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02-14 (0066)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


The Conda Armies, on Koombrasa, seemed more intent on destroying each other than they did in achieving anything else except that SheShaShiShoShu was still trying to reach the AncientOnes' supercity of DeathCity. The Grand Triple Labyrinth had grown around it, but at a distance, and was proving not to be a total obstacle to reaching the bizarre buried metropolis.


In Domehaven, which was now changed by the LittleFatMan to be less exotic but much safer, Shazz02 had arrived and was now having a romantic sexual relationship with Derra, as Shazz. The DoctorTARDIS was gone as were various other powerful ancient artifacts and mechanisms. Those that were remained were much less dangerous, even harmless, and often helpful to the freefolk.


Ash was still there, was still angelic-human, and was attempting to communicate with the Angelicaconda Army Leadership, such as it was for angelici had their own way of doing things, but so far had failed. They knew she was attempting to communicate, Ash 'sensed' it, but the Angelicaconda were of a different set of factions than were Ash's angelici elementals. The Angelicaconda angelics had very very long ago become distanced, even estranged, from the great majority of angelici because of Angelicaconda's insistence on keeping on fighting the Conda Wars. Other angelics could see no good reason for doing so but had no power to stop it from happening and no authority that the Angelicaconda would recognize.


Suzane wondered why she was not angry that the DoctorTARDIS was now gone, along with other amazing items that could have shown her so much. It came to her, somehow, that firstly it was much safer that way for Domehaven and its people but also, secondly, that she would soon enough be able to again access the same items. She 'sensed' that these realizations had been left to her courtesy of the LittleFatMan.


Suzane, Shazz02, Derra, Ash and some others were holding a meeting of sorts. Some mutie scholars were in the background arguing over possible mutie philosophies linking mutie appetites for sodapop drinks with the proper implementation of mutie justice enforcement. The debate consisted of some talking, some shouting, some wrestling and some sulking. Being well used to such, those in the meeting were not disturbed by these mutie philosophers.


"Why do the chaotica want to get to Deathcity?" Shazz02 asked a question, being as puzzled as the others except for Ash. He aimed his question primarily at Ash simply because she was angelic-human. "Any ideas?"


Ash shook her head a little. "No great ideas! All spiritual elementals of our kind operate by rules that are very hard to define. Chaotica, being chaos, has rules that are most bizarre and hard to comprehend from outside of the chaotica. Often it is suspected that even chaotica can have trouble with their own rules. There is also the fact that the chaotica of the Chaoticaconda are estranged from other chaotica factions who view Chaoticaconda as being too directed, too ordered, to truly be of chaotica. The chaotica are often drawn to things, to events, to certain energies, as all of we spiritual elementals are but in our own unique ways. Something could be pulling them towards Deathcity. If so it would have to be both very powerful and very chaotic of nature; the idea does not bode well for Koombrasa or even this world."


Derra spoke out. "I wish to return briefly back to Bigtropolis to learn what I can of what has been happening there and also to make contact with my people there. Shazz02 might stay here or might come with me."


Shazz02 smiled. "Shazz03 will do that but it will still be Shazz. I suggest that Ash leads a group to try to check on if chaotica scouts have managed to reach even the outskirts of Deathcity. You can 'sense' the presence of chaotica much more easily than can the rest of us."


Ash smiled. "I am not sure about that, Shazz, for I 'sense' a growth of abilities, of power, in both you and Derra. Suzane is changing also but, being a TimeLord, I have less ability to read her. TimeLords are really quite amazing and exotic a people."


Suzane sighed. "Yes, we are, but not always in ways that we welcome." Then, as if realizing she had said too much, she changed topics. "Professor Chrono, my grandfather, has made contact with me again. The transformation of the ChronoTARDIS seems to have completed a first stage and has entered a second one; this is deeper, more subtle and beyond even the TimeSage's greater understanding. He is most annoyed and frustrated for the LittleFatMan set of a chain of events that is turning the ChronoTARDIS slowly, steadily, into something that will too soon be no longer a TimeLord TARDIS at all, if it has not already come to that. The changes are very much linked to the AncientOnes, to the superhumans of Koombrasa, to the fact that this AlternateEarth is ultimately both the original home world of both the AncientOnes and the superhumans."


Korra as the home world of the AncientOnes and the superhumans? There had always been stories, whispers, clues of that being the case and so it was far from a surprising idea. The AncientOnes had created the amazing Skylands there along with other great wonders.


Now the surface of that world, both the three supercontinents and the three great oceans, were a toxic madness of great mutated monsters and other distorted lifeforms, along with other dangerous things. Great supermonsters, each over a couple of kilometres high and-or long, dominated the land, air and sea. They often fought each other in great brutal battles but the results were most often stalemates. Some supermonsters were famed such as Godzilla, KingKong and Hydravaur. It was said that the AncientOnes somehow caused the terrible transformation of the world of Korra but it was unknown if it had been intentional or not.


The AncientOnes had arisen there? So just how ancient was Korra, the AlternateEarth? What had the superhumans done to cause the Super Explosion and what link did that have with the true nature of Korra, of the Skylands?


Which was when startling news arrived that a large, dangerous army of unknown nature was moving through the Grand Silver Labyrinth and that it was heading for Domehaven. It was fairly large but fairly slow and showed its danger because any muties it had met had been brutally slain, enslaved or forced to flee for their lives. Reports spoke of floating metallic spheres, striding metallic humanoids, strange vehicles and even great metallic slug like things that could fly, slither or swim with much speed and efficiency. They called themselves the CyberEmpire and they came from the only SkyContinent of the Skylands that was known as Skaromondas. Once it had been a great pride of the AncientOnes and then the superhumans tried to take it over but whether they succeeded or not was a fact lost in history to any outside of Skaromondas.

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03-03 (0067)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Alice went forward to speak with the officer commanding the five STAR Troopers. He was a lieutenant and seemed, like the others, highly skilled and experienced. The man was tall, slimly muscular, rugged looking, which was no surprise. She 'sensed' that he was a cyborg, was augmented and also had some enhancements. He was holding an advanced bullpup configured M6767A2 assault-rifle complete with attachments of a xolasergun and a special shotgun.


He spoke. "Amazing firepower and interesting comrades you have. I am Lieutenant Carlos Olivera of Special Tactical Assault Recon, or the STAR to you. These scum, and some others of their kind, followed us into this place. We assumed it was what it said it was at the front but went through some secret armoured doors somebody left open in panic, most likely, and found this place. It stinks of the Umbrella Corporation, if anything does, and I would not be surprised if there is a way here that leads down to the UmbrellaHive. You people, I use the word loosely, look to be products of Umbrella Corporation experiments."


Alice frowned softly. "Watch your words, lieutenant, these are people that were all humans who were turned into monsters and then transformed back into people but not back into humans. They are able to fight the monsters swarming across RaccoonCity and that is what is important. Humans with the U-virus become zombies, with the T-virus become malcons and with both become the zombers. Zombers can become zombors, zombies can be zomans and malcons can become newcons. Here is a newcon, a zoman and a zombor. I am something else again."


The lieutenant nodded after studying Alice with obvious thoughtfulness. "Yes, damned dangerous is what you are. Malcons, zombers and zombies are not our only concern out there. There is a big hulking humanoid, damned powerful, damned lethal, who butchered a whole STAR platoon in seconds. The STAR Troopers were not taken by surprise; they were prepared to fight the creature."


Alice was puzzled and showed it. "I know of no such entity but it can only be another of UmbCorp's damned experiments. In this building is a pathway down to the UmbrellaHive but it is called the HavenHive now and it has new occupants, new managers, is independent. The last of the zombies, malcons and zombers departed from there or were destroyed, even before the newcomers began to enter the structure. The GreyQueen operates from there."


Carlos frowned. "HQ won't like this but they will acknowledge we need the assistance of the GreyQueen to fight the Umbrella Menace. Do the Umbrella Corporation control any of the monsters?"


"Not that I know of. There was sabotage in the UHive and things went wrong for the corporation as much as they did for their employees." Alice sniffed the air softly. "I hope you sealed this place up after you."


The STAR Officer snorted. "We did but that does not mean the zombers did the same. Why?"


She frowned. "Zombies are moving through the Darkwolf Corporation area of this complex. Not many so far but they are attracted to the living, to you, and where there are some, too often soon there are many more. Before I was captured by the UmbCorp scum, I was with some people including one of the fools who sabotaged the UHive and unleashed both the T-virus and the U-virus. Most they were Umbrella Security Troopers, elite paramilitary like you. None of the others survived except an activist fighting the Umbrella Corporation who was our prisoner for a while. When I was abducted, he was also taken but he was very ill. We foolishly turned of the RedQueen, the RedChessNNS, and unleashed zombies, zombers and malcons that then must have got out into RaccoonCity though I wonder how they did because the UHive was still in lock-down from the outside when we got away."


They had to move, it was obvious. When the RedPawn roboremote, the other zoman, the other zombor and the five AliceClones appeared, the STAR Troopers stared in surprise but not in astonishment for they had experienced far too much weirdness already for that sort of reaction. The AliceClones had helmets on but with open visors to show their faces.


They fought the fast shambling zombies, stinking strangely and rotting with unnatural slowness, coming into the secret area through doors left open by the now destroyed zombers. They shot and burned away the zombies, closed and locked the doors. As soon as they did there would soon be less reason for zombies to be attracted to the area, hopefully. They went seeking some resources to help the STAR Troopers with, including medical assistance for the wounded one.


They ended up going to the very same chamber where the AliceClones had gained their gear and supplies from. There was a first aid bay there with some basic and some fancier equipment. There were also some strange devices, all in one corner area, that did not look like anything like normal medical technologies. Alice mentioned the strange Security Guards with their grey, hairless features but the STAR Troopers knew nothing of such things.


Another Trooper, a woman named Wendy, she being a corporal, was frowning. "You know I did hear some odd stories but I assumed they were nothing but some of the wild s**t that is going around the city these days, especially in the Green Zone especially since the whole city was locked down in quarantine and nobody can leave. Somebody said that some rich fools who took those longevity treatments, the $1,000,000 ones the news shows have been going ape about, have been turning in grey monsters; not all but many of them. Others died and some became, well something even worse. Maybe I didn't want to believe the stories since we have so much to deal with already. The US Federal Government is covering it up because, some say, some of their highest level people took the treatments despite that they were forbidden to do so by the White House."


Yes, that would make matters very messy for the US Federal Government. Alice began to examine the strange equipment in the corner.

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00-09 (0068)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The ShadowLord slipped from the great domechamber, the one that had housed many dead AncientOne bodies. Those bodies came with him now as flesh-puppets, as extensions filled with enslaved AncientOne souls. They were powerful, dreadful, but not as powerful as the AncientOnes had once been. The black smoke creature, with the red light inside of absorbed AncientOne souls, had never fully gained access to their power. It was unaware, somehow, that those tormented souls were still resisting it somehow.


The ShadowLord soon tired of that term, of that title, for there were many amongst the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow who could be called such. So soon enough it named itself ShadowLord Shadozaza. It did not know it but in this, as in so much else, it was being manipulated by a very dark, powerful but subtle force. As it flowed through the ancient ways of Deathcity, as its big humanoids of puppets followed it, Shadozaza sought to escape that place. It was bleak beyond normal bleakness, it was lifeless to a point that it almost seemed to want to absorb any form of life. The very fabric of the supercity was unnatural, perhaps antinatural, seemed somehow out of place in normal existence.


Why had the AncientOnes created such a supercity? It demanded answers from its captured souls and one spoke with great reluctance.


It is hard to remember, so very long ago, but it was built by we AncientOnes around a core that was a even more ancient, and extremely alien vessel. That vessel is still at the very core of the supercity. Deathcity did not have that name then. It was created to contain, to keep secure, to study and to gain secrets from the vast spacetimeship of a people, if one could call them that, of the Greyvari or the 'Greys' though most mistook the distorted humanoids of their flesh-puppets, their avatars, for the actual Greyvari themselves. We did not know much about the Greyvari except that they were not meant to exist and that they came from a very timespace distant sector of the Multiverse. In our arrogance we considered ourselves completely in control of the situation. Too late did we realize that we were far from being so. The influence began to spread through out the supercity and then we were being driven to escape except those you captured for we were trapped inside a great chamber. In desperation we did something very foolish and so it was that you betrayed us.


Then the soul screamed as Shadozaza 'lashed' it in a psychic manner but the punishment soon ceased as the dark entity had more important things to consider than having some pleasure in hurting one that had been so very powerful. It could now 'sense' danger itself and that danger was slowly growing, intensifying, as if something that had been sleeping was awakening to focusing on this intruder.


Another soul dared to speak. Through out Deathcity are transdimensional domechambers, sanctuaries, where the Great Undeath was unable to penetrate. We could have remained safe back in that chamber but we were desperate to escape from Deathcity and even panicky. We do not know if other AncientOnes, their followers and puppets, have survived here in Deathcity or at all.


Then the undeathless came, worse than mere zombies, moving inside a glowing fog of morgue light that itself was an entity, the main entity. They came moving in a strange graceless graceful fashion the creatures that had once served the AncientOnes in Deathcity. There were superhumans, low hulking superhulks, floating orbites with tentacles ending in smaller tentacles, humans, aumans and many others including animals and organic constructs of many kinds known as fabricants.


Shadozaza suddenly knew real fear and began retreating towards the domechamber it had come from but then a whirling vortex of energies opened up, full of flickering energies that pushed back the undeathless but not him or his puppets. It was a gateway and, having little choice, Shadozaza went through it. The journey through the long snaking tube of energies, like some perverse timespace wormhole, was difficult but then it was finished.


Shadozaza, and its helpless puppets, came out into a great domechamber of another AncientOne supercity. It glowed with the energies of the AncientOnes and suddenly the enslaved souls were breaking away from Shadozaza, were escaping and the bodies vanished with them. At first it assumed the AncientOnes had tricked him but then 'sensed' that they were as surprised by what had happened as he was, were taking advantage of the situation. Then all those AncientOnes were gone, with their bodies.


Shadozaza felt weakened but, strangely, not as weakened as he would have expected to be. For he found that he was able to feed off the energies of the supercity and even as the ShadowLord did so, that he could refine matters to do so more efficiently.

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02-15 (0069)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


As the cybermanic army approached Domehaven, as the Chaoticaconda Army kept approaching Deathcity and attacking Greenhaven, as the Angelicaconda Army helped defend Greenhaven, as the Demoniconda Army fought the other Conda Armies, other forces emerged to join the great conflict.


From WolfdoomCastle, that had briefly been RedCastle, came a great DoomLords led DoomHorda army and from the first it became allied with the Demoniconda Army though they did not fight as one. Great cyberdemons and cyborgspiders came visible first as they were surrounded by winged demonic humanoids, with floating fleshy globes, with swarms of flaming skulls shooting through the air. There were cyberdemons smaller than the great ones and bigger than even more common smaller ones that still were large. With them came other demonic entities but mostly there were zomber like former humans in special body-armour bringing many Wolfdoom weapons with them. Many of these former Nazi German soldiers came in armoured warmachines from battletanks to halftrack trucks to tracktrucks and even trucks and cars. Such machines were altered copies of those that had come from the Nazi German's home AlternateEarth. The former human soldiers were known as reanimants.


RedFoxie observed the Chaoticaconda from a distance, the great behemoth supermutants stomping across the land in special body-armour and carrying special adapted large weapons such as autocannons, multiple rocket launchers, missile launchers, great big flamers and big energy weapons.The behemoths were generally stupid and blindly aggressive. Sometimes, unthinkingly and uncaringly, they would step on and crush smaller 'allies' such as zentaurs or even other, smaller supermutants. Chaotica elementals possessed these monsters, as they did others, but that did not mean they were more careful, far from it.


Explosions erupted amongst the slowly, steadily advancing Chaoticaconda even as they were bombarded with enemy long range artillery and missiles. Even as she watched a behemoth was blown to pieces before it could make any great screams of rage or pain. More explosions, mostly brown smoke in appearance, took place. She wondered where such creatures had come from? Muties had stories of such having come from the very edges of a great AncientOne supercity of Deathcity but that had been a very long time ago so where had they been since then, even if it was the same bunch. She noted metamutants in power armour moving in a more organized efficient manner than the supermutants who they tended to avoid as much as possible. Strange animal-mutant animataurs were swarming with the others and these also seemed intent on keeping a safe distance from the supermutants, especially the hulking behemoths and the more common, less hulking, but still monstrously large megamoths. Massemoths were the 'common small' size of supermutants but were still hulking big.


A great atomic motorized battletank came roaring along a road, multiple turrets bristling with different guns and launchers; it was powerful, heavily armoured, fairly fast but also clumsy. Another of these monstrous machines came along and yet another, each with metamutant soldiers following behind, hoping to have protection with out getting too close to the big targets. Then came another machine, like the battletanks, but instead of weapons it was bulkier and, she guessed, carried equipment and supplies.


RedFoxie was not greatly impressed by the strategic or tactical skills of the Chaoticaconda but was impressed by the sheer size, power and aggressive courage of it. There must have been many thousands of fighting entities and machines in view including bulky metallic vertibirds flying through the sky in the hundreds. The problem was that the chaotica controlled forces were between her group and Domehaven.


So she had to find a way down to the new Grand Triple Labyrinth, that the muties assured her was still expanding across Koombrasa, and through that reach Domehaven. Not knowing about the cybermanic army, she figured that it would be fairly easy and safe to go where the chaotica could not go.


Then it happened, just for a moment, a blue police box appeared with a strange humming thromming noise but never fully materialized, never fully became solid appearing. Then, just as quickly as it had come, it was gone. But behind itself it left a smooth metallic cube exactly three metres high and wide. RedFoxie went carefully to it, 'sensing' somehow that it was meant for her and the others to find it, both supersoldiers and muties. When she touched it, some information flowed into her mind and she knew this to be a MiniTARDIS, a kind of 'boat' of a 'ship' that was a true TARDIS. Only this one belonged to something called the DoctorTARDIS. A door opened in that one side of the cube vanished for long enough time for all of them to go into a much bigger cube shaped chamber. Like a TARDIS, a MiniTARDIS was bigger inside than outside but much less so than was a TARDIS. A MiniTARDIS also was more limited in many other ways. The MiniTARDIS dematerialized with the same sort of noise that had come from the DoctorTARDIS.


A tall, handsome, distinguished looking man stood there at a control console, watching a timespace column moving steadily up and down in the centre of that console. He turned and smiled at the newcomers. "Welcome, I am DoctorTime or at least one of his regenerations. Perhaps it should not have happened but it seems all of his different selves have been called in from different timespace zones to assist against a great threat that might put this whole Timespace Sector in danger. That is trillions and trillions of lives and many thousands of worlds and hundreds of suns. No pressure, though. Liz and Sarah are here also but they are tinkering in one of the other chambers; since their transformation into TimeLordites they have been able to help in so many ways. You can call me the 'Doctor' or DoctorTime or, by a false name I sometimes used to use, Doctor Pertwee." He pulled out a short metallic device ending in a small shining blue crystal. "Sonic-screwdriver, amazing that I never thought to make one myself. One of my future regenerations made it for me. Nice chap but a bit flighty with that long scarf of his."


RedFoxie nodded. "I am commander of FEAR55. We are supersoldiers and muties."


"Supersoldiers?" The TimeLord sighed. "Yes, yes, I see but perhaps we can achieve things with out killing too many people."


RedFoxie did not bother to take offense. "We need to go to Domehaven and meet somebody called Derra from Bigtropolis-BigState. We supersoldiers come from the same place but the muties come from here, from Koombrasa the SkyIsland."


DoctorTime Pertwee smiled. "You have been test-transformed. So were we TimeLords a very long time ago and then we, DoctorTime, were test-transformed again. It saved me, us, from a very terrible fate indeed. Now, we can not go directly to Domehaven but we can go into part of the Grand Golden Labyrinth that lies wrapped around it. The LittleFatMan really did start of something truly amazing in the way of transformations but why, well I am not even sure that EVEN he knows. I suggest that you settle down, have a rest, while I park us somewhere safely away from that dreadful war out there. You can get taste adjusted food, drink and also water from that device over there, there are some body-cubicles over there for many purposes and there are body conforming couches near to both. I am sure Liz or Sarah will show up soon to assist you. I must focus on the task at hand."


So it was done!

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03-04 (0070)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Supersoldiers, a platoon of them, came to meet Alice and her group. As they appeared with amazing speed and quietness, the thirteen of them, they moved in stealth power armour and with amazing multiple modular weapons and other devices. Nine were privates, three were NCOs and one was an officer. Two NCOs were corporals and one was a sergeant. The officer was a lieutenant. Then there was a specialist with the rank of second lieutenant who was attached to the platoon temporarily. Such field specialists were often given the rank of second lieutenant to allow them some authority while not having them become part of the platoon's command structure. This was the FEAR way of doing things. In this case the field specialist was a science officer out to investigate technologies and scientific knowledge in that complex.


The commander spoke. "We supersoldiers have been sent from the AlternateEarth of Terra015a110, this AlternateEarth being Terra014b247. We come from Bigtropolis-BigState as ruled by the Grand Immortal Factions but we do not serve them, were not created by them. We are commanded by the TallThinMan who is also known as Field Marshal Rear Admiral. He is now based in HavenHive, in what was called the UmbrellaHive of RaccoonCity. We are all tested-transformed and we are of Unity."


Unity? Alice had an odd 'sense' of familiarity with the term though she doubted she had heard as referring to a particular movement or faction or other such. She did have the 'sense' that she could trust these supersoldiers as she had about the test-transformed former monsters produced by the T-virus and U-virus. "What are you seeking to find in this place?"


"Everything and anything that can be of use, that can be stored away for possible use, that can answer a series of important questions and solve some important mysteries." The science officer spoke up this time. "My role is to try to work out what is worth salvaging so that it can be better evaluated by others later, that is by specialists of various kinds and by the PurpleChessNNS."


The STAR commander arched his eyebrows. "PurpleChessNNS, supersoldiers from another world in its territories, the USA is not going to be too pleased about this. I will have to report these matters to HQ; it is my duty to do so."


"Of course and we will help you do so." The FEAR commander responded. "One always has to do one's duty."


The STAR officer sighed. "Actually I don't trust my commanders so I think we may delay my report for some time to come. STAR was set up in RaccoonCity partly with the assistance of the Umbrella Corporation who chose many of the officers. It was a stupid thing to do, and a corrupt one, for what was supposed to be a paramilitary unit serving the democratic government and the people. Except for one individual, you can trust all the STAR Troopers here." He turned and pointed to a young trooper, a stocky man with scars running down both cheeks. "Him I am not so sure about."


The sergeant with the scars grinned. "Aaahhh, come on Sir, just because you keep losing at poker to me."


The STAR officer laughed at that and turned again. Another trooper, a handsome young man with cold eyes, drew out his 10mm calibre semiautomatic pistol, a powerful handgun, but even as he went to shoot a very small dart struck him and he collapsed towards the ground. With a flicker of motion a supersoldier caught him as if the bigger figure was made of feathers, and lowered him to the floor. The cold eyed man had moved with amazing speed, had taken the other STAR Troopers by surprise.


Carlos had drawn up his weapon, as had others there, but the supersoldiers had moved much more quickly. The STAR commander shook his head in wonder. "Damned it, he would have shot me. I knew he was changed but not how much. He became strange, disturbing to be with, his old dog started to hate him and he smelt 'funny'. We found some strange vials of substance hidden in his body-armour. He seemed addicted to it somehow."


They found, and examined, the vials. The substance smelt 'strange and disturbing'. Alice put the stopper back into the vial they had opened and grimaced. "Reminds me somehow of the U-virus experimentation being carried on. Something about a Forced Evolutionary Virus made from a transformed combining of the U-virus and the T-virus along with something else called the K-virus. I am not even sure where the memories come from. Perhaps they come from my alien nature that was infused into me when I was transformed."


They tried to question the unnaturally transformed young man but found that somehow he had died, that something hidden had killed him. Except that when Alice touched the corpse there was a sparkling shimmer of test-transformation and moments later an older teenager was there, was sleeping peacefully. He was that other man but was normal again, was given another chance. The STAR Troopers stared at Alice, and the transformed resurrected human, in wonder.


Carlos spoke. "How did you do that?"


"I didn't do that. Such is beyond me." Alice shook her head in wonder. "I know what this place is now. The Umbrella Corporation had it set up as a secondary, emergency base. When the UHive was cut off from them they converted it into an emergency command centre and research development site. They captured me briefly.... I think. Yet there is another Alice out there that is not an AliceClone. This is most confusing."


"You are Alice but not the Alice from this particular AlternateEarth. You come from an AlternateEarth with many similarities but with some important differences. With out knowing it, you were brought from that other AlternateEarth to this one. Then you went from here to the SkyIsland of Koombrasa and have then come back here." A tall, thin man, oddly handsome in an angular fashion, stood there now almost as if he had always been there. With him were more supersoldiers including some specialists. "When the Super Explosion took place on-in Koombrasa, it somehow had you cross between AlternateEarths though, as yet, I do not know why. I am the TallThinMan!" He wore power armour both like and unlike that of the supersoldiers. "You were meant to come here, were meant to go to Koombrasa, were meant to meet others that you have met and meant to be bonded with the RedQueen who you have become closely allied to."


Alice sighed. "What happened to RaccoonCity on my own AlternateEarth?"


"Destroyed by a nuclear weapon as activated by the Umbrella Corporation's hired mercenaries who died in the explosion because they thought they were doing something else rather than detonating a H-bomb hidden beneath the centre of your version of RaccoonCity. Another hidden H-bomb also destroyed the version of the UHive hidden below your RaccoonCity. Many innocent people died on your world but both the T-virus and the U-virus outbreaks were destroyed along with very many zombies, zombers and malcons. Many more people, over two thirds of the population, also managed to get out of RaccoonCity and to safety thanks to the efforts of three people and the organizations that backed them. As on this AlternateEarth, the Umbrella Corporation there has gone into hiding, is being hunted by the governments, and others, of that world."


Alice sighed softly. "Over two thirds escaped? Now that is good to hear."

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Notes A to Z: L


Licker, The

Very powerful experimental malcon type monster created in the UHive but destroyed by Alice. More than one version of this story on more than one AlternateEarth.


LittleFatMan, LittleFatOne, LittleFatWoman


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02-16 (0071)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


So what caused the Super Explosion that did so much death, destruction and disruption to Koombrasa? Nobody seemed to have come any real close to the answer except for the name of a great project that the Grand Thirteens were carrying out. Had the project been the cause, or part of the cause, of the Super Explosion? Then came some very odd bits of information as a very fast flying, one person courier slipjet landed at Greenhaven. Such slipjets were launched by railguns in special capsules that split open to release the slipjets by then moving very fast. Such a slipjet was amazingly quick, easily over three times the speed of sound. This one landed with some difficulty despite that the Greenhaven people hastily set up a landing area for it after getting both incoming communications and psychic warnings from various freefolk.


The small, slim normie woman was test-transformed. She stepped out, a little shakily, in her special flight-suit from the slightly crumpled slipjet. The receptor fields had worked fine, as had other ground preparations and the slipjet's own special network-systems. The woman looked around after taking off her helmet and sniffed the air. Then she spoke. "I am Lieutenant Elissa, Slipjet Pilot Class A1. I come from the Unified People's Republic of Koombrasa, the UPRK. Like you, we call ourselves freefolk. Perhaps this is part of our both being linked to the rise of Unity on-in Koombrasa. It took many valuable resources to get me here but more important is the information that I bring along with some artifacts. The Super Explosion left large areas of Koombrasa largely intact except that the superhumans vanished from there also as if swept away. The UPRK has had no real problems with crazed superhumans, all of them being escapees from special complexes set up for experimentally born superhuman children who went wrong."


Shazz01 was there but so were the superhuman triplets of Jaze, Jezz and Joza. Shazz01 spoke. "These three fine superhuman teenagers were once 'crazed' but were test-transformed into being much finer people."


The pilot did not seem surprised and for good reason. "Well yes, I am also a test-transformed superhuman who was once 'crazed'. I was sent because of the sheer danger of slipjet flight and because I could, and did, assist the mission here with my special abilities. Something very dangerous, very powerful, very cunning and very secretive was trying to stop me. I doubt that a normal slipjet pilot would have survived the flight."


Shazz suddenly reached out and touched the forehead of the pilot. A shimmering went through her body and then was gone. She looked shocked and appalled.


Shazz01 sighed. "You are as you say you are but one of the artifacts you bring is a bomb meant to heavily damage or even destroy Greenhaven. Still, we can try to use the bomb to try to find out just who, what, created it and how they did so and even perhaps where they did so. You have done nothing wrong! What ever influenced your mind did so in an amazingly subtle and clever fashion. Somehow I detected it."


Jezz smiled. "Shazz is our father."


Shazz was still getting used to that idea but he liked having the teenagers as his children. He was doing his best and seemed to be doing a good job as a parent.


The pilot smiled. "Yes, our Mysterious Advisers state that he is also my clone-father, my father. Hello father!"


Shazz smiled. "Oh... this is wonderful." He hugged the 'young' superhuman woman and tried not to be to embarrassed. He then spoke again. "We have to get the slipjet in under cover and have its repairs begun. Professor Chrono will want to meet you. He is a TimeLord."


Elissa nodded. "I was sent to meet a TimeLord of great status, abilities, power and experience though he was not identified to me for security reasons. I was also sent to meet you, Shazz, and others who you choose. We have discovered that the Super Explosion was linked, through timespace, to events through out timespace reaching back to the vanishing of the AncientOnes and perhaps even further back to the FirstOnes, as some call them."


Shazz felt a cold shiver down his spine and wondered where such a sensation had arisen from and why it had come then. Then he realized it was the first time that he, as Shazz, had heard the term 'FirstOnes'. What was so chilling about the term as referring to the very very ancient human people who were supposedly ancestors of the AncientOnes and even others, perhaps including the TimeLords. So the Super Explosion of Koombrasa was part of a great timespace event.


=An event reaching across timespace and the alternates; what an amazing and appalling concept? It could explain how, why, the superhumans of Koombrasa vanished except for the poor 'crazed' superhumans as created by stupid, selfish experiments of the Grand Thirteens. That is with some surprise exceptions.


The pilot went on. "I was only told that this was discovered because of the finding of a buried Grand Thirteen scientific research base below Triple Great Mountain, the super mountain that is three mountains flowing into one greater structure. It was created by the AncientOnes and, because of its nature, could be used by the Grand Thirteens to carry out a wide range of often dangerous and foolish experimental projects. We found some dying superhumans there, all in special capsules, and they were test-transformed back into a new life. They, I do not know anything specific about them, guided newcomers through the base and to the vital data that had been collected during the Super Explosion itself. I know no more for security reasons and yet I have buried inside my mind some special data and I also have some special datacapsules to hand to you along with some documents and the three artifacts, one being the bomb."


Professor Chrono appeared in the area of the landed slipjet and spoke. As usual he was elegantly, but oddly dressed. "Nothing you say surprises me. Our efforts, in the ChronoTARDIS, to learn more about the Super Explosion has led to the finding of some very unusual, curious and disturbing data. Not conclusions so much as strong clues, guidelines, towards a possible answer to a great mystery, perhaps more than one mystery. We must go! The Chaoticaconda Army is withdrawing away from here, is focusing on-in the large zone where both Domehaven and Deathcity are situated. Part of the reason that they are moving off is that a great Demoniconda Army, boosted by DoomHorda forces, is now moving swiftly in our direction. At least swiftly for such a huge army. The Angelicaconda have already stated they will stay, dig in and help defend Greenhaven but that the Demoniconda Army is now at least two and a half times the size of its forces and at least twice as powerful in many ways. We must defend Greenhaven from this threat."


At that moment a very long range cluster-missile rose from a launch tube in the ground, rose, curved and then shot off towards the far distant enemy at extreme supersonic speed. Then another joined it and then two more until a dozen of the long range cluster-missiles were shooting towards the Demoniconda. They quickly vanished out of sight. Because of the nature of the Koombrasan and Korran atmospheres, the missiles had to travel a more horizontal path to get to the enemy.

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Ancient War between the TimeLords and the AncientOnes!? Ramifications of this event!?




Coming of the Grand Justification of Glorious Plenitudes of Progressive Possibility





Transformed mortal cyborg from Bigtropolis-BigState! What is she really and what cause does she really serve? Why can she also instigate the test-transformations with others!?


Explosion that changed Koombrasa, that killed, made vanish, badly hurt and-or turned superhumans crazed (not mental illness)!?


Left Handed Screwdrivers!?

Just how important a factor are they in this wondrous epic story!?



What is he really and what is he doing, how is he doing it? How is he linked to Professor Chrono, Derra, Shazz and the others? What is the Maharg Tower? What are the strange dreams of the LittleFatMan and what is the meaning that lies behind them?

Maharg Tower

DollHotel, DollHouse


Professor Chrono, TimeLord, TimeSage


RedQueen, RedChessNNS

To be done!



Who, what, is Shazz really? Is he more than a metaclone metahuman? Just what does the angelic-human Ash know about him? How is it that he can instigate the test-transformations with others?





What are their connection with what is happening? They did wage the great war with the AncientOnes, a very long time ago? Were the AncientOnes seeking revenge when they vanished? Did the seeking of revenge have something to do with the vanishing?


Umbrella Corporation and its true nature; the Senior Partners; the many other aspects of the Umbrella Corporation.

Progress Unlimited Corporation!?


To be expanded and edited.

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02-17 (0072)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Bullets, shells, energy pulses and other projectiles shot between the invaders and the defenders. The defenders were not there to stop the enemy, an impossible task for they were both outgunned and outnumbered, but to slow the enemy as much as possible. This was to give Domehaven an increased chance of preparing for the big attack. Too many freefighters died, or were badly wounded, slowing down the enemy but they did so with the fall of many of the enemy.


The CyberImperial Army continued to move through the Grand Silver Labyrinth, which seemed stable and completed in that area except for some relatively minor effects and changes, as it headed straight for Domehaven. There were heavy thudding cybermen, like dull dark silvery power armour but these were true cyborgs, great slithering cybermats like silvery metallic creatures, and floating silvery metallic globes. The first units were combinations of cybermen, cybermats and cyberglobes. Then came metallic hovercraft designed to carry the cybermen, to be operated by them. These cyberhovers were fairly heavily armoured and armed, each holding either nine cybermen fighters and three crew or three crew and special equipment. The cybermats flew low at times and were lifted by the same kind of antigrav technologies that lifted the cyberglobes and cyberhovers.


The strange, dehumanized army had come from Skaromondas, the one and only SkyContinent of the Skylands of Korra. The cybermanic forces moved with basic, brutal, militaristic efficiency. They seemed unmoved by their own losses but were quick to reclaim and send of smashed cyber-units for salvaging. Sensors soon picked up that the cyberglobes were not actually robots but were cyborgs, as were the cybermen and that the same were true of the great cybermats.


The fighting was savage until orders came for all defending units to break off fighting and to withdraw quickly to safety. The defenders were suffering far too many losses and were slowing down the enemy only a very small amount. Reluctantly the muties, normies and others turned to retreat very rapidly. Thankfully preparations had already been made to allow this to happen with great efficiency. Then they were gone and the cybermanic forces were speeding up but just a little. They made no efforts at all to catch up to the freefighters.


The Demoniconda Army marching on Greenhaven was slowed by long range attacks made on it by freefighters but also by the other two Conda Armies. Yet the massive army, of two armies moving side by side, kept on moving steadily and as it did so, it crushed everything that got in its way. Yet it also moved around some heavily fortified settlements, making it clear that if the settlements did not attack the Demoniconda that they would not be attacked. Amazingly enough the promise was kept and from then on many settlements, and groups, simply hunkered down and left the great monster to go past them. The Demoniconda were simply not interested in those targets, those prizes, and clearly did not wished to be slowed down in its move towards Greenhaven.


Oddly enough, except for long range attacks and counter attacks, fighting between the Conda Armies came to a halt because, for the long moment, there were large distances between the Condo Armies and none were fighting other enemies either. A silent agreement was followed and nobody used nuclear or other super-weapons. Indeed nobody seemed to have any to use.


DoctorTime Pertwee materialized the MiniTARDIS, from the DoctorTARDIS, inside the zone of Grand Golden Labyrinth close to, and wrapping, around Domehaven. The Grand Triple Labyrinth was not unfriendly to TimeLord timspace transports but it had been a fairly tricky task to carry out anyway. Any ideas of making a quick, easy trip to Domehaven were soon dashed. Swarms of mutie refugees were fleeing before the CyberImperial Army marching on Domehaven. The Doctor was soon distributing food, water and other items to muties. The MiniTARDIS was not large enough to shelter a great many refugees but it took in many sick, very young and very old ones along with other ones who simply could not keep up with the flow. Many of these refugees were stored in something called compressed status storage where they were safe but took up less room and other resources; they were in suspended animation.


Nobody seemed to know why the CyberImperial Army was doing what it was doing any more than they knew why the Condo Armies were doing what they were doing.


Then, suddenly, the lead part of the CyberImperial Army turned and began heading away from Domehaven and towards Deathcity. Many were angry and frustrated that so many Domehaven freefighters had been killed, or badly hurt, for what now seemed to be no good reasons at all. They had suffered trying to protect Domehaven when Domehaven was not even in danger. Then it was realized that the cybermanic force could have more efficiently headed for Deathcity earlier than it had done and that it had probably changed missions suddenly. Perhaps the command in the army had made a decision or perhaps the army had been commanded from outside but it seemed that priorities had suddenly shifted. The freefighters had not died, or been wounded, in vain.


It was later to turn out that the CyberImperial Army had intended to occupy Domehaven as a staging post in its longer term mission to reach Deathcity but the heavy resistance it got from freefighters convinced the cybermanic commanders that this plan would be too costly in the way of time and lost material resources. The freefighters had died, or been wounded, but had saved Domehaven from invasion.

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03-05 (0073)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The 'other Alice' awoke beneath a collapsed wall, her body having regenerated herself back to full health as she slept. Now, 'sensing' the presence of another like herself, she slipped out from beneath the rubble, taking her gear with her. Then she was making her way along a brick laneway between a large church and business office building of some kind. Alice moved quickly, quietly, and was glad it was daylight despite that winter was coming. The zombies, the zombers and even the malcons did not like sunlight. The brighter, the hotter, the more UV in it, the more they did not like it and the more it burned the zombies to death, did harm to the zombers and annoyed the malcons.


She passed a row of motorbikes and scooters, including some of the new small electric bikes and scooters. Then she stopped. Gunshots were coming from within the church that she could just hear with her enhanced hearing also also the horrific noises of what could only be at least two malcons. No, three of them! Though they were only standard sized for such creatures, even those former humans or animals could be quite lethal. Then she was leaping onto a powerful motorbike, a cross country job, and was racing towards where she could get to the church in a very dramatic fashion.


Alice crashed through the big stained glass window, roaring down into the main church chamber to land and skid to a halt, guns blazing from both hands. Even as she did so, she killed one of the malcons and crashed the motorbike into another, smashing it into a wall and killing it. Alice leapt off the motorbike, noticed some people huddled amongst the wooden pews of the church, and that three of them were armed with pistols. They were two Civil Police Officers and a bearded, angry looking businessman. The officers had 9mm semiautomatic pistols, standard issue for them, and the businessman had a big Magnum revolver. Alice had her Desert Eagles, two very powerful semiautomatic pistols of a kind made in Israel but also in RaccoonCity after the Umbrella Corporation bought the limited right to do so for a very high price. UmbCorp, knowing what its experimental beasties were like, had made the decision to equip many of its security people and mercenaries with Desert Eagle pistols.


Blazing away, moving with incredible speed and agility, Alice darted along between the pews until she ran straight up a small wall and leapt over into the pulpit. The last of the malcons darted through along the ceiling like some horrific distorted lizard and then dropped down at her. She leapt from beneath it and thrust a fragmentation grenade into its gaping mouth, full of amazingly big fangs, and then the thing exploded dramatically from within. Bits and pieces of the monster were hurled in all directions.


She turned to the others, walking to them with a smile as if what she had just done was really nothing and for her it was not much. Since entering RaccoonCity she had destroyed over a hundred zombies, at least thirty zombers and fifteen malcons. Her main targets had been the sheer monstrosities of the malcons. What she had learned that not all were like malformed lizard creatures, or similar to that, as the Licker had been.


The 'Licker' had been an experimental monster created by UmbCorp that was live infected-infested with both the T-virus and something called the K-virus. Perhaps it could be called a 'supermalcon' The K-virus was a new product of Umbrella Corporation super stupidity and had only been used in some experiments. Had it been used with her? It would not surprise Alice if she had been shot with the K-virus as well as an experimental U-virus inoculation and a variant of the T-virus. The Licker had been far more deadly than any malcon, more deadly than all three malcons she had dealt with in the church, combined.


Somehow she knew there was another 'Alice' in town and, more than that, yet other Alices that were almost as she was. It was quite a weird sensation and she guessed it was 'psychic' in nature, what ever that actually meant.


Apart from the angry businessman, who held the powerful revolver in a way that said he both knew well how to use it and had used it before, there were the two women police officers, a housewife with her three children of different ages, a skinny young teenager with thick glasses and two young female teenagers, cute and adorable but scared witless in minidresses and midheel shoes. The small group had taken a hasty retreat into the church only to run straight into the malcons.


Alice frowned softly at them. "Surely you know this church has a basement you could have tried to get into. I smell people down there and they have guns."


A young policewoman frowned at Alice. "No time for that! Clearly we lack your impossible speed. You don't seem like no zomber and you are more dangerous than any zomber I have seen in action. Mind you I have only seen one in the distance and some SWAT Troopers killed that thing. We Civil Police were mostly trying to direct and protect groups of refugees getting to the Green Zone. That is until the school bus we were in broke down. Zombies came swarming at us and we did what we could to escape. The bus is not far from here. Most of the people ran into a police station. The rest of us got divided from them and made it to this church and then the malcons killed two of us, an old man and a young woman."


Alice turned and walked to where the dead humans lay. An odd sensation came to her and she touched them. There was a sparkling shimmer and then the young woman was standing, was looking puzzled and was test-transformed. The old man was not only a young man but he now had blue skin and hair with an amused expression on his face as he examined his hands. He was of the phase elemental power now. Alice wondered what was going on, wondered what she had done but then it came to her that she had done nothing but instigate the process that had resurrected the two bodies; the resurrection had been caused by spiritual powers of the Light.


The policewoman stared in shock at Alice. "You some kind of angel or something?"


Alice shook her head. "No, I did not do this, I only triggered it somehow. I am no angel, I assure you. I am Alice and it seems that I am not the only Alice in RaccoonCity. I say we go downstairs and see what is happening down there. There is something wrong down there."


It turned out that there were still human monsters in the city as they found three heavily armed gangers holding some other people prisoner, two young women being close to being molested, they being seminaked. Alice killed the gangers in a few seconds, using a pair of combat knives so as to save bullets better spent on nonhuman monsters. Then she was going through the stuff that the gangers had looted, cursing softly because the fools had stolen mostly luxury goods instead of useful survival stuff. Yet she did find some cans of SPAM, some packets of square breadbiscuits, some bottles of sodapop and some plastic bottles of 'pure mountain spring water'. She shared the useful items with the others there, finding that they had left most useful things back on the bus as they had fled to safety from the zombies.


Alice staid to one side, resting with her back to a wall, as the others spoke quietly together. The priest, a rather intense middle aged woman, kept giving Alice some odd looks. Yes, it was one of those Christian denominations that had women priests. Alice ignored the woman and tried to figure out what had been happening to her and what she might do next. When the priest woman threw some holy water over her, ranting about evil in the form of false people, Alice just quietly looked at the woman with mild contempt. The two policewomen took the poor addle minded holy woman off to a far corner where they gave her a sedative found somewhere in the basement of the church. The basement chambers were used for meetings, for storage, for various systems but also as a sort of medical relief centre for the poor at times, hence the sedatives.


The scrawny teenager, with the thick glasses, sat quietly staring into place but Alice soon picked up a subtle, but sharp impression, that there was far more to him than met the eye. Was he something to do with the fact that she had 'sensed' that instead of the three malcons she had fought, that there had been another five malcons in the church that somehow had been dealt with? Something had destroyed them quickly, disintegrating them, and leaving behind only a few traces of fine white ash as if the malcons had been burned away by spontaneous combustion. Yet the others who had been in the church seemed to know nothing of what had happened.


Alice slept and had strange, but very pleasant, dreams about her dead daughter.

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