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I saw a mod witch i really like it Elven Chainmail.



But after a few searches i saw a video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2N7q4ubC1Y

In that video the armor matches the body with the respective breast size and physics etc.

Also i see that armor having working individual parts like "the skirt".


My question is what to do for that armor to look and work close to that video in my game?


I'm new in the moding stuff, i will try my best.

Edited by anndrey93
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Well... if you want the armor to have it own individual part then you need to reskin each armor pieces that you want to have it own part and assign each of them to it own unique body slots.


I don't know what 3d programme that you're using, but I'm using 3ds max as an example:




But if you're a beginner to modding, I don't recommend jumping into these advanced kinds of stuff right away as complicated things will turn you down rather quickly, if you don't know about the basic structure first!


I recommended you watch this tutorial series http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38C28CE97107F8F3 it's beginner friendly even if you're new to 3ds max.


Once you learned everything, you can use this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11767/? as your file structure, since each clothing parts from this mod also had it own unique slot. :smile:

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if you want the armor to be form-fitting, like in proportion to your character's body, you either have to get the appropriate armor for the body you're using, or an armor with bodyslide files. the skirt waving around like that was due to something called hdt-smp (skinned mesh physics). it's fairly complicated to set up but now you know what to look for at least.

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