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waiting for a mobile phone release now, i am pretty sure my galaxy s8 could run it lol


Bethesda.. Bethesda never changes, in the year 2011, a dragonborn was created, they have been traveling from world to world doing the same journey over and over again, they originally started in a 30 fps locked world where it took them 30 mins to enter a door its safe to say it was a very unpleasant world, where if more then 2 enemies appeared the simulation would crash, in 2015 they entered a 60 fps world, where they could move more freely, only its the exact same world with better lighting. the year is now 2017, and the dragonborn of legend is yet still traveling the same world, only now, the world is portable. in the year 2020, the dragonborn of legend will yet still travel the same damn journey again, only now, they will be in a new galaxy, or potentially they will be inside an apple. its safe to say the dragonborn of legend Journey, will become more compact as the years pass. one day the dragonborn may actually meet the sole survivor, who will likely follow the same re-release journey of their own.


i am very bad at writing stories, just like the dragonborn and sole survivor journeys xD

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What's funny about this is the mod that does the exact thing long time ago, Master Sword and all... looks way better.


I suspect those guys will keep on re-releasing it til they run out of platforms to put it on.


Next up is probably iOS and Android. >_>

Edited by Rasikko
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