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Kudos givers


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I have a request.

As you know you can give a kudos point to anybody but if someone give you a kudos you cannot know who is the kudos giver. So you can't thanks him or her.


My question is can moderators or Dark0ne or someone make a thing (I don't know how) to see who gave your kudos. Maybe like we can see all pictures and files' ratings did by any members we will able to see kudos givers while clicking on the kudos number. Like this we are able to thanks him.


I hope you will understand my English.



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One reasoning I could see for this is that it makes it so that people can't go trading kudos back and forth. Each kudos is give annonomously, so it actually helps keep people honest. People who give kudos right now are doing it because they were helped, not because they are expecting any sort of gratitude.


Personally, I think the only thing that might make the kudos system better would be some sort of commenting, where people can say why they are giving you a kudos, or some sort of indication as to where the kudos came from (specific thread/upload). Then, while it doesn't identify the giver, it does idenitify the sort of reasoning that a kudos was given for.

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Vagrant0 is absolutely correct about the reasoning behind the kudos being anonymous.


It is not meant to be an exchange system (kudos for a kudos).


Although if you wish to let it be known to that person, you can do so in the thread that they helped you in such as an article written, mod uploaded, reply to a posting, etc.


You can even leave personal comments on member's profiles if you wish.


When the kudos system was first created, I handed out a TON of kudos points to mod authors and left comments stating as such to ensure that people knew about the kudos system as a kind of reward for members you like/respect. I rarely make given kudos points publicly known except to those that have very little and may not know about the kudos system.



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You can without being a modder, but if you "Just Browsing", I think you would never get a kudos. At least do something useful.



Who cares for kudos if you mod post and help others just for kudos then sorry you are



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