, Shazz, was in charge and so it went that all were being made welcome as long as they went through the testing-transformation process.


=The testing-transformations are not total safeguards against future treachery or other negative changes in the transformed though they make such more unlikely.


(Shazz) I know as much, 'sense' it to be the case. Good to hear from you again. How is Derra?


=I know as much as you do for the RedCastle is now surrounded by powerful psychic fields of a very exotic mixture including the synthetic psychic energies of the super-devices of the AncientOnes. Have you found any very exotic, very mysterious items in the TransGlobe or have the muties done so?


Shazz pondered the question for a moment before responding.


(Shazz) Yes, but I have not had a chance to give them a closer examination yet.


=We strongly suggest that you do so right now for it is important. Must go for we are being tracked yet again. Will contact you again as soon as we can.


So Shazz went and had a look.

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Notes A to Z: G



Home world of the TimeLords and other Timefolk. Home world of the Gallefreyan Empire and others. Three moons and nine artificial minimoons.


Gallefreyan Empire

Empire of non TimeLord Gallefreyans. Gallefreyan Emperor and Empress, Imperial Court, Imperium and Imperial Defense Force.



Brutal metaclone metahuman craving power and to ease his growing addictions as he grows older.



Globe inset into disk shaped flying machines of great power and strength. Most globedisks are just globedisks of different sizes being small, medium or large standard or special classes but a tiny minority are actually disguised TransGlobes, super-devices of the AncientOnes. There are relatively few globedisks on the SkyIsland of Koombrasa but still over a thousand of them. Even a 'small' globedisk is externally very large and the globedisk that Shazz uses, that is actually a TransGlobe, is considered to be classed as 'small'.






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01-39 (0041)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Derra found the information hidden away as code in a journal as written by Professor Elanus in her relatively thin journal that was also less bombastic, egotistical and over inflated than the journals of many of the others with the noted exception of Professor Rani; it was far warmer and more emotive than the ice cold, harsh writings of the emotionless sociopath of Professor Rani. So they learned some secrets from Professor Elanus.


Firstly that Professor Elanus was a spy sent to infiltrate the Nazi fortress of Castle Wolfenstein by the Allies of her world who were fighting both the German Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. She had been forced to cross from that AlternateEarth to the one of Korra and to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa. Under growing suspicion by the Nazi Commanders, and their superhuman allies, she had struggled to spy on her fellow scientists and to try to find a way to escape. It was unknown if she escaped or not.


Secondly, Professor Rani was a rogue TimeLord long ago sentenced to termination, the ending of all total regenerations, who had lost many of her special TimeLord abilities thanks to one of her terrible experiments going badly wrong against her. Instead she had gained a new unnatural state of existence, a new coldness of being and some strange new abilities. Though few would admit it, all of the other professors were frightened of her except for Frankenstein, Jeckle and Moriarty along with just two others.


Thirdly, there were many professors but only a relatively small elite were considered of any real talent and importance. Only these gained any real authority, wealth and influence with the Grand Thirteens of Koombrasa.


Fourthly, that the animal-humans created by Professor Moroe were later to be improved, upgraded by the superhumans and to go on to serve the superhumans in far larger numbers by reproducing naturally and being multiple cloned.


Fifthly, the Wolfdoom Project, and the superhuman Grand Thirteens, were linked to something called the Umbrella Corporation based on another AlternateEarth; that was not the AlternateEarth that the German Nazis had come from, with others that they had brought with them.


Sixthly, that the Wolfdoom Project had opened a transdimensional gateway, by accident, to a strange realm that was related to the normal AlternateEarths but was unlike them in many ways. Strange living demonic creatures existed there known as the DoomHorda as ruled by the DoomLords. The gateway had been closed, being considered too dangerous, but was yet to be fully gotten ridden of; the project people were still working on a way to do that.


Seventhly, there were many dark secrets that she had hints of but no more because she had fallen under suspicion. Yet she had the strong impressions that they were linked with the AncientOnes and how they had vanished, how the great AlternatesEmpire had come crashing down in a matter of just a few days to start with, final crumbling away after a few centuries after that. The vanishing of the AncientOnes, who had controlled everything of importance, had crushed the basis and core of the empire. The attempts by superhumans, and others, to hold the empire together even as large fragments, had failed miserably. One main reason for the failure was that large, powerful superhuman factions had waged relentless ruthless war on each other and against other factions. They had never even attempted peaceful cooperation with others.


Eighthly, there was a series of areas in the complex that she had been blocked from even getting close to. There she suspected that many dangerous and terrible experiments were being carried out and that many exotic powerful artifacts were being analyzed carefully, including super-devices of the AncientOnes.


Ninthly, that strange stories of weird, often horrible, incidents were circulating as whispers through the complex. They spoke of vanishing people, strangely disturbing sensations, horrific screams and other sounds, strange smells such as that of brimstone, disturbing moments of backbone chilling coldness, bizarre dreams that were often nightmarish in nature, hallucinations, people being attacked by 'monsters' to be left for dead and much more. The authorities denied the truth of such stories but created a whole lot of new security regulations, doubled the number and size of sentry squads and patrols, put new armoured doors into place, sealed off many tunnels with steel walls, created armoured and heavily armed internal outposts, restricted or even forbade the movement of people in many areas unless escorted by heavily armed soldiers and did much else of the same.


The last coded notes spoke generally of the growing number of dark whispers, the increasing darkness of them and the increase of 'troubles' in the complex. Whispers spoke of savage fighting going on in parts of the complex between defenders and unknown invaders of strange and terrible power and nature.

Edited by Maharg67
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01-40 (0042)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Alice ran along the hallway tunnel and with her ran Tanya the special android. They moved very fast and yet with surprising quietness. Around them was mainly the one slightly sloping downward tunnel, a big hallway tunnel with supportive archways at a regular interval and big steel pipes running along one wall along with copper plumbing pipes. The electrical systems were not functional and yet water was flowing through the copper pipes once more. Well made, long lasting light-bulb fixtures were placed beneath each archway and at other places on the stone block ceiling. The walls and floors were also of very old stone blocks fused together by unknown means. It was a strange mixture of technologies.


They were both in assault power armour and carried powerful weapons. Moving behind them were two RedDroids, roboremote androids as controlled by the RedQueen. Why were they there? To explore, to chart the area that was once where the Genius Professors lived, along with others from the same AlternateEarth, and to find out what had happened to a vanished pair of RedPawns that had been moving through the area. The roboremotes had reporting threatening movements, entities, and then they had gone off-line even as their guns had opened up at something.


They were suddenly entering a bigger chamber, a grand two level hall stretched out to the sides and far more into the far distance ahead. There was a wide balcony high above, there were huge exotic statues of the AncientOnes being human like men and women, seminaked in robetunics, with no hair and odd scaled patterns, each one being unique, over their scalps like light bone helmets. Each of the huge ancient entities held a device that was both familiar and yet exotic in some ways be it a staff, a folded umbrella, a sword, a walking-stick, a over sized pocket watch, a pistol or some other. The statues stretched into the far distance.


The deactivated RedPawns were on their sides and had been thrown against one wall. They were partly crumpled and damaged in other ways but it was obvious they could be repaired and returned to service with not too much trouble. Then there were the splashes of blood and some other signs that something big had been wounded.


Yet there was no 'sense' of danger, which surprised both of the women.


Derra stepped out from behind the great base of a statue of a woman with a walking-stick. She seemed quite relaxed. "Hurry, come this way. We found the one who attacked the RedPawns but he was more frightened than anything. He also has some 'interesting' companions. Derra wore assault power armour but her helmet was removed. They joined her and found a large alcove that had been hidden by the base of the great statue. In it sat a massive man-boy figure who was looking sorry for himself while Ash, the angelic-human woman, gently tended his wounds in his chest and side. He was clearly very hard to damage for the RedPawn heavy weapons had done surprisingly little damage to him.


In contrast to the hulking man-boy was a girl-child wearing overalls, boots and a wide brimmed hat. She had very dark brown skin, beautiful brown eyes and curly black hair. She also had quite sharp teeth like fangs. She was eating a foodbar. Two oddly chubby muscular little baby figures were sitting with her and the man-boy, each devouring a chunk of foodbar with much obvious gusto. Behind them was an odd door inset into the back wall of the alcove that looked like an elevator but with odd controls of a brassy metallic nature that including a console and a mirror like screen. It was a super-device of some kind.


Derra spoke to the newcomers. "The elevator like door leads to a teleport-chamber that acts in some ways like an elevator. The whole chamber cable-teleports, through teleport-cables, to another stop place in the complex. Where it can go is restricted to stop two teleport-chambers trying to occupy the same space at the same time. The man-boy, the girl and the neobabies were using the teleport-chambers to travel across what they call the HomeZone, which they say is safe, but Tommy Tomkin pressed the wrong button sequence because he was tired and grumpy; it can happen to anybody."


The girl sighed with much melodrama. "Especially if they are not supposed to operate the teleport-chambers; especially if they are supposed to let me do that and that jump in because they are over tired and grumpy. Then we end up here and the teleport-chamber here does not seem to work properly for us. Maybe it has been blocked so dangerous people or things can not get into the HomeZone."


Derra reached out and touched the cheek of the big, overly tired man-boy and then the test-transformation of this one took place with a shimmering. When it was done the man-boy looked very startled. He spoke. "I feel very much smarter now. I can think better. I can remember things better. I can remember all of my times tables and how to tie my shoes properly. Mummy will be most happy with me."


The girl looked startled and then she sighed. "Mummy would be happy with you anyway. We must return to the HomeZone before the monsters come again. Not those silly robot things but real monsters."


Derra gave the girl an odd smile. "Devina, testing-transformations do not hurt people like you even if you are a so called living-vampire or biovampire."


Devina shrugged and then visibly relented. "Oh, very well, go ahead."


So Derra instigated test-transformations with both the girl child and the neobabies. The neobabies did not change noticeably, did not seem perturbed at all when things were done, but the girl child seemed older, more mature of body. She was obviously amazed but far from upset; she was clearly happy. For it was to turn out that she had been maturing very slowly, too slowly, thanks to something being wrong with her physiology.

Edited by Maharg67
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