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I need a fix for Morrowind Please Help


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First I installed Morrowind with the graphics overhaul and had only a missing table texture for a very long time. One day I decided to fix that problem. After I fixed the missing table texture, I changed a couple settings in mgxe and re generated distant land. Now the game wouldnt load over a dinput dll file, I copied that same file from system 32 folder and pasted it in Morrowind folder, that solved the problem. Now its missing a glass boots gnd nif and some armor/tx or something, I removed the glass boots gnd nif and problem solved, it didnt even change the boots texture which surprised me.


But of course, I have a new issue that is driving me nuts, its almost worse than all the other issues except of course the Morrowind not starting. So all other problems I solved on my own but this one.


Imagine you are decorating you house in morrowind, you open your inventory, close a couple of the windows and drag items from your person in front of you, when you place the item it appears there immideately, when you pick it up, it dissapears immdeately, my game for some reason or another no longer does this. If I move an item from my inventory and place it, it doesnt appear until I close my inventory, same goes when picking items up. If I place it and put my cursor where I placed it, it shows the item is there, but I cant see the change until I close inventory. It never used to do this and I havnt found anything on google.


Help please :)

Edited by IIxZxII
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I already fixed the glass boots issue, the second issue is the one I need help with, I just tried that walkthrough, there was nothing I could find that helped.


What governs that, is there a specific file that dictates item placement being immideat from inventory?

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