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02-01 (0051)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home

Here Starts the Story 'Defending Freedom and a New Home'


Tanya departed from the RedCastle. With her went the CityGuardsman and the life elemental humans, all four of them including the baby. The CityGuardsman wanted to return to Bigtropolis but he had been evicted from the RedCastle by the RedQueen. There had also been a growing tension between the officer and Alice which rose mostly from the man's deep suspicion of her mutated nature. When he had begun making critical remarks about Alice, unfounded and unwise, it had not been Alice but the RedQueen who had decided he must go from the RedCastle. The RedQueen had come to like Alice very much, in her own special way.


The elemental humans had decided that going to Greenhaven 'felt' right for them to do. They had no great desire to return to Bigtropolis except for future visits. They wanted to see their families, friends, others and hopefully to get some to come back with them to Greenhaven. They also wanted to do other things like get special resources from Bigtropolis and to take some special ideas to Bigtropolis; they had strong plans except for the baby.


A RedDrone went with them for some kilometres through broken terrain dotted with ancient, slowly decaying clusters of buildings. They were made of self repairing smart-materials but the claytol toxins interfered with the self repairing process as they interfered badly with so much else. They passed a great metallic stone structure that was completely untouched by claytol toxic influences or by time. It was a great MultipleTower being many towers flowing, at the base, into one structure. It was kind of ugly-beautiful. Its purpose was long lost and none had been in or out of it since the AncientOnes had vanished a very very long time ago or so it was assumed.


The RedDrone then returned to the RedCastle because as much as it could help, it could also easily attract the wrong kind of attention. The small group could far more easily blend into the environment on foot and with out roboremotes being with them. They had all been test-transformed with Tanya and the life elemental humans having special abilities, including the green cute adorable baby.


They found one of the ancient metallic stone highways of the AncientOnes. They were known as the Grandways and it was said that they were once active and could make special transports, and other machines, move along them with incredible speed above the surface. Not only that but there would be different layers of vehicles moving in both directions so that so the flow of traffic was smoother. Other stories were told, some contradictory to each other, and it was impossible to know just what was true or so it seemed. They followed the great metallic stone highway but did not go on it because to do so would lead to too much exposure.


They hid, in darkness, once when a flight of supersonic jumpjets flew overhead, vertical take off and landing machines of strong armour and armaments, the five of them moving in a search and destroy pattern. The Viperjets flew over the area, electric-jets humming softly, and sometimes came to a hovering halt. Then they suddenly shot away as if called to seek a target. The life elemental humans 'sensed' living pilots inside them being cyborg normies who were specialist program-conditioned and trained as jumpjet pilots. Yet they said that there was something deeply wrong with the pilots as if somehow their humanity, their conscious, had been removed and replaced with some deeply unnatural and disturbingly dangerous.


As they moved on they came to clusters of muties surviving off the lands as best they could except that the muties were extremely nervous. Every single group had the same type of story to tell; they were moving steadily across the lands, making a basic living as they went, and retreating towards the hopeful safety of Greenhaven. They spoke of a great war being raged by two sets of crazed superhumans. One great force was led by the terrible SheShaShiShoShu and the other by those who called themselves the Demoniconda. The jumpjet pilots that had flown overhead earlier, and others serving the Demoniconda, were all willingly possessed by demonica. The Demoniconda themselves were supposedly willingly possessed by very powerful demonica of the demonics. Again it was very hard to know what was really going on.


When muties began to join them, the group grow and so did the restlessness of the CityGuardsman. Clearly he was uneasy with the muties, was not happy to be close to them, and 'sensing' this the muties did not like him much at all. In contrast they got on very well with Tanya and the green elemental humans of the Anderson Family, including the adopted teenager.


One night the CityGuardsman vanished abruptly, going off into the night with his own gear and some stolen extra equipment and supplies. The muties tracked him for some kilometres but were happy to see him go. The green elemental humans considered that if the man wanted to go his own way that much, it was his right and Tanya agreed but she felt uneasy about the whole matter. She was determined, in future, to find out more about what had taken place with the human from Bigtropolis but she had duties to carry out then and there; her nature as an android would not let her do any differently but to continue to Greenhaven.


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00-05 (0052)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatMan was at the local markets, being just a couple of kilometres away from Maharg Tower, in the city of Perth of the State of Western Australia of the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, the CANZ. It was 2001AD and the world was experiencing an economic boom.


There was a flourishing colony on the moon, Luna, and at L5 in orbit along with five big spacestations in low orbit around the Earth, Terra. The first undersea cities were doing well. Electric motorized cars, often hybrid models, were now outselling and replacing older type internal combustion cars. There was much excitement about the new fusion reactor power stations that would soon be functioning to give humanity a great deal of cheap electricity with only very small amounts of toxic waste products to deal with. Basic robots, as controlled by static supercomputer network-systems, were becoming much more common in hotels, homes, factories and in other places. Exosuits, amplifying strength and making it easier and safer to deal with heavy loads, were becoming cheaper and more common. Nuclear missiles and bombs were being safely scrapped as were fission reactor power stations. There was the promise of new treatments of regeneration, rejuvenation and other medical wonders. 3DTV was appearing around the world as were 3Dmovies, holographic projections and the 3DInternet. Much else of promise was taking place.


Yet the world still suffered from many problems from poverty to slavery, environmental destruction, changing climate, increasingly hostile weather patterns, war, famine, pestilence, plague, oppression and much else.


The LittleFatMan liked the Maharg Markets very much. This was partly because he secretly owned them. He sat in his small tent like structure quietly sketching a young, attractive, seminaked woman who had removed her shirt and bra to sit for him. He wondered vaguely why so many women were happy to do this for him. He sketched them and focused on them, 'sensed' what they wanted to look like in certain ways and as he sketched, his drawing emerged and somehow the women changed slowly and steadily. The women would pay handsomely, if they could. Men came, who were bold, and left with full heads of hair. People with scars came and left with out scars. Unwanted tattoos vanished. Fat became reduced. Wrinkles smoothed out. Sometimes people came and LittleFatMan would not like what he 'sensed' about them, about what they 'wanted' and they soon left in a great hurry. At other times he grew sad as young people came who were very ill but when they left they were healthier, less in pain, even if they were not totally cured. Others came in a steady trickle as did all customers. The LittleFatMan knew that there were special limits to what he could do and what he could not do, what he should do and what he should not do or even what he wanted to do and what he did not want to do.


The young woman smiled at him and flicked back her blonde hair. "You do amazing things."


The LittleFatMan smiled. "Your name is Glenda Jackson and you are a Special Agent of the Torchwood Agency's branch here in the CANZ. Why is Torchwood interested in me, the LittleFatMan?"


Glenda sighed. "Why am I sitting like this, half naked. it was not my intention but I feel safe with you. They are getting firmer and bigger; it feels funny."


The LittleFatMan nodded. "It is what you want and I am sure you can use such to your advantage when dealing with heterosexual men in your line of work. You did not answer my question that you are seeking assistance with Torchwood's attempts to learn about the Umbrella Corporation that operates from its own constructed cities around the world that, oddly enough, are named after animals such as RaccoonCity in the USA, MonekyCity in Japan and DeerCity in Western Europe. It is a very powerful but secretive corporation that has its fingers in many lucrative pies but also in many odd ones that any smart economist would puzzle at them investing in. They are linked with many new inventions, with many controversies, with at least one oppressive Third World Nation, with organized crime and with other infamous factions. I will give you a booklet as you leave. If you want me to deal with that childhood scar, then you will need to remove more clothes.


She began taking everything off for the scar was in that sort of place and she very much wanted it removed.


As she sat there, naked, she spoke to him again. "There are whispers that RaccoonCity was not quarantined, isolated, because of a breakout of a dangerous form of mutated BirdFlu but of something far stranger, far more dangerous. I doubt it is true but they speak of the walking dead and terrible mutated monsters."


The LittleFatMan sighed. "The stories are true, or at least there is some truth to most of them and greater truth to some of them. There are two released viruses being the T-virus and the U-virus. From the U-virus comes zombies; from the T-virus comes malcons, mutated monsters; from both together come smarter, more dangerous forms of zombies known as zombers. Despite the efforts of the strong military, security and other city forces and something called the GreyQueen, the deadly outbreak has swept across about a half of the city though some areas are less infected-infested than others and there are pockets in those areas of survivors. There are also those who have different kinds of immunity but some of those are problematic. Only mammals seem to catch the viruses readily. Birds, reptiles and other types of life seem to be immune. The zombies burn in sunshine that is bright or hot enough. The zombers are more immune to this and the malcons are not harmed by it at all. High voltage electricity hurts all of them than it does natural lifeforms. Zombies drown and disintegrate in salt water, zombers find it difficult to deal with and malcons prefer not to swim unless they have to even doing so does them no real harm unless they drown for the same sort of reasons that humans do."


When Glenda left her body was different in some ways and she had lost the last of a horrible scar she had gained in an accident as a child. She took with her a thick booklet full of very valuable information. Torchwood left with the LittleFatMan a donation of a hundred thousand International Dollars, a currency used mainly for special international transactions. The money would go to the Maharg Foundation and, through them, to various causes and people in need. The LittleFatMan would get none of it, needed none of it and wanted none of it.

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02-02 (0053)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Derra found Suzane still working on ways to free the DoctorTARDIS from the trap that it was in but she seemed to be having little success. Derra had found a group of alcoves, museum like exhibits, with a range of TimeLord devices. She brought a long silvery tube device with her with a trigger, button arrangement at one end along with a rifle like butt for the shoulder. The other end was a series of tiny silvery holes and around that, at the edges, a circle of small glowing crystals. Upon seeing the device, Suzane cried out in surprise and horror, then quickly but carefully took it from Derra.


Suzane cradled the device in her arms and shook her head. "This is something of a kind we TimeLords only dared to design and manufacture out of desperation when we began to think we might be losing the war with the AncientOnes. It is a relatively weak timspace-disruptor, in the terms of such things, but it can destroy a fair sized city with one strike or wipe out a small, powerful army with the same. Five of these were manufactured for the Battle of Time Squared Five 200. One was captured by the AncientOnes who did not use it for reasons of their own. The other four were used to smash a large scale enemy offensive attempting to invade the Plasma Planets of Emerald 50-50-700. That is using TimeLord battle terms. This is probably the one that was captured since all of these were made resistant to be duplicated by AncientOne super-technologies, as all such devices were. The AncientOnes tried duplicating many of our special devices and always failed."


Derra showed her puzzlement clearly. "Something dark and powerful has us trapped here but with an arsenal of weird and wonderful weapons."


Suzane shrugged her shoulders just a little. "Trapping us here might have been a gamble or the dark force might not be very clever or very wise or neither. Or the dark force might figure it is worth the risk, that it is doing something in this area it does not want us to know about. What about the teleport-chambers?"


"No but we do have a far more basic elevator-chamber working but it only takes people to and from a great big empty domechamber that is as big as this one but is bare except for basic utilities. Still it has light, is comfortable by mutie standards and they like the openness of it. The elevator-chamber makes an odd humming sound and gives users an odd tingle when used." Derra studied the trapped fake blue police box. "This Doctor Timespace means much to your people?"


"A great deal!" Suzane stood back from the exhibit. "He was, is, will be, very much to the TimeLords. He is also my ancestor. I suggest that we go and have another look at this 'elevator-chamber' which I suspect is not really a mere elevator-chamber at all."


The 'elevator-chamber' turned out to be a way of traveling between transdimensional levels. There turned out to be thirteen great domechambers, in a transdimensional sense of one-as-thirteen-as-one. The primary was the bizarre museum type chamber they were originally in. Then there were nine great, partly or wholly empty ones. There were three about half full of strange machinery and other structures of the AncientOnes of which most was semiactive at best while only some of it was fully active. They were still trapped but now they had more possibilities of finding useful resources and of having more space. The latter became more important as they opened a way back to the mutie cave systems that Suzane had gone through, led by muties, to the bizarre domechamber in the first place. The space was needed because at once frightened muties began to pour into the chamber, bringing what every they could of value with them as they did.


The muties were running from SheShaShiShoShu's brutal conscription hunters who were finding 'useful but expendable' muties to be converted into mind controlled basic soldiers with some basic augmentations of body-armour, weapons and other devices. These muties were being used to help in the war against the 'Demoniconda' Armies of the enemy. The enemies were terrible and were winning the war though they did not win all of the battles. The brutal, merciless nature of the enemy was another reason the muties were quick to take advantage of their new refuge. As the mutie refugees came through they rushed past Derra, they went through test-transformations and demonic possessed infiltrators either burned away to death or the demonics were thrown out of the minds, bodies, of mutie victims; the muties who burned away had been willingly possessed by demonics.


A great crawler-train, monstrous crawlers linked together to move across the landscape, had parked close to where the muties had dwelt. From it had come armies of cyborg-muties, elite mutie soldiers in power armour and other forces serving SheShaShiShoShu. Shota was there in charge of the force that also included crawlers, liftercraft and many smaller vehicles and warmachines. The muties did not seem to know why SheShaShiShoShu had not only sent a large force to that seemingly unimportant spot but had put Shota directly in charge of it. That is until one mutie spoke about the dreaded DeathCity, a deep underground supercity that the muties were very careful not to go anyway near. Because the muties would not go there, they had assumed that nobody else would not go there; there were some difficulties in communicating with muties, at times.


They could reach the surface but, thanks to Shota and her army, they could still not reach Greenhaven that way.

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02-03 (0054)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Alice found herself fighting a new enemy that was attacking the RedCastle but this time she had both the RedQueen and the test-transformed army on her side. The basic attackers were Nazi Stormtroopers in strange body-armour, the most of them using standard autorifles but some firing pump-action shotguns or, in fewer cases, massive supershotguns, or rocket-grenade launchers or machineguns even ziplasnarifles. Except that the Stormtroopers were demonically absorbed, their humanity being totally lost. With them came red humanoids, impnoids, that hurled fireballs or used amazingly sharp, hard claws or teeth. There were flying flaming skulls, the skulls not being human but impnoid skulls. The skulls burned and snapped or even exploded dangerously on impact. Great mouths on two legs, demonhulks, ran at the defenders and bit with jaws of incredible power.


How the RedQueen knew the nature, the very names, of the attackers was unknown to her. It was as if some unknown source had popped the data into some of her unused reserve databanks along with other useful and maybe useful information.


Those were the first waves to attack the RedCastle outposts. RedPawns took the brunt of the first onslaught along with defensive network-systems of gun-turrets, missile-launchers and other such weapons. Alice led her new army of transformed zombies (zomans), zombers (zombors) and malcons (newcons). The RedQueen commanded her RedKnights, RedPawns, RedDroids and RedDrones along with RedDroid operated RedMechs and RedBots altered for fighting purposes.


Yet it became rapidly clear that not only did the strange enemies of the DoomHorda, as led by the DoomLords, greatly outnumber the defenders but they had yet more powerful types of monsters to send against RedCastle.


Alice crouched at the end of a great hall with a battlerifle in her hands. It was designed to be used with power armour but she was amazingly strong and did not need power armour. She fired off a burst of armour piercing explosive tipped 12.7mm calibre bullets. Then ducked down as enemy bullets and fireballs struck through the air where she had been seconds before. Around her zomans, smart enough to take cover, where holding mostly autorifles, pulselasers or pulseblasters but some had missile-launchers, rocket-grenade launchers or other weapons. The enemy were demonic so there were some xolaserguns that did extra, special damage to them as they did to others, such as the undead. A RedPawn fired off a xolasergun and managed to get behind cover to get get struck by some autorifle bullets.


RedQueen: "I am instigating full scale evacuation of RedCastle except for a very heavily defended and well equipped outpost. The RedChessNNS is going through the active AlternateGate to return to the UmbrellaHive for there is a large abandoned section of it that we can occupy. Even the zombies, zombers and malcons have gone from it. I compute that they have gone up to the surface and out into RaccoonCity. It is bright and sunny there now and the undead will stay out of the sunshine."


It was deeply ironic that Alice, and the RedChessNNS, would be returning to the UHive in their transformed states and taking a whole lot of transformed former monsters with them. Alice responded even as she blasted down a couple of absorbed enemy Stormtroopers, or demonuls.


"Something bigger and meaner is moving up from the rear ranks of the enemy. A big thing floating through the air. It is a cacodemon and it is firing huge fireballs. It is like a huge, ugly head with too many horns and rows of big, nasty fangs. From your data that means there are such as DoomSublords, revenants and too many others." Alice kept firing her battlerifle. "How is the retreat going?"


RedQueen managed to sound surprised. "The WhiteChessNNS in the UHive is deactivated. I am going to reprogram the whole network of network-systems, including the WhiteQueen, and get the UHive up and running again but with out the controls of the Umbrella Corporation. Something very unexpected, but welcome, is happening. I have been assisted, by an unknown third party, to relink with many of my roboremotes and network-systems in the UHive that were lost to me thanks to the sabotage attack. RedDroids, RedPawns, RedKnights, RedBishops and others including many kinds of basic RedBots. Communications, security, maintenance... something is attacking me... a very sophisticated supercomputer virus... now it is gone as if it never was. It must have been an Umbrella Corporation security program designed to destroy me if I got out of control. The same unknown third party came to my assistance."


Alice began to retreat, part of a desperate fighting retreat. Even as they moved back they left behind some nasty surprises for the attackers, many of whom seemed quite stupid. They would rush to attack and would be blown up by well placed explosives, proximity mines or other nasty devices. The mysterious third party assisted three times more, in different ways; firstly the WhiteQueen was reactivated, along with the whole WhiteChessNNS, but were now loyal to the RedQueen and to Alice. At once the WhiteQueen sent roboremote units to assist with the urgent evacuation from the RedCastle. The second time it revealed a whole lot of equipment and supplies that had been somehow sent to the UHive, including many roboremotes. Thirdly, there were new types of technologies to the RedQueen, including new kinds of roboremotes, transports, weapons, tools, utilities and instrumentalities; there was also much new scientific and technical data.


The big surprise, in many ways, were the supersoldiers who guarded the stockpiles of equipment and supplies. Deadly and quiet, these smooth moving supersoldiers wore special power armour suits and had an amazing array of other equipment with them.


Alice had wondered if the whole operation of the RedCastle had turned out to be a failure and yet she gained the impression, that she could not shake, that what had happened was actually what was needed to have happened. The Umbrella Corporation had lost control of the UHive, the dark entity had lost control of the RedQueen, there had been amazing test-transformations of many and now the UHive would hopefully serve a new, more positive set of purposes. It could be used to try to deal with the U-virus and T-virus outbreaks on her home AlternateEarth. It could deal out some hard justice against the monstrous Umbrella Corporation. It could be a sanctuary for the newcons, zomans and zombors. Then there was all the stuff they had found in the old WolfdoomCastle and were taking back with them to the UHive; there lay hopeful answers to some ancient and deep mysteries.


Alice wished that she had learned more about the strange SkyIsland of Koombrasa and its inhabitants, that she had got to meet the one called Shazz but then she figured she might be able to do so in the future, anyway.


The fighting continued as the terrible demonic entities continued their brutal offensive. There was no obvious reason for the demonic invasion and the strange enemy were certainly not volunteering any information. Did it have something to do with what had happened in the WolfdoomCastle in past centuries?


Alice was one of the last to depart through the AlternateGate even as the outpost sealed itself off from the rest of the great underground complex. The strange, disturbing screams and cries of the DoomHorda echoed through the underground system. So it was that she did not see the so called superdemon appear, in long black robes, with sickly pale skin, to stand there grinning with long fangs. Once a superhuman, the superdemon had been absorbed into the DoomHorda along with other superhumans along with many humans and others in WolfdoomCastle. Not all had been taken by the DoomHorda; nearly half of the population had escaped including superhumans, humans and others from both Korra and the other AlternateEarth that the German Nazis had come from.


Orders came from the DoomLords themselves that the enemy outpost was to be left alone in case any attack damaged, or even destroyed, the AlternateGate which was most likely booby-trapped in many ways by the RedQueen. The DoomLords were correct in their suspicions for the RedQueen had done just this, with the assistance of the very cunning Alice.



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Ancient War between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes!? Ramifications of this event!?





Transformed mortal cyborg from Bigtropolis-BigState! What is she really and what cause does she really serve? Why can she also instigate the test-transformations with others!?


Explosion that changed Koombrasa, that killed, made vanish, badly hurt and-or turned superhumans crazed (not mental illness)!?


Left Handed Screwdrivers!?

Just how important a factor are they in this wondrous epic story!?



What is he really and what is he doing, how is he doing it? How is he linked to Professor Chrono, Derra, Shazz and the others? What is the Maharg Tower? What are the strange dreams of the LittleFatMan and what is the meaning that lies behind them?

Maharg Tower

DollHotel, DollHouse


Umbrella Corporation and its true nature; the Senior Partners; the many other aspects of the Umbrella Corporation.

Progress Unlimited Corporation!?


RedQueen, RedChessNNS

To be done!



Who, what, is Shazz really? Is he more than a metaclone metahuman? Just what does the angelic-human Ash know about him? How is it that he can instigate the test-transformations with others?



What are their connection with what is happening? They did wage the great war with the AncientOnes, a very long time ago? Were the AncientOnes seeking revenge when they vanished? Did the seeking of revenge have something to do with the vanishing?


To be expanded and edited.

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02-04 (0055)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


The TimeEye probed from Gallefrey and noted what was taking place on-in the SkyIsland of Koombrasa though it did not pick up all details, far from it. It noted also what was taking place with RaccoonCity and other places of that AlternateEarth. The same could be said of Bigtropolis-BigState and, beyond the boundaries of BigState, the great vastness of the terrible DoomWarZone where great exotic armies, often of horror like nature, fought each other as they had done for many thousands of years. One alliance of three such armies was invading, and trying to conquer, Bigtropolis-BigState.


The LittleFatMan dreamed of these thing, and more.


The RedQueen, the whole RedChessNNS, returned with Alice, and her new people, to the UHive beneath RaccoonCity where they found many new resources waiting for them and where the WhiteQueen, with the whole WhiteChessNNS, were close allies now. There were the supersoldiers also and also others who wished to create new vaccines and antidotes to both the U-virus and the T-virus. This was to be done in a new structure attached to the side of the UHive, built from scratch with new and improved technologies. It would even get its own YellowChessNNS as run by a new YellowQueen. Dangerous experimentation would take place in the new PurpleHive and very special and extensive precautions had to be made to keep any disaster from happening.


Shota, of SheShaShiShoShu, soon proved that her focus was on reaching the ancient, mysterious, horror filled DeathCity as once created by the AncientOnes and abandoned by them many centuries before they vanished. There was not much known about DeathCity and its real histories, at least not by anybody willing to widely share such knowledge. The Demoniconda Armies, supported by air-fleets of liftercraft and other flying machines, continued to push the SheShaShiShoShu Armies back steadily, if slowly. Sheta commanded from a captured lesser domecity, long abandoned by normies except for a small population that consisted mostly of the unwanted. SheShaShiShoShu recruited them except for some that were executed as untrustworthy even by the standards of crazed superhumans.


Suzane made fleeting telepathic contact with Professor Chrono and gave him the amazing news of the great inverted transdimensional domechamber where she had found the DoctorTARDIS. To her surprise he ordered her, did not ask her, to cease trying to free the blue box TARDIS or DoctorTime, if he was actually there. He could, would not, give her the reasons for this but she 'sensed' his fear and his urgency so she did as he wanted her to do. Suzane would have carried out his orders anyway, except for extreme circumstances, because he was her ancestor, because of Gallefreyan culture and TimeLord traditions. It was clear that Professor Chrono was even more amazed by her strange discovery, than she was, but also deeply concerned; what did he know about the fate of DoctorTime, the 'Doctor', that she did not? She had no doubt that he knew much as he did so many other matters, most of which he would, could, not share with her.


Suzane, Derra, Ash, the muties, were doing their best to establish a thriving, healthy and secure colony in the thirteen domechambers. More mutie refugees came but also plant-humans, normies, animal-humans and metaclones of many kinds, including enhanced metaclone animals, often known as metamals. Some of the metafolk that came were not clones but were natural born. There also came norms, variations of normies, such as nocturnal humans, amphibious humans and winged humans, the last being okay fliers but much better gliders. So big were the domechambers that even these winged humans did not feel crowded in and they turned out to be very useful as couriers. The amphibious norms were soon at home in large channels of flowing water, big bowl shaped lakes and other areas of water. All went through the testing-transformations even as they entered the colony. About half of he muties became elemental spheres or basic elemental forms of other kinds but they wanted to do so.


Greenhaven, now expanding to start engulfing Hopehaven in a peaceful manner, was striving to strengthen itself, to improve itself, in many ways. Professor Chrono assisted Shazz, and others, in doing so as much as they could. It was at that time that ancient, abandoned, superhuman created structures were found beneath Greenhaven, not very far from Greenhaventown, that were quite extensive, promising in some ways but also puzzling in nature.


Tanya, and the others with her including the increasing number of muties, were still traveling towards Greenhaven as quickly and as stealthily as they could. This was growing more difficult as more desperate muties joined them but Tanya could not, would not, turn them away or leave any behind. The muties turned out to be amazing survivors and very adept at making special devices to assist in the travels from mud-sleds to very good temporary shelters; they knew the terrible environment very well.


It was a strange, dangerous and complicated situation but it was about to become more so.

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00-06 (0056)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

02-05 (0056)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


The Maharg Sanctuary appeared as if it had always been there but had only been recently discovered by a large group of muties; or so those muties would faithfully declare as the truth. It was linked to various parts of Koombrasa by the great SubwayGrid of AncientOne structure-networks and superhuman expansions of the Tubeways, Secondary Subways and Canalways. These were, in turn, special roads, rails and water canals in constructed networks of tunnels beneath the ground. There were many other structures. The AncientOne CoreGrid was made up of Slideways, Teleportways and other very ancient means of transportation including Tubeways, Subways and Canalways. It was not long before the first trickle of refugees finding their way to the Maharg Sanctuary was turning into a steady stream that was soon on its way to becoming a flood.


Professor Chrono took a carefully calculated gamble and used the ChronoTARDIS to rescue Tanya, the android, and the very large group moving with her. They fitted into the TARDIS, entering it through a temporary set of gateways set, seemingly, at a distance from the TARDIS but this was illusionary. Thus Tanya, the life elemental Anderson Family and all of the others were taken to Greenhaven where they were soon leaving the TARDIS. Yet as they departed from the ChronoTARDIS they took resources such as food rations, medical supplies, tools and much else that the TimeLord gave them.


Professor Chrono could not use the ChronoTARDIS to go to the aid of his granddaughter, Suzane, or those with them because of the nature of the AncientOnes' super-technological inverted transdimensional domechambers that they were in. It was too dangerous to try to materialize even a few kilometres from such a powerful AncientOne artifact let alone to try to do so inside one. TimeLord and AncientOne technologies were simply too antagonistic to each other for it to be otherwise.


Professor Chrono, the superhuman triplets, Shazz and others stood in the Central Command Chamber of the TransGlobe. Microdrones had been launched again from the ChronoTARDIS but none could get close to the domechambers of what was now being called the Domehaven by many. They were forced to turn back or became compromised or damaged and then self-destructed. Yet much more valuable information had been gained such as that Shota's forces were busy penetrating deep into the ground as they sought to reach Deathcity, the ancient supercity of the AncientOnes with its terrible reputation.


Professor Chrono spoke as if choosing his words with care, which was what he was doing. "You say muties, normies, norms and others have learned of the Maharg Sanctuary where all are test-transformed as they enter, even if they have gone through the process before. 'Maharg' is a name linked with an extremely powerful and ancient entity, of great mystery, with many shapeforms, natures and names. The LittleFatMan, the EternalDragon, the ArchAngelus, God's Reflection, GodGoddess' Reflection, the LittleFatWoman and many many others. If that one is involved with what is happening, then the situation is much more serious than any of us have previously considered. The nature of this one is very near impossible to define. Some have claimed that it was there at the ending of the war between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes, that it undid much of the harm done with timespace reality alteration weapons used by both sides."


The LittleFatMan spoke from where he was sitting in a wooden rocking-chair that, like himself, had appeared from seemingly nowhere. "This wonderful TARDIS of yours, this ChronoTARDIS, needs to even bigger inside than outside than it is. So be it as now it grows slowly, steadily, much bigger inside than it was before and in new ways than it was before. Why, how and for what reason, that is for you to find out my fine professor of a friend. I am just a little tired and will go home soon to have a nap. As for DoctorTime, the Doctor of so much good and bad, of so much sad, well there is always a good chance to save him. What is needed for you is a way to reach him, and Suzane, and the others in Domehaven. Yes, they call it Domehaven now, amongst other names that are not at all 'Domehaven' in nature. As for Gallefrey, well the problems there are easing. Certain unwanted interferences there are being dealt with, unfolded and made harmless."


Professor Chrono turned to the LittleFatMan and bowed briefly in respect. "Now I know that I have already met you. You helped defeat the AncientOnes at the Battle of Transtellar Orion."


"Yes but mostly to save the peoples of the Orion Base Stars from being engulfed in death, destruction and disorder that was not of their making or that they deserved. The AncientOnes were keen to divert TimeLord resources by forcing you to protect those peoples. I felt that this was rather ill mannered of them and told them so." The LittleFatMan yawned and then smiled warmly at the TimeLord before he turned to the triplets. "You are what you say you are, true enough, in what you know but you have hidden the truth even from yourselves. You came from those experimental artificial births of superhumans who were born distorted, warped, monstrous of nature and intention; the testing-transformations changed you fundamentally into the much healthier and finer beings that you are now. The crazed superhumans, now active across some areas of Koombrasa, are all as you used to be. SheShaShiShoShu are the twisted one-is-five-is-one who is your sibling. You came from the same batch of experimentally created children to end up locked away firmly in your Third Sanctuary."


The triplets all nodded as one for in truth they were one-as-three-as-one. Jaze spoke for them, she frowning softly. "We did not mean to deceive but could not face the truth of what we were."


The LittleFatMan smiled warmly. "Given your circumstances, what you did was understandable and one does not judge but you need to remember the truth in order to make sure you remain healthy of mind, of spirit, of intention." Then he turned to Shazz01. "Yes, poor Shazz! What they did to you was deeply criminal and those who did it are paying for doing so even as I speak. I am assisting you as much as I can but you must discover the truth for yourself. Already I am being pressured not to do any more than I have done lest I do more harm than good. Shazz, these young three are your clone children. Please treat them with care and I hope they treat you with respect."


Then he was gone, almost as if he had never been there, but behind himself he left nine cube shaped containers, each being one metre high and wide, each being of a dull silvery metallic sheen.

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02-06 (0057)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


They did not realize, of course, what the LittleFatMan had done until after he was gone, almost as if he had never been there, and when they did even Professor Chrono was extremely surprised and astonished. The TransGlobe was infused into the ChronoTARDIS in an almost impossible fashion, AncientOne super-technologies and TimeLord technologies separated by special hybrid boundaries so they did not quite meet each other directly. Inside the ChronoTARDIS TransGlobe was now exposed yet thirteen more antechambers that were to expose yet more surprises. There was also a TransDoor, a less common kind of super-technological super-device of tricky use. One TransDoor could open a TransDoorway with another TransDoor in another timespace location but the use of them was dangerous and they were normally used only in emergencies if there were no other, safer choices.


Shazz, and the superhuman triplets, explored the thirteen new antechambers of the TransGlobe. They found that they had been used to live in by a fair sized group of superhumans who had spent much of their time in status-capsules, in suspended animation, while only some had been active. They soon concluded that the five supposed traitors, once of elite power and authority, had been amongst the group which held also their followers, family and 'friends' as superhumans had such. Except for eight superhumans in status-capsules, all of them sickly enough to be close to death, the others had long departed from the TransGlobe but there were no real clues to how, why or when they had done so. None of the elite five were in the status-capsules.


Shazz instigated the testing-transformation amongst those in the status-capsules. All survived but two did so as superhuman babies and one as a superhuman infant while the others had become teenagers, much as the triplets were. It would appear that this might be part of the start of a new, finer kind of superhumanity but there was no certainty that such was the case. None of the five 'new teenagers' could remember what had taken place in the TransGlobe, except for glimpses and faded impressions because their memories had been deeply wiped away. The process had been so dreadful and merciless it was part of the reason all of them had been close to death. What was remembered was that the eight had been locked in the status-capsules after it was deemed that they were expendable and would only slow down the other superhumans; this was typical twisted superhuman logic of the Grand Thirteens.


The only hints were the name 'Deathcity', the 'Wolfdoom Project', the 'Superhuman-Soldier Program' and a whole lot of poorly deleted back up databanks full of large fragments of data.


"If we were cloned off you, then that must mean you are a superhuman but all of our 'senses' tell us that you are a powerful metaclone metahuman." Jezz was studying her new found clone-father, her father, with profound wonder. "Yet we also 'sense' something 'odd' about you."


Shazz01 was not comfortable with this conversation, just wanted to be his old self, but he only sighed softly. "Apart from splitting to become Shazz01 and Shazz02, apart from being able to instigate the testing-transformations in others, there is nothing special about me."


Joza was busy using an AncientOne console to try to get something useful from the poorly deleted fragments of data. "Those who were hiding here did have fleeting contacts with superhuman supporters and allies outside of the TransGlobe. As the TransGlobe, disguised as a normal globedisk, moved across Koombrasa, they would communicate. They gained information, gave feedback and sometimes they even dropped off garbage and took in new supplies. Mostly, though, they had to rely on the super-technologies here in the secret area of the TransGlobe. Aaahhh, very interesting. This TransGlobe was a very special one indeed. There is a hidden core that is... there is not much detail here but enough to say that the superhumans briefly investigated it and decided to seal it off. They never went there again and even tried to forget about its existence. There are only a few notes here on it. One says it is forbidden for the group to speak of this 'core' or to make any attempt to go there. It also states that this 'core' is both 'inside and outside' of the TransGlobe proper. This TransGlobe is officially much newer, much younger, than it actually is. It was altered heavily to make it convincingly seem so but it is one of the oldest TransGlobes ever created being manufactured during the war with the TimeLords."


The chamber around them was AncientOne designed and made with some typical weird flourishes and overdone decorations. False buttresses ran along one wall and beneath them were rows of vertical softly glowing capsules that looked like some kind of typical AncientOne spiritual decorative motifs. The symbols of NullDoNull, God of AntiReality Truth and Greater Lesser Awareness, stood tall with a phallic look to his warped figure and tentacle arms that seemed to ripple through the air in a grotesque manner.


The glowing capsules were status-capsules and the glowing was just decorative. The twenty status-capsules were actually of refined older technologies than even that of the AncientOnes, were of the long lost ones even more ancient than the AncientOnes who were said to have been their ancestors and perhaps also the ancestors of the TimeLords and others. Their technologies were still to be found through out the Multiverse, the universality of universes.


Shazz suddenly turned to study the motif of NullDoNull and he shook his head in amazement. He walked closer to the figure and then he examined it more closely. Then he spoke in a language that sounded incredible, that sounded as if no human mouth could possibly produce such noises, and yet it seemed natural to him as he spoke the Language of the TruthNoTruth, of the AncientOnes. "One walks in shadows thrown by light. One sees and hears NullDoNull and cries, laughs and screams with delightful agony of the bloody thorn golden rose, of the diamond-flowers."


The statue shivered as if with deep cold and then from it came a voice. "So you one, you survive when supposedly all AncientOnes perished, vanished, were taken by the perverted ShadowLord or met other sundry fates when the AncientOnes went further in madness than even NullDoNull would have them do. NullDoNull advised them of sensory overload, of logication feedback blindness, of the ways of one's own destiny leading one by the nose into the desolation of too many assumed wisdoms. NullDoNull said forget the TimeLords for the TimeLords wish to forget them and mutual forgetting would lead to blissful ignorance of paths that could only lead to new undoings of potential joy through self elation of creativity. NullDoNull would have had AncientOnes clone yet more superhumans and forget enslaving others, would have had grand ultimate virtual realms created instead of the need to build boringly real empires. The AncientOnes turned against poor NullDoNull and declared NullDoNull to be less than nothingness and more than everythingness, thus upsetting the balances of what is to be best and what is to be worst."


Shazz nodded. "The great domechambers of memories of the war with the TimeLords?"


The statue spoke again. "Once more only will I speak and thus I do so; fraudulence and lack of AncientOne good taste in wisdoms were behind the creation of that grand mockery that is secrets within secrets and is linked with Deathcity, with the ending of the AncientOnes, with the fruition of other dark horrors, distasteful secrets and woeful mistakes. True name of what is foolishly called now Domehaven, though in truth most amusing a concept that a haven can be made out of a horror with some touches of hopeful transformation, is the DomeTrixThirteens. Perhaps Domehaven can be made as such as long it is only the original thirteen domechambers. Even NullDoNull would hope to like that concept with muties so wandering around with helpless misunderstandings quite amusing and bemusing. Perhaps NullDoNull will speak again to you, Shazz who is both more and less than Shazz while being equal to Shazz. Except, that is to say, look to Wolfdoom and DarkWolf!"


Shazz01 contacted Professor Chrono at once, who came fast in response to what Shazz had to say.

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02-07 (0058)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


SheShaShiShoShu fell to the chaotica just as other crazed superhumans fell to the demonics. The chaotica brought berserker madness to the five-of-one-of-five but also a control of sorts, a sociopathic cunning and brilliance. The chaotica took over her armies just as the demonics had taken over the armies that now formed the Demoniconda. News of this reached Greenhaven in the form of fleeing deserters from the armies of SheShaShiShoShu, many of the deserters being once loyal to her. Now they dared even the testing-transformations rather than be her followers. News came with them that Sheto was leading a large army towards Greenhaven in order to destroy what SheShaShiShoShu now saw as a stupid upstart and a possible threat.


From SheShaShiShoShu, and the chaotica, rose the Chaoticaconda to deal with both the Demoniconda and Greenhaven. With the chaotica backing one faction, and the demonica another, it seemed only logical that the angelics would support Greenhaven. They did not do so! Instead a new force began to approach from the Inner SkyIsland that called itself the Angelicaconda. It was soon evident to many that the three elemental forces were simply carrying on a very ancient war by taking an opportunity to create a new battleground. Yet the Angelicaconda did communicate with Greenhaven and offered Shazz an alliance against the Demoniconda and the Chaoticaconda.


The structure grew beneath Greenhaven from a silvery cube placed there. Dull silvery metallic stone hallways, rampways, chambers and other spaces extended out, evolved, finalized and became sealed. With them came plumbing, electricity, light-optic tubing and basic computer network-systems for maintenance, emergencies, security and other purposes. This was one of the gifts of the LittleFatMan that grew and grew while it evolved so that in some special chambers it was bigger inside than outside and also multiple dimensional in nature. Sometimes the LittleFatMan did more than he meant to and this new structure soon came to have some amazing and eccentric features to it.


Soon Hopehaven, Greenhaventown and Domehaven were linked by canal, road and rail tunnels. Yet they were long and so a taskforce set out at once from Greenhaven to get to the amazing Domehaven. Shazz02 led the expedition with its faster, lighter armed-armoured vehicles that traveled quickly along the silvery metallic road tunnels. As the convoy moved it did so quietly with humming electric motors. Most vehicles were on wheels but some hovered and two were on fast moving tracks.


Shazz02 sat in the command vehicle, in the main cabin, and rested quietly with his eyes closed. Shazz wanted to see Derra again, very much so, had grown to realize that he was perhaps even in love with her. This seemed odd to him just as did the idea that NullDoNull and spoken of Shazz as being an AncientOne. That was an idea that Shazz found impossible to accept except that there was a nasty little doubt that kept niggling at the back of his mind that it might be true. Except that is that the story seemed to make no logical sense; how did an AncientOne, of great power, end up being a metaclone metahuman slave serving the superhumans, who once served the AncientOnes, in a very menial manner?


=You have been hiding but not from the superhumans. You have been hiding from something very ancient and very dangerous, that is far more so than the AncientOnes themselves.


Shazz felt a headache coming on as, yet again, he tried to work out just what had happened, was happening and might most likely happen. The ChronoTARDIS was basically frozen in the same place, unable to travel, while internal transformations continued to take place that had been instigated by the LittleFatMan. Professor Chrono was not pleased but he was wise enough to know that the changes were basically for the best even if they showed some of the LittleFatMan's eccentric influences.


=We do not think that your nature is straight forwardly that of an AncientOne even if you used to be an AncientOne, which is also something we are not positive about.


(Shazz)Something, somebody, has been stirring things up, has been trying to cause a great violent mess so as to better hide what they are up to. Or so I compute or just guess. From the superhumans carrying out some bizarre experimental project that caused that great explosion implosion, that caused death, destruction and disorder across Koombrasa, to the appearance of three great big conquering armies, I think that the 'great manipulator' is really out to hide what their real identity is and what they are really up to.


They continued to move along the great road tunnel whose nature was most impressive.

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02-08 (0059)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Chaoticaconda military forces began to raid Greenhaven outposts constructed, or being constructed, out away from the actual Greenhaven Boundaries.


RedFoxie operated the heavy machinegun expertly, pumping out special armour penetrating explosive tipped 12.7mm calibre bullets. An enemy virtabird shot overhead, metallic and ugly, its special rotors assisted by antigrav boosters to lift its heavy armour and armaments. The special bullets exploded into a vulnerable air, an engine, and smoke began to pour from that part of the monstrous aircraft. The bullets would not drop the vertibird but would slow it down and make it more vulnerable to other attacks. RedFoxie, her body contained in light infantry power armour, turned the big Browning Heavy Machinegun and began firing at another enemy flying-machine. This one was a sleeker, faster, but less armoured jetcopter with its armour protected fanjet blades. This time the bullets exploded into the pilot's cockpit where a demonic human, long having ceased to be the person it had been, died; the body burned away as if from instantaneous combustion, the machine shuddered and then exploded dramatically as a dead man's switch caused it to self destruct.


RedFoxie was not local; she had snuck into the half completed fortified outpost, created for more than just military reasons but also for trade, aid and diplomatic ones, as had some of her comrades. RedFoxie was her official codename but she had used it for so long, as had those around her, that she had become 'RedFoxie' in any practical sense. RedFoxie, and her people, were supersoldiers sent from Bigtropolis-BigState to this AlternateEarth by the Grand Immortals who wanted to know just what was happening on Koombrasa and what, if any, link such had with certain troubles that had taken place in Bigtropolis.


Angelics, demonics and chaotica had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to enter a markets and park that the markets were situated in. Of course the demonics and chaotica had attacked while the angelics had tried to assist, but it had taken a small special fusion warhead strike to end the troubles. This had vaporized a large area of park, the markets and too much life. The special fusion weapon had destroyed demonics, less chaotica and no angelics but had driven the surviving elementals back to their home dimensional realms.


RedFoxie did not at all like this claytol toxin ridden landscape with its great bleak plains stretching out to distant other types of geography. Nor did she care much for the look of the muties though she felt no disgust, fear or anger against them. Supersoldiers hunted dangerous muties in parts of Bigtropolis-BigState and worked with other muties so why bother with the hate? Or at least she saw it that way.


Yet she was also glad to be away from the increasingly complicated, hostile and stupid superhuman factional war taking place mainly in Bigtropolis itself. Despite Bigtropolis-BigState facing grave internal, and external, problems and even threats, the Grand Immortals could and-or would not get their act together. When Bigtropolis-BigState needed them the most, they were failing. That is except a minority who defended themselves from the factions while trying hard to deal with many problems, including the big invasion taking place in the far south of BigState. They were the BigTriata that was divided into three MidTriata that each were divided into three SmallTriata to make up, altogether, the TriataThirteen.


When RedFoxie thought too much about such things, she started getting a headache for she was an excellent elite soldier but not much more than that.


A mutie dropped into the ditch, plopping there with its four tentacles and let out a big sigh of relief. Odd shaped, but well fitting, body-armour covered much of its body and it held a special adapted AKM16 autorifle complete with grenadeshell launcher and xolasergun. The entity took one look at her and smiled, in its own way, then spoke. "You are an outsider. You are sneaky but we test-transformed muties know how many of you there are and where you are. Yet we will not try to do you harm unless you do something stupid."


RedFoxie was annoyed but not particularly surprised. She had been so discovered by muties in the past, back at her home AlternateEarth. It was just something one had to deal with but in a very careful manner. The supersoldier had heard whispers of the testing-transformations and was dubious about such things even if it meant freedom from superhuman mind controls. Anyway she felt truly loyal to the TriataThirteen, the non factional faction of the superhumans that was one of the few superhuman groups to be greatly respected in Bigtropolis-BigState.


She spoke carefully but kept to the truth, as she knew it. "We are supersoldiers sent to investigate from a place called Bigtropolis-BigState that I doubt you know of."


The mutie gave an odd laughing sound before answering. "Oh yes, we know about it, even we lowly muties. It is of an AlternateEarth and there is much trouble there, growing worse, with superhumans doing stupid things just as they did here before the big explosion happened, the Super Explosion that caused so much death, destruction and disorder across our beloved SkyIsland. It is good that you have gone through the testing-transformation for there is something better about you than other supersoldiers that we have met."


RedFoxie went to refute what the mutie had said but then memories came back to her that that been suppressed, perhaps for good reason, and she knew it was true and that there were many like her including the test-transformed superhumans of the TriataThirteen. Which was exactly when the secret orders, deliberately buried deep, surfaced and she knew exactly what she and her comrades were there to do. She cursed softly for the duties were not going to be easy or nice to carry out but she would do her best to do so, being the commander of the mission taskforce.


She smiled and spoke. "I am RedFoxie! We are FEAR55, that is First Encounter Assault Recon Fifty-Five. What is your name?"


The mutie gave a soft quiver of excitement. "RockyWolliogo the Thirty-Third but you may call me just 'RockyWolliogo."

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