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02-09 (0060)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


"The whole place keeps shivering." The mutie leader, RhondaRail JetCan, had gained many votes in the rather confusing Domehaven Elections as designed, organized and driven by mutie demands in Domehaven. Other folks there had generally kept out of the elections which were for an advisory council only. Still RhondaRail was expected to bounce from that council to take a seat in the new Domehaven Leadership Council. The mutie looked up, and around, as the great domechamber gave another shiver. "Yet we 'sense' no danger."


This was not the exotic museum domechamber that had first been found but one of the bare domechambers now converted into a mutie settled area. A strange mixture of mutie built squat towers, part-domes, walls, archways and other structures made up the sprawling town that was sprawling even further with every passing moment. Muties were learning new skills, gaining educations, were undertaking many duties of older or newer nature and having a good deal of fun.


Suzane nodded in response. "A great structure has appeared beneath Greenhaven and is expanding outwards in all directions. Many now call it the Grand Silver Labyrinth; I suppose it is as good a name as any. It has reached us here and now Shazz02, of Shazz, is on his way here with a large convoy of people, equipment and supplies. You will like Shazz, who is now more than one Shazz, for he is a friend of the muties, has always been one."


"Good, very good, it is wise to be a friend of we muties." RhondaRail smiled. "The shivers are coming from the growing of the Grand Silver Labyrinth?"


"The growing and evolving of it with the Grand Copper Labyrinth beneath it as its foundation and certain special areas being the Grand Golden Labyrinth. The LittleFatMan, I think you call him FatoFooFogo, created the Grand Silver Labyrinth that is becoming the Grand Triple Labyrinth."


The muties looked astonished and then shook her head in wonderment while shrugging at the same time. "Then we are very much in amazing times for even the superhumans fear him. It is said that the AncientOnes feared him also."


Suzane nodded. "Much is said about the LittleFatMan, about FatoFooFogo, but much of it is vague, confused and even contradictory. Some say that the LittleFatMan, FatoFooFogo, himself does not truly understand his true nature but such is his true nature that this is for the best."


Another shiver went through the domechamber. A mutie rode past on a bicycle pulling a two wheeled cart full of lots of small rocks. The mutie did not even seem to notice the shivers so intense was it on transporting its cargo.


Suzane spoke again. "I have the very strong impression that the Grand Triple Labyrinth is far more than just a shelter, a safe way for people to move or what ever else people are now taking it as. The demonics and chaotica do not seem to be able to enter it and the angelics do not seem to want to enter it though they can do so. That means those who have demonica, chaotica or the angelics in them, do not enter the Grand Triple Labyrinth with some exceptions."


The mutie leader nodded. "You gain such information from muties coming to the Domehaven through this new great maze of mazes."


Suzane smiled lightly at the tall mutie leader. "Partly! TimeLords have a way of picking up such 'impressions' that has something to do with our abilities to manipulate local timespace to a limited extent even with out our special timespace technologies. My grandfather, Professor Chrono, is far older than I am and his special TimeLord abilities are far greater, even greater than many TimeLords who are older than himself."


Which was when she 'felt' a timespace shift that the muties were unaware of except for a few rare ones who could also 'sense' such things. Time, timespace, was shifted inside the Grand Triple Labyrinth that now engulfed Domehaven. Something very important had changed a little but Suzane 'sensed' that this had been just one 'shift' in many that would end in a much greater, yet subtle, change. Just what was the LittleFatMan up to or could one even ask such a question since that particular entity did not seem ever to be 'up to anything'.


Around them the muties continued to be busy. A platoon of mutie freefighters, soldiers, marched, slithered or otherwise made their way past Suzane and RhondaRail, each in fitted body-armour and carrying an adapted weapon except some who were pacifists and only carried medical or working gear; these latter were called medics or sappers, of course. As she watched them past, Suzane felt a twinge of emotions of a kind that TimeLords were not supposed to 'indulge' in and she hoped that these muties would never have to become actual combatants. Yet she knew that mutie freefighters tended to be damned tough, canny fighters and that the test-transformations had made them more so.


Though she knew that the Angelicaconda, Demoniconda and Chaoticaconda Armies could not reach Domehaven, through the Grand Triple Labyrinth, Suzane could not quite shake the impression that the colony was not totally safe because of it. So just what sort of threat could reach them, could put them in danger?

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Notes A to Z: J


Jezz, Joza, Jaze Jezzenariza

Once deformed, dangerous superhumans created by foolish desperate superhuman experimentation to overcome infertility problems in the superhuman population of Koombrasa, these cloned triplets were test-transformed to become much finer beings; yet in truth they are one-as-three-as-one, are three semiautonomous entities of a joint mentality.


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02-10 (0061)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


The fighting between three great armies was gathering pace. Three outposts had been attacked, in succession, by Chaoticaconda aircraft. Sometimes at night the flashes of light of battle, the thunder of large scale combat, were only too noticeable. During the day, at times, it was just the noises. The three great armies seemed to have no interest in forming alliances of any kind with each other. The Angelicaconda Armies marched to the defense of Greenhaven, attacking the chaotica puppets in a large campaign.


Professor Chrono was frustrated because his TARDIS was going through a series of exotic transformations, set off by the LittleFatMan, but pleased that some changes had already taken place to enhance TARDIS abilities in some unusual but useful ways. The ChronoTARDIS was changing, or so he calculated, to better deal with the super-technologies of the AncientOnes better than any standard TARDIS could do. It was said, in some less orthodox scholarly networks in the Gallefrey University and TimeLord Academy, that the Doctor's TARDIS had been so altered but if the LittleFatMan had done it, or some other aspect of the same amazing entity, nobody seemed to know for sure.


"Are you sure?" The TimeLord was surprised by the information that Shazz01 had just brought him. "I would have assumed that muties would have made up most of all three armies."


Shazz01 shook his head. "Only the angelics and they only take those who volunteer in positive cooperation with the action and then work as partners with them. Many muties have joined the Angelicaconda but they fight or flee or even kill themselves rather than be part of the Demoniconda or Chaoticaconda. The testing-transformations have seemingly spread influences through the mutie populations beyond those individuals who have gone through the process."


Professor Chrono was in the newly created War Room of the ChronoTARDIS, adapted from an older type secondary control chamber. TimeLordites were there, along with some TimeSublords who were Gallefreyans who served the TimeLords and TimeLordites. There were also some hard working muties, all them with cybernetic augmentations guiding them so they did not get into trouble. Muties had a way of populating any area they found suitable and, being not so fussy, they had a wide range of possibilities; a fair sized population of muties now dwelt in the expanding ChronoTARDIS along with other freefolk types. There was a big holographic projection table showing the area, holographic screens, worktables, computer-desks, desks and other facilities in the large, well designed chamber. Professor Chrono did not directly command the Greenhaven defense efforts; Shazz01 was doing so with the assistance of various high ranking commanders, advisers and assistants.


Shazz01 was obviously also surprised by the information. "The Demoniconda have taken on many normies who have long been used to being led by the Grand Thirteens. Many military and paramilitary personnel from the collapsed, broken regime have gone seeking the same sort of brutal, aggressive type of command structure they have always been used to though many others have gone AWOL, have fled or have formed their own survivalist enclaves. The Demoniconda are ordered evil, mostly, but the Chaoticaconda are chaotic, of course. Typical normies, as confused and frightened of the idea of freedom as they are, run from such chaos or fight it to the death. Animal-humans, plant-humans, metaclones of many kinds and others who were slavefolk, they are like the muties and will serve none of the Conda Armies. Do you know why they are called the Conda Armies?"


"Because these, and other elementals from the same set of dimensional realms, have been fighting the same Conda Wars with each other for... for an extremely long time. The Conda War was ancient long before the AncientOnes arose into existence though it is said by some that the Conda Wars may have influenced their rise and their dark nature in some way. This did not happen in the Home Universe of we TimeLords and so we know little of such things." The TimeSage frowned for another microdrone had been destroyed as it tried to spy on what was going on. "The different Conda Armies are using mainly basic technologies, as captured from the remains of the old regime, but they also use their exotic powers and some exotic technologies of more mysterious nature."


The long range scanner-scopes were picking up much detail but at times the data they brought in was blurred, fragmented by interference from the battles taking place. The irony was that the interference seemed more often accidental than deliberate. Mutie scouts had been gathering vital information but had been recalled thanks to increasing danger despite that they wanted to go on scouting out there. Too many of them had died while the amount of valuable information they had been gaining had been decreasing; that was enough for Shazz to make his final decision.


"The Chaoticaconda soldiers appear to be of unknown nature to any of Koombrasans I have talked to, be they superhumans or muties or normies or..." He shrugged. "Not all kinds of slavefolk were out here, in this isolated region, when the Super Explosion took place." He shrugged. "They appear to be bizarre kinds of animal-humanoids, not animal-humans, of great savagery and cunning. There are also supermutants, monstrous humanoids, of different sizes from standard sized massamoths to rarer giant behemoths. Even the massemoths are hulking big. More common than supermutants are metamutants that are more like humans in size and shape. Metamutants use power armour but the supermutants only use body-armour. The animal-humanoids seem to have their own armouring. There are also the monstrous zentaurs, tentacles and spinedart shooting weapons built into them. Like muties, the zentaurs seem to come in all shapes and sizes but, unlike the muties, these seem to be monstrously evil."


Suddenly a mutie popped up closer, bowed in humbleness barely disguising the agitation of excitement. The TimeLord and Shazz turned to her and Shazz nodded. The mutie spoke as if trying to calm herself and slow down her flow of words, which she was doing. "Zentaurs, supermutants, animataurs, they and other dark things like them, they come from outskirts of Deathcity. There are many dark dark dark dark dark, very dark dark dark, stories about Deathcity and one speaks of how superhumans went to Deathcity to explore, to rob the great place of horrors, of its secrets and maybe some long lost treasures. It was stupid for them to do so and it was long long ago. They were of the Grand Thirteens and they were very overconfident. Only a small number came back, with only some of their followers and slaves. The supermutants never spoke openly of Deathcity, or the expedition, again but sealed up Deathcity as much as they could and tried to forget that it existed. Somehow the truth got out to us muties from the WiseOnes of Hamburg, a wondrous lost city hidden in a wondrous lost oasis of good water, soil and air. They have a wondrous food there called hamburgers. How the WiseOnes, may the Light Bless their Holy Heads of Deep Thinking, got the story is unknown. The superhumans who went to Deathcity could not get very deep into it but they found a great underground satellite city, what ever that is, and there they found AncientOne super-technologies which they foolishly activated and experimented with. They created the supermutants, the zentaurs, the animataurs and other dark, troublesome things but could not control them properly. Then something else, darker and more powerful than them, took control of the twisted creations and attacked the supermutant expedition. That is pretty much the whole story."


Shazz thanked the mutie, explained briefly what a satellite city was, pleasing the mutie much, and then she went off with obvious pride that she had helped. She had done so greatly and yet they both knew they would have to carefully check on the story.


Except that Professor Chaos was looking very bemused. "That mutie was no mutie! Even amongst the TimeLords I am one of the few who could detect them as different. Suzane has the same ability, as does her mother who is my daughter. We do not know exactly what they are except that they show up now and then to... help influence matters in various ways. We call them the Influencers for they only give opportunities for change in directions, new choices. We could ignore the story or act on it in various ways, that is up to us. We TimeLords suspect they may be an aspect of beings known as the Travelers who are older than time, much like the Eternals who dwell in the Twilight Zone."


Shazz01 shook his head. "Amazing, the Multiverse is amazing!"


The TimeSage sighed. "More so than either of us will probably ever know, Shazz!"

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02-11 (0062)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


As Shazz01 commanded the defensive, sometimes defensive aggressive, efforts of freefighters against the Chaoticaconda attacks on Greenhaven outposts, RedFoxie headed for Domehaven where she was to meet with Derra. All she was told was that the human named Derra, who came from Bigtropolis-BigState, was more than she herself knew she was and that some kind of special codewords had to be given to her along with a small, exotic item. The item was carefully concealed in a small, compact armoured box so RedFoxie did not know what was in it. As for the codewords, they seemed more nonsensical than anything but she was careful never to speak them or even to think of them too much.


RedFoxie moved with her supersoldiers of FEAR55 and some muties acting as scouts, guides and advisers. Some supersoldiers always went with the scouts. The two groups soon learned to respect each others' abilities and experience. The supersoldiers' amazing fighting abilities amazed the tough muties and the way that the muties worked with the harsh toxic environment amazed the offworlders.


RedFoxie led the main group through ugly gnarled forests of thorntrees, thornbushes and thornvines. As they did so they noted signs of muties having dwelt in the area, having carefully harvested some of the thornpods, but the muties were long gone. They were skirting a large Demoniconda military force where demonic-humans behaved with brutality and cunning greed except when forced to do otherwise. Such soldiers now wore dull, dark blood red fatigues and black body-armour or black power armour, when they could get it; many wore odd mixtures of old regime uniforms and other gear. As they got close to an enemy camp that they could see it in the not too far distance, they picked up some strange and disturbing noises and smells.


Then they saw them, scampering around like malignant human children but with smooth, hairless, dark dull red boneskin. Each had two small horns on his or her head and a short, thin tail ending in a arrowhead like point. The muties were not happy about what was seen for these were demonu, demon-human hybrids born to human women. They grew to maturity with horrible quickness but paid for doing so by having much shorter 'natural' lifespans than humans did. Demonic-women would have the ability to survive such pregnancies but enslaved women would most likely not survive. RedFoxie hoped deeply that no enslaved women had been forced to give birth to the monsters.


Nobody seemed to know how or why the Condo Wars had begun or why they continued with long calm periods interspersed with relatively short, violent ones. Not all armies were involved in every Conda War and so far only three Conda Factions were involved in this one. Just why these three Conda Armies had come to Koombrasa at that time was also generally unknown. The angelici refused to speak of such matters and it was out of the question to even bother trying to ask the demonica or the chaotica. What was passed down through generations were some odd bits of information, ideas, stories about the Conda Wars. One was that if demonu began to be born, and-or exotic hybrids from other Conda Factions, then a long, hard war was about to be fought.


They passed along a slow flowing, shallow river of toxic waters. Mutated lungfish lived in it and the muties caught just a couple but dropped food crumbs to the others as to show their gratitude and to help sustain the longer term food supply. They passed long abandoned superhuman designed and built structures being large tanks on stilts, some of them tilted partly over or fallen over on their sides. Amongst the tanks were odd arrangements of short, stumpy metallic towers and taller, thinner grid-towers ending in strange arrays. The group came to rest amongst the strange tanks.


RockyWolliogo was very smart and keen to know much history. He spoke as he squatted there, scratching his back against a tank leg. "We must head north-east from here to reach the Big Rusty Ships that used to sail along the grand canals in this region. This was a scientific research outpost of normie scientists led by a superclone. There are such outposts right through out this region. They did strange experiments and took samples of many things, including from muties; at least they paid the muties in basic tradegoods. We think they did experiments, with toxic water or air, in those tanks there. We only stay at such places briefly for we do not like the 'feel' of them."


Yes, there was something strange about the outpost. RedFoxie and her supersoldiers were uneasy. Yet they could get very clean water from the site, as the muties showed them, from a special superhuman machine left behind when the outpost was abruptly abandoned a long time ago by the Grand Thirteens. They drank some water, filled up canteens, along with other containers, and then left as quickly as they had come.


As they went off into the distance, a heavy knocking sound began as if something very powerful, and inside one of the raised tanks, was striking heavily at the very strong metal of the container. As it did so, very small but visible dents appeared on the surface of the tank. Then the knocking abruptly ended as it had begun.

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02-12 (0062)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Tanya, the special android, had joined Professor Chrono, Shazz01 and others in the ChronoTARDIS. The ChronoTARDIS had begun to operate a mattercation manufacturing network-system that produced large batches of different kinds of roboremotes, robots, power armour suits, mecha, weapons, tools, instrumentalities, small vehicles and other items from basic chairs to blankets to doors to be added to buildings. Much of it was designed to be easily adapted for mutie use.


Once again the TransGlobe was producing items from the same lists that had been used before but some new items had been added and the variations of old items had been increased such as the range of food rations, the sizes of dometents, the range of sets of clothing, the addition of basic guns and the addition of basic camp-cookers. By their basic programmed nature, the lists were not easy to change, which was a puzzle in itself. It was as if the AncientOnes had deeply feared to give their slaves too much of anything because this might prove to be some kind of threat to their oppressive, strange rule.


The statue of NullDoNull, if it had actually been a statue, had vanished from where it had stood close to the status-capsules in the TransGlobe. The test-transformed superhumans, from status-capsules, were still recovering from their terrible ordeal. Their memories had been erased but not totally so they had glimmers of knowledge. They spoke of the superhumans hidden in the TransGlobe going insane but being unable to discover why or how this was happening. That is until they had discovered a dark and terrible secret hidden deeply in the TransGlobe from which they had fled, leaving behind those they could not, would not, take with them.


Professor Chrono was frowning softly as he viewed a 3Dwallscreen that showed a great big 3Ddata-model holding, in brief, much of the information they had gathered. He spoke. "This TransGlobe is very special indeed. It is much much older than it was later disguised to look like, even internally in many of its areas. It dates back to the war between we TimeLords and the AncientOnes, back when the AncientOnes created the first TransGlobes disguised as globedisk transports to better hide them. Why hide them? It was assumed that it was because the TransGlobes were high priority targets in the war and this was true enough but now I think that there was more to it than that. I am even starting to think that the AncientOnes feared something else far more than they did the TimeLords, that is something that they would not willingly speak of, record data about, at least not normally."


DarkWolf? Wolfdoom? The first was linked with the fate of DoctorTime who was still trapped in Domehaven or was he? Some odd energy patterns had been picked up in that area from microdrones and scanner-scopes of the TARDIS but nobody seemed to know what it all meant. How was the 'Doctor' linked to what was happening, what had happened? DoctorTime had vanished towards the end of the war between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes but only after he did much damage to the AncientOnes' war effort.


Tanya spoke. "So the AncientOnes created the TransGlobes for more than one purpose; that makes a good deal of sense, especially considering of what I know of the ways of the AncientOnes."


The TimeLord nodded in agreement. "Multiple purposes, too many of them secret or strangely obscure. Super-technologies that could be combined, in use, to achieve unexpected results. The AncientOnes were so full of trickery I suspected that they often tricked each other or even themselves, in their factions, clans, castes and great extended families. Even their Emperor, their Empress, did not always seem to know what was going on and the AncientOnes truly revered them."


Freefolk had been forced to abandon some Greenhaven Outposts but had managed to complete others at full strength. The Chaoticaconda Army and Angelicaconda Army were fighting savagely just close to Greenhaven and angelics had combined with freefolk to fight in some areas. Yet the fighting was not consistent because the nature of the enemy was not consistent, they being 'chaotic' by basic nature. Often it was in the form of small groups skirmishing and longer range raids and weapon strikes.


Tanya frowned softly. "Was it a coincidence that the TransGlobe ended up where Shazz would start to operate it, to explore it?"


"Very excellent question." The TimeLord frowned softly. "Another excellent question is what is Shazz's real nature? Is he some kind of AncientOne as NullDoNull suggested he is?"


Shazz01 frowned softly. "I am standing right here, remember, as you discuss me."


"Sorry, I did not mean to offend you!" Professor Chrono spoke to Shazz but did not take his eyes off the screen. "What do you remember of your life, Shazz?"


Shazz01 shrugged. "Typical metaclone metahuman memories of growing up in claytol working fields, in a shelter-complex, in an isolated area far from the core of the old regime and its culture. Nothing unusual or spectacular but everything was just typical."


"Perhaps far too typical." The TimeLord nodded as if to himself. "When the Super Explosion took place you ended up going between AlternateEarths, going to Bigtropolis-BigState where you ran straight into Derra. Nobody else in the claytol working fields experienced anything like that though some were physically very close to where you were. Why did you do what the others failed to do? Why did you end up on another AlternateEarth where you met Derra?"


Shazz01 could only shrug helplessly. "I have no idea."

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00-07 (0063)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

02-13 (0063)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Suzane found some vital answers to just what had happened on-in Koombrasa when she came upon a very well hidden alcove in the Grand Glorious Chamber, the name now used for the strange domechamber created by the AncientOnes with their perceptions of their war with the TimeLords. Muties found it though most had now moved to their new domechambers, where soil was being added to large areas to start agriculture and gardens. Muties were carefully, very carefully, exploring the Grand Glorious Chamber; mostly they did so in a generally planned systematic fashion but sometimes a mutie would go off on a seemingly wild impulse, others going with them, and would find something special. That happened this time.


Suzane examined the bizarre, disturbing object that was inside a powerful security quarantine field surrounded by no less than thirteen energy barriers and a thick transparent armoured wall, floor and ceiling flush into one form. The thing had been human once, or something like a human. It stood three metres tall but it was all wrong as if a natural entity had somehow been forced, turned into something mirrored against its own nature. Suzane examined it and her TimeLord senses threw warnings of danger at her even though the thing was apparently harmless.


The voice spoke at the edges of her mind.


=That was an AncientOne in its real shapeform, a neuter serving as Sublord Explorer Initiate to the Emperor himself but in service to the Empress. Against the wishes of the Empress, the Emperor sent it to do a most grievous and hazardous thing. This one, ShaeGaria, went from the Positive Multiverse to the Negative Multiverse and then returned but did not return. What came back was this thing, this incredibly dangerous thing.


Suzane shook her head. It was supposedly impossible for such a thing to be done and a totally stupid thing to do if one could do it.


(Suzane)How was the impossible made possible?


=Another assisted them, another who was far more ancient and fallen than even the AncientOnes were. We have linked him back to the original very ancient ones who were humans once on a world called the Earth, or Terra or Sol III. It was an AlternateEarth that existed, impossibly, a very very long time before other AlternateEarths. We suspect that the whole world was sent back in timespace terms, way back, so as to interfere with the flow of histories. The Multiverse absorbed what took place, balanced it out, but this began a long process leading to the creation of the MultipleEarth of very special AlternateEarths. This world of Korra was the home world of the AncientOnes but was also the home world of the AlphaOnes. Those mortal humans, humanity, that were sent so far back, they became the basis of a vast empire of the AlphaOnes who were amazingly intelligent, canny, clever and yet not so wise or compassionate though they were far from evil; they were a much finer people than were the AncientOnes.


Suzane was taken back for she had never learned anything of any 'MultipleEarth' at the TimeLord Academy on Gallefrey. Perhaps her grandfather would know something of it?


The LittleFatMan was suddenly standing next to her, almost as if he had always been there, peering at the transformed AncientOne through a thick magnifying glass that looked to be quite old fashioned of make. He was wearing a tophat, coveralls with many pockets and more pouches, was tut tutting lightly as if seeing something very 'naughty' and not downright evil. Then he slipped the magnifying glass away, that is if it had just been one since it could easily have been far more than that but disguised in appearance. He turned and smiled at Suzane, winked at her in a clumsy fashion and then he spoke.


"To think I was on my way to make sure the piggies were all behaving themselves, back in Maharg Tower, or should that be Maharg Towers, when on impulse I split and one of me came here. One really ought to count one's pennies, yes, one really ought to do so. You are very beautiful and so very young." The LittleFatMan winked at her again. "Call me 'daddy' if you want to."


Suzane blushed softly and went to get annoyed but then she stopped abruptly and sighed. "Dad, I remember you now. All of this remembering and forgetting business gets me frustrated."


"Tell me about it!" The LittleFatMan sighed with much well practiced melodrama. "I really did leave my own head behind once; now that was embarrassing!"


With almost anybody else Suzane would not have believed this but this was the LittleFatMan, an entity who frightened the AncientOnes though they were loathe to admit it. The LittleFatMan, in his true core aspect o aspects, was older than time. Confusingly, he was also younger than time. He took out a short wooden rod tipped with a fork with three prongs; from left to right they were tipped with caps of shiny copper, shiny silver and shiny gold. As always she wondered what it really was that he held or what he really looked like.


He smiled warmly at her. "I always look just like me, of course, my sweetness." Then he turned and lightly, almost gently, tapped the armoured barrier with the device. There was a great sparkling and shimmering of energies and suddenly it was gone, all of it. "At last the proper timespace moment has come when I can put that poor suffering soul to rights. The neuter AncientOne was considered weak by its people but he was wiser than most of them and thus the Emperor sent ShaeGaria to a fate worse than death; one reason for this was that the Empress had come to love ShaeGaria, as much as such an AncientOne could truly love anybody, and his pride was hurt. The Empress later destroyed the Emperor out of revenge and, amazingly, some genuine grief. Empress VazaToria was the mother-lover of ShaeGaria. Yes, not a very healthy relationship by many standards but at least there was genuine love somewhere, buried in it. That is not something one could say about most relationships of the AncientOnes, even family ones."


Suddenly he winced and then he sighed. "I cam close to saying too much. I have done what I must. We will dreamlink again, soon." He kissed her softly one one cheek. Then he was gone, almost as if he had never been there.


Suzane looked at the empty area and felt relieved that poor ShaeGaria was gone though she knew he would be helped in a very profound manner by the LittleFatMan. Yet she also had the niggling feeling that somehow ShaeGaria was linked to somebody familiar to her, in a very fundamental fashion, and that there was also a link between ShaeGaria and DoctorTime. Things were starting to fall into place.


=The LittleFatMan is gone!? He frightens us!


(Suzane)Just who, what, are you?


=We were a cluster faction of AncientOnes, along with gathered up others and followers, who decided that the AncientOnes should seek a brighter, more peaceful destiny and that we could even seek enlightenment, illumination and even accession to truly become the living gods-goddesses that most AncientOnes already assumed we were. They were deluded! It took place after the ending of the war with the TimeLords. We called ourselves the WayOnes, meaning simply to try to find a new 'way'. We followed the writings of Empress VazaToria, she long gone before we were born, knowing that she would have opposed any war with the TimeLords. The Empress had stopped the Emperor from starting such a war.


(Suzane)I have the impression you have changed somehow.


=The other AncientOnes were deeply angry and humiliated at being almost defeated by the TimeLords. Only the sudden, unexpected, withdrawal of the TimeLords left us surviving at all. So when we WayOnes arose to speak of another way, we were chosen as scapegoats. They trapped us in the ZeroZone, the home dimension of NullDoNull, expecting us to be destroyed. We expected also to suffer a strange and terrible fate in a timespace where AncientOnes are powerless. Instead NullDoNull transformed us so that we continued to exist and we became servants, followers, companions to NullDoNull. Must go for the terrible dark thing is hunting us again. It even concerns NullDoNull, so malignant and powerful is it but it can not touch NullDoNull or us in the ZeroZone. Bye!


Bye? Suzane smiled to herself for it was hardly the way an AncientOne would end a conversation. NullDoNull was a puzzle inside an enigma wrapped inside a mystery. NullDoNull supposedly had some connection to do with the LittleFatMan, who also went by many other names and shapeforms. The muties called him FatoFooFogo but FatoFooFogo was often female or neuter also just as the LittleFatMan could be the LittleFatWoman or the LittleFatOne. She sighed as she felt a slight headache coming on.

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00-08 (0064)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story

03-01 (0064)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The RedQueen did not dominate the transformed UmbrellaHive, now called the HavenHive, but ran it in a union with people and with the other ChessNNSes of the White and Purple. Then they linked with the Grey that was helping to wage war against the creatures swarming through RaccoonCity. The GreyChessNSS was based in a previously semiactive, secretive, semihive as linked to the old UHive. The Umbrella Corporation had set it up but only with reluctance after their mysterious Senior Partners forced them to do so; the same hidden datafiles that spoke of this also spoke of the 'vanishing' of various UmbCorp VIPs who had failed to live up to their contracts, who had tried to steal funds set aside for the GreyChessNSS so as to build new fortified mansion-bunkers for themselves.


The fighting in RaccoonCity was quieter in areas when the sun shone bright and hot enough for the zombies would be destroyed, the zombers would be hurt and the malcons were uncomfortable in it. That allowed many refugees to escape to the Safe Fortified Zones, or Green Zones, as buffered from the totally dangerous Red Zones firstly by the less dangerous Yellow Zones and then by the more dangerous Amber Zones. STAR, Special Tactical Assault Recon, Troopers, SWAT Troopers, Green Berets, Rangers and even SEAL units were now operating in the city. This was as much to show the corporation that they were no longer in control, as to fight the new menace to the USA and the world, but it allowed these units to gain valuable fighting experience against the new threat. For it was revealed that there were other UHives hidden on-in that world though the RaccoonCity one had been primary.


The USSR, which had survived only because it had gone through fundamental transformations to a state capitalist, small scale capitalist and democratic council structure, though it had unwillingly left Eastern Europe and other areas, was unhappy that there was a UHive in its territories. Since the Umbrella Corporation vanished, except for those in public that it deemed expendable, that meant starting a hunt. Japan found the same as did the European Union, the PanAfrican League and many others. The problem was that the UmbCorp had tentacles everywhere, including government, corporate and other sectors, even in the military, security, law enforcement forces that were hunting for them.


So the world was forced to create a new agency, with its own special forces and other units, heavily vetting personnel and then setting them off to hunt down UmbCorp and its secrets.


All of this took time, of course, and the Umbrella Corporation was taking full advantage of its head start. For it was far larger, far stranger, far stronger and far more deadly than had previously been assumed by most others on that world. When the LittleFatWoman showed up at a major emergency conference of government, agency and corporate VIPs in Paris, France, nobody even thought to stop her going in. Indeed the heavily armed, body-armoured, security guards showed her the way while she showed them some photographs of her few thousand children, grandchildren and so on. She also did some healing of mind, body and spirit on her way, working with addictions, getting some individuals to reveal they were linked to Umbrella Corporation and gave out some wonderful, but simple, cooking recipes. The recipes were actually designed to fix certain health problems and even budgetary ones.


The LittleFatWoman also gave out small, well made, booklets full of information on the Umbrella Corporation; it was not enough to destroy the powerful, mysterious corporation but was enough to help swing the balance if the information was used smartly, wisely and quickly enough. The booklets were very well designed, set out and in many common languages. They always went to the 'right' people.


Then she quietly departed, taking some people with her, along with pet animals, who had given up serving the Umbrella Corporation but who now needed protection from them or their allies, who were often just as dangerous. Yes, UmbCorp had dark allies but she would not reveal their names except for one; that was the True Longevity Movement promising a great new form of rejuvenation, expanded lifespan, treatment to the rich folk of the world for just $1,000,000 in International Dollars. Which to many rich people was either a bargain or worth making some financial sacrifice for. Her booklets also warned against them, their activities, their technologies and their promises.


They went to the Maharg Hotel, that was only a kilometre away, taking a large comfortable coach with special room for larger pets; the vehicle was waiting for them and was of one the Maharg Corporation's many commercial enterprises but nobody there was asked to pay anything. Yet, as she left the coach, the LittleFatWoman gave the driver a small box of the booklets and did some healing on him; she also gave him some wonderful knitting patterns to use as he sat home trying to relax with his knitting needles.

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03-02 (0065)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Alice dared to make her way out of HavenHive, that was the RaccoonCity UHive, but was wise to take some transformed freefighters with her and also some RedPawns. They got to the main surface facilities linked to the HavenHive. This was under the disguise of something called the Darkwolf Corporation who officially earned profits by supplying various research development organizations, including corporations, with a wide range of equipment and supplies, including some very special items. Thus the Umbrella Corporation used the Darkwolf Corporation to send stuff down to the UHive as it was needed. They also sent stuff up to the same puppet corporation and sent it out from there.


The US Federal Government had found one entrance to the UHive only to find, about half way down, the tunnel was collapsed by deliberate use of preset explosives. That entrance was in the Amber Zone and there was some difficulty in getting the right people and equipment to where it was needed in the tunnel. Battletanks, and other armoured military vehicles, along with soldiers in newly designed and made antizombie armour, fought off waves of zombies as they came in the darker times.


The problem was that winter was coming, it already being the first month into Autumn, or Fall or the Union Americans would call it.


Alice made her way through the Darkwolf Corporate facility, which unofficially had undertaken other functions than those run by the puppet corporation. She wore an armoured suit designed to her specifications and made by the RedKing. With her moved a RedPawn, humming very softly along on its wheels, 20mm autocannons swinging back and forth ready to blast anything dangerous to bits. Also with her was a powerful newcon, once a malcon, moving quietly and deadly like some great glistening lizard thing with a xolasergun cybernetically melded to it along with some other useful augmentations. There were also two zomans (former zombies) and two zombors (former zombers) who wore body-armour and carried AKM16 assault-rifles complete with attached shotguns and xolaserguns. The attached shotguns were where grenadeshell launchers would normally be.


Emergency lighting only lit some areas but some, like the one they were passing through, were far better lit up. They came across two dead Darkwolf Security Guards, they had clearly been shot dead through their helmet visors. They were wrapped from head to foot in body-armour and other combat gear. Alice, 'sensing' something odd about the pair of them, knelt and opened one of the visors. She frowned hard as what was exposed was a strange grey face with greyish eyes. These guards had not been normal human, not 'natural' human but somehow she knew they had once been human. Just what had been done to them?


A metal hospital trolley ahead of her was crashed onto its side. Beyond that was a T-junction in the hallways and fronting them was a large plate of armoured glass. Beyond that was a big, sterile white chamber and in that were steel tables. On those five tables were five human figures in semitransparent plastic tenting and attached to a wide array of medical machinery. Upon seeing them, Alice 'sensed' something very strange and disturbing. She stood and, weapon in hand, went at once to stop at the armoured glass.


RedQueen's voice spoke to them, quietly but loud enough to be heard, from a wall speaker. "I have managed to access the Darkwolf Corporation computer network-systems enough to carry out certain functions, to take over some mechanisms including some roboremotes. In that chamber you will find something quite surprising, Alice."


Alice would have refuted this, she had witnessed some truly amazing things in her life, but she 'sensed' this was new even for her. Then she knew and she was finding herself linking with them, with the five clones of herself, with these five other Alices. There was an armoured door to one side of where the hallway ended at the T-junction and the RedQueen had it open. Even as she entered the chamber, Alice began to pick up the muffled sounds of gunfire. A firefight was taking place inside the very large Darkwolf Corporation Complex and it was not very far off. The building was designed to muffle noises so as not to disturb special experiments or the people working in the area but the gunfire was getting noticeably closer. Alice went to the first of the tables and began helping a naked, waking AliceClone to get free of all of the tangle of medical cables and tubes.


Thankfully the AliceClones were awake, and able enough, to help themselves and soon they stood there all naked, all amazed, looking around at Alice, at her companions and at the chamber. All were special hybrids, as was Alice herself, with her special physical and other abilities. They had some of her memories but they tended to be blurred, fragmented, though were clearing up. Alice smiled at them and they smiled back.


Then Alice spoke. "We have to get you to the HavenHive, which used to be the UHive. Can you tell me if there are more like you in the building?"


AliceClone012 nodded. "There are others but we do not know clearly how many. There was another Alice, just like you, but she escaped from the building and went into RaccoonCity. We do not even know how we know this or what it means. We need equipment, we want weapons."


RedQueen: "I can guide you to a Security Guard Chamber complete with a small armoury and other gear. I suggest you hurry. There are zombers fighting human elite soldiers just close to here. You could assist the soldiers."


Alice was puzzled by the news of this other 'Alice' who the AliceClones had not called a 'clone' as they were. Yet there were immediate, pressing priorities to respond to. So she sent the AliceClones, with some protection, to go to the Security Guard Chamber. In another direction she went with the newcon, one zoman and one zombor. The RedPawn, one zombor and one zoman, had gone with the AliceClones to protect them despite they having special enhancements and other abilities; for they were still 'new' to their lives, still like 'infants' in some ways.


They came upon the once human zombers, infected-infested with both the U-virus and T-virus, crouched in a big chamber behind various crates, boxes and bits of metal furniture. The eleven zombers had once been police officers, or so it seemed, with police body-armour. They had an odd range of weapons. Across the chamber from them were five STAR Troopers, elite paramilitary types, in special body-armour and using assault-carbines except one who had a large, clumsy looking, xolasergun. A xolaserbeam punched into a zomber and the former woman died, her body burning away as if from spontaneous combustion. Her gear fell around her body. Yet the battle was going against the humans for they were outnumbered, outgunned, and their ammo was running out. They seemed exhausted and two were lightly wounded. They must have had trouble and escaped to the building hoping to find resources or perhaps even temporary safety.


Alice, the RedPawn, the two freefighters, all opened up with a withering blast of well aimed firepower. The zombers went down, burned away, burned away standing. Taken by surprised, they could not whirl to shoot at their new enemies fast enough. The zombers had been police officers, not combatants, and had made a mistake in not watching out for danger coming from other directions. Then they were all gone but their equipment, clothes, other items remained behind.

Edited by Maharg67
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Notes A to Z: K


Kick Murder Squad



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Main character in story; of special nature and abilities. A young woman, eurowhite, slimly muscular, attractive and surprisingly similar in appearance to a famous Bigtropolis supermodel.




Anderson Family

Mother, father and baby (to be extended).



Angelic-human, human having come from Bigtropolis-BigState.



Yet to appear.



Main character in story; citizen of Bigtropolis-BigState; human woman.

To be added to.


Doctor (the Doctor) DoctorTime

TimeLord of much fame and infamy; eccentric; amazingly important influence on timespace events, especially in the Home Universe of the TimeLords.



Koombrasa muties' name for LittleFatMan, LittleFatOne, LittleFatWoman.



Brutal metaclone metahuman craving power and to ease his growing addictions as he grows older.


Jezz, Joza, Jaze Jezzenariza

Once deformed, dangerous superhumans created by foolish desperate superhuman experimentation to overcome infertility problems in the superhuman population of Koombrasa, these cloned triplets were test-transformed to become much finer beings; yet in truth they are one-as-three-as-one, are three semiautonomous entities of a joint mentality.


LittleFatMan, LittleFatOne, LittleFatWoman





Supersoldier Officer of First Encounter Assault Recon, FEAR, of FEAR55.



Leader of a surviving group of AncientOnes


TallThinMan (Field Marshal Rear Admiral)



Special android

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