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Is this "road" a texture? How would I edit this?


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I'm trying to fix a problem I'm having. As you can see in the image below, there are no road LODs, so after a certain distance you end up with this painted terrain.









The problem I'm having is that I am using Grassy LODs, which adds a green filter to the noise.dds to make distant terrain look green. This works great, however it just covers everything and you end up with grassy looking strips. See my image below. It's a bit further away, but same location. You can see the light strips of green where the white "roads" should be.







So is this a texture I can edit? Or is this just painted on the terrain? How would I go about editing this? I'm fine with just changing this to a much darker color and using something like the "Realistic Roads" mod to change the asphalt to dark black. Any advice/ideas are appreciated.



EDIT: In the Realistic Roads thread the author talked about the "distant road textures", but said he was not going to edit them. I'm assuming that means they exist, I'm just not sure where to find them.

Edited by Herdo
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When you are in the creation kit, the underlying floor does have an altered texture that the roads are placed on top of. This is basically terrain paint that shows when the items are not rendered... I’d have to check the texture folder to see where they are placed, but theoretically you’d be able to alter them...
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When you are in the creation kit, the underlying floor does have an altered texture that the roads are placed on top of. This is basically terrain paint that shows when the items are not rendered... I’d have to check the texture folder to see where they are placed, but theoretically you’d be able to alter them...



Hey thanks for the reply. I'm fairly certain I've found it, unfortunately I'm worried it's these "terrain" textures...




Which would really suck because it would mean I'd have to go through and edit every one that has roads. There are over 6000 of these!






God I hope this isn't it.


I can't find anything else they could be, and I'm not sure how to look up a distant only texture in the CK.

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Well crap.. I think this is it unless I've missed something. Looking through the Commonwealth landscape textures, I don't think there are THAT many with roads. There's probably a lot, but it's better than 6000 I guess. I'm messing around with different brushes and effects right now.


This is the chalk setting in GIMP. It's the first one I tried. Thoughts? It needs to be cleaned up a bit, but it lets some of the color come through which looks better than a solid black line.




I think the edges are a little too fuzzy.




EDIT: I've updated it a bit.



Edited by Herdo
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Yes, those are what you were looking for...

But truthfully, the green looks more realistic to me than the black...

Maybe to make the difference more noticeable between the road and the not-road bits you could try to put a light mask over the roads so that even if they look green due to the filter, they at least have a different colour than the not-road bits...

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Yes, those are what you were looking for...

But truthfully, the green looks more realistic to me than the black...

Maybe to make the difference more noticeable between the road and the not-road bits you could try to put a light mask over the roads so that even if they look green due to the filter, they at least have a different colour than the not-road bits...


Thanks for the advice. I'll mess around with it a bit and see what I can come up with.

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