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Underwater player home or settlemetn?


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I was aware of a couple;

that nod to briorshrawk,

the Enclave Returns has "Poseidon Offshore OilRig" (visible due east underwater of Spectacle Island)

better aquatic spelunking and the UnderBoston.


there's then the "Memory Den Virtual Holodeck" new lands/settlement framework -

you can make a 'snow-plane' or 'water-verse' etc.


I know a couple folks working on 'water-world' themed new lands.

they're getting there, which is not bad for a one or two being team hehe.




do you want a water airlock?

do you want flooded/water phys etc?

or, do you just want to see underwater etc?


that'll determine how you'll kludge that together,

from the extant 'legos parts' which are the awesome mods



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