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Big Burly Nord, Redguard, Imperial, and Orc Males


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Yeah, you mentioned that you had done a tutorial that yielded a basic follower, the ones you have shown are created the same way. Creation Kit. But editing other people's followers is only done for your own use, it's nothing you can share unless the author states so in their permissions on their mod page.


Oh of course. I'd only upload something if I had permission or I made it myself. Some of the mods specifically say, Yes you can use in your mod you create, No you can't, or Just give credit. So I definitely would look before I did anything for other than myself.


Now, the tutorial I mentioned, I never got to finish.




Because midway, I found it wasn't helping me. It was a tutorial for just making a custom follower using base Skyrim assets. Not for take another person's custom follower, and altering the hair, body, or even race. So when I WOULD import another's custom follower, It would have vanilla hair, and I could not figure out how to say, use the hairs from my apaichii mod I downloaded. Where I can select hair when "I" create a character. When I would try to click the Apaichii mod along with the mod for the follower, the hair option WOULD show in the drop down menu, BUT, they never showed up right. The NPC would be bald. With just a big giant red Triangle.


Do you know what I need to do exactly?


I haven't even figured out how to give them perks yet. It was only shortly after trying with that video, and then googling for a bit to no avail for what I specifically wanted, that I turned to this forum. I didn't know what else to do lol. I'm glad I did though.



I am not sure if the bodies that exist for Oldrim would work on SE, but the only thing I know of for sure are an increased muscularity normal map:

More Muscular Men texture normals


This link does not work for me. It give me an error message. When I do a search for "More muscular men" in the search bar, nothing comes up.




The iron pauldron follower uses different textures on the left picture compared to yours. The body looks to be totally different almost but it could be just a texture too. But I am not sure. The rightmost guy in my follower mod, for him and all of them I use Tempered Skins for Men which comes with a ripped normal map. That's the one they use on the images in my follower mod, and also what I use in my game.


Same with this link.



Maybe not in the same game, but I took a quick look at his page and it says they were used in some follower armors.


Oooooh.... so he probably provided armor for both types so it would work no matter which you used for the female characters?



And lastly, it's only for khajiits but it's probably something you're interested in:

Muscular Khajiit Textures


Ok this link works hehe. And, oh, nice! Yea, I have never been a Khjiet fan, I never liked the way they, the lizards, or most of the elves looked in Bethesda games. I swear they have THE ugliest Elves I've seen in most games LOL. They make them look like aliens. But this Khajit mod them look badass. I will definitely download it. I'll try and find some mod for the elves and such too.


And for the woman, you would recommend I download CBBE? I'll check it's it's already on the Special Edition page. If not, will I have to convert it via your tutorial?


And also, I had been using a bunch of various texture mod packs, and I thought my game was looking good. But MAN.... from the screen shots you've shown me through various links, my game looks like trash! LOL

From digging around the Kfollower page at the mods he used, he mentioned something called "Book of Silence" retexture mod. Which of COURSE is not on the Special edition page and only on Oldrim here:




Where he/she has 5 different texture packs.


So is it safe to assume that I can CONVERT them to SSE via the method you gave me above that I used for Kfollowers?



God, that was a lot of writing. But it's fun to help. :laugh: :sweat:

Maybe we should rename this thread into a follower knowledge base/tutorial soon rofl :huh: :wacko: :cool:


LOL I was thinking the same the more in depth we got in our replies. My intention was to come and ask for a modder to help me. Maybe they would make some followers the way I asked. However, I had noticed that So many posts go unanswered lol. So I figured maybe, modders just didn't feel like making mods for everyone, and will only answer when they have interest. So I wanted to leave it open, to where, IF a modder didn't have the time or interest in CREATING what I wanted, maybe a modder can give me some step by step tutorials to follow and I can do it myself. As long as a Tutorial words itself in a manner as if they are speaking to someone who doesn't know ANYTHING, I can follow any step by step thing lol. It's just that when they start using terms I don't know, or skip steps assuming I know, that I may run into trouble.


FOr example on the tutorial you gave me where it says:



Step 5: now that the esp is loaded use the object window to change something. Doesn't matter what it is because you will change it back before you save the esp. I use a bedroll. What you want to do is double click on the item to open its property window.


Not being too familiar with the program, as I just downloaded it like a few days ago, I was like... "but which thing do I select to change". lol. I know it said it didn't matter "what" you changed, but I couldn't even "find" a Bedroll just to follow him exactly. So I spent a second worried I would mess something up. The only bedroll I found was a file that had a different icon on it than anything else. I think it had a letter on it, but i don't remember now. So I just picked a random NPC under character, and continued. (All my mods so far until I found this nexus had been via the ingame "mods" menu ON the Skyrim Special Edition title screen, where you browse and click, and it does everything for you in one button press, and you just have to adjust the load order.)


Then I got to:



Step 10: double click the SSE NIF Optimizer exe to start the tool. For this first part we are going to fix only the face gen meshes so in options click on include subdirectories and head parts only. It is very important to only use this second option for the face gen. Use the file locator at the top and navigate to the loose files folder where the facegen meshes are (data/meshes/actors/character/facegen) and highlight the facegen folder. Click on ok to run the tool. Once it's done, close the tool and read the txt file generated if you want to see what changes it made. Next open the optimizer again and BE SURE to uncheck the head parts only box. We are going to fix the rest of the meshes now. Navigate the tool to the top level meshes directory (data/meshes) and. CLick on meshes folder and click ok to run the tool.


The second step tripped me for a second. Because it said uncheck the "Head parts only" but it was already unchecked when I restarted the program. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to run it unchecked on everything else, or if I should check others things, so I just left the 3 things on top checked and gave it a go. I know it's minor, but it made me pause, as someone not knowing what I was doing lol. The other tutorials I found are far worse assuming I'm already familiar.


But yea, this went way beyond the scope of my original hope. But I am glad it did, because I learned a lot. More than my googling. I hoped that even if a busy modder couldn't help me, at least they could maybe point me in the right direction, and let me do all the work, instead of asking them to upload work they didn't care for, or upload someone else's work for me. Plus, if I learn more about modding, maybe I can contribute too. :happy:​

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Let's narrow it down. Feels like we're all over the place.


Regarding the follower tutorial:

I don't how where your current skill level is at the moment but start by making a bunch of vanilla asset followers and familiarize yourself with the Creation Kit. Cause if I were to guide you through it all I'd be here all week. Or as a slight alteration of that; you can make your followers on the apachii .esm and save in a new .esp. That will grab the hair from those .esm's(Elder Scrolls Master File) if I have understood it correctly. And you can apply them like in vanilla.


Oh, and isn't the original Skyrim male body not bulky enough at max weight? :huh:




That site^ is your friend. :yes:

They use the "Add method" but you can also drag the perk into the npc's perk window.


As for the bedroll situation. The bedroll is just an example, you need to change something(like the name of a thing, not the ID) and change it back after saving for the mod/.esp to update.


SSE NIF Optimizer: I felt the same thing the first time. I uncheck the parallax one and clean skinning. Head parts is only for head parts.


Direct links to all the mods





I sometimes have trouble searching for them too.


Might be if some of them have adult content, perhaps your preferences block it?


That's kind of what we are doing, you are learning and doing this by yourself. I haven't made you a mod or anything so :smile:


Apologies if the overall tone changed a bit, I'm a bit tired is all :happy:

Edited by Niborino9409
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Which do you think is better?


Tempered skins https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902/?




Skysight Skins https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6580/?

Tempered seems to give more options?



Oh, and isn't the original Skyrim male body not bulky enough at max weight? :huh:


Not sure. Remember, my original desire was for this


Which I knew for a fact was not possible on regular sliders lol
Which is when I saw other "bulky" custom followers I wanted to download them. But then they ended up never looking the same as the uploaders image.
Again case in point:




Which made me feel maybe I didn't have the right body mod.
Remember, I had been trying to figure out how to take someone else's mod, and play around with it, but as FAR as I got was trying to change hair, before I came here. Because I was only able to play with "vanilla" looking assets. So I didn't know what I was doing wrong. It wasn't so much the muscle "detail". Honestly I'd rather give the warrior I envisioned, a slight belly, but big chest and big arms. lol Not "shredded". In the pic right above this, they are the exact same "follower". They look the same "frame" wise. But see how bigger the "biceps" and the "triceps" are on the left? That is what was perplexing me initially.

But from our conversation, the extra layer of "bulk" on the bicep just comes from the texture mod. Is that correct?
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Ah, you're right. But if you want them to look like powerlifters you have reached the limits of my help :tongue: Cause I cannot do anything remotely close to that. The only thing I know of that would be similar is the Fat Bastard body mod :tongue:


Oh, and link below is [NSFW], BEWARE OF WIENERS.



But doesn't seem to be for SE. Could work to convert but I can't say if it would work or not.


I am not sure anymore. His arms does look bigger.


I haven't used Skysight so can't vouch for that. Although... I think I used it in Oldrim but now I prefer Tempered. It's really up to you and what you are going for essentially.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Oh, and link below is [NSFW], BEWARE OF WIENERS.



Oh god... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! lol

And it looks hideous heheh.


I'll try your recommended mod.




From digging around the Kfollower page at the mods he used, he mentioned something called "Book of Silence" retexture mod. Which of COURSE is not on the Special edition page and only on Oldrim here:


Where he/she has 5 different texture packs.

So is it safe to assume that I can CONVERT them to SSE via the method you gave me above that I used for Kfollowers?

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Yeah, I have done it too. But there's only a few meshes included. Textures work out of the box. I used the compilation one though.

Scratch that, I only used armors. Possibly weapons too, but none of the others.


Edit: gonna test Fjolfr to see how he looks for me. Mod page states that they are all standalone so he should look like he should


Oh wait, Jesus. We're waaay off topic. Didn't realize this was a mod request. xD I got so into this.


Or are we? I don't know :huh: :wacko:

Edited by Niborino9409
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Yea, following tutorials on the modding, and the hair options SHOW for me in the drop down, but every single one looks like this, unless it's a vanilla option. I'm also noticing the redguard mohawk isn't showing at all. Makes me wonder what other hair styles I'm missing.






But the Vanilla hair shows up no problem






I can't even find the option to just make him bald lol

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Interestingly enough my Beard mods show up just fine.






I should probably make a technical help thread though. As i just encountered a new issue lol.
And yea I got into it as well. I got excited that I was learning more here than I was blindly googling.

But thank you so much for your help in this thread.

Edited by RoninWoof
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No problem. But the beards show up because they are included in the original game, they're just unlocked for use. No idea why the apachii hair doesn't show. Creation Kit and Modder's might be a good place to post it in. Good luck! :D Edited by Niborino9409
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