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01-41 (0043)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Suzane examined the ancient metallic stone chamber, stretching out vastly into the distance as a great dome shaped space. Like a TARDIS, the chamber was bigger inside than outside, was 'inverted transdimensionally' but in a very different way than a TARDIS would be. TimeLords found that the AncientOnes used technologies that were both more powerful and more unstable than those utilized by the TimeLords. The TimeLords had fought back by using the weaknesses in AncientOne super-technologies against the AncientOnes. The AncientOnes had simply used massive power against the TimeLords. It had ended up in a terrible stalemate with far too much direct harm to each other and far too much collateral damage.


The great domechamber was a record of the war, done as the AncientOnes tended to do such things as a great work of statues, interactive obelisks, virtual experience spaces and much else of the kind. Yet it was all designed to flow together, to be a great AncientOne idea of smooth symmetry and oneness. To Suzane it was painful to look at, was a jarring, contradictory, over complicated pattern of too many things even in that great space. The whole display was also full of AncientOne bias, of propaganda portraying the TimeLords as evil villains who had cowardly attacked the great, wise, kind AncientOnes without provocation. The strangest factor was that the AncientOnes tended to believe very strongly in their self deceptions, in their falsehoods. This was one of the reasons that the TimeLords, who were outnumbered by the AncientOnes by more than a thousand to one, were able to drive them back again and again and again. The TimeLords were more honest in their outlook on the long ago war: both sides had done foolish, arrogant things but generally speaking the AncientOnes were far more in the wrong than were the TimeLords; other entities, who had experienced the war, tended to support the view of the TimeLords.


She had opened up the ancient semiactive chamber and muties had poured into place after they had fully realized there was no harm there. They were walking around in amazement, were chatting away madly with one another about things they had no real chance of understanding, were taking advantage of basic utilities to gain resources or were just making certain areas livable. The muties were turning the vast domechamber into a home for it was very strange but much better in many ways than their original caves and tunnels. Not all were moving in but now the home cave system would be far less over crowded. It turned out that many refugees had come to find sanctuary with these people and had done so.


Suzane wondered if there was something in that great transdimensional domechamber that she could use to reach Shazz at Greenhaven and-or to make other gains. It was even just a gain to be able to study the place from the point of view of a TimeLord.


Which was when the voice spoke at the edge of her mind, in a slightly muffled manner as if it could not reach deep into her TimeLord mind, which it could not.


=To truly understand the AncientOnes is to understand that they were, from their creation, helpless and hopeless puppets of a very dark, very ancient power. It was that unnamed power that created them and tested them against the TimeLords only to realize later what a grave mistake that had been. The AncientOnes did something new for them, after they were almost defeated by the TimeLords. Yes, you almost won! If you had not pulled back to save the existence of the Ninety-Nine Multiplicationary of entities, you would have won the war. Your act of compassion did not go unrewarded. This is why you TimeLords gained unexpected but very important new resources, allies and new technologies in your recovery period. The current threat against the TimeLords is not the AncientOnes but the ancient, very powerful but oddly vulnerable power, that created them and manipulated them. I must go for I am being hunted.


Then the voice, the psychic presence, was gone as quickly as it had come. Suzane had a very strong impression that she should trust what the 'voice' had told her but, being a TimeLord, she would take it all with caution. Still, what she had just learned promised to be of great importance and she knew that, somehow, she had to get the information back to Gallefrey. The problem was that Gallefrey was not only amazingly far away in timespace terms but was in an Alternate Universe, that is the TimeLords' Home Universe.


While she 'sensed' no danger in the great chamber, and she had quickly come to respect the amazing ability of the muties to 'sense' even exotic forms of danger, she began to move through the chamber to make sure it was actually safe for these tough, rough, often dangerous people.


Then she stopped in total shock and stared in total wonder at what she was seeing. For frozen in a great sparkling, shimmering matrix was what looked like nothing more or less than a primitive blue police box from an AlternateEarth. It was the TARDIS of the ancient, famous and infamous rogue hero TimeLord known simply as the 'Doctor'. The Doctor, and his TARDIS, along with many companions, had vanished towards the end of the ancient war even as the Doctor had struck a mighty blow against the AncientOnes and saved over fifty TARDISes from destruction along with a large battle fleet of allied StarLords who were waging war against followers of the AncientOnes. The TimeLords had other peoples as allies while the AncientOnes had other peoples as followers.


The Doctor's TARDIS was there but was the Doctor there? The news would be a profound shock to the TimeLords but would also be to her grandfather for he was the grandson of the Doctor, which made her a great-great-granddaughter of the Doctor.


Some muties walked quickly past, or slithered or crawled, carrying litrejons of water, blankets, food-rations, compact handlamps and much else. They paused to give Suzane a quick bow of grateful respect before they moved off with their prizes gained from a super-device of the AncientOnes.


Suzane was not sure what to do next; this was not something normal for her and she was most uncomfortable with the sensation. The problem was that she had many pressing demands on her and she was wondering just how she would prioritize them. Anyway, how would she go about freeing the Doctor's TARDIS? Somehow she knew it was very important that she do so and as soon as she could.

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01-42 (0044)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


When Derra, Alice, Ash, Tanya and the HomeZone people tried to use the elevator-chamber it worked well enough, thanks to their efforts, but when they stepped out they were at the edges of a vast domechamber of the AncientOnes, a transdimensional chamber, filled with statues, obelisks, raised platforms and other amazing structures so that it was a great jungle, a great entanglement. When they glimpsed muties moving around in the distance, none of them 'sensed' any danger. The muties did glimpse the newcomers but showed no hostility, only curiosity.


Then Suzane came to them, along with some mutie leaders and warriors, which was pretty much the same thing. Suzane 'sensed' the newcomers were all exotic of nature, beyond their appearances, just as they did about her.


Suzane spoke. "So you came here by the teleport chamber that I can see. I am a TimeLord. We are dubious, at best, about AncientOne super-technologies but their cable-teleportation networks were amongst their most efficient and less experimental, less dangerous to use. This appears to have been a major place of importance for the AncientOnes for it is their own recordings of the war between we TimeLords, and our allies, with the AncientOnes, and their followers. It is vast and very complicated with much that is partly or wholly hidden not on purpose but by the amazing design and layout of the transdimensional chamber. Do any of you know of Shazz and Greenhaven?"


Derra spoke. "I have met with Shazz at another place. We parted ways before he went off. We have been in empathic-communications, much of it just of fleeting impressions. Greenhaven is an amazing test-transformed bubble of air, water and land that seems to be expanding out to the sides. Hopehaven was the claytol working fields, and shelter-complex, where Shazz grew up as a metaclone metahuman but it has also changed. We were hoping to get to some place called the HomeZone using the teleport-chambers to take Ginatarina, the girl, Tommy the manboy, and the neobabies Congi and Bongi home. I doubt that this is HomeZone."


Ginatarina, who held the girl neobaby named Congi in her arms, spoke. "We HomeZoners know of this place. Some of us have come here in the past out of curiosity and to gain extra resources when the need has been great enough. We call this the WarDomechamber. Some of our people believe what is spoken of here but most either have doubts or say it is all fantastic lies or delusions; they say one can not trust what the AncientOnes believed in."


There was some talking, some exchange of information. They went to a semienclosed alcove type chamber and there found muties had set up a kind of cafeteria; that was the name the muties gave it though they really did not know what a cafeteria was, precisely. Muties had scrambled memories of the people that they used to be before they were mutated by claytol toxins and then abandoned in the wilderness by the superhumans.


They had a meal except for Alice and Tanya who returned, using the teleport-chambers, to report to the RedQueen what had happened. They expected to return in a couple of hours, at the most.


Derra touched a mutie and the mutie went through a testing-transformation to become spirit elemental empowered humanoid. Derra had not meant to instigate what had happened, it just had happened, proving yet again that she was not really in charge of what was happening. After that more muties were test-transformed. Suzane was touched but nothing happened to her except for a very slight shimmering effect.


The TimeLord spoke. "There is an ancient historical legend amongst the TimeLords that very long ago our ancestors went through a testing-transformation. Before that they were a species of humanity with some basic abilities to naturally measure time, to 'sense' time and to even alter it to a very small extent. From then on arose the first TimeLords of Gallefron, our original home world whose fate we do not speak of normally, not even with each other. We have had Gallefrey as a home world very much longer than we did have Gallefron. The testing-transformation seems to have been inherited through generations of our people, somehow. We have no knowledge of how it happened, why it happened and who or what was behind it happening. Except, that is, one name being that of the Lords and Ladies of the Light."


Ash sighed deeply. "We angelics know of the Lords and Ladies of the Light. They do good deeds, are very wise and compassionate but they sometimes make mistakes. The Lords and Ladies have spoken to we angelics of once being a very powerful and very deluded, enslaved people but did not name them. Perhaps they were speaking of the AncientOnes. Yet they were around a very long time before the AncientOnes vanished, or even before the war between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes. Of course they were if they actually helped to create the TimeLords for they are, as they would say, merely a catalyst for change in others; that is they do not change but help cause positive, progressive change in others. We angelics like the Lords and Ladies of the Light but are careful how we deal with them and what we tell them. They seem to have similar views about us."


For a time they focused on the meal, it was surprisingly good and they needed to meet everyday needs. Muties came with reports to give to Suzane about aspects of the great inverted transdimensional domechamber, often pausing to have something to eat and drink but always leaving to gain more information. RhondaRail JetCan, of the long lived MotorRotor Family, had declared that the people there were now independent of any superhumans and their oppressive rule be they SheShaShiShoShu or any others. It was easy to make such a declaration when hidden away in that amazing chamber, well away from the superhumans but it also took a good deal of courage considering how frightened the muties were of the superhumans; the fear was well based on very dark experiences.


Two hours passed and neither Alice or Tanya returned from the RedCastle. When Derra went to check on the teleport-chamber it was to find that the teleport-cable route to RedCastle was deactivated and she doubted this was accident or just coincidence. When it was learned that the way that Suzane, and the muties, had entered the great domechamber were now firmly sealed, it was confirmed for her that they were inside some kind of trap. Suzane was not positive about this but was not skeptical either. Ash was starting to 'sense' that something was very wrong; she was 'sensing' a growing 'presence' of something very ancient, powerful, malignant and strange. Somehow, she 'sensed' the entity was linked to the super-devices of the AncientOnes but she did not know how or why.


They started to prepare for trouble, to find a way to escape, to prepare the muties for trouble and to carry out other important tasks.

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00-03 (0045)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatMan wondered if his bedroom was large enough and if he should perhaps make it bigger. It was only two hundred metres wide and high as a cube shaped chamber with two half-flloors above, walkways, raised platforms, balconies, alcoves and other such features. There were over a thousand animals living in the bedroom, though often they spent time in other areas of the great apartment, and at times he wondered if he should get some more animals. There were cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, some cattle, goats, horses, sparrows, ostriches, some elephants and a few others. Many were rescued animals but many were also others that had come in or were born there in Maharg Tower; indeed there were many generations of animals. When animals died, their bodies were given over to Maharg Tower itself to be recycled in a very efficient manner.


He was sitting eating some breakfast of oranges, orange juice, peanut paste on buttered wholemeal toast, clean fried bacon, scrambled egg with onion, some French cheeses, hot percolated coffee with fresh cream, white chocolate eggs each with a small surprise in it, clean roasted chicken legs, apple pie with fresh cream, fruit salad in fruit juice and croissants with butter and fresh raspberry jam. He shared portions of it with various animals, with the hundred plus neobabies that lived in the bedroom with him and with the neowomen who also lived in the apartment. Neowomen? They were like young, lightly muscular, slimly voluptuous young women but they were not.


The LittleFatMan looked across the great table that was filled with breakfast that was replaced by the efforts of fast moving, strong, efficient neowomen like young women of various races but all in skimpy, frilly maid outfits and mid-heel shoes. Stella Starshine sat next to him in a skimpy minidress, all golden blonde and sexy sweet but very efficient. She had a laptop-computer open before her that was actually, like the neowomen, far more than they seemed to be. Next to her a neobaby, in a slightly grubby nappysuit, was eating some scrambled eggs with is hands. Another was asleep in a pouch against the chest of the LittleFatMan. There was also an empty pouch next to it that would not stay empty for long.


The LittleFatMan sighed. "Sometimes I wish that there were more than one of me or are there?"


Stella Sunshine smiled. "There are thirteen of you, all of your prime selves, now active. You are the core-prime of yourself."


A rabbit hopped past his feet towards a lower table below the bigger table top. Here there was food for such as herbivores as well as the omnivores and carnivores. Subtle influences in the chambers kept such animals as rabbits both safe from carnivores and from having too many babies. The LittleFatMan did not think greatly about such things but took them mostly for granted. It was just as it should be, as it was best to happen, and that was that.


Stella Sunshine spoke again. "Four more humans have come to live in the Maharg Tower from Bigtropolis-BigState. There is growing trouble there including with the strange invasion taking place in the far south of BigState."


Maharg Tower was outwardly on some AlternateEarths but was Maharg Castle, Maharg Mansion or other forms on other AlternateEarths.


The LittleFatMan nodded absently. "Making Maharg Tower there more inviting to refugees, along with those who can assist, is a good thing so it is happening, yes happening even now. Maharg Tower will now also appear in other parts of both Bigtropolis and the rest of BigState. Anybody leaving?"


Stella Sunshine nodded. "One returned to live on the AlternateEarth of Yorra but will continue to serve the Maharg Corporation and to visit Maharg Tower."


One could not intervene too much in the affairs of mere mortals but one had to have some influence because of the nature of oneself and of the Multiverse, the universality of universes. He pondered possibilities and probabilities; he wondered about how much fluff a belly button could hold under adverse conditions; he kissed Stella on her nearest cheek and she smiled warmly with a light blush to her smooth skin.


He spoke. "Opening up Maharg Tower to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa, of the AlternateEarth of Korra, is too dangerous so what of some other outer structure, facade, part-way place? Maharg Castle would be big and strong but too obvious, too inviting of trouble. Maharg Bunker could do the trick."


Stella Sunshine looked thoughtful. "Yes but we-I suggest it be well hidden from the crazed superhumans and other threats but be fairly easy to reach by the ones you have dreamed of that are on-in Koombrasa. You dreamed that Suzane, Derra, Ash and others have fallen into some kind of trap in a transdimensional domechamber of the AncientOnes. You dreamed of Alice and Tanya being with the RedQueen in the RedCastle. You dreamed of Shazz in Greenhaven and of Professor Chrono in the ChronoTARDIS, as you now call it."


"In comparison to the DoctorTARDIS." The LittleFatMan, prime-core of the Maharg Thirteen, smiled just a little. He had a collection of over a hundred TARDISes, including some rather exotic and rare ones including odd prototypes that had not worked out. He even had some he had built himself out of curiosity to see if he could; he could but they turned out quite differently from those designed and built by the TimeLords or other entities. For there were others who could, and did, make TARDISes.


He yawned and stretched, feeling the need to take a nap. The chair folded back for him and widened so that Stella Sunshine could snuggle up against his side and some more neobabies could join them for a nap along with some puppies, small dogs and cats, including kittens along with two ferrets, a parrot, a small monkey and an exotic ant eating mammal from an AlternateEarth. Soon they were all sleeping, the LittleFatMan in his own way, while the neowoman just rested.

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Notes A to Z: H


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01-43 (0046)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Shazz kept to the TransGlobe as the freefolk, all of them test-transformed slavefolk, muties or normies, began using not just the semijunk and junk from the TransGlobe but the more valuable resources from power armour to roboremotes, androids and much else. The left handed screwdrivers came in very handy. Greenhaven and Hopehaven were now linked by fast moving courier teams or larger, slower moving convoys. There was some trouble but, for unknown reasons, not as much as was expected would happen. The thirteen antechambers in the TransGlobe, mostly emptied of stuff stored in them, became useful in other ways, one by one. Items that were burned out, or otherwise heavily damaged, were not often able to be duplicated because they were duplicated items; they had to be recycled in a more basic fashion.


More exotic items, superhuman and other artifacts of power, other items of interest, were put into the antechamber that went directly off the Central Control Chamber. Shazz carefully examined them, with the assistance of others, but though promising the devices were too dangerous to trust to put together; at least, that is, until more knowledge was gained about how to assemble and use them with full safety. Though most of the artifacts were superhuman of design and manufacture, there were others of other peoples such as the Wolfdoom Nazis, the AncientOnes, one TimeLord device and some that were simply of unknown origin.


There were the stranger items like the inflatable statues of important superhumans that were to be inflated with a special self-hardening foam. Shazz knew them to be legal devices, a reflection of the exotic justice system of the superhumans of the Grand Thirteens. Every superhuman had a registered replica figure of her or himself that could be used in various ways in the general legal system or in the political system but was most often used with the more specialized justice system. This justice system, like much else of the Core Government of Koombrasa, was with the superhumans, by the superhumans and for the superhumans only. Now it was gone or so it seemed. Shazz did not know many details of how such strange devices were used but he did know that in theory none were ever taken outside of the Centrosaza Core Zone of the only and only Koombrasan supercity of Centrosaza. So what were such items doing there, in a TransGlobe, so far from Centrosaza. Centrosaza was at the very centre of Koombrasa, was at the centre of the great low hulking table-top Centrosaza Mountain. In contrast both Greenhaven and Hopehaven were far far closer to the edge of the SkyIsland than they were to the centre of Koombrasa.


So he inflated the five bizarre inflatable figures, each of them carefully placed, until they were full of rapidly self hardening foam. What surprised him was that he knew none of these superhumans though they wore the robes of the elite of the elite of the elite of the Grand Thirteens. Such superhumans had normally been so hungry for publicity, for fame, that they had been well known even by many of the most lowliest of slavefolk in many of the most isolated parts of Koombrasa. So why did he not even have a clue to the identity of the two women, two men and one neuter superhumans? One major clue was that they wore the long, rather bulky and gaudy, robes of the Core Supreme Justices of Final Adjudication. Many superhuman organizations, councils and such like had long important sounding names leading to much confusion for those who did not know the ways of the Grand Thirteens, but the Core Supreme Justices of Final Adjudication were actually very powerful, influential and respected. That they were from the past did not explain their obscurity because superhuman individuals liked to be known well after even their very long lives had come to a final end.


Shazz left the inflated figures where they had been carefully placed. Into a special safe-vault, protected by layers of armour, energy fields and many forms of locks, he placed the glowcoins, the sapphire wine, the diamond-flowers and other such very valuable items. Such were the currencies and prizes of the superhumans of Koombrasa. Sapphire-wine was so potent that a small mouthful could easily kill a non transformed mortal and even hurt a transformed one; sapphire-wine was of a very exotic nature and very important to superhuman societies on many worlds but Shazz had no real details of how or why this was so.


So, wondering what else he could do, he sat down with the paperback novels, they being made of a special silk-paper, and soon found that they were strange superhuman fictions and supposed factual accounts that often seemed more incredible and less believable than did the supposed fictional works. Then, suddenly, he had some unexpected answers to some of his questions for a historical account, supposedly highly true and accurate, spoke of the treachery of five Core Supreme Justices of Final Adjudication. There were 3D images of them and they were the same superhumans as represented by the five inflated statues. Yet the rather thin paperback book, by superhuman standards, was mostly full of pointless details, poetic meaningless flourishes and such like. Actual facts were in the small minority of writings. The real story seemed to come down to the following: the five supposed traitors had come to openly oppose a great project of the Grand Thirteens known as the Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility. They were not the only ones, there being a large minority of such amongst the superhumans, but were easily the most powerful, influential and respected of the faction. Reading between the lines, Shazz soon realized that the five had been targeted by their factional enemies, by supporters of the amazingly bad named project, to heavily damage or even destroy the opposition movement to the project. The book's real story ended by stating that the five escaped and, in an act of most grievous bad taste, stole their special justice figures so that they could not be easily judged as traitors in their absence.


There was much to ponder.


It was at that very moment that word came to him that a large convoy was approaching Greenhaven as quickly as it could, across the claytol toxic landscape, and was signalling that they had no hostile intentions, that they wished to join with the people of Greenhaven.

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01-44 (0047)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The ChronoTARDIS materialized just inside the boundaries of Greenhaven, a good distance from the main settlement that was now named Greenhaventown. It was in time to welcome a great tired, battered and desperate convoy of refugees. It was an amazing mixture of plant-humans, normies, animal-humans, metaclones of different kinds, androids and others but it held three who were very different; superhumans who were neither crazed or hostile but were test-transformed.


The superhumans flew in caped suits above the convoy, firing of elemental power beams of heat, of high voltage electricity, of disintegration and electromagnetism. They were fighting dozens of the black-grey attack-drones, that they called BlackDrones, for they were being controlled by something called the BlackQueen that served something else known as the Umbrella Corporation. The superhumans were acting out the role of superheroes and were doing it well. They were all teenagers, by longer lived superhuman standards, but were damaging or even destroying many of the roboremote drones. These BlackDrones were of the same kind that had attacked the three RedDrones that had arrived at Greenhaven.


The convoy was an amazing collection of real 'small' globedisks, floating vessels, hovering machines, tracked crawlers, wheeled wheelers, great legged walkers, animal drawn vehicles but many were muties on foot. The convoy thus had to move fairly slowly. As the convoy entered Greenhaven, test-transformations began to take place and something new began to take place. Many muties became glowing sparkling basic of elemental energies, be they life, solar or phase while others became elemental entities of physical, mental or psionic ways. These muties were leaving behind their old existence to gain new forms of freedom for themselves.


A BlackDrone spiraled towards the ground, smoke pouring from it, and then exploded as it struck hard earth and rock. A missile flew up from a great clumsy looking metal oblong of a liftership, floating on lifter energy fields, and the last of the BlackDrones exploded.


Professor Chrono stepped out of the ChronoTARDIS that now looked like a metallic cube exactly four metres wide and high being of a dull, softly sparkling, silvery sheen. He stepped, seemingly, through the very wall of the TimeLord timespace device. He wore tough casual clothes more like those of the local peoples than those of Gallefrey and now he had light brown skin and dark brown, short cropped hair beneath a wide brimmed hat. Two Lordites followed him, a woman and a man, also in the guise of humans be those normies or metaclones. Escaping from the trap had been easy in the end but now he was concerned about Suzane who had been sent to see if she could reach Shazz. Professor Chrono could not 'sense' Suzane and 'knew' that she was not in the area.


In the distance a great hulking metallic supercrawler was coming to a halt, its huge hybrid power network-system being switched off. Each supercrawler was a great hulking machine, even the 'small' ones being about twenty-five metres long and about ten metres high. This was a medium sized one of about fifty metres length and twenty metres height, being heavily armoured and dotted with special defenses, weapons and instrumentalities. With the increasing problems of claytol toxic poisoning of the SkyIsland, such supercrawlers had become increasingly needed but the demand for them always easily outstripped the number being manufactured. The Grand Thirteens used many valuable resources, sucking them into the supercity from across Koombrasa, but nobody seemed to know just what most of these resources were being used for, the greatest amount being mined claytol, both highly toxic and yet useful in many ways for superhuman super-technologies.


Professor Chrono slipped a special device out of a coat pocket, or seemed to do so, and pointed it around. At once it began to make a soft, exotic sequence of noises, a pattern that the TimeSage seemed to understand perfectly. He smiled in wonder as he did so and then he spoke. "Yes, there are angelic influences here but also those of the Lords and Ladies of the Light along with some that as yet I can not identify."


Not all TimeLords knew of the Lords and Ladies of the Light. To know of such entities was to automatically to form a basic link with them of a very exotic nature.


A lifterboat settled onto a big area of open, flat, rocky ground and at once refugees began to leave its cramped, overcrowded and far from comfortable confines. As they did so they were going through the test-transformation though nobody was there to instigate such with them. It was somehow both very odd and yet seemingly natural that it should happen this way. The TimeLord could 'sense' the powerful but subtle presence of very exotic entities who were influencing the situation with out interfering 'too much'.


Shazz walked into view and stood there in power armour, holding a great big pulselasergun. He spoke with a tone of tiredness and of gladness to see the TimeLord. "Glad to see you, TimeLord. I am Shazz, or at least one of them. There are now two of me. One Shazz is back in the TransGlobe. I am named Shazz02, a name that expresses not much originality of imagination. We are still Shazz. That is Shazz and Shazz who are Shazz, who is Shazz; I am still getting used to this odd state of... affairs."


"I am Professor Chrono! Or at least that is what I like to call myself. I am a TimeSage of a TimeLord. Did my granddaughter, Suzane, reach you in any way, make any form of contact with you?" The TimeLord spoke with some tone of urgency. "She managed to escape from the TARDIS safely, I know that much but not much else."


Shazz shook his head. "I am sorry to say that I do not even know of one called Suzane or at least I did not do so until this moment. I suggest that we find somewhere comfortable to sit and talk. There is much for us to discuss."

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00-04 (0048)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


It swirled and floated like black greasy smoke with a core of red flames burning with incredible heat and ferocity. It grew out from the centre of the great inverted transdimensional domechamber of the AncientOnes, drifting over the long dead, well preserved bodies of hundreds of AncientOnes. Each long dead AncientOne was massive, gaudy, powerful as female, male, neuter or some other. Each was slumped as if death had come quickly, by surprise, and they had all been seated cross legged on the metallic stone floor, each one of them on a great disk of golden alloy that was melded flush into the floor.


The ShadowLord grew outwards from where it had long been trapped and inside it were the trapped souls of many tormented AncientOnes. They had thought to capture, to enslave and turn one of the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow into a weapon to use against the TimeLords in a war of revenge. It had been a stupid idea from the start driven by the arrogant lack of wisdom of the AncientOnes, by their assumptions that they knew far more than they actually did and that they had far more power than they actually did; this was despite that they had been defeated by the TimeLords.


Except that not all of the AncientOnes had continued along the old path of unwisdom but had fled from the other AncientOnes to their own, new, home world. The ShadowLord did not care for these but did want to know what had happened to other dark minded AncientOnes whose souls he had not entrapped. He hungered to take more. For he was no longer a mere Lord of Shadows but something new, reformed by feeding off the power of five hundred and twelve AncientOne souls.


Except that the great chamber, as vast as it was internally, was still a trap. The elemental shadow entity, the fire at its core representing the 'new' power it had gained, flowed across more giant bodies of dead AncientOnes. Beyond the great ring of dead AncientOnes, well preserved because of the nature of the chamber itself, was a crazy mixture of AncientOne made structures. It was typical AncientOne madness with statues, platforms, semi-enclosed chambers, stunted towers, obelisks, great bit water fountains and much else; yet by the standards of the AncientOnes it was quite basic in layout, design and clutter.


The transformed ShadowLord settled downwards into a great metallic golden bowl, a place of rest and recharging, and was soon doing just that after the great effort of freeing itself of the original trap that the foolish AncientOnes had locked it into even as they realized how they had doomed themselves with their stupidity. Perhaps some selfless wisdom had come to them, at that moment, for they stopped trying to escape and used their last chance to try to stop the new ShadowLord from threatening others. It was one reason that the 'new' ShadowLord liked to torment their souls greatly.


The LittleFatMan dreamed of this, as he did so much else!

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01-45 (0049)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


Alice leapt, with the incredible power of her mutated body, and landed on top of a BlackPawn roboremote. She ripped its turret-head off with her hands and arms, then dropped an EMP-grenade into its guts that would burn out enough of it to bring it to a shuddering halt. Even before it exploded, Alice was gone from there.


The BlackChessNNS had begun a sudden, remorseless assault on the RedCastle from within the great underground complex that had once been called the WolfdoomCastle. If the RedChessNNS, the RedQueen and other elements, had not been improved by the testing-transformation, they would have fallen quickly. This was not the case and the enhanced, upgraded defending roboremotes and network-systems were causing great trouble for the attackers who were more designed for warfare, who were in far larger numbers than were the defending units.


The enemy had BlackKnights leading swarms of BlackPawns. Slow low flying BlackDrones supported them where they could, in the bigger underground spaces. There were BlackDroids, roboremote androids, like heavy or light infantry in heavy or light power armour. Other BlackDroids operated BlackMecha machines striding along on two legs, blasting away with multiple weapons, the remote androids wearing specialized power armour.


Tanya was crouched in a alcove area of a great hall of the AncientOnes. Even as Alice joined her, RedPawns and normal RedBots, roboremote robots, were busily removing items found in the area of value or possible value. They were items left behind by Nazi Germans, superhuman followers or others of the old WolfdoomCastle. They included information in the form of microfilm reels, hard files, reel-to-reel audio tapes, movie reels and much else. There were also guns, books, artworks of many kinds, personal effects, fittings, furnishings, other decorations, tools, some canned food, exotic items of many kinds and much else. Everything was speedily taken with as much care as possible for there was no time to decide what was worth taking or not.


Alice sniffed the air. "I smell zombies, zombers and malcons. They are out there somewhere and are far too numerous and far too close for my liking."


RedQueen: "The area you are in is under threat of being cut off by the BlackQueen's forces. I attempted to communicate with her but there was no response from her except to double the strength of her attack. Why she is attacking the RedCastle, what she wants, I still have no idea bu,t thanks to the test-transformation, she is having troubles."


Which was when, with out warning, the BlackChessNNS forces ceased fighting and began to withdraw; as they did they took both wrecked RedChessNNS and BlackChessNNS units with them. Clearly the BlackQueen wished to study the enhancements and other changes in the RedChessNNS units. The BlackChessNNS seemed to be much like the RedChessNNS from data gained so far but it could easily be otherwise. Just what was the BlackQueen up to?


Then they came, hordes of fast shambling unarmed zombies, of faster moving armed zombers and even faster moving distorted malcons. Alice had one look at the zombies and a cold shudder went through her for they were once common citizens of RaccoonCity reduced to horrific undead things by the U-virus. Zombers were much the same, being distorted by both the U-virus and T-virus. The fewer, more powerful, monstrous malcons were infected by the T-virus and were not undead as were the zombers or zombies. She wondered just how much of RaccoonCity had fallen to the horrors of the UHive. She had always liked RaccoonCity, had a few friends there and felt frustration, anger and sadness at its fate.


The RedQueen had special technologies to deal with such threats, because she had dealt with such before, and her standard technologies could also do much damage but this was a great sweeping horde of monstrosities. Which was when Alice, driven by urges from her mutated nature that she did not understand but which she trusted, stepped out and, opening her mouth wide, let out a great strange cry of noise.


The results were sudden and amazing. The RedQueen had wisdom to go with what happened and stopped her units from attacking even as the zombies came to a confused halt, the zombers halted and knelt to her in homage and the malcons crouched, hissing at her with fear, adoration and other alien emotions. A great flowing of glowing energies went from Alice through the hordes, test-transforming them as they went. Zombies became human like or even elemental empowered while zombers became also human like but with new enhanced abilities of mind, body and spirit. The malcons became something new, special, as they became less aggressive, less in pain that drove the malcons to their mad savagery and enhanced of mind body spirit. So were created zomans, zombors and newcons. Alice was their queen and Alice was their servant, their protector.


The BlackQueen vanished, along with all of her forces except for some damaged and isolated units that either self-destructed or were taken by the RedQueen's forces. Was it a victory? Was it a miracle? Nobody seemed to know, not even Alice! One thing was clear. Alice wanted to go back to her own AlternateEarth, to RaccoonCity, which she would try to save if only she could; she would be taking her own army with her, when she did go there. Then the RedQueen decided that she would open an AlternateGate and that the RedChessNNS would support Alice, her cause, as much as could be done. Perhaps that would mean moving the RedCastle to below RaccoonCity though not necessarily back to the UHive.


Tanya would go to inform the others, in Koombrasa, of just what was going on. That meant getting to Greenhaven where she would, hopefully, meet with Shazz for she had no idea where Ash, Derra and others had gone.


Then something began to happen that caused the RedQueen to take the RedCastle back to RaccoonCity except for a well fortified, equipped and supplied outpost with its own AlternateGate.

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01-46 (0050)

MultipleEarth Saga: Seeking Freedom and a New Home


The three 'teenage' superhumans, various freefolk leaders, Professor Chrono, Shazz01 and some other people met in the big new Meeting Chamber that was an antechamber in the TransGlobe; it also served other purposes when not being used for meetings such as lectures, briefings, workshops and such like. Often it was used for more than one thing, so big was it, but this time the meeting was the only event there. This was because the meeting was important and for security reasons. The tested-transformed could be more trusted, generally speaking, than others could but not totally with out question.


They sat on chairs behind a great ring shaped table with special flatbed computers in front of them and other gear. A holoprojector was projecting a 3Dmap of Koombrasa. Though there were plenty of details to be seen, much of it was information from before the great explosion, before the cataclysm that had so changed everything across the landscape; this information was questionable at best. Even the climate and weather seemed both changed and continued to change.


The great refugee convoy had started out being much smaller, had left a heavily damaged dometown to begin moving towards the centre. It had been forced to turn back, to flee, when confronted by a great war between large armies led by crazed superhumans. They had continued back to the dometown and then kept going as the war expanded behind them but also as bands of heavily armed deserters began to become dangerous marauders across the lands.


The refugee column grew and grew and grew as more and more joined it. For many reasons the muties began to join them and were accepted as were former slavefolk of many kinds. They joined normies and androids while more normies and others joined the column. Supercrawlers, liftercraft, globedisks and other vehicles were more than welcome. So were those on foot, those riding animals or plantimals or with vehicles pulled by the same. Those who needed to be carried, who could not keep up the pace on foot or by other forms of bodily locomotion, were carried in vehicles.


The reason for this fairness, for this compassion, was the presence of the three 'teenage' superhumans, they being about two thousand, seven hundred years each. They appeared seemingly from nowhere, already tested-transformed, and had a heavy influence on the convoy from then on. Though they never were directly in charge, they removed some individuals from leadership positions and destroyed a factional conspiracy attempting to take oppressive, selfish control of the convoy. They instigated the test-transformations in only a few others in the convoy.


Jaze, Jezz and Joza were there names being male, female and female identical triplets.


Shazz01 spoke as he wondered just what he should say; there were so many questions to ask, so many answers to give and the situation was complicated. "Greetings all to the meeting. You all were here at the briefing but we need to go over some important points. With the convoy has come over fifty thousand new individuals to Greenhaven, at least that is since numbers have yet to be fully counted yet. Greenhaven now has a population of over five million people, of many kinds, and the number is growing slowly and steadily except for short bursts now and then. While the TransGlobe continues to be important to Greenhaven, more focus is being made on Greenhaventown, the new capital of Greenhaven. The edges of the steadily expanding fertility bubble are approaching the edges of the Hopehaven Territories, they being detoxed by the Hopehaven folk."


So Hopehaven would be absorbed into Greenhaven soon though it would keep its name as a lesser territory.


Professor Chrono spoke. "Have you asked yourselves just why you have created your new home?"


Shazz01 looked surprised at the question. "We do not seem to need to. We need a safe, healthy home where the claytol toxins are cleared away. The neoclaytol, the new safe kind of claytol, is proving to be very useful in many ways. It helps in the process of transforming claytol into neoclaytol. It is great fuel and is useful in many other ways. To us even this fact makes such a home as this very necessary and it is necessary to keep it."


Professor Chrono nodded. "That is very good, very good but do you know that there will be powerful forces, factions, that will be threatened by what is happening here. Some will be more of a threat than others. There are the crazed superhumans but there will be others arising out of the ashes of the old Grand Thirteens regime and those invading, hoping to take advantage of the collapse of that regime. That is what we know now but the problem is that there is too much we do not know. What was the great explosion about, what was the great secret project that the Grand Thirteens spent so many valuable resources on and what really happened when the great explosion took place? How did the Wolfdoom Project come to be hidden here in the SkyIsland, in the WolfdoomCastle? Why has the mysterious Umbrella Corporation come to be interested in this place? How did the RedQueen end up here? What was controlling her?"


Jezz, of the 'teenage' superhumans, spoke then. She was a little arrogant, a little aggressive, in her ways but was modest and quiet in superhuman terms. "We three were some of the very last superhuman children to be born naturally on Koombrasa. After that no more natural births seemed possible no matter what was tried to help them happen. Efforts to use super-technologies led to unnatural births that we only know of as a few dark whispers of horrors, of terrible failures, of things that even some of the hardest of superhumans would not willingly speak of. We grew up in one of the Three Childhood Sanctuaries, their simpler name and not their stupid official one, hidden beneath the superhuman city of Tashibasanyo."


"There were only a hundred or so of us at best and we were amongst the youngest there so as we grew up, the others reached maturity age and departed, never to return, though some kept in contact with us using special means. Then came a time, more recently, when only about twenty of us remained there. That was when the cataclysm struck, the great explosion-implosion, did so much death, destruction and disorder across Koombrasa. We gained last moment reports of the cataclysm as it took place. Then we were cut off as the sanctuary automatically sealed us in to protect the future of superhumanity. The three of us volunteered to make our escape, to go out and find out what was happening, and then to inform the others. We made our escape but we have yet to inform the others of what has happened. None of us in the sanctuary seemed to have become 'crazed''. We do not know how we came to be test-transformed. It just seemed to happen one day when we landed to examine a ancient superhuman temple of the long forbidden Followers of the Light."


Shazz01 then smiled as a thought, an idea, came to him. "Which is the very kind of place that such a thing could or would happen, especially if powerful but subtle outside forces are involved, which they are. Out of interest, did these Followers of the Light follow the Ways of the Light or the Lords and Ladies of the Light?"


"Both, I think, in a secondary way but primarily they were followers of the GodGoddess." Jaze, the only male superhuman 'teenager' spoke with care. "Though they were banned, and their open temples were abandoned or even destroyed, it has always been whispered that a small minority of superhumans continued to be faithful followers in secret."


Professor Chrono nodded, as if more to himself than the others. "Only a relatively few TimeLords know about the Lords and Ladies of the Light. I am one of them. They are here, in a once removed fashion, influencing matters, events and are linked with the testing-transformations somehow. I have 'sensed' them as a TimeLord and have picked up their influence using various very special TimeLord technologies, whose nature I will not speak of. One has to ask why they are here? They only intervene, even in a secondary fashion, under very special circumstances. The same could be said for the angelics who were drawn here to occupy dead bodies, briefly, at Hopehaven in a way that was most bizarre and disturbing. We need to know what is going on with Koombrasa. Yes, considering that the focus of 'outside influences' on Greenhaven, we can observe that this is one of the main focus points of what is happening."


The meeting continued but it was soon clear that there were many more questions being presented than there were real answers to be found.


Here Ends the Story 'Seeking Freedom and a New Home'

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